Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2093: Desolation at dawn (25)

Chapter 2093 annihilation at dawn (25)

The length of the broken wooden stick was half lost, and the remaining wooden stick couldn't possibly hit the stranger who wrapped it. Obert thought that this shot could guarantee a hit and was a bit smug, so he didn't even think about it. This hit is empty, what should be the next step! The little tiger looked desperately closer to his opponent and was about to enter the attack range of the two batons! This is not afraid of sticking!

Wait, the two batons are used to cross-clip the sticks. At this time, they have already swept out to the sides. The strange person’s movements are fast, and shouldn’t be able to beat the baton in the end of the time? That is to say, there is no way to use the weapons in the hands of everyone. If you are engaged in close combat, you can only use your mouth.

The tiger-man teenager opened his mouth and wanted to bite the other's neck with his mouth full of tiger teeth! His teeth are not very sharp. After all, it is only the baby teeth that the tiger has not replaced, but this bite can still cause no small damage - as long as he accurately bites the other neck artery !

Boom! ! However, the opponent did not give Obert a bit of time at all, just approaching is a head bang! The grotesque wrapper of the whole body was very irony. He bumped into the forehead of Ober, and immediately let the young man of the tiger look like Venus, losing his resistance, not to mention what he used to bite his opponent's neck. Arteries!

No! So powerful! Do not win at all! ! ------Obert was shot and flew out, hitting the wall again!

Behind the freak who was wrapped in cloth, Kate, who had a sword, had not had time to make a dodge, and he smashed a flying kick that the geek turned around!

"But actually kicked in the same position ------!" Kate was kicked in the lower abdomen, and the pain almost fainted. His whole person was kicked and once again fell into the corner of the alley.

"Oh..." Kate tried to get up, but he didn't have the strength to get up: "Obert... flee...!"

"Awful...!" The situation on the side of the little tiger was not much better. At this time, he struggled to climb, but he was so painful that he could not escape.

I didn't expect to be planted in the hands of this guy ------

Hey, wait ------?

"Uncle Wolf, your fox's tail is coming out." The tiger boy suddenly said.

"Oh." The strange man wrapped in cloth shuddered and looked at his back.

Sure enough, is it still stuffing?

Although Kate’s sneak attack from behind was not hit, the tip of the short sword was slightly touched by one of the fabrics behind Bedyville. The tip of the sword was cut off and the fabric was cut. The fabric that Bediville had intentionally wrapped his wolf's tail was broken, and the tail of the werewolf youth was revealed.

"Is it so far?" Biddeville did not continue to install, and the cloth that covered his face was also uncovered, revealing his true face.

"Hey, Uncle Wolf is too much!" Obert immediately complained fiercely: "Why do you want to pretend to be a bad guy and play it out? And it’s so heavy! You just knocked on it. I have a good pain, do you know?"

"Even so, I have deliberately let the water out," Biddyville said with a long face. "If I am angry, you have already broken your broken foot and concussion!"

"Oh, but I am broken..." Kate climbed the wall from the ground: "It seems like a broken rib."

"Sorry..." Bedieville spit out his tongue.

"So, what are you doing in Uncle Wolf?" Obert continued to vomit and cried: "Do you really have a group with these bad sluts? Do you want to take them away??"

"It's not because you sneak out and let me find it!" Betdiville's forehead was full of blue veins, and he looked angrily and kicked a woody monster that would not move: "Cheat the adults and say they want to go to the toilet." Sneak out and let us worry, this is no problem. Now what is the situation? Even with this inexplicable guys, and knocked them down? Are you a bad boy? Is a street punk ?what??"

"Even if this is the case, Uncle Wolf, you are not pretending to dress up and let us have a meal..." Kate also spoke. "No, I still think that you are too few, and the hand is too light!" Biddiville grinned. "I knew that you are so strong and resistant, you should start with heavy weight." Double, at least remove one arm."

"No, don't..." Kate's face was white.

"Now do you know that there are people outside the world, is there any truth in the sky?" Bettiville continued to swear: "Don't think that you are a little bit small, you can sneak around. The enemy you encounter is so lucky." If you meet a master who is quite level with me, you will be taken away immediately! Don’t you know the terrible organization of [College]? They are specializing in the children of your age to do experiments, all kinds of cruel experiments. They will shut you down in a narrow cage where there is no way to turn around. When you give up the resistance, you will grab the skin and peel it down and break it down into countless pieces of meat. Then you will put the half-dead you into the little ones. Stored in the box and eventually made the core of the Golem!"

Bedyville grabbed a paw from the chest of an unmovable wooden golem and dug out the core of the golem: "This is the end of the kidnapped children. Have you seen it?"

"Oh... I know a lot." Just as Bedieville said a lot of trying to scare the two children, a shadow came from the shadow of a roof above the alley. The yin and yang strange voice: "There are people in the world who know so many details of the college. It seems that you can't stay."

Bediville was shocked and had already made a war situation. He pulled the tungsten tortoise whip from his waist: "Who is it??"

"Whering is whistling ------" The voice is a black figure standing on the roof of the roof. The man has a dangerous atmosphere, and the dangerous atmosphere is even like an inaction black. Like the gas, it rushes toward the square. Because the environment is too dark, Biddiville can only see the outline of the man by the light of the stars and the moon in the night sky. The man is not a tall and strong man. His body can even be said to be partial. Thin and slender, and there is a curved and pointed shadow behind the man, which looks like a huge sickle!

"Little devils, come over now!" Biddyville shouted. Just a thick murderous scent from your opponent, you can know how dangerous this person is. Bedyville also knows that he will certainly not have the strength to protect two children in actual combat. So now shouting two little ghosts and letting them hide behind them is the only correct way!

"Hey!" "Good mouth afraid!" Kate and Obert have gone to the ground behind the werewolf youth. Kate's kid also said that he had broken a rib. From his agile action, it was obviously just lying.

"I just received a report saying that our patrol team lost contact and took time to take a look." The slender man carrying a scythe said faintly. "I didn't expect to see you put our patrol all over." Off, but also know so many secrets inside the organization."

The man held the scythe in his hand and put out his tongue and licked the blade of the sickle: "Next, what do you say I should do with you? Killing you, killing the two devils? Take you Cut a half dead to bring back to interrogate, and then take away two little ghosts? Or, kill you and the two little devils, destroy all the evidence?? Hahahahahaha, what should I do? It’s a good brain, it hurts. Brain!"

"Maniac..." Bedieville whispered.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" The man heard the evaluation of Bediville and immediately got excited: "What the **** is this person? It’s rude! People are confused, thinking It’s going to hurt your brain! How come you suddenly say that people are crazy? ------It’s worse! There are people who are so rude, you seem to kill you right away! Kill you ? Kill it directly? Just kill it? Kill it with a sickle? Cut the stomach, dig out the internal organs and kill it? Cut off your hands and feet, cut your head and slowly kill it? How to kill it? It’s a headache, it’s a good brain!”

This guy is really crazy, and crazy to a certain extent. Bedyville’s forehead was sweating. If it’s just an ordinary madman, things are okay. But the lunatics with a scythe in front of the werewolf youth are obviously superior in strength, and the dangerous atmosphere that comes out of the body gives people a deep, spine-like cold. The faint **** smell in the air seems to be slowly emanating from the big sickle that doesn't know how many people have been killed and how much blood has been sucked.

The more sophisticated the warrior, the more able to find out the gap between himself and the other's strength. If Biddyville now has a tungsten tortoise whip in his hand, a black moon steel scimitar, and his body is in a state of full prosperity, and he has not dragged the injuries accumulated during the afternoon’s competition, he can probably be with this sickle man. Let's play five or five. As for who wins and who wins in the end, you have to watch the game.

But now Bedyville has only a tungsten tortoise whip in his hand. His black moon steel scimitar is placed in Segrad for maintenance, and he has a slight injury, most of which is internal injuries. And there are two little devils behind him who need to take care of them.

This battle is estimated to be won. It’s terrible.

"Boss?" Suddenly there was a figure on the other side of the alley, and it was a state of war, holding the fire of his spell. The fire of the spell in Lawrence's hand illuminates the alley in half. Seeing this situation, Bedieville also showed his own spell of fire, so that the fire was just in a position where he could see an area under his feet, but did not let him show his face.

"Hey, reinforcements." The man with the sickle snorted: "And it's still a disgusting curse. It's really disappointing."

Lawrence didn't answer, but he gradually approached and kept a certain distance from Bediville, ready to use the spell to support the young people of the werewolf. If a sickle man attacks Bediville, he will inevitably be attacked by Lawrence on the side, and vice versa. That is a two-to-one disadvantage, and the spell is also an unfathomable technique.

"Alright, let's let you go today." The sickle man suddenly sneered, taking a small thing from his waist and preparing to press it.

Bedieville suddenly understood what the little thing was, exclaimed: "Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!-------------------- ----------"

It is too late. The five humans who fell on the scene, more than a dozen wooden monsters, suddenly twitched under the remote control of that little thing. The stunned humans swelled in the body after a convulsion, spit out a blood and killed them immediately. It seems that some small size* was detonated in their bodies; while the wooden konjac had similar experiences, suddenly burst under the remote control, they The body is damaged along with the core of the Golem, and a smoke is coming out!

The core of the Golem is made of something, and Bedieville is very clear in his heart. This moment of explosion is actually the demise of a dozen souls.

"You bastard!!------" Biddyville screamed angrily, but it didn't work. The man with a sickle and a slender figure has long disappeared into the night.