Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2004: Battle for the morning (39)

Chapter 2004, the battle of the morning, thirty-nine

The enemy is an attack launched from the bottom of the water? !

Is this a joke?

How did the iron rides in the area go to the bottom of the water? !

No, wait. Daniel tried to calm down. The iron ride itself is waterproof. The photon explosion engine used in the iron ride, although the part of the jet mouth seems to emit a long flame tail like a flame, it is actually a highly compressed photon stream, and the fire is just a photon in the high pressure jet. Excessive light generated by friction with the atmosphere.

The photon explosion engine of the iron ride itself does not enter the water, nor is it afraid of entering the water. The situation and the lightsaber can use a principle in the water. As long as the electronic components have been properly treated with moisture, there will be no problem.

Most of the instruments on the iron ride have also been treated with moisture, and even armed can be waterproof. That is to say, when the whole iron ride is thrown into the water and it is salvaged, it can still be re-ignited, and even the drying process is not needed.

How can military products in Great Britain not meet this specification? It should be said that even the iron ride that can't be done by waterproofing can be very troublesome.

However, the body of the iron ride is waterproof and does not mean that the driver can waterproof. After all, the Cavaliers also sat on the iron ride without any protection. The whole iron ride ran into the water, and people would soak in the water. Do you suffocate when you soak for a long time?

But wait. That is just a matter of consideration from the perspective of [human]. In fact, even in the Knights of Great Britain, there are more non-human or half-human knights, and the Knights do not restrict species other than humans to become knights.

The knight who couldn't get the iron ride into the water and slammed Daniel from the bottom of the water was not a human being, but a race that could be active in the water, such as a mermaid. Even in humans, as long as there is a good enough oxygen supply, underwater activities are not a problem at all.

This explains why the other party can always be in the water, tracking the slamming of Daniel for such a long time. It is not the application of high technology, but the transformation of thinking. There are few knights driving iron horses for water warfare, but as long as the equipment is in place, water warfare is completely feasible –

so troublesome.

There were also several radiant bullets fired out of the water. Daniel frowned and manipulated the iron rider to hide and use the large photon army knife to block.

The other party has an absolute advantage, and it is definitely not a wise move to pursue a chase on the shoreline. Going out of the coastline and running into the woods on the side?

No, since it’s being stared at this place, the woods are not expected to be much better. There must be another knight watching Daniel. On the shoreline, you can also use the rock wall as a shelter, ignoring the defense on the right side. It will only get worse in the woods.

Daniel looked at the map on the navigation system. It is also about two kilometers from Penzance. Perhaps this time should turn the engine output of the iron ride to the highest, and rush into Penzance in one go?

Do not. At the moment of acceleration, he will become unprepared. Before the power of the iron ride is raised to the extreme, there will be a small period of time when the machine can deteriorate. This moment is attacked and it will be very bad. The other party came with a huge killing, and also hid in the water and sinisterly fired at Daniel. At first glance, he knew that it was prepared. Those who have been trained in strict riding battles must also know the weakness of this old-style iron ride that Daniel drives, and wait for the moment when this weakness is exposed!

In this way, accelerating the rush into Penzance will only become the target of the other side. What must be done to draw the attention of the other party!

Thinking of this, Daniel took out a thing from his tactical pocket.

Normally, the knight who takes the driver's license test is not allowed to bring too much personal equipment. But to a certain extent, with some small props, it is allowed. This is the information that the instructor who taught him the iron riding technique yesterday told him.

Such as this signal gun. Usually it is just a service for help in a distress. In some too dark areas, it can also be illuminated by a signal flare that is emitted. But it also has special usage.

For example, to flash the other person's eyes.

Daniel is waiting for an opportunity, just as his opponent is waiting for an opportunity.

He still drove his iron ride in the air and sloppily in the air, tempting his opponent with a pace close to the devil.

The other party finally lost patience and fired on the iron horse of Daniel in the air!

Hey! Listening to the sound should be another four shots, the purpose is to contain.

But this time, Daniel knew that the other side's light bomb would be shot from the water. He kept paying attention to the dynamics of the water level. When the opponent fires, the bottom of the water glows brightly, and this piece of light, let alone, is the source of the light bomb.

Daniel saw the light shining in the water and immediately raised the signal gun for a burst. The signal gun with only six shots was shot in half a second. The fire red signal bullet falls on the water, comes into contact with the air, begins to oxidize, and gives off a dazzling light!

At this time, the light bomb under the water broke through the water level and hit Daniel's iron ride. However, the black iron knight teenager played a big move to dodge the iron ride, while waving the sword block, first resolve the crisis in front! Under the surface of the water, six signal flares swelled with glare, and the whole waters were illuminated for a while!

The Cavaliers who watched Daniel in the water secretly did not expect Daniel to play like this. He was not prepared, and he was dizzy by this high-brightness signal flare!

When he was able to see things again, Daniel’s machine shadow on the water had disappeared completely!

(Is it missing? Is it speeding to escape?)

(No, then you should at least see his machine shadow far away. This is --)

lb! ! The iron rider of the Black Iron Knight’s teenager suddenly slammed into the water and gave the other a surprise!


(Dead! -) Daniel waved a large photon saber in the water, and the blade straightened the other's brain!

That's right, Daniel didn't blink at the moment when the other party was attracted by the glare. The incomplete acceleration of escape is only afraid of being caught up, and the aftermath is extremely serious.

What Daniel really wants to do is to solve the opponent. Dealing with the guy chasing him behind him, he can continue to move forward with peace of mind!

So he took the moment that he had just wrapped around the other side of the iron ride. Of course, that is the position estimated from the flash under the water, not necessarily completely accurate.

Then, in the eyes of the opponent lost the trace of Daniel, in the moment of doubt, he broke into the water from the rear, unrelentingly launched a killing blow to the opponent!

This imposing blow is not a joke. The Black Iron Knight is a real killer and wants to kill each other. If it is an ordinary person, it will inevitably be cut off by this sudden photon army knife! However, the examiners in charge of the invigilation are all masters of the silver knight and even above. They have extraordinary skills and will not be hit normally!

That's right, this attack can't dodge under normal circumstances, unless -


The other side jumped out of the driver's seat of the iron ride and forced to escape the attack!

The other party is really a good knight, the ability to react and coordinate the movements are beyond ordinary people, even in this water full of resistance, even in this critical situation, can be saved!

However, this also means that the high-ranking knight's iron ride is out of his control!

In the water, when the iron rides at high speed, this means that the iron ride will be out of control! The iron rider that the knight was driving was like a faint flies that smashed under the water and eventually landed in a dark place on the bottom of the sea! However, because there is no continuous acceleration, the resistance in the water is large, the iron ride hits the bottom of the rock, the impact is not too powerful, it is not destroyed by the impact of the explosion!

In principle, Daniel is not allowed to destroy the iron chasing of the pursuers (examiners), but he can push the knight who drives the iron ride from the iron ride seat. This is not a foul! It’s been a long time since the other party recovered their own iron ride, which is enough time for Daniel to escape from the sea!

Of course, Daniel initially hoped that this knife would kill the knight. The rule says that he can't destroy the iron ride, but he doesn't say he can't kill. The knight who was killed can only blame his own skills, but he was killed by a yellow-haired boy like Daniel, isn't it?

However, the other side's dodge skills are not bad, this shot did not kill him. No matter what. Daniel grinned.

啪扎! - The iron rider who just rushed into the water once again floated from the water, and Daniel, who was driving the iron ride, was already soaked.

"Hello!" He sneezed, not knowing whether it was because of the cold, or because the nose suddenly entered the water.

The water war is really annoying.

But his iron ride does not seem to be affected. Even with this old iron ride, the waterproof performance of this gadget is still very good. Daniel, who was drenched, felt cold, and he subconsciously stuck the body on the body of the iron rider, trying to dispel the chill of his body by the heat from the iron ride.

The chase should not be available for the time being. Even if the shot-down knight called for support, when the support came over, Daniel had already escaped. Although he was driving an old-style iron ride, when he was riding at full speed, even the new models of the iron ride could not catch up.

Instead of rushing into the forest, instead of rushing into the water to fight back, it is the most correct choice. It is estimated that there are not many people who can slam Daniel in the water like the knight.

In the end, there is no way to see the face of the knight who attacked him, but it is worth mentioning. Daniel snorted and let the iron ride speed up and sprinted towards Penzance Port. Relying on this high speed, on the next one kilometer, his iron ride is almost invincible, at least impossible to catch up. When entering the port of Penzance, the other pursuers did not dare to fire at Daniel, which means that the entire journey within the port of Penzance is safe.

The last leg, the road from Penzance to Cork, is really difficult. But now it’s useless to worry, only to be tempered at that time.

Hey! ——The full-powered iron rider uses the fireworks at the tail jet to pull a long arc of light on the water. This light arc points directly to the port city, which is about a kilometer away from the distance and surrounded by fog.