Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2175: Trace to Shaying (13)

Chapter 2175 is traced to Shaying (13)

Paramitis's "Silver*" on hand is said to be the real thing that the real hero Silver Wings used.

This special * that fired a .45-inch solid warhead, although it has been baptized for nearly a hundred years, is a bit old and outdated, its performance is still excellent, and it is not significantly inferior to modern weapons. The high-performance photon explosion engine has been improved to withstand long-term use, using a photon explosion to launch a large solid ultra-light aluminum alloy warhead prefabricated in the magazine. Its power is also great. After all, the size of the ammunition is so large or solid. Even without special enchantment, the warhead can easily pass through the thickened bulletproof steel plate with enchantment.

And don't know why, the recoil of this * is surprisingly small. It is said that because the explosion power of the photon explosion engine is simultaneously released in two directions, the explosion shock leaking from the back of the firearm just offsets the reaction force of the emitted bullet. Paramitis studied for a long time but did not find the hole in the back of the firearm that leaked the explosion, and actually only felt the recoil force to be small, but did not feel anything special. Perhaps the design of the firearm itself is so good, with a design that minimizes recoil. Maybe Palamidis is an orc, and his body is much stronger than humans. The recoil of this firearm is nothing to him.

All in all, as if the original user had known that the gun would be passed on to the next generation of silver-wing geeks, the gun itself was designed to be as light and easy to use as possible while maintaining great lethality. ". Even Paramitis, who has never used * in his life, just took an hour or two to get used to it. And this stuff has *. There were dozens of bullets slamming out in a second, but there was almost no sound. The slightthing of the fire sounded like a water gun in the water, easily mixed in the noisy mechanical operation of the workshop, and was faded so that no one could detect it.

The silver-winged geeks who looked out from the small warehouse and saw the three guards at the end of the long dark corridor. The guards were all wearing old-fashioned armor made of plastic. The guards were not even humans, but the first generation of artificial people with a simple metal skeleton. These old man-made people with the IQ and the lowest-level Golem are just consumables. I don’t know how many years ago they were produced by the masses. The rest of the man has been broken. It’s not too much to say that they are walking scrap iron. . Paramitis is secretive. If the guards in the entire man-made factory are such goods, it is not difficult for him to easily annihilate the guards of the factory.

Ok, let's do it. The Leopard Warrior removed the aiming point on the silver* and installed a short-range sniper mirror for *. The deep corridor opposite is already the end, and it is a dead end. The two first-generation man-made people stood in the dead end, thinking that it would be easier to guard against every move on the entire corridor. As everyone knows, Paramitis hides in the deeper shadows outside their field of vision, and God unconsciously raises the silver* with a sniper mirror.

He inhales, suffocates, and then pulls the trigger.

Hey! In the past, the two scrap iron-like man-made people did not even have a chance to shoot the gun. Their heads and chests are directly shot into a horse's nest, or something that has been smashed to a horse that is incomparable and unrecognizable.

The sensitivity of the trigger was even higher than that of Paramitis, and it shot more than a dozen rounds with a single button. The special ultra-light aluminum alloy warhead is said to be very expensive, and he has only brought 30 bullets together with less than 500 rounds of bullets this time. The shuttle went down and Paramitis suddenly felt distressed.

However, the power of * is indeed reliable. When the short-range is used, it has such a high stability, and the lens of the past is not so much. Normally, * are all about the power of a blow, the power is huge, then the power is also scary, and the shooting is of course impossible. The risk of not shooting a sniper position is also very large. However, even the special linger, which was played after the silver * 装 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 狙 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 这种 特殊 特殊 这种 特殊of. This continuous nature, the huge power of each bullet, even if it can't be hit by a shot, as long as it can rely on continuous shots.

.45 large-diameter aluminum alloy solid warheads can be torn apart from the body of these first-generation artificial iron-breakers. *A large number of bullets fell on the enemy after the burst, and the lethality can be imagined.

Of course, Paramitis just used up a third of the magazine to kill three enemies, this consumption is not optimistic. At this level, the guards in the workshop are still dead, and the ammunition brought by the Leopard warriors will be consumed first. Most of the modern mainstream live firearms use a single piece of metal (usually lead or tin) for the impeachment, relying on the explosive power of the photon explosion engine to cut the wheat directly from the metal block. A piece of metal of a grain size is shot as a bullet. This metal block magazine is not only cheap, but also easy to store and carry. The amount of bombs consumed per shot is extremely small. Before the magazine is needed, a whole piece of metal can shoot hundreds of "bullets". In contrast, the use of a larger caliber but more powerful silver* is indeed behind the times.

Only bullets can be used. The silver-wing geeks came out of the room and quietly reached the corridor. His whereabouts have not been exposed on this road, at least the alarm has not yet sounded. The next step is the focus: How can he consume as little ammunition as possible in the remaining battles?

The answer of course is that if you don't shoot, try not to shoot, sneak into the back of the guard and solve with a bayonet.

He just touched the corridor and reached the corner. With a little probe outside, he saw three other first-generation man-made people in the corner of the corridor. It's still the simple plastic armor, or the broken man-made body. These consumables that serve as guards seem to be just patrolling with three people as a small team. Rushing up with a bayonet, can you really do one knife and solve it before they sound the alarm? The difficulty is slightly higher. Paramitis couldn’t help but wonder. Perhaps it's still a luxury, give them a shuttle bullet?

No, wait, let's wait and see. The patrolling team seemed to notice something moving and was slowly coming to this side. Paramitis frowned. Was it just that the probe was seen by the other party in the past? Probably. But now it is useless to study this, first find a way to solve the urgent need. The big cat slammed into the wall and grabbed the raised beam on the ceiling of the corridor. The man-made patrols did come over here, but they only noticed the movements on the ground and did not notice the silver-winged geeks hiding on the ceiling beams. Waiting for them to turn around the corner of the corridor, while looking around in the same place, the big cat also descended from the sky, quietly falling behind the three artificial people. He raised the silver* and waved its bayonet without thinking about it. He took down the mechanical head of one of the man-made people. The other two artificial people in front heard the sound behind them. Just looking back, they only saw their headless companions falling backwards. The body of Paramitis has been moved to the side of two man-made people with a sliding shovel, and the bayonet is also wielded to cut off another artificial man's cervical vertebra. The last man-made man apparently noticed the action of Paramitis. The baton in his hand was about to knock at the big cat. The big cat first shot the gun and only shot a bullet and shot it. The head of the man-made man. The electric sparks splattered like blood, and even some oil was shot along with the iron filings, and it was wiped from the face of the leopard warrior. Of course, Paramitis, who covered his face with a scarf, could hardly feel the collision of those things with his face. The special scarf can filter all kinds of poisonous gas and smoke, and it also has a certain bulletproof function. The scattered iron scraps should have been scarred on the big cat's face, but it was blocked by the scarf.

The three man-made people fell to the ground instantly, but did not cause the alarm to sound. The bullet only consumed one shot. Okay.

"Can you hear it? What's the situation in the factory?" At this time, the voice of the Rebel leader Preston was also heard in the ear of Paramitis.

"The guards are quite strict." Paramitis replied: "There was only two patrols at the distance of a corridor. Fortunately, I responded quickly enough to kill them before the alarm sounded."

"Good." Preston paused and seemed to be checking the information: "According to your current position, it should be near a small wealth warehouse in the east wing of the factory. Going from here to go a hundred yards or so. You should be able to see a large man-made production workshop. The guards there are more strict, don't provoke it for the time being. First bypass the workshop to attack the monitoring room of the East Wing, and let the guard system there be stunned."

"Hey... what is it?"

"Connect the communication device you carry with you into the computer terminal of the East Wing Master Control Room. We will send the cracked program on the side and inject the computer virus to let the system crash. Well, this is our job, you don't have to worry. After the system is down, the entire East Wing is unsupervised, and you can do it."

"I understand. Just do it." The big cat hangs up the line and walks to the monitoring room in the East Wing. Although it is said to "bypass" the man-made production workshop, Paramitis still has to go slowly from the hidden area of ​​the workshop. There seems to be no bypass in the facility that can not enter the workshop at all. Paramitis seemed to glance at the workshop. The defense in the workshop was extremely strict. There were five or six first-generation man-made people patrolling around in a pile of fast-moving equipment. There were only eight groups on the ceiling. The turrets are hidden in every corner of the factory.

Paramitis wondered that it would not be easy to bypass the workshop in this case. Fortunately, his communicator suddenly made a loud bang, and the system was reminding him that the optical camouflage function of the Silverwing geek suit had cooled down and could be used again. This kind of guarded place still has to rely on optical camouflage to sneak past. In two hundred seconds, he must silently finish the large workshop of two hundred yards square. It should be possible, but it is still a bit difficult.

Paramitis pressed the hidden button on the sleeve to launch the optical camouflage function, then lowered the body and sneaked silently and quickly.