Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1687: Interlaced at the meeting (42)

Chapter 1687 Intertwined (42)


Deeper darkness.

With the whirlpool moving together, the darkness of the darkness is nothing, but it is as thick as the mud, with a suffocating weight, and the juvenile is overwhelmed.

It drags it deeper into the abyss, where only sin is endlessly precipitated.

People are always swallowed up by the abyss they create.

Time and time again, infinitely continuing. Juveniles scream silently and cry for help, but they are always unable to obtain redemption.

Then he sinks and is squashed in the dark waters.

"Ah!" Daniel picked up from the bed and was sweating.

Dusk, quiet, surrounded by the aroma of dinner.

The boy only came back to this time and found himself in his room.

Although the house is worn out, the bed is hard and swaying, as if it will fall apart at any time, but it is full of home atmosphere.

Everything seems to be a nightmare, a long, long nightmare, and Daniel woke up at this time and found that nothing has changed.

"Hey, do you know if you wake up to eat without calling?" It seems that I heard the movement in the room, and a voice outside the room said.

Daniel first bowed, and then he licked his head if nothing had happened. The voice is familiar to him, because that is the voice of his mother. Although he felt a little strange in a flash, but under the circumstance, it is not normal to hear the mother's voice in his own home.

The teenager got out of bed and pushed the door out and found that dinner was ready. They are all made from poor ingredients, but every meal is made by his mother, and the poor ingredients eventually turn into quite delicious meals. The slightly savory wild vegetable soup is still hot, and there is a white steam rising under the gloom of the setting sun, making people move their fingers.

Corn bran, unleavened bread, a small piece of boiled pork that is cut into three equal portions. Today's meals are exceptionally rich, at least for Daniel's family. The boy was a bit stunned and asked casually: "A good meal, Dad, come back to dinner tonight?"

"Yes. He seems to be promoted, his salary has risen a bit, and I decided to do a rich meal to work with him." Daniel's mother said while pouring the corn grits into three broken bowls. Her mood today seems to be particularly good.

The teenager did not speak, but sat down with joy. The aroma of the food made him hungry and drumming. Daniel was bent on waiting for his father to return, and the family would eat together.

"I am back." The knight, who was a little middle-aged, pushed the dilapidated wooden door of the house and walked in. As soon as he entered the room, he sniffed deeply: "Wow, the food tonight is very level! I can't wait to eat first."

Then, the knight sat down beside his son, and his big hand slammed on his son's head: "Daniel, do you have a hard time at the trainee knight school today?"

"Of course." The teenager replied: "I will work very hard and I will be a knight who wants you to be as great as Dad."

"Hahaha, I am looking forward to it." The Cavaliers laughed.

The time for dinner was so fast, the family's meal time was spent in the fullness and laughter, and the young man rushed to the incomparable calm and happiness, as if he had never felt this happiness for several lifetimes. When he talked with his parents, the corners of his eyes began to cry for no reason.

"What's wrong, Daniel? Is there any discomfort in the body?" Seeing his son suddenly cried, his parents were a little wrong.

"No. Hey, it’s weird. What happened to me?" The boy wiped his tears, and he didn’t know why he was crying.

Isn't happiness in front of us all inevitable? All this is his daily life, just a common civilian teenager has been living, take it for granted?

However, why does he suddenly feel that this kind of life is a kind of happiness that is hard to reach? Why did he suddenly have such a big feeling?

The unremarkable life in front of his eyes, this ordinary [everyday], is clearly inevitable, of course. Who else is afraid of what is taken for granted, will suddenly be afraid that all this may fall apart?

"Sorry, I think I just suddenly stupid. I went to the bathroom to wash my face." The teenager stood up from the table.

"Daniel." The boy just wanted to leave, but his knight father said: "Nothing to fear, my son. Everything will be fine, everything will be. I will be promoted, the salary will be more and more, the Knights will also I will arrange for me to do all the paperwork in a safer place, and I don’t have to patrol outside. From now on, we will never have to use it any more, and everything will be fine."

"Yeah." Less young voice replied, went into the bathroom.

Yes, everything will be fine. There is no sorrow here, no disaster, some are just teenagers, little happiness, plain everyday. All this is a matter of course, there will be no deviation, and he can live forever in this small, dull happiness.

This is the day he should have.

After dinner, a family of three people sat in front of the sofa watching TV. The heater on the side of the room showed fire, even if the lights were not turned on. Everything is so quiet, so of course, the teenager even feels that time seems to be stagnant at this moment forever, and this moment is eternal.

I really want to let this day continue forever. The young man mourned in his heart. Once again, his eyes left tears. However, in this dark room, focusing on the funny TV shows on the TV screen, his parents, who only giggled, could not see the teenager crying quietly. The boy vaguely felt a certain gaze in the darkness outside the window.

(He is watching. I’m watching it all.)

(He is envious when we have a dull happiness called everyday.)

(And we can't give anything to him.)

Days, day by day. Every day, the teenager is very happy in the plain days. Although they are poor, their family of three is not too poor to be able to open the pot. Although busy, the young father can always take some time to accompany his family. All of this may not be too good, but it will not be difficult. The inexplicable sorrow and loss that initially evoked in the heart of the boy has been forgotten, leaving only a quiet.

However, he still feels a sight from time to time, who is secretly observing his life in the dark, watching everything about him, his flat and happy daily life.

Whose sight is that sight?

He felt like he had forgotten something, something important. But since that matter is so important, how can he forget it?

"Daniel Daniel!" Seeing the boy in meditation, the younger father brought the son back to reality with a slight disappointment: "What are you doing? It’s rare for me to invite the Knights to a day’s holiday, to accompany Do you want to spend the whole day on your birthday?"

"I'm sorry." The boy returned to his heart and reached out and grabbed the fishing rod. Yes, he is accompanying his father to fish by the river. This sunny holiday, the sun is shining and the air is fresh and cheerful, just right for fishing in the Sichuan side.

"I know what you are thinking, Daniel." Father looked at his son and whispered: "That line of sight is bothering you, right?"

"Well," the boy responded vaguely.

"So, don't let it bother you." Father tried to solve the juvenile: "I know, I always know. Although we still live in slums, our life is better than most people in the civilian area. In this kind of In the case, there will always be people who look at you with envious eyes. They are jealous of you, hoping to see you fail, and hope to see you become unfortunate because of some small things. If they see you again from happiness Into the unfortunate mud, their minds will be balanced, they will be happy. So they will always look at you, just watching, but do not dare to do anything.

But do you know? It doesn't matter, let them see enough. With your parents, you will never become miserable again. One day, we will leave this slum and go to some normal and simple life. Then we can get rid of all this and get rid of those nasty eyes. "

"I don't know" the boy whispered. His father’s words sounded right on the surface. But the young man felt vaguely in his heart, and it seemed that something was wrong. Although he felt that something was wrong, he did not know exactly what was wrong, but he nodded silently.

Until that gaze became more and more interesting.

The teenager continued to bow down and hoped to catch big fish and add food to today's birthday dinner.

Until that gaze is no longer just a gaze, it becomes a word.

[Don't ignore me. ]

The teenager felt the fishing rod moving.

[look at me. ]

It was a slight shake, not from the bite of the fish, nor from the impact of the current. It trembled in the air.

[Listen to me. Listen well. ]

It was as if a certain inaudible sound was ringing around, shaking the air and shaking the water.

[You don't belong here. ]

The afternoon sun warmed his back, but the teenager took a breath of air, as if he had thought of something.

[help me. Save yourself! ]

"It seems that he hesitated, and he finally spoke up: "I seem to hear someone asking for help?"

[Save the world! ]

"Help?" The father's father looked at the direction of the young man with doubts.

The sky in the east of the sky is clear and cloudless, and there is no sound of war and no smoke. It doesn't look like it's like an emergency.

"But I didn't hear anything? Are you sure you didn't get it wrong?" asked the boy's father.

"For the sake of safety, it is still the youngster who unknowingly stands up from the stone on the river where he is sitting.

"Don't go." The boy's father said, "The kind of helplessness that can be done, don't worry about it. Maybe it is a false positive? And there is just one of the patrol routes of the Knights patrol, the patrol is probably every day. It is during this time that you will pass through the vicinity. If someone asks for help, you can give it to them."


The father calmly persuaded: "Daniel, this is your birthday, and I am also a holiday that I can hardly get. We should not disrupt the original plan for such a small thing, okay?"

The teenager frowned. Although his father’s words were very reasonable, at this moment, the teenager finally noticed the problem.