Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2164: Trace to Shaying (2)

Chapter 2164 is traced to Shaying (2)

The laser traps in front of Bediville are very complicated, and because the laser emitters are constantly moving randomly, it is impossible to accurately measure the law of their movement by the naked eye, that is, to form a ladder by the numerous laser traps, the challenger Must have amazing dynamic vision, superior agility and brain coordination, and lightning-like transient response.

Is it just that the initial level of recruitment is so difficult? What a high-risk job is that commission?

"I want to ask before I go down," Biddyville asked, and subconsciously touched the sleeves of his loose short-sleeved shirt: "The body is not hit by the laser. Is the clothes drawn?"

"According to the initial requirements of our employer, it is true that the test subject is not hit. It doesn't matter if the clothes are hit." The big man in a black suit replied: "Of course, if you are afraid that your clothes are broken, You can also take off your loose clothes. After you arrive at the test site below, we will send your clothes together."

"No," Biddyville replied thoughtfully.

"The appendages such as the tail are also uncontrollable in the air, so your tail is not disqualified by the laser." Dahan put his eyes on the tail of Beddyville's wolf and added: "Of course It is still stinging that the tail is burned by the laser. I suggest that you bundle your tail."

"There is no need to worry about this." The werewolf youth replied without emotion. The tail is an important balancing organ of the orc, that is, it needs to be allowed to swing when it is in action. If you force your tail to bundle, Beddyville's body's sense of balance will be destroyed, walking is particularly easy to fall, not to mention passing through this complex and varied laser trap.

"Speaking of it, such an exaggerated trap is also beneficial to a petite person. If the person who came to pick up the entrusted person is a big man with a strong body?" Biddiville couldn't help but swear: "Is it not destined to start?" Want to fail?"

"The intensity of the laser trap will be adjusted according to the size of the challenger." The big man wearing a black suit replied: "We will test the commissioned bounty hunter in a relatively fair area. Please rest assured. "

In other words, the laser trap at this density is already adjusted according to the physique of Bediville. However, it is still intensive to the point of exaggeration. The young werewolf can't help but feel guilty.

No matter what. It’s useless to think too much. If you don’t take the first step, it’s impossible to make any progress. The werewolf youth walked into the ladder.

The stairs are very deep. Before reaching the floor below, there should be at least three or forty yards away, and the road ahead is full of lasers that are continuously and randomly scanned. Even in the laser trap that is closest to Bediville, five yards away, there are three pencil-like laser strips that sweep up and down, and are concentrated on the upper layer. The organ was originally able to pass through the sliding shovel, but the terrain is the stairs that are constantly going down. It is not a wise choice to use the sliding shovel. If you don’t get a good foot, you will roll all the way from the stairs. In the end.

Sure enough, this time still have to be honest and practical [that].

Bedyville subconsciously touched the silver bracelet on his right wrist. The solution is yes. If you match the "accelerator" loaded in the bracelet, Bedieville can easily control his somatosensory time. Taking advantage of that, the lasers in front of him are just like moving, and it is a breeze to get through this laser trap.

However, there is no meaning like that.

This is the problem that his employer gave him, and the difficulty he must pass through his true strength. If even this kind of test must rely on the blessing of equipment to pass, then after waiting for his bigger problem, it is estimated that it will only be more difficult. This kind of cheating-like small means is still not good.

Then the rest of the choice is to either slap the scalp hard or use the skills that you can control at your own discretion.

If you have a hard time, the success rate is only about 50%. The werewolf youth thought about it. If it is a level that can be repeatedly challenged, the 50% success rate is undoubtedly very optimistic. But now this test in front of him has only one chance to challenge, and Biddeville must have passed the laser trap array without injury, and being scratched to a point is considered a disqualification. It’s not a pleasure to have a hard-to-get commission that can get a high salary.

So here is still to stabilize, with the inevitable ability to pass the laser trap array to attack it.

Bedyville's right hand pinched a fireball, which was the fire of his spell.

"Get started!" The Werewolf youth cast a new spell and sprinted into the laser trap.

The evening before the day.

"Hey? Can this thing be done?" Biddyville looked puzzled at the big. Master Rogan.

"The magic detector has a very weak reaction, I think its magic is effective." The old man stared intently at a transparent container filled with water and replied.

A pocket watch is immersed in the container, and another pocket watch of the same style is on the table outside the container. Initially their time is exactly the same, the pocket watch is even adjusted so that the position of the second hand is not bad, the purpose is to compare the time difference between the inside and outside of the container.

Now, after ten minutes of testing, it is clear that the pocket watch soaked in the water injection container is one minute and five seconds faster than the pocket watch on the desktop.

That is to say, the [time] in the water injection container is actually elapsed faster than the time outside the container. Rogan's time magic experiment did succeed.

"A minute or more every ten minutes..." The werewolf youth snarled thoughtfully. "On average, it adds about 0.1 second to each second. This... .. very subtle."

"But at least it proves that the [fire of the spell] in your hand can really use [time magic]." Big. Master looks at the fireball in the hands of the werewolf youth: "What, the orc can't use the magic on its own, but put everything Give it to [Fire of the Curse], let it make extra [positive entropy of time], or be able to make good use of time magic. Although the effect is really weak, and the limit must be released in your blood. , or at least blood that has been diluted with your blood."

"The effect is too weak to be fatal." Biddyville smiled bitterly: "The duration of the conditions and spells are unknown, and the extra time is increased by about 0.1 second every 1 second. The [time] added here will not be It is also an unknown number to overflow to the outside and to be neutralized in an instant. This kind of curse is not completely practical."

"No, maybe you can find its hidden value." The old wizard smiled mysteriously: "For example, use the fire of the spell directly in your body to let [time] increase in extreme places, and to you The physical form has an effect. If so, what will it look like?"

The answer is ------ this way.


Beddyville's heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

That's right, the Werewolf youth used the fire of the spell and released [Time Magic] in his heart, giving the blood around the heart and giving the heart itself an extra [time acceleration] effect.

The [acceleration] used near the heart increases his heart rate, allowing his heart to transfer blood with a slight acceleration effect to his body at a higher efficiency.

In the course of this [Heartbeat Acceleration] spell, Bediville gained a small amount of physical acceleration, and the blood supply to the brain increased, which means that his mind will be clearer and thinking more in this short period of time. agile!

This is a simultaneous enhancement of the [physical] and [spiritual] double acceleration. Although the acceleration effect is only a level of more than one second and a second per second, and the effect of Rogan's [accelerated potion] and [accelerated potion] is completely incomparable ------ but it continues The longer the time, the actual effect bonus is not only as simple as adding zeros per second!

Hey! ! Bedyville sprinted lightly and sneaked away from the three lasers that were almost waist-high.

He didn't rush out for half a step, and there were two lasers in front of him, one by one, and they kept flipping!

The Werewolf youth thoroughly saw the movement of the laser trap, and the oncoming beam was clearly changing. At the moment, the direction of Bedyville was not much different from the slow motion, because the thought of Bediville was also accelerated. Now, everything in front of him is slowing down in his eyes!

Hey! Bettyville twisted his waist and made an incredible side-flip action, lightly avoiding the two lasers that were struck! The time in the whole world has slowed down in his eyes, and his body is extremely light--compared to feel lighter than using [accelerating potions]!

The [accelerator] in the silver bracelet is a stimulant. By initiating the organs on the bracelet, the drug is injected into the blood vessels of Bediville, temporarily accelerating the spirit of the werewolf youth.

But his [spirit] accelerated, and [the flesh] did not speed up accordingly, so at this time, Bediville only saw that the speed of the whole time slowed down, and his own physical action slowed down at the same time! Even if the mind keeps up with that speed, his body can't keep up! In this case, it is easy to see some kind of attack in his mind that wants to avoid the oncoming, but the body is heavy and does not listen to the command, too late to escape!

And the effect of this [curse---heartbeat acceleration] is completely different, almost a simplified version of Logan's [Accelerated Potion], because the spell has a positive entropy that actually creates extra time, Bediville Both the [spirit] and the [body] are accelerating at the same time, so the world in his eyes is not only slowing down, but his own body has become faster and lighter, and can keep up with the extreme reaction of [spirit] acceleration!

Hey! ! Five or six lasers were wiped from Bettyville, but they were simply flashed away by the werewolf youth. He can be said to be completely innocent in the laser trap array!


Hey! ! The laser array in front of him was also full of strength, and instantly changed a laser network! Up and down, left and right are sealed by dense lasers, only a small gap in the middle can make people wear the past!

It is almost impossible to pass through a gap of this size without being scratched by a laser at all!