Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1762: Hunting for the Shadows (58)

Chapter 1762. Hunting for the Shadows (58)

Late at night, somewhere in Great Britain, there are two shadows in the woods, playing the chase of the chase. c

One of them is a pale shadow, at least the figure is like a helmet-like part of the body, showing a strange pale under the moonlight. He stood on two feet, even running and jumping, the wonderful running and jumping action made the figure's stride strikingly large. It is also because of this amazing step, this pale shadow runs one step equal to the other people running ten steps, the running speed is unusual!

The other shadow is a beastly shadow. The gray and white shadows ran with four feet and looked awkward. His special way of running like a leopard doesn't know who he is learning. Maybe it's just a matter of urgency, but it is quite efficient. Every time he slammed his body, he quickly distorted the whole body and used his body, especially the strength of his waist, to let himself fly out like a spring. Then he vacated, stretched his limbs, and accumulated the strength of his body to prepare for the next landing. Then he once again used the four-legged toe to smash the ground, claws to grasp the rock on the ground, and let himself fly out like a spring. He ran so hard, and the speed was amazing. Despite this, this beast-like shadow has always been very difficult, and the use of his own power is only to be chased after the pale shadow in front, not to be thrown away.

Further, a young girl is also tracking the front two. However, no matter how professional the combat training of the blonde girl, her physical strength is always inferior to the previous two with a special running method. She is clearly far behind the two figures, and it is estimated that the two figures will be lost soon.

However, this chase is not finished yet. At the end of the chase of the team, in the midair, a black crow shadow passed. The crow shadow relies on the wings, the airflow, not the hard ground. So he moved faster than anyone else in front, moving in the air, he was more obstructed by obstacles on the ground and was able to fly straight toward his target.

The nightmare's crows soon surpassed Charlotte.

"H, ha, ha, ha!" The blonde girl saw that she knew she didn't need to chase. She was about to suffocate and stopped and took a breath: "Please, Harry! Don't let them go!"

The big crow did not answer, continued to slap the wings and accelerate forward. He was fortunate enough to have a downwind airflow, letting the airflow hit his wings, and the crow could speed himself up towards his destination. He had caught up with the shadow of the beast in a few seconds, that is, Husky, who became a big wolf dog.

"Wang!" The big wolf dog saw a black shadow passing by him, and he was so scared that he called out. But Husky quickly recognized that it was the night magic Harry, and he cried, "Harry brother is cheering!"

"I will hurry in front of him and slow down his steps with magic!" The night magic continued to accelerate, and commanded: "You catch up and intercept him from behind, understand?"

"Understood Wang!" Husky promised. He had already run very hard, and he was a little out of breath, but at this moment he saw the night magic Harry set out the opportunity to intercept, and immediately began to catch up with the spirit.

The big crow also accelerated faster, and lifted the height and flew over the woods. At this moment, the night demon Harry has almost rushed to the front of the human juvenile, and it has not been intercepted yet! "Is this the posture of the orcs [humanized]." Harry’s red crow stared at the running human teenager and whispered: "However, this time [Humanization] is not complete."

Only the night demon who knows all the behind the scenes, Harry knows the true appearance of the orcs [humanization]. The "human" boy in his eyes is not here.

Although Harr has become the infinitely close to "human", there is still one thing, and his [humanization] still cannot be completely changed.

That is, the two round leopard ears on the head of the leopard boy.

Like people, not people. There is some kind of power in the body of the leopard, trying to spawn a complete body close to [human]. But this change only stopped at a certain point and stopped abruptly. Is it because of the appearance of Husky that disturbed the process of this change? Or to say, it is the physique of the leopard young boy Hal, he could not completely change into [person]?

In any case, stop him from getting out of control first.

The night magic Harry put aside the chaotic thoughts in his heart and began to concentrate on releasing the magic. Night is his home. This silence and darkness will allow him to concentrate more and give more power. Even if his seal is not completely lifted, he can only use half of the power to cast the magic, and it is absolutely enough for him to stop the Hal in the rush.

The black crow quickly disintegrated and became a black cloud. In this case, he can't accelerate in the air, he can only continue to flutter a distance toward the airflow, but he is already flying, and it is absolutely enough to rely on inertia not to be thrown too far by the opponent. What's more, he only needs half a second to change from this look to the real move.

Bang! ! A thunder and lightning rushed out of the dark cloud, drawing a very magical arc, falling towards the running of the human juvenile!

Husky, who was also chasing after Haar, could not help but frown.

Haas is very interested in the magic, he is also a very concentrated student. When the night magic Harry explained the magic, the canine boy almost remembered the words of the night magic in his heart. He is very clear that if the Thunder Magic does not have [anchor] to locate, it is impossible to accurately hit the target.

Lightning, to say white is the current, which is a process in which a large amount of electrons flow from the positive electrode to the negative electrode, just as water flows from a high place to a low place. But air is a kind of conductor. It is very difficult to break through the air with a strong current and accurately drop from one point to another. In this case, you need to use the "anchor point" to locate and let the current flow toward an anchor point. Previously, Harry had demonstrated how to use a metal warhead to hit the target and then release the lightning.

But now, Husky can clearly feel that the night lightning hazard attack is different from all the electric magic that the canine boy has realized in the past. The dark gray lightning is more direct and more accurate. It is almost unimpeded in the air, drawing a beautiful parabola, falling on the rocky ground in front of the running Hal.

Bang! ! Thunder and lightning opened the rock and set off a fierce explosion!