Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1990: Battle for the morning (25)

Chapter 1990, the battle of the morning, twenty-five

Looking at Segrad’s uninterested look, Prince Saeed sighed: "All of this has arrived. Are you still reluctant to tell us the information of the manufacturer of Lunao Steel? If our common enemy is I am in a hurry, and I will find you in trouble in the front. The makers of Yueshen Steel will eventually fall into the hands of these people, and the problem will be serious."

"Even this is the case -" Segrad licked his right leg. Although it has been treated and bandaged, it has been caught by the falcon and the claws are deeply embedded in the flesh, causing the damage to be quite serious.

Because the leg and head were injured, it may affect the performance of his afternoon game. Segrad can't help but feel a little annoyed: "The strange guys who plan to catch the moon **** steel are trying to figure out the wrong way. I know this. But What about you? I don't think you are better than them. Anyway, there are attempts."

"It is indeed an attempt, but I promised by my own reputation that we did not intend to use the Luna Steel weapons." Prince Saeed replied: "In fact, I need Luna Steel weapons, just to satisfy myself. The only wish."

"Oh?" As if knowing that Prince Syed would continue to say it, Seglade snorted in a cold voice.

"Destroy the desert whales - Moby Dick." The prince sneaked a sentence.

"I don't understand," Slaged could not help but shrugged. "The monster is just a bigger World of Warcraft. It can be killed by various means. Why do you want to use the Luna Steel weapon?"

When I heard the leopard youth ask, the prince nodded thoughtfully and suddenly turned the wind and asked: "Are you rushing back, Mr. SGLADE? If you are not too anxious, please come with me. I There is something I want you to see."

"His Royal Highness!" "His Royal Prince Saeed!" The Lusford brothers and sisters over there shouted nervously as if something was going to happen, and they wanted to stop it.

"Oh, let him know, no big deal." The prince looked calm.

"It’s as if I will definitely look like it," Slag said.

The Viscount Lusford took a look at the young Leopard.

"Well, I will go and have a look, so as not to be said, I was saved twice and I am not grateful." Seglad sneered.

"Please come here." Prince Saeed went out of the hall and walked towards the end of the corridor with the youth of the leopard.

The splendour along the way, Segrad did not appreciate it. He wants to go back quickly after he has finished the matter here, and he still has to think of Odin's old man to report a peace, lest his old man worry.

The prince's villa is large, but in all directions, and there seems to be a lot of interconnected dark passages. Without a few steps, Prince Saeed had stopped in front of a wall with portraits, handed over the picture frame and opened the organ.

The rumble of the thunder - the hidden underground treasure chest entrance, appeared in the open wall.

"Let's go," said the prince, picking up an old-fashioned kerosene lantern for lighting from the side of the cabinet. The brand new splendid villas are not quite commensurate with this old lantern, but Segrad did not go into the ground.

All the way to the ground, this hidden staircase is narrow and dark, barely strong enough for two people to pass. The reason why it will be built in this way is to facilitate the invasion of foreign enemies on the one hand, and to narrow the occupied space on the other hand, and to hide the secret passages. But this dark and narrow, uncomfortable experience actually lasted only about ten minutes. Walking down the slightly spiraled, densely extending tunnel, the underground space quickly becomes bright and open.

A large space in the underground space resembles a workshop, with a red fire in the distance, shining the entire space. And the sound of the irons of the craftsmen seems to have come from this underground ironsmithing room.

"Are you making weapons in private?" Segrad heard the voice and immediately frowned.

"It's all physical weapons that are not very powerful. I assure you that everything that happens here is within the limits of the Egyptian law," explains Prince Said.

This is hard to say. And even a common sword within the limits of the law, as long as the right enchanter is found to enchant, it will become a deadly weapon. God knows that Prince Saeed will find someone else to do this in another place?

Under the leadership of the prince, Segrad browsed the underground arsenal while walking.

How do you say that the weapons here have been cast, surprisingly large?

The huge iron tomahawk that hangs on the wall and is ten feet long is not a weapon that ordinary humans can take. That is, the orc who used the madness to wave such heavy weapons is estimated to be awkward.

On the other side, there is a full 20-foot gun, and the gun head is weighted with a special structure. It seems to be mainly used for throwing, and the gun head has a blood trough for bloodletting. But how should such a heavy gun be invested? It is estimated that only the giant man with natural power can control this kind of thing?

Although it is an underground arsenal, the equipment here is mainly dominated by cumbersome and powerful weapons. However, it has never seen anything like a knife and a sword. Armor and other equipment are not.

These weapons, as if they were used by giants, have the same distinct motive: they are used to hunt monsters. It seems that Prince Saeed said that he wants to hunt Moby Dick. This should be true.

"Only this thing is not enough to kill the desert whales." However, Seglader also saw through the common ills of these weapons, and could not help but spit.

"Good eyesight." The prince replied: "This is a weapon test room. Please check it out."

At the end of the other side of the underground arsenal, a large room, reinforced with heavy steel plates, is undergoing weapons testing. It is not a person who is responsible for wielding a huge pistol for testing, but a magical figure that is made extraordinarily strong. It is estimated that only such a magic image can freely swing such a huge weapon.

However, the golem used a huge rifle in his hand to try to run through a huge piece of meat placed in the test room. It is a full jump, and the long gun in the hand is indeed stabbed in, and the wound is very shallow. The skin of the meat that does not know what the creature is is surprisingly strong, and its inner flesh is exceptionally muscular, meaty. Fibers entangled the sharp and sharp rifles, which made the rifle impossible to penetrate.

Just pricked in about three inches? No more. Obviously it should be a heavy weapon that can easily break the wall. Segrad saw that this stuff was stabbed in the flesh of the mysterious creature, just like itching. Then the meat piece is assimilated with the lance, and the tip of the gun is permanently fixed on the surface of the piece of meat. The weapon can neither be penetrated deeper nor pulled out for reuse. The rifle grows like a thorn on the hedgehog, not only can not cause more damage to the piece of meat, but also prevents the attacker from continuing to attack the piece of meat.

"Hey." Segrad looked very upset. This kind of unhappiness is a kind of uncomfortable feeling that someone has grown a poisonous sore and can't help but want to reach out and squeeze, but can't do it.

"This piece of meat is a piece of meat that has been cut from the desert whale - Moby Dick," said Prince Saeed. "Initially it was only the size of a palm, but it continued to use nutrients with high concentrations of photons. To water, it gradually became a wall-sized, just used as a weapon test. But as you can see, the weapons we made have no lethal effect on the monster's flesh. The penetration is not enough, no matter what. A powerful attack will be resisted by the flesh that has amazing toughness."

"Take the weapon ten times more. When it is shot as a ship's shell, it is estimated that there is still a joke." Seglad said casually.

"No use. The contact area is increased. Moby Dick's flexible meat quality also increases resistance. Its meat is not only as simple as toughness, it seems to dissolve the impact applied to the surface in a short time. Minimize the damage you receive."

"There is really no way to do it." Segrad snarled.

"Then, this is a Moon God steel weapon I got before." Prince Saeed greeted him and summoned a simple long gun. The semi-transparent pistol, which is purely a simple construction of the javelin, is the first Luna steel weapon made by Seglade, which is a highly compressed Uighur steel javelin.

"Only this weapon is different." Prince Saeed took the Luna Steel rifle and slammed it on the piece of meat. The meat of Mobidek, which should have been invulnerable, was easily smashed by Luna Steel, and the wound was three feet deep. When the prince thought that it was no longer necessary to puncture the rifle deeper, he pulled the Luna Steel lance from the meat. The monster's piece of meat did not catch the rifle, and the Luna steel rifle with a smooth surface was pulled out with little effort, accompanied by the black blood splashing on the monster.

"It is easy to run through the ordinary weapons, Moby Dick's flesh. This is the speciality of Luna Steel weapons." Prince Saeed sighed: "Want to eliminate Moby Dick, it really needs Luna Steel Weapons, and there are a large number of large, heavy-duty weapons that can cause fatal damage to that monster."

"For example, using a cannonball made of Luna Steel." Segrad's mind probably depicts a special weapon for the monster. But is that kind of thing really possible? Lunai Steel is originally a weapon of mass compression properties. It needs to use materials that are several times or even dozens of times larger than its body. The quality is collapsed during the annealing process. If you want to make a projectile for the ship, the projectile is estimated to be as tall as a person, and its raw material is ten times this volume. No matter how to make such a huge material into the furnace for casting. Even if it can be shaped, how to evenly tap and let it collapse into the shape that people want is a difficult task.

Prince Saeed said coldly: "In fact, we have already studied the principle of Yueshen Steel. To put it bluntly, it is the product of using sub-space magic to compress the weapon material in multiple masses. I am right, Segrad. Mr?"

Hearing this sentence, Segrad can't help but be cool!