Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2129: Desolation at dawn (61)

Chapter 2129 annihilation at dawn (61)

"May God save us." In such a desperate situation, Eric prayed subconsciously, and although he knew it himself, prayer was not useful.

However, there is no **** in this world, and some are just ------

"You stand in place, don't move around!" A voice suddenly came into the mind of Bedyville.

Brushing la la la la la!

Bedieville didn't even know what was going on. In an instant, the rain of the sky fell from the sky, and thousands of pillars of fire also emerged from the ground. The blush of light illuminates the sky and the earth at the same time, and all the black surging objects are swallowed up.

Sulphur flavor. Smoke smell. The smell of fire, the smell of charred creatures, the smell of protein decomposing under high heat. When the whole world was completely covered by the crimson fire, the only thing that Bedieville could feel was the smell that permeated the air.

Is that a spell? Do not. Curse.

And it should be, a very powerful spell. The flames of the sky ignited everything in the moor, but Bediville and others who stood still in the same place were not implicated. This situation can only be achieved by extremely powerful wizards. And this extremely powerful curse, needless to say, it is ------

Big teacher Klarna.

After consuming everything, the flame gradually decays. At the end of the fire, the only one of the magical marshes, the huge monsters of the magic marsh, struggled to struggle one or two times. But what they can do is just struggle. When Bediville was able to see through the fading light, he could see only a few giant worms that had not completely burned to the ash in the distance and writhed. The bodies that have become dark have gradually disintegrated with this meaningless twisting, shattered into a place, turned into a complete ashes, mixed into the black mud of the magic marsh.

The surface of the whole magic marsh is floating with a layer of glazed and translucent material, just like the ceramic mud becomes ceramic in the kiln fire. The entire surface of the magic marsh has a thin layer of material, which adds a layer of inspiration to the dark scenery of the magic marsh.

Very beautiful?

Do not. how is this possible. The magic marsh is one of the most ugly magical worlds in the world. How can this magical environment be stained with beauty? To be said, it is only the mantra released by the great teacher Klarna, which temporarily obscures the ugliness of the magical environment.

"It's a pity. I also intend to let these worms continue to act as guardians of the magic marsh, let them slow down the pace of the coming enemy." The voice that called Bediville just stayed in place continued. : "But they threaten your life, and I have to destroy them."

"Hey... Teacher Klarna?" Bettiville tempted and asked, "Where are you? I came to you, can you show up now?"

"Ah, go here." Clarna's voice came from the emptiness of the unrecognizable direction. Then there was a burst of fire in the muddy ground in front of Bediville and others. The road paved by the flames has been extended far away, and the track composed of the fire is inexplicably similar to the kind of light used for navigation in the Bourdiville Twilight.

"I, let's go." Bettiville and Eric looked at each other and began to manipulate the body of the swamp giant crocodile. Just ignoring the limits of physical activity, the body of the swamp giant crocodile who used all the strength to take off, the current physical function has begun to deteriorate, walking a little bit, and the pace is much slower. However, since no enemies are continuing to chase them, the werewolf youth did not care about the low mobility of the swamp giants. He now manages the giant crocodile to reach the location of the teacher of Klarna, and the body of the swamp giant crocodile has already fulfilled its mission.

"This kind of barren land can still really live." Coach Eric should have heard the voice of Klarna just now. At this time, he could not help but swear: "So what kind of person is it, how can it be sinister? For reasons, would you choose to live in this ghost place?"

"Hey, you are really rude." Betdyville gave Eric a white look: "You have to know that the great teacher, Clarna, is the old man of your brother Lawrence. She has the ability to use her curse to burn the giant worms of the entire moor. Clean up, she also has the ability to monitor what is happening here. Even now, she should still be listening to the surrounding environment. You may also hear what you said?" "I know, so I will say this." Eric did not modify it at all, and said something when he thought of something: "The teacher will personally explain this, Wouldn't it be better. We also murdered in the province."

"Description can be, but not now." Klarna’s voice once again reached the minds of Bedyville and others. It should be a telepathy: "The place you are in may be monitored by outsiders. Wait for your magic. Or if the understanding of the spell is deeper, you will find that telepathy is not a technology that is absolutely safe and will not be eavesdropped. Our enemies are pervasive."

Bedieville swallowed a sip. I always feel that this teacher of Klarna is nervous and seems to be guarding against anything. Do not. She was actually preying from the beginning, and Bedieville knew about it before coming to the tortoise. Otherwise, the great teacher, Klarna, can't always hide in the world's most hidden barren land, not to live in the outside world. As for what she chose to live in here, she can only be seen after she sees her.

Bettyville did not take long to leave, and soon came to an open space, you can see the light of the road turned into a fire circle here. The black mud here is only immersed in the calf of one-third of the swamp giant crocodile, which is a very shallow area in the magic marsh. Under the mud is a rocky ground made up of very hard igneous rocks, and it looks like there is no danger.

"Come in." The voice of the great teacher, Krana, sounded in the minds of Bedyville and others. Then the fire circle suddenly disappeared, and a purple-red crystal column suddenly emerged from the mud, like a plant growing out of the ground.

There is still a hole in the crystal column that can accommodate at least five people. Bettiville saw that the so-called crystal column should be some sort of elevator. He and Eric entered the elevator without any problems, but the body of the swamp giant crocodile he manipulated must not be squeezed in.

"Do you want to follow in?" Biddyville then looked at Eric again: "This may take a long time. If you are anxious to go back and look for people like you to complete your adulthood..."

"Stupid, do you want me to go back over the magical marsh?" Eric showed a reluctant look, but did not mean to leave. "Go ahead."

The Werewolf youth shrugged and manipulated the body of the swamp giant crocodile and threw the large bark that was used as a surfboard on the mud in front to serve as a foot. And he also jumped from the shoulders of the swamp giant crocodile, and jumped lightly on the bark, and then jumped into the crystal "elevator". Eric also flew out from the shoulders of the swamp giant crocodile and had already entered the elevator.

"Is there anything wrong with staying here?" Biddyville asked, he meant to ask Eric if he wanted to recycle the bark.

"There are many alternatives to that kind of thing, don't cherish it." Coach Eric snarled in disapproval.

At the moment of their conversation, the part of the crystal that was opened outwards was closed, and it became a container, protecting Bediville and Eric from the poisonous mud outside, and also down. Moving, it quickly fell into the mud.

The principle of the crystal, Bediville is completely incomprehensible. He suspected that there was a large base under the magic marsh, and the crystal elevator emerged from the base to pick up and drop people in and out of the base.

But when the crystal moved down to a deeper height, the outside scene appeared in front of the werewolf youth, and he knew how naive his thoughts were.

There is no underground base at all. This crystal elevator is connected to a crystal world. The crystal clusters that spread around the surrounding earth and grow randomly around the square are not so much a natural scene as the layout of some underground base.

No, it is not natural to say that it is natural. Naturally generated crystals certainly do not grow into this look. This underground crystal world is estimated to use some ancient people's technology to control the growth of this purple-red crystal to a certain extent, to form this semi-natural semi-manually controlled, fast-moving, living crystal structure. .

"Fire Dragon Stone? No... It's estimated to be improved... What the **** is this." Celebrity Eric and Bettyville were shocked by this underground crystal world. He was careful at the side. Observe, whispering.

"[Home Stone]------ A highly modified magic prop. Usually only the size of the palm, as long as enough magic is injected, they will continue to grow according to the user's wishes, and eventually form a temporary residence. Habitat. "The voice of the teacher, Klarna, sounded in the minds of the two people, explaining everything: "Although the form of crystal growth has no way to control it accurately, it is very convenient to use. It is taken away when it is not needed. The magic, it will return to the palm-sized crystal."

"Great." Bettiville sighed low.

"Don't talk about this." At this time, the crystal elevator has brought this Bediville and Eric into a crystal hall underground. The protective door of the crystal elevator is opened, and the door opposite the hall is also opened. From the gate. Behind the shadows slowly came out of a figure.

The woman wearing a black gold robes is the great teacher, Krana.