Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2083: Desolation at dawn (15)

Chapter 2083 annihilation at dawn (15)

The curse Lawrence blinked and continued: "It is not the user who releases the spell, but the [fire of the spell] in the user's hand.

[Petrochemical punishment] Normal refers to the erosion caused by the flow of photons from their own body and the physical phenomenon when humans cast spells. The more the photon flows in the human body, the larger the flow rate and the shorter the time, the greater the erosion of the body, the more likely it is to cause necrosis of the human cells and thus the keratinization, which is [Petrochemical]. Although the precision of human control over spells is the highest in all races in the world, it can make a lot of subtle spells, but the human body's tolerance to photons is also very poor. Human spell users are often accompanied by petrochemical risks. No one knows. After you have finished a spell, will it be the last spell he put in his life.

The spells are different. The photon did not flow in the body of the mantra from the beginning, and the subject of the release spell was the fire of the spell. Because photons do not flow in the human body, when photons are converted into spells, the damage to the body is zero, and those who use spells do not have the risk of petrification. Even the Masters of the Masters Association have a lot of spells to use, just to make one more choice in situations where it is not convenient to use spells. "

"It turns out." Biddiville once again seemed to understand and nodded.

The use of spells by humans is a process in which photons are eroding the human body and causing the body to collapse.

The use of spells, only the fire of the spell from the body to take water, oil and other raw materials, and then cast from the fire of the spell, the damage to the human body is purely physical, and can be eaten by supplement. People make such troubles and go around such a big circle to use the spells, largely to avoid the inevitable petrochemical punishment brought by conventional spells.

The result is still because humans are too weak. The overly fragile body of human beings wants to use and control the enormous power they are completely unable to control, and must pay a huge price corresponding to it. This cost is often [death].

And what about these beasts in Bedieville? From the very beginning, it was the sub-human race of the ancient gods and humans* who joined the human race as the base and joined the beast's genetic factors. Although it is more effective to use Genesis spells such as [Rage], it will not be petrified by the excessive use of spells, but it will also be limited by the genetic factors in its own body. Only a few specific ones can be used. Lineage spells. Maybe this is also a price.

Or this is just a means by which the ancient gods and gods used to control the orcs and let the orcs become faithful running dogs of the gods. Where did Bediville have heard before, unlike humans, the orcs did not have [free will].

"But this is a digression," Lawrence interrupted Bedyville's thoughts. "The second stage of cultivation will follow this direction, use your imagination, and use the power of the spell to pump from your body." Raise the substance to achieve its change of nature. Even if you don't need my guidance, you can slowly do it yourself by practicing. Don't overdo it. The second stage of cultivation is here, not repeated. Then let's talk about the third stage of cultivation."

"Hey, there's the third stage." Bedieville pulled his face.

"It may be too early to say this to the boss. But considering that you may have left Egypt after completing the [round table trial], there are very few opportunities for us to meet, I will tell you in advance." Lawrence's tone is a little bit lonely. "The third stage of the practice of the spell is different from the first two stages. It is a technique that truly transforms the spell from a small skill into a practical one."

------The third stage of practice is actually the use of [skills] practice. "

Bedyville couldn't help but shudder: "[Curs]?"

"Well, look at this." Lawrence took off his clothes without saying anything. He took off his shirt and showed his right shoulder to Bedieville. He had a half-fist-sized, black tattoo on his shoulder near the chest. Its shape is abstract, like a spell.

"This is [the curse]?" Bettiville approached the past and watched it carefully.

It was only then that he discovered that this "tattoo" was not a normal tattoo that was stabbed with paint. It is more like a scar burned by a flame. It can even be said to be a black knot. The knot that is not soft or hard is almost integrated with Lawrence's skin. Even if it is rubbed by hand, it will not fall.

Moreover, the edge of the scar is flat, and it seems to be a scar that is forcibly baked with a soldering iron. The skin around the scar is normal skin without any redness and swelling. It seems that this scar is something left long ago.

"Lawrence, it seems that you like self-harm yourself?" Bedieville couldn't help but spit.

"Nothing, this is the [soul] I wrote on my body a long time ago. At that time, the technique was still immature, so the shape of the curse was a bit rough." The mantra argued: "In fact, [the curse] The size has nothing to do with its efficacy. If you are mature, you can engrave a smaller spell and have less damage to your body. You don't even have to engrave the spell on yourself, it is also engraved on any belongings. Feasible - as long as you can guarantee that the belongings will not leave for twenty-four hours."

"So what is the use of this thing?" Betwell asked." Simply put, it is used to [give yourself a next order]." Lawrence shrugged: "Hey, boss, have you touched enough? I can wear it back to me." Clothes?"

"Cough, sorry." Bedieville was embarrassed to take back his hand.

"嘿嘿嘿------" The two little devils snickered at the side.

"The spell, in a nutshell, is to give orders to the fire of your own spells, then let the fire of the spells command your body, control your body by the fire of the spell, and do what you usually can't do. "Those Lawrence continued to wear the shirt and said: "The so-called spell is the collection of [command] and [command], using the spell to give yourself a command, simply a self-hypnosis process -- ----Although [curse] is much more profound than [hypnotism]."

Bedyville nodded. He has deep feelings in this part, and he knows how terrible the spell can be. If you force yourself to do something, people can often become superhumans - even if it is a superman who makes himself smashed. The curse is a ban on ordinary people to become the superman of the broken bones.

"But normally, if the will of the mantra is not strong enough, the command given to the fire of the spell may not be triggered; give the command of the fire of the spell, let the fire of the spell come to you according to your order. The order of the body, this process is also very time consuming, it will be distracting in the intense battle, and once distracted in the battle, it will affect life and death." Lawrence continued.

Bedieville nodded again. He is also very clear about this part. In the fierce battle of the sword, the moment of distraction often leads to death. Masters are often at a great disadvantage in the close combat against the enemy because they must be distracted to prepare and cast spells. And the more powerful the spell, the more you need to prepare the process, the easier it is to be distracted.

Normally, a qualified mage must learn to be single-minded and even multi-purpose, so that they will not suffer in actual combat. But in the ever-changing battlefield, the wizards who need to be distracted to prepare spells often still have a variety of knives. The mage who must cast spells while fighting is said to have the highest mortality rate in all occupations.

"For a direct release spell, because there are not many preparations, the spell can be used in actual combat. But for a spell user, the process of placing a spell is usually three to four times that of a common spell. The spells cast in this way consume a lot of user concentration, and the directly released spells are very dangerous in the preparation process, and the preparation process is very long, and it is a chicken rib compared with the spell." Lawrence explained Dao: "So the wizards invented this kind of thing that was specifically used in actual combat, the so-called [soul].

[Spell], simply put, is a spell command prepared in advance. When certain conditions are met, it will start, bypassing a large number of preparatory processes, and do not need to take the time to prepare, or even the will of the user of the spell can be activated. This spell is the best example of me.

This spell has the only function in me: When I am seriously injured and there is a lot of bleeding in my body, the spell will start by myself, extracting minerals from the body to block the wound in the big bleeding, and prevent the injury from further worsening. This curse is self-motivated, and even if I am injured and fainted, it will also launch and save my life. It is because of this curse that I have survived from the dangers of sudden deaths, and I can sit here and talk to the boss. How, the curse is still a good thing? "

"Because you said that I am a little careful." Bedyville sneered: "So how much is this thing? Where can I buy it?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, very funny." Lawrence burst into laughter. After he smiled a few times, he returned to the topic: "But I am serious. I want to apply the spell more efficiently in the battle, and I want the spell to play a more powerful effect. Boss, you need to find a way to make your own. In general, the power of the curse has an absolute relationship with your personal willpower. The more restrictive the conditions are set, the more difficult the conditions are, and the stronger the effect of the curse... The stronger. When you practice in the third stage, think about it again, and think about what kind of curse is best for you, and then customize it."

"I can't just order a few spells at once? Or is it that a person can only engrave the only spell on his body?"

"No, as long as it is a range that you can bear, how many spells are engraved is not a problem. But the curses will affect each other. If you don't plan well, it will be very troublesome. And the curse can't be written once. Change, more need to think carefully and then portray."

"I remember that you said that your belongings can also be cursed..."

"That's right." Lawrence groaned: "But the curse is a proof of the master's determination. It is a powerful hypnosis with a spell, a will to impose on himself. It is a death order that cannot be changed." The carry-on items of the curse must be carried with you for twenty-four hours. Once the engraved item is separated from the curse for more than an hour, its effectiveness will completely disappear. You have spent months preparing, The curse that has been painstakingly burned will become a piece of paper. You won't want the situation to evolve into such a thing."

"I understand." Bettiville finally knew the heavy spell.

"So," the sorcerer Lawrence patted the **** and stood up from the seat: "I can teach the boss that you are the same. The spell is spent all the time on a self-study to understand the skill, I There is no more guidance than you can understand on your own. Knowing the direction of cultivation, you can practice on your own.

Lawrence turned to look at the two yawning bets: "This is already finished, do you want to go out?"

"Well!" "I want to go shopping in Cairo's market!" said Obert and Kate.

"Do you want to come together?" Lawrence asked again: "The old Master asked me to send a box of photons of cola to the Melson Brotherhood. I may not be able to take care of these two skin monkeys, if you can It would be better to get up."

"Yes. I also want to go out and breathe." Bedieville also climbed from the sofa: "Let's go."