Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2174: Trace to Shaying (12)

Chapter 2174 is traced to Shaying (12)

At the same time, Egypt in Africa, somewhere on the outskirts of Aswan.

A man is using a high-powered telescope to observe a hidden military base far away from the canyon.

This place, known as the Shaying Gorge, is violently sanded all year round for 365 days a year due to special geographical conditions. The difference in "weather" is only the intensity of the sand. Today, it is also the period when the sandstorms are less violent in the year and the weather is the best. During this period, using the high-power tactical telescope, you can also see the base that was built along the canyon cliffs and is well concealed.

Normal people will not be close to this sand dune. Even if various spacecraft will avoid the wind and sand of this canyon, they will rarely take the initiative to get involved in the airflow of this ghost place. The military base hidden here can be described as isolated from the world. It is not a person who has mastered a considerable amount of intelligence, and absolutely cannot find a man-made manufacturing workshop in this college.

"Served." The whistling sound of the wind almost obscured the voice of all conversations at close range. Therefore, the group of people who observed in the distance secretly communicated with a special walkie-talkie. One of the men said at this time: "I didn't expect it." Research facilities can be placed in such bad weather. How do they usually transport large research resources into and out of this facility?"

"The college has a dedicated underground railway that uses special trains to transport all the materials needed for the workshop." Another man replied: "But don't worry too much, the underground railways are very tightly guarded, not an effective way to sneak into the facility. Instead, It’s much easier to go in [the main entrance] from this wind-blown canyon."

"Haha, it’s as if it’s as simple as going to the main entrance.” The man who spoke first smirked.

His figure is swaying in this wind and sand, and it is extraordinarily ethereal and chic. The dark silver long coat, the wind-swimming scarf, the dark silver hat that was slightly shaken in the storm but firm and not flying off, this body is the figure of the legendary silver-wing geek.

Of course, the current Silver Wings are not the unsung heroes of the past legends. The people wearing this equipment are by no means a justice. The leopard warrior Paramidis in this costume is acting for him only for personal gain, and it is indeed [the evil of heaven].

"So, then I will ask you." Another man, Rebel leader Preston, said with a flattering manner: "The optical camouflage of the Silverwing Monster's coat lasts for two hundred seconds. After that, you must experience one. The cooling time of 150 seconds can be used to re-use the optical camouflage function. During this time, the defensive performance of the coat will be greatly reduced. Please be aware."

"So you are going to let me go in and make a big noise, but you are sitting around watching the movie, without a single pawn?" Paramitis shouted: "True."

"Sorry, the best equipment that our rebel army can take out is the only set of silver-wing geeks on your body. Funding is the biggest problem. Our remaining equipment basically does not have optical camouflage performance, so 闯Going in will only hit the grass and even drag your hind legs. Or do you intend to let our agents use firepower to support your actions?"

"No, no." Paramitis thought that the ordinary people who had not received any formal combat training really couldn't help. When the real fight, the big cat even had to estimate the group of oil bottles. On the contrary, it is more inconvenient to play.

Paramidis knew very well that the other party had reservations. He only used him as a gun, and he wanted to maximize his profits from this attack without any effort. But as a sharp and unparalleled "gun", Paramitis has his own temperament, he would rather fight alone, and does not need the help of the group of waste.

"Remember, don't use other weapons except [silver*]. There are a lot of surveillance cameras inside the college that we can't find out. If you use weapons other than [Silver*], they are captured by their cameras. Your true identity may be revealed." Preston added: "At that time, we may not be able to help you through the sea.""Understood." However, Paramitis still installed a knife with a good enchantment on the front end of the * as a bayonet. According to the understanding of the Leopard Warrior, the "Assault" gun is used to charge, while the side of the blast is rushing to the front, and after approaching the enemy, the bayonet is one of the most basic tactics. The leopard warrior is most proud of his own speed, and he uses his own speed as a leopard, and makes a big noise in the college's artificial artificial field.

"So, I will come back when I go." After that, "Silver Wings" has already rushed out.

The sandstorm in the Satay Gorge is amazingly fierce, but the silver-winged geeks in the equipment have opened the optical camouflage. The principle of this camouflage is mainly to distort the surrounding airflow and create a force field that disturbs the refraction of light, and in this wind and sand. It certainly has the added effect of sheltering the wind.

The "main entrance" of the artificial man-made workshop is not really a front door. It is only a dozen windproof windows for external observation. Moreover, they have long been ruined by the wind and sand in this sand shovel, and they can hardly see the situation in the canyon. The sneak of the leopard warrior is of course a good thing. Although his optical camouflage has a good ability to hide, it is not a panacea. If someone looks through the window probe into the canyon at this time, you may see a translucent oval bubble in the sand blowing in the wind, flying fast along the stone wall.

Although the stone wall is still the original stone wall, but because this translucent "bubble" is moving rapidly, the stone will naturally leave a momentary, unnatural tearing scene. If anyone occasionally catches a glimpse of this scene and carefully observes and scrutinizes it, this flash of unnatural scenery will make Paramitis's whereabouts visible.

Fortunately, the sand in the Shaying Canyon is too large, and it is not convenient to inspect the situation outside the window. The unnaturalness of this moment is not particularly eye-catching, and no one will notice that it has existed.

Like a fleeting transparent meteor in a sand, Paramitis flies on the stone wall. Relying on his own leopard-like agility and the ability to climb the wall as a green knight*, Paramitis is as if he is on the ground. Of course, the route he chose is also helpful to his actions, because the sands of the Satay Gorge are blowing in the same direction all the year round. Paramitis starting from the upper wind is actually following the trend. Let yourself almost go with the wind, and the speed of action is of course fast.

(*Note: Strictly speaking, the Green Knight does not have the special advantage of “wall climbing ability.” The Green Knight only has amazing self-healing ability and can change the structure of his body in a small amount. Paramitis has changed himself. The flesh changes the numerous small barbs that hold the wall firmly in the palm of the hand, so that he can easily use the barbed palm to climb on the rough rock surface.)

Thirty seconds, sixty seconds, one hundred seconds. The leopard warrior who was running wildly approached the base silently. Even if he flies on a cliff, it will make a slight noise, even if the robes of the silver-winged geeks who are wearing them will be blown by the wind and make a slight friction, but this is not enough in the whistling wind of the Shaying Canyon. For the road.

One hundred and twenty seconds. Paramitis is close to the destination, that is, one of the windows of the "main entrance" of the artificial man-made workshop.

This moment is the moment when the fate of the Leopard warrior is blocked. If the timing of his leaping out of the window is not well mastered, he is likely to be blown away by the wind of the Shaying Canyon. And if he was unlucky, he just happened to meet someone in the room in the window, his actions would be exposed, he had to be in a fierce battle immediately and he was alone in the battle with the entire man-made factory. Then it will become a hard battle. If you can of course avoid this, try to break the enemy guards one by one on the basis of sneak.

According to the information obtained in advance, although the college has set up countless surveillance cameras in this workshop, the management personnel will not be able to manage all the monitors in real time. After all, the number is too much to manage.

So the surveillance cameras in this workshop seem to be "hysteresis": the staff responsible for monitoring will not turn their attention to the surveillance cameras in that area until an area is alerted. That is to say, if no one has sounded the alarm, it will not be closely monitored. The silver-wing geeks who sneak into the workshop can move freely and eliminate the patrols in the workshop one by one until the police force is completely annihilated. All the actions of Paramitis will eventually be photographed by the camera, and the host is still connected to the college headquarters. It is impossible to intercept and even eliminate these video information. Therefore, Preston has repeatedly emphasized that the importance of the secret operation of Paramitis as a "silver-wing geek" is a set fact, but the paramy is destroyed by a mysterious person who is a silver-wing geek. Diss's own identity must not be exposed to the camera.

It's like an easy task, and the difficulty is actually very high. It is even more difficult to completely refrain from revealing his identity and use his unfamiliar weapons to annihilate the enemy’s garrison in the entire workshop silently.

Paramitis broke into the window and jumped in. Before the backhand aimed at the room with the surveillance window, it was a sprinkle, throwing a special sticky*. * Exploding in the window where the big cat invaded the workshop, the special high-speed coagulating glue that was quietly shot in all directions, quickly blocked the window, then hardened, and blocked the wind sand before it completely poured into the room. Hole in the window.

Everything is quietly going on, at least Paramitis thinks so. He didn't fall into the mold, and there wasn't any guard in the small warehouse-like room where he didn't jump in.

"Sneak into success." The big cat used the military-encrypted communication dedicated to the walkie-talkie and whispered: "The mission begins."