Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1922: Escape to stay up late (5)

Chapter 1922, Escape to the Night Five

"Hey?" Albert whispered dullly. He thought that he was no longer able to, but found himself began to be wrapped in white light.

The collapsed body did not squash him and Chanel, and it was propped up by something else.

It was the wings, Albert's white wings.

That is the power of the moonlight disc. It is the modernized product of the [Sun Egg-Dangram] swallowed by Albert seven years ago. It is actually an object made up of a large number of nano-scale miniature magic images.

This force was out of control at the time, almost caused the destruction of the world, so the moonlight disc has been sealed, and Albert can hardly use this ability for years.

Until now, until this moment, his life was absolutely threatened, the moonlight disc was launched again.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!" Albert can feel the power of the body, he is also a big scorpion, he also produces a spherical force like a protective cover field. This force field pushed away the piles of bodies that had collapsed and oppressed around them, and they got a space for Albert to survive.

But this is just to prevent him from being squashed. It is not enough to escape from such a place.

"Hey, I don't want to die!" Albert whispered. "Please, can't you give me a way?!"

It was just an unintentional complaint, which should have had no practical effect. But the white light that was released seemed to wake up. The bodies in the bag began to squirm, and then they squeezed each other, moved, and finally forced a way for Albert!

The tiger sees a light spot far away, and that may be the exit, a place where they can live.

But perhaps that is also a death trap, and those dead bodies have lured Albert into falling into the shackles of hell.

Albert frowned. His already broken arm and spine are gradually recovering, but he is itchy and painful and uncomfortable. The moonlight disc has the effect of improving the user's self-healing ability. At the time of its launch, Albert is at least unable to die.

Chanel's situation is not so optimistic, moonlight butterfly can not cure the injuries of others. The girl's broken leg was swollen and a large piece, and some broken bones even pierced the flesh and emerged. It seems that Chanel's external hemorrhage and internal bleeding are quite serious.

It is no longer a time to hesitate, even if it is a death trap, how can Albert not find out. What kind of tragic death is always trapped in this corpse sea to be strong?

While holding the dark elf girl, the tiger struggled and groaned one step at a time.

It was a tunnel that was only enough for them to pass. The ceilings of the walls were all made up of corpses in black bags. Some of the bags were broken. Albert could even feel the sight of the deceased from the bag. Just because there is light that can be illuminated, it is even more terrifying than the previous black.

Albert then closed his eyes and didn't look at it. He closed his mind and didn't think about it. He just patiently endured the pain and climbed forward. I don't know how long it took, I don't know how many times the body's fatigue and pain have broken through. He seems to have reached the other side of the death tunnel.

That is

An underground crystal cave.

Albert remembers that the bottom of the Sahara desert was originally a huge glass sea, but the glass sea is not completely empty structure. There are more complicated small caves on the desert edge, which are basically composed of glass. Albert's corpse, which they had just been in, was actually a kind of corpse that used a large underground cavity to deal with the corpse in a research facility, and the body was piled up for years. The crystal palace cave in front of Albert was not filled with corpses. The edge of the cave was covered with numerous sturdy and outward-looking crystal clusters. These clusters, like fences, pushed the bodies that poured in from outside to block them. Get up, form some kind of unsteady but long-lasting deconstruction.

It's a bit like a domino, and although it hits it down, it can last forever if it hasn't been touched.

At this time, Albert's broken leg was basically repaired. The tiger carefully picked up the dark elf girl and carefully walked through the complex cluster of sharp spiked crystals and hid in the cold crystal cave.

In this way, they will at least not be overwhelmed by the ocean of the body.

As if to sense that Albert has been out of absolute danger, the moonlight disc stopped. The white wings of the tiger disappeared, and the passage made up of the bodies collapsed instantly. With a bang, the fallen bodies turned into an endless sea of ​​corpses again, but they were resisted by the spikes of the crystallized caves, which were at least not buried by the bodies. Of course, there seems to be no export here. Before the gleam on his body faded, Albert looked around. Some natural holes are leaking from the outside of the crystallization cave. It should be that these holes provide oxygen to the crystallized cave, so that Albert will not suffocate and die. But the hole that is big enough to pass people certainly does not exist.

This is just a dead end.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!" After seeing all of this, Albert, who had been desperate to be able to produce hope again, could not help but laugh at himself. He smiled a few times and immediately spit a blood because of his own injuries. His internal organs are still in a mess, and everything he has experienced in the previous tortures is still irreparable.

He looked at Chanel again. At least the wound on her leg should be treated first to stop the blood.

Albert then tore off a bit of cloth and carefully wrapped the wound on the girl's leg. Blood can still be seen on the wrapped wound, but the bleeding seems to be less severe because of the pressure of the cloth itself.

"呜" Chanel gasped and shivered. She is still unconscious, but she still knows cold.

What Albert can do for the Dark Elf girl is extremely limited. He can only hold the girl and heat the other person with his body temperature.

He himself was cold to the extreme, and he could fog in one breath. This underground crystal cave is like a hail, so cold that it can't be cold. Because ordinary sunlight does not reach such a deep underground, it has not accumulated any heat for centuries.

correct. There should be a fire. Albert thought. Even if you must die in such a place, you should at least warmly die, and you must not freeze to death.

But Albert now has only one piece of cloth around his waist, and the equipment for firing is certainly impossible. But Chanel should have what equipment to bring, if there is equipment that can live, then it is best.

He did not have time to scruple and searched the girl's body. There are some equipment on the girl's belt, and there are some things in the pockets of the Asian space.

At this time, he remembered that Chanel was a master of using bows and arrows, and one of the arrows often used in bow and arrow is the burning arrow. The burning arrows are basically ignited by the impact caused by the moment of contact with the target. The arrow also carries a large amount of fuel, which means that both the ignition device and the fuel are available, as long as the burning arrow is found, A small bonfire should not be a problem.

If Chanel is still awake, Albert may be able to ask her directly what to do. But now that the girl is in a coma, the tiger youth can only find out on their own.

If the arrow that is used for life is not a burning arrow, but an explosion arrow

Albert swallowed a sip and didn't dare to imagine what might happen next.

He found Chanel's bow from the pocket of the Asian space, which is an alloy composite bow that is extremely delicate. Can find the bow, it should not be far from finding the arrow. The tiger then continued to explore his pocket, this time he touched a knife.

Oh, of course. Archers also need melee weapons to prevent being close to them.

Albert suddenly thought about it with a sigh of relief. How did the dagger look so familiar? He then pressed the plug on the dagger, and it turned out that a medical gel was ejected from the plug-in system. This is the survival knife that was given to the candidates of the Round Table trials in Great Britain. Many of the candidates used this to survive in the wild during the last trial. In the later period, the role of this dagger fire is not so obvious. Many candidates are looking for people in Great Britain to replace the plug-in system on the knife with a system that sprays medical gel. It is excellent to use this stuff to deal with wounds, remove a bunch of fuzzy flesh, or cut a bandage.

Albert then picked up the small dagger and sprayed it on Chanel's broken leg with a medical gel, and re-bundled a bandage. Medical gels have the effect of sterilizing and stopping bleeding to prevent infection, and even have certain analgesic effects. The best part is that after it oxidizes and solidifies, it becomes a whole piece of glue that adheres to the flesh, which can support the damaged wound and isolate the external pollution.

After this treatment, Chanel's situation seems to have stabilized.

Albert then went back and continued to think about the fire. He has found more than 90 arrows from his pocket. They are almost a group of thirty arrows, each with its own special shape.

Looking at the three sets of arrows of different shapes, Albert couldn't help but swear. There must be so-called [burning arrows] in these arrows, but these three arrows are very special designs, and there are devices with inductive impact on the arrows, like a button.

It seems that these arrows will burst at the moment they touch the target, but the effect of the burst is [burning], [explosion] or something else. It is impossible to know without testing them one by one.

Albert swallowed another sip and picked up one of the arrows and carried it on the bowstring.

I only hope that the arrow for this first test is [burning arrow]. As long as it is not an explosion arrow, no matter what other arrows are good.

The tiger used the spirit of gambling to pull the arrow and point the arrow at the hole of the crystallized cave, and fired an arrow toward the corpse!

Boom! The arrow that was fired hit the wall of the body and began to detonate!