Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1746: Hunting for the Shadows (42)

Chapter 1746 Hunting for the Shadows (42)

At the same time, there is nowhere in the ground.

"呜嗯..." Daniel started to wake up at this time, and just waking up was twitched by the pain of the whole body.

He found himself still lying in the crypt of the corpse. This is a natural thing. After all, he is deeply involved in the battle with the greed, and it is impossible for the Great Britain to come over and save him. It is not even possible to find him after the battle is over. He must escape from this place on his own.

However, things are not as simple as they might be. The reason why Daniel just fainted after the end of the battle is precisely because the inhaled poison gas has far exceeded the limit of his physical fitness. It is the deadliest death suffocation in the world, and a normal person can be killed a thousand times. Even if you have the anti-poison physique of the Dark Green Knight, it will be an accident if you are exposed to death for a long time. Fortunately, Daniel put on his gas mask before he completely passed out. After doing this, he did not continue to inhale more helium during the process of fainting, and the power of the succubus in his body was constantly lifting the toxins in his body. It is because he has done this that he is free from being poisoned when he is fainting, and the toxins in the body are gradually being removed.

Perhaps it is, clear most of it. When his body felt that Daniel's physical strength had returned to his ability to continue, Daniel woke up. Despite this, Daniel is still very weak. The stock of air cans in the gas mask is about to bottom out. He has to escape from this **** crypt as soon as possible, otherwise he will eventually die in this suffocating crypt.

The black iron knight boy then supported the body to slowly climb up - it was all painful, and the poison was not less eroding his body.

Although he should escape from this place as soon as possible, but where should he escape? Daniel used the light of the lightsaber to shine around the crypt, but he couldn't find any exit. This crypt seems to have no entrance and exit at all, and I don't know how Daniel first came into this place.

It’s terrible, it’s too bad. Is it really going to die in this ghost place where the bird does not lay eggs?

A desperate teenager finds that something in his arms is shining. That's right, the thing that glows soft white light in his pocket is what the former sloth of the seat said, [the fragments of the Holy Grail].

"Don't you say that you want to fulfill my wish, let me live out from here?" Daniel picked up the fragments of the Holy Grail and smiled bitterly: "Look, I am not trapped in this place and waiting to die? Which is this? The realization of the wish?"

However, one thing, Daniel did not understand. ——

The fragments of [the hope of the overflowing Holy Grail] are destined for food. The more desperate Daniel, the more powerful the Grail can be.

Just as the Black Iron Knight was busy satirizing the fragments of the Holy Grail, something was coming.

Three black but translucent shadows, passing through the walls, settled down like smoke, and began to gather behind the teenager.

The black shadows turned into three women-like images, appearing behind Daniel.

"Congratulations on the birth of the new master." The shadow women said in unison. Daniel was also slow to respond to extreme fatigue and fatigue, and did not notice anything behind him. But the black shadows behind him suddenly spoke, and Daniel should be aware of it even if he reacted slowly.

"Wow, ah!-" He was shocked when he heard the voice. The whole man leaped from the ground and almost missed and broke the fragments of the Holy Grail.

The black iron knight teenager who calmed down a little later looked back and found the three black-looking things with a woman's outline.

However, in this dark and ancient crypt in the corpse, the green light of the lightsaber shines on this ghost thing, and the scene is terrifying. Daniel almost scared to jump again.

"Hey... what the hell?!" The black iron knight teenager changed his voice, and asked loudly: "You... just called my master?!"

"Congratulations on the birth of the new master." The shadow women once again said in unison.

After the shock subsided, Daniel whispered: "But I am not your master..."

"The holder of the Holy Grail fragments." One of the shadows said.

"The last murderer of the greed." Another shadow said: "The new seat of greed."

"The person chosen by the Holy Grail, the sacrifice of the destiny," said the third Blackhawk.

"You have the inevitable death and have eternal life." The three shadows said at the same time.

"You have the obligation to guard the fragments of the Holy Grail. When the appointed moment comes, choose to be the fuel of the Holy Grail to reset the world, or refuse to hand over the pieces, stay the same, and rely on your own choice. Regardless of your decision, we As a witch (sorceress) serving the seat of greed, it will inevitably be with you."

"I don't need you to be with me," Daniel said. He is only feeling very confused now. He became the seat of greed? Daniel felt the back of his chills as soon as he thought he might become the sly monster he had fought before. He did not look down at his palm. No, his hand is still intact. Although it looks dirty and has numerous traces of scratches, it is at least not a bone.

He turned his head and saw the dark shadows of the three women not talking. Then he said, "What are you doing here? Go away! I said, I don't need you to accompany me! I don't want to be ghosts. Wrapped!"

The three black shadows looked at each other for a while, then they flew up and planned to leave.

"Oh, wait!!" Daniel suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stopped the shadows: "Before you leave, tell me how to get out of this ghost place!"

"We lead the way." The women's shadows said, drifting toward a wall far away from the crypt.

Daniel sighed and followed. Sure enough, there was something on the wall that was so cleverly hidden. The black iron knight teenager approached and touched the organ. The originally closed wall suddenly opened, revealing a path just enough for one person to pass. On the dark road, there are slippery slopes of stone steps. With a tilt angle of nearly forty-five degrees, this horrible stone step spirals upwards, with a slippery stone wall on one side and a bottomless abyss on the other, as if the foot is slipping and the person climbing the ladder Will fall into the bottomless abyss and fall to death.