Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1763: Hunting for the Shadows (59)

Chapter 1763 Hunting for the Shadows (59)

The dark, gray, strange, mad thunder fell from the sky, crushing the ground and setting off an explosion. The shock wave caused by the explosion is extremely amazing. Even if you don't want to, the half-man who is running will have to stop!

"It's now! Husky!" The night magic Harry also changed from the state of Thundercloud to the big crow, he shouted.

Husky, who became a big wolf dog, didn't hesitate. He rushed up and bit the half-man's leg!

That is indeed, a bite-like touch.

The white bone-like armor of the half-man, extending a long bone from the part of the calf, and it is not just a simple bone, but a spine-like structure attached to the back of the bone. As the elastic support part when it touches the ground. It is because of this extra elasticity that the additional "calf" has the ability to elastically deform. Therefore, like a half-man who has a spring under his feet, he can run and jump so fast in such strange and strange steps.

What happened to Harr’s body, so that an ordinary leopard boy has such an amazing mutation? Is this bone armor really grown out of thin air because of some kind of magic or biological influence? It looks so amazingly sophisticated, as if it were a product of a high-tech design. How do you look like a spontaneously formed bone from the body of Hal? ! ——

But now is not the time to marvel. Husky knows that his own bite does not stop the opponent for too long. Sure enough, the half-man found that someone was dragging himself back (literally!), and immediately returned to take a look at Husky. After confirming the weight and shape of the big wolf dog behind him, Hal did not hesitate for half a second, aiming at Husky's lower abdomen is a kick!

God knows how strong the attack is when the leg armor of the bone armor kicks over! Husky's ribs may break, the internal organs may break, and this foot does not escape! Has long been aware of the threat of death with the beastly intuition, and Husky’s body moved subconsciously, just to avoid it before being kicked!

Of course, if he avoids the attack, it means that he must let go of the mouth that bites the opponent's calf! Once Husky loosened his mouth, Harr’s side also resumed his freedom of movement. His kicking feet only came to an abrupt end, and the wonderful bone bracket slammed on the rocky ground, and the half-man also returned. Jumped out, it is going to continue to run away!

"Oh, can't escape." However, it is not only Husky but one to stop the half-man from fleeing. The night magic Harry has already launched a powerful enchantment around him. Before the half-man boy ran out of two, the barrier formed by the lightning storm has wrapped the surrounding area heavily!

"You can't escape." The night demon Harry turned from a big crow into a teenager in a black tuxedo, falling from the air.

"Husky, well done. Thanks to you for stopping him for a second, I have time to lay down the enchantment to stop him from advancing." Harry said.

"Hah--" The canine boy was actually too tired to do so. He could no longer maintain the transformation of this beast, and he returned to the original shape. He became a teenager and climbed up from the ground, panting.

"Hall will be alright? Wang?" Husky hid behind the night demon and whispered.

"It seems that he should be parasitic by some kind of spirit..." Harry replied eloquently, his eyes still staring at the white-eared armor of the half-man, "I can't guarantee that the spirit can be removed." But I will try it.""Husky!" At this time, Charlotte, who was left behind in the chase, was also rushing to catch up. But her way was blocked by a lightning barrier in front of her, and she could only stop: "Harry? What is this? Quickly remove the enchantment! The reinforcements can't come in!"

"Sorry, I can't do this." The night demon said: "It’s hard to trap the guy with thunder and lightning. Once the enchantment is revoked, he will definitely take the opportunity to escape. At that time, with our physical strength, I want to chase again. Suffering and trapping him, the success rate will become extremely low -"

"But! Husky is still inside!" Charlotte couldn't help but mutter. She was entrusted by the comet and was responsible for protecting the two orc boys tonight. If Husky was injured in this kind of scuffle, she could not explain to Xinghui Dragon!

"I will protect him." Night magic Harry said, it seems to have a good idea.

"Ha, ha, ha!" At this time, the Knights of the Round Table were also wearing light equipment and rushed with several knights. He also wanted to come to support the battle, but he was also blocked by this lightning storm enchantment.


"Now not!" The nightmare promised, but he was already busy dealing with the enemies in front of him.

Because, now this runaway half-man juvenile "Haar" is no longer the leopard juvenile Hal who Husky knows. He has a thorn sword composed of two bones in his hand, and has begun to launch a fierce attack on the night demon!

Haski never knew that Hal could be as good as a stab-like weapon. The truth is that Hal holds two stabbing swords in his hands, but uses them to become radiant, just like a part of his body. The water-like endless thorn attack, the tide of the surging hands of the tide, even every second, the night magic Harry forced to only left to avoid, slightly awkward!

Night Devil Harry is a very powerful mage, but he is obviously not proficient in close combat. It should be said that he does not even have a decent weapon in his hand. Even if he is proficient in close combat, he will not use it. Husky watched the battle in the distance, suddenly bowed and took out his photon dagger from the belt around his waist.

"Harry brother, use this Wang!" He found the opportunity to throw the photon short sword.

The night demon also found a chance to step back and escape the half-man's stabbing attack. He didn't return to his right hand and lifted up. He just caught the weapon that Husky threw.

"But don't hurt Halwang!" Husky added another sentence.

"...It’s really hard for a strong man." The nightmare couldn’t help but smile, holding the photon short sword in his hand and pressing his fingertips on the handle of the short sword. The photon dagger, about a foot long, is shot along the end of the hilt. The red light on the blade shines through the forest, like the fire that burns in the woods.

But the flaming light did not last long. Because the night demon Harry paid a demon on the dagger, the enchantment of the thunderbolt immediately turned the fiery red lightsaber blade into golden yellow, and the golden thunder blade was more than doubled, the ordinary photon The short sword immediately became a long sword of lightning!

"This kind of lethality is not enough to hurt people, but it can make the target paralyzed." The night magic test waved his sword and said to his opponent like a provocation: "So, let's continue."

"The host of the gluttony seat, I assure you that the battle will end in a flash, it will not hurt." He added another sentence with the volume he could only hear.