Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1756: Hunting for the Shadows (52)

Chapter 1756 Hunting for the Shadow (52)

Blood is splashing, and the dragon is leaning back because of pain! !

"Although the spine has been cut, the lower body has no consciousness, but the part above your neck really hurts!" - Although the comet wants to say this, in fact he does not have time to say it - because of the arrogance seat The lava giant has fallen towards the head of the Xinghui Dragon!

However, the comet did not have the whole body to attack and attack the opponent. The previous stab was just a hand out, and it was extremely quick to recover it! The Xinghui Dragon retracted into the subspace, the entrance and exit of the portal was not completely closed, and the lava giant was just outside, and a hot wave was pressed on the face!

But the comet behind the portal has too much space to dodge, and he turned his head and flashed the deadly heat wave. The portal is closed, and Xinghuilong opens another exit in this special subspace and turns around!

Of course. The two giant sickles of the arrogant seat are the real threats facing the comet. Under the two consecutive attacks, the two huge sickles have already been emptied and deeply stabbed into the ground. It is impossible for a moment. Reorganization! Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xinghui Dragon has been teleported to the back of Oduin, with a knife falling and a sword to get rid of the dragon tail of the rock black dragon!

Oh, ah! - The body below the rock black dragon's neck is completely unconscious. He will not feel pain even if he is broken, but he has noticed what the comet has done behind him from the shock of the shock! The rock black dragon twisted his head is a black flame, the evil black fire layer fan-shaped sweep, is about to engulf the Xinghui dragon!

"From!" The comet was pedaling on the ground, the ground suddenly cracked, and the huge rock swelled like a wall, turning into a solid shield for Xinghuilong! Although the black flame is horrible, it cannot melt the high-temperature black volcanic rock on this island in an instant! When the thick rock melted like a butter, the comet had already escaped into the portal and escaped!

"懦——夫——!!" Once again, on the battlefield, Oduin screamed like a ghost.

"Shut up!" The comet emerged from the side of the comet.

Boom! The huge sickle stabbed in the place where the star was coming out. But did not hit. The comet evades faster than the lava giant. He just opens the exit of the portal and then shrinks back. ——

Just like some kind of game called [Hammer] in the human world, Xinghui Long suddenly thought. Then even he himself thought it was funny. He used to watch a human girl in the distance, so he would know the cold knowledge that has no effect on the battle or the life of the dragon.

The comet hiding in the subspace has been waiting for a second. But soon, he was once again in combat. The dragon scale that was shot just now, as a means of slamming the West, can only be used once. No more can't work. The same is true. Just now, I’m tempted to come back from the anchor point that turned into one of the dragon scales. The huge sickle of the arrogant seat has already fallen, and the reaction speed is simply extraordinary.

Going out like this, you will be beaten immediately. Think of a better way to confuse your opponent.

Xinghui Long stunned his head and suddenly thought of something.

He took a sigh of relief on his palm.

In addition to directly squirting from the mouth, the dragon's breath can also be smashed into a ball directly on the hand and thrown out to attack. After the fireball is pulled out, both the attack power and the throwing distance will increase, and the fireball can be attached with an explosion or tracking ability.

Of course, in addition to using fireballs, comets can use other things.

Such as freezing.

Because the current comet is actually a [combined] state, in addition to the power of [Red Fire Dragon Comet] own fire dragon, it also has the power of [White Frost Dragon Fairy]. In the battle of Eileen's Pure Land, Xianvia, who was supposed to be seriously injured and dying, chose to combine with his brother's comet before he completely died, and gave the power of the white frost dragon to the comet.

Therefore, the current comet can use the frosty dragon, and the power of the frosty dragon is not much less than the fairy of Xianvia. Comet rarely uses frosty dragons, just because he is not used to controlling the magic of the frozen system - and when he uses the power of Sintra, his heart is always inexplicably a little bit faint.

But now, in order to win the Rock Black Dragon Oduin, and to defeat that arrogant seat, Iridium chose not to leave room.

He blew a deep cold balloon in his palm. That thing is completely different from an ordinary fireball. It is heavy, very sticky, with a strange blue-white glow, and the coldness is compelling.

Xinghui Long didn't think much about it. He opened a portal in front of him - only the size of the palm - and threw the frozen balloon out.

Hey - with a deep white balloon, squatting on something.

That's right. When the comet set the anchor point, it was very lucky. There was a dragon scale hitting the body of the rock black dragon Oduin, so it fell under the belly of the rock black dragon. If you throw a frozen balloon here, it can easily hit the belly of Oduin.

Of course, the place where the comets are located is a volcanic island, an extremely hot and dry area. Even if the sticky and wet frozen balloon hits the belly of Oduin, it is impossible to directly freeze the rock black dragon into a popsicle. The blue-and-white frozen balloon can do it, but it spreads the cold cold air around the body of Oduin, and then raises the ice fog that can't last for a long time!

But this piece of ice fog also gave the Stars Dragon a certain freedom of movement. When the arrogant seat was not so tight, the comet rushed out of another portal and tried to attack the Rock Black Dragon Oduin in one fell swoop. He planned to take the other eye of Oduin and completely deprive the rock. Black Dragon's vision is said again!

However, things are not as simple as the comet's imagination. He thought that the ice fog could provide him with cover, but he didn't expect the arrogant seat of the fire tree to stand tall and watch everything - even the extremely weak airflow in the battlefield, the seat of arrogance can be seen clearly from above! It can see a place in the ice fog somewhere in front of Oduin that has become messy, and he does not hesitate to lift the lava giant!

Hey la la la la! ! - In the midst of an earthquake-like incitement, what did the sickle hit! The huge and hot sickle, with a very vicious attack, instantly shattered the things that popped up from there! ——

But that is not the star of the Xinghui Dragon, just a giant ice that popped up from the portal!

"You are the most damn." Xinghui Long has already reached the back of the arrogant seat (if it has points before and after!), lifting the red knives is a waist!