Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1953: Captured by Lake Light (22)

Chapter 1953 is trapped in Huguang 22

The brave man, who was obviously a poor person, was almost naked, only wearing a black long rag around his waist, like wearing a black broken skirt.

The gray muscles on his body were stained with black and red blood, and it looked filthy and disgusting. The chest muscles trembled up and down every time the brawny took a step, seeming to show his cruel and ruthless power.

His face was completely covered by a gray-white goat skull mask, and two red-lighted spots were shot from the hole in the eye of the skull, adding another horror to the inhuman-like guy!

The rusted hatchet that he had in his hand was as big as him. Although he was blunt and close to no front, he became a very deadly weapon because of its weight. Whoever was caught in this kind of thing was not smashed into two Half simple, but a bunch of flesh and blood!

Daniel stared at each other for a second, then he knew that the big thing was not good, and immediately turned and fled!

Behind him, there were five strange dolls wearing dirty and worn nurse uniforms, scalpels, scissors and huge syringes!

"Well!" Daniel saw the opponent's moment, and the body moved to dodge. However, those nurses were still rushing up and attacking Daniel, and they were very murderous. How sharp are the scalpels and scissors? Needless to say, the huge syringe is filled with some kind of turbid and viscous black liquid. It is estimated that the liquid is not highly toxic or worse than the poison. It’s not a joke in the syringe!

The deadly and dangerous weapons were poked one by one to the Black Iron Knights. Daniel sneaked away and slid from the attacking gaps of these monsters! The nurses turned and reached out to Daniel. Even if the attack was dodged, they still wanted to grab Daniel by hand, or at least hold his hind legs! However, Daniel was a little more agile than his opponent. He waved his fist and hit back before his hind legs were touched. He knocked on the nurses and allowed them to run farther!

lb! ! Didn't wait for Daniel to run three or two steps, behind him was a loud noise! The big man with the mask of the sheep's head did not regard the dolls as its companions. He rushed over and fleas, and smashed the dolls with heavy and heavy hatchets! Daniel couldn't help but feel cold. If he reacted slowly, he was dragged by the nurses. Now he is afraid that even the group of people will be smashed together!

The sheep-headed demon directly smashed the nurse doll who was scattered all over the place and continued to rush to Daniel. The teenager has no way to compete with his opponent and can only escape! Flying on the dimly lit streets, he found that the whole world was surrounded by strange decadence, the streets were full of collapses, and beneath the collapsed concrete, it looked like a dark and bottomless valley! Daniel must walk carefully while avoiding the chasing of the sheep's head demon, how hard it is!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! The bell came again from the second floor of the home of the Knights. Daniel thought about the countermeasures while running. A positive breakthrough should be impossible. But Mr. Dore’s home should have a back door, an overhead iron ladder in the alley behind the apartment, a fire escape. Just wrap around the back of the building, maybe you can jump from the box to the ladder, and then use the fire escape to enter Mr. Dore's home?

When Daniel thought about it, he immediately turned to the rear lane area of ​​the apartment. However, the road was broken in front of him, and there were countless pits that could not be seen between the lanes.

How to do? Now it’s useless even if you fold back. The fierce sheep head demon behind him has already followed. Although it runs far less than the Black Iron Knight, it is blocked there and will launch a deadly attack at any time. Daniel can't dare to run over and provoke it!

I can only jump over. The teenager swallowed a sip. If you don’t jump to the ground, you will fall to death and fall into the deep pit of the darkness. But he has no choice, not to jump or to die!

He jumped one step later, helped the sprint, and leaped the wall, sliding his hands and feet along the wall! He carefully fell to a platform, and almost immediately slipped into the abyss when he settled, but he grabbed the bricks and stones at the wall and forced the inertia against the weak support!

But Daniel had just stood firm and he heard the sound of jumping behind him. The sheep head demon is really crazy, it sees Daniel jump over, it also jumps with the same strength, and also jumps and makes a flea! It seems that there is no fear that he will fall into the abyss because he jumped out of place. Perhaps it was originally created from that abyss, and how could he be afraid to return to it!

Daniel knows that he will die if he doesn't act immediately, or he will be beaten by the fleas, or he will be hit by the impact and fall into the deep pit in front!

But the next stop is a full five yards away. To jump from the small platform where he is, even the distance to run and jump is not enough! Despite this, the Black Iron Knights are still scalping and jumping forward as much as they can!

He slammed the edge of the platform directly with his legs. It was a jumper. He slanted to the wall, immediately rubbed the wall with his hands and feet, and then bounced to the other wall with the reaction of the wall! Fortunately, this is a small alley made up of two buildings. The distance between the wall and the wall is less than three yards. Daniel jumps from one wall to the other and then uses his hands and feet for the second time. After smashing the wall, after two consecutive walls, he went smoothly to the platform five yards away from the jump point!

No, it wasn’t quite smooth. He touched it and hit his head on the edge of the concrete that had been cracked. He almost stunned. But he forcibly endured the pain, grabbed his hands, and finally grabbed the edge of the platform. He almost fell into the bottomless abyss, breathing for half a second, he also felt something below is scratching his feet!

Black hand! Light and thin, like a ghost, and sticky and turbid like asphalt, the objects with the shape of the vague hand are holding Daniel's legs, intending to drag the black iron knight to the abyss!

"I don't!" Daniel, who was almost unconscious, clenched his teeth and confronted those things. The more they want to drag the boy into the abyss, the more Daniel does not want to lose, the more he wants to climb out! In the end, he won the struggle, he used all his strength to pull himself from the edge of the platform, finally found a foothold!

What about the sheep head demon? Daniel couldn't help but look back. The guy’s unfortunate jump was not reckless. It should be said that it was planned early in the morning. Its flea makes the huge hatchet in its hand deeply embedded on the edge of the platform. It is impossible to skip the deep pit that is at least three yards away. It is powered by a hatchet. Just skipped it. But it seems to have nothing to do with the next five-foot mark. It has been looking at Daniel in the distance since it climbed up from the front platform, but did not try to skip to continue chasing.

"It seems that I am still more flexible than you." The black iron knight teenager whispered. It seems that he is temporarily getting rid of the sheep head demon - until it finds another way.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. The bell rang again, and the bells upstairs in the apartment were still calling Daniel. He knows that staying in this similar world or illusion is not the way. If the bell is the prompt for him to leave, he must find ways to find it! Daniel had already circled the back alley of the apartment, there was no more collapsed area, but the ladder of the fire escape passage upstairs did not fall. Perhaps by leverping the wall to jump, you can reach the edge of the ladder that has not been put down, but this is also extremely risky, because the platform at the bottom of the fire escape ladder is also ten yards high from the ground. In the case of mistakes, Daniel may fall down and hurt, or hit a head that has already bleed.

However, he has no other way. The black iron knight teenager wiped the bruised forehead and jumped up the wall.

Boom! After he jumped the wall and jumped two times, he grabbed the edge of the ladder with his hand! Tearing! However, the iron pipe on the edge of the old rusty ladder has the danger of collapse. It can not withstand the weight of the black iron knight, and it will be deformed downwards and may break at any time!

Daniel extended another hand to grab the platform where the ladder was, just grabbing another support point before the pipe broke here!

He took a breath and pulled himself up all the way, so he climbed the platform!

Hey, hey, hey, hey! The bell has been urging him. Although I don't know how far it is from the bell, Daniel followed the general direction of the bell, climbed the apartment about five or six floors, and broke into the window. The place where he is located should be in the bedroom of a certain house. However, in this strange world, there are traces of aging everywhere. This room is like being abandoned for decades, and the surrounding walls are peeling off seriously. The furniture is broken into a piece of wood chip iron filings, and only the mattress next to it can still recognize the general appearance. The bells should have come from this layer, but this floor has at least five or six houses, and the structure inside is different. Daniel does not know the structure of these houses, and wants to find the mysterious bell in it. Still have to explore it slowly! If at this time, in this narrow place, the sheep head demon catch up, the problem is serious!

Thinking of this, Daniel immediately sneaked and sneaked, while moving quietly, as soon as possible to evacuate from the room where he was, because he had just broken the window, the dirty old window glass was broken, still issued no A small sound.

When he left the room and went to another bedroom, he heard the heavy footsteps of the sheep head demon!

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