Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2348: Lost to the Jedi (9)

Chapter 2348 is lost to the Jedi nine

In fact, Daniel had already guessed about the fact that Saab had not shouted out the entities of light blue powdery crystals. He walked over and reached for a packet of such crystalline powder. He snorted: "The purity is quite high?" How do you know this?"

"I don't have much research on chemicals," his subordinates also picked up a pack of powders and looked at them: "But in the past, the orc unions had sent a small amount of this kind of poison to the soldiers who were seriously injured. Is it an analgesic effect and also has a strong hallucinogenic effect? ​​Those wounded people are basically tied to the hospital bed after taking the medicine and relieving pain, so that they will not be troubled everywhere."

The young rabbits touched the chin: "The dark areas have rich raw materials for making this. The foxes are also proficient in the production of this drug. I remember that some people like people will participate, but people like to abandon the production of poison. ..... is far away. Why is there such a thing in the old nest of the death drug lord?"

"It should be said that it is very unusual for you to think of such a thing in the nest of a group of criminals?" Daniel asked.

"Oh... of course." Saab is indisputable. The death drug lord was originally an evil thief group. This group of guys made dirty drugs. The sale of goods seemed to be justified.

However, this dose is really scary. There are at least 30 wooden crates in this warehouse, and each wooden box contains over 100 packs of poison. Each pack of high-purity ice is at least ten pounds. The purity of such a high degree of poison, the stock is still so large, if the group of thieves successfully sold the batch of drugs in a certain channel, it will be a huge profit that no one can accurately estimate.

Great Britain’s control over drugs is very strict. The poisons that are prohibited by legislation are of course impossible to sell through normal channels. This group of death drug lords must have their own doorways, and this door must also be exceptionally "authoritative", otherwise the poison here will be one percent. I can't flow out to go outside. So Saab suddenly remembered the coat of arms of the old Pantorakin Knights engraved on the weapons of the thieves. He took a deep breath.

"The thieves and the top of the Knights of Great Britain have a relationship of interest!?"

"Seeing this, do you think so? Very good." Daniel said unscrupulously.

"But what exactly can I do?" Saab sighed. "Don't mention how to sell the drugs here. Even if you get the materials for making drugs, you want to transport these materials through the checkpoints in Great Britain. You must get The permission of the local lord. The license is absolutely inaccessible to anyone other than the count."

"...and then?" The silver knight teenager waited for his subordinates to draw conclusions.

"Then, this is not a simple bureaucratic collusion." Saab's forehead burst out of cold sweat: "This is probably related to a huge interest chain in the country. The poison of these thieves can not be in the Knights." Simple manufacturing and sales under the supervision of local nobility. I am afraid that there are quite a lot of people involved in this matter!?"

"Maybe." Daniel replied ambiguously.

"So ------" Saab’s eyes turned. The burgundy eyes of his gray rabbits occasionally give him a feeling of embarrassment when he is turning fast: "What should we do, boss?... Tell these people?"

"Do you find any evidence enough to tell them?" Daniel sneered meaningfully: "No, believe me. Even these careless gangsters will not leave their nests in their nests." [Partner] Unfavorable evidence. The weapon you have just seen with the old Pantoracan coat of arms is not evidence, but a small means of eluting suspects. Who really traces it, this little detail ends up It will only point the evidence to a group of renegade rebel knights. A group of old party betrays who have betrayed Britain and fallen into the grass. Even if this group of people is eliminated, the real behind-the-scenes are still at large, from illegal channels. A lot of money is earning black money. You just can't stop them."

The Grey Rabbit frowned, but he had never thought of it. But why is his boss so clear? I am afraid that I have not traced it once, but I can't find any clues? Although his suspicions and Daniel’s suspicions point to the same group of people, they are absolutely unable to find evidence in such a place. If the guess can only stay at the stage of guessing, those above can easily find an opportunity to exonerate themselves. Can't afford it.

"Boss...we are still rushing away." Saab pleaded: "Don't go deep into the matter here. If your guess is true, there are people in the top of the Knights who interact with these thieves. Collusion, then we have long been in a very unfavorable situation. Even if we escape from this place alive, if the people on the upper level of the Knights know what we are doing, we will definitely find ways to kill us!"

"It’s fine to kill the thieves here." Daniel said in an understatement: "Put the base again and burn any evidence without leaving it. What are you worried about?"

"Are you serious, boss?" Daniel said, Saab's face changed. Although he admits that Daniel has a fairly high fighting ability, Daniel said that it is too impractical to kill every thief in the entire armpit by himself.

"I am serious. Do you want thousands of pounds of poison here. Products flow out into the outside market, poisoning those innocent people? Well? No, those people are not necessarily innocent. Ah hahahahaha---- - "Daniel sneered in a sarcasm, and the laughter made people feel guilty.

This guy is quite crazy. But he seems to know what he is doing. Saab frowned.

"There is still a mother in my family..." He whispered, "I can't die like this. No one takes care of my mother when I die."

"I know what you are worried about, Saab." Daniel yelled: "But we went back like this, risking exposing our whereabouts, waiting for the murder of the Knights to kill, and only die faster. It is the safest way to clean up the thieves who may have leaked our identity here. Do you know Saab?"

The rabbit youth frowned and could not refute. Although it sounds weird, the practice of the Silver Knight Junior may be the only understanding in the current situation.

"Listen, Saab." Daniel continued: "[Death Toxic] is dangerous, but it will also be an opportunity for you to make a profit. The base must have dirty money that they sell illegally, but at the same time, but at the same time It must also be clean and clean, and there is no legal money to trace. Even the equipment of these thieves is unprinted, and the source can not be traced completely. You can simply take the goods for sale. You know that this is completely cleaned up. How much wealth can you earn for your armpits?"

"But...the people behind this must not sit idly by."

"If someone is alive and going back to report, yes." The silver knight teenager said coldly: "But none of them can go back alive. This dirty base will also be burned to a ash by a fire. And you, in fact, only need to follow Just watch the play behind me."

"Hah..." The Grey Rabbits covered their faces: "You deliberately pulled me into the water, right? What are my hatreds and you, why are you doing this to me?" ?"

"I am helping you, Saab." Daniel replied jokingly: "Can you make a profit, isn't it good?"

"Do you still know something? You have something to do with the people on the upper level. This is black and black, right?" Saab asked. "But is this kind of thing you can't do yourself? Why do you pull?" On me?"

"The reason is very simple. Only one person will definitely miss a lot of things. As an orc, your five senses are much better than me, Saab. Even this storage room with a lot of ice but not a lot of ice is not yours. Help find it?"


"In any case, you are already with me now. You can turn around and run, expect those thieves not to see you, you can also help me, kill me with the scum here, so that they can not run. Even if they have a person to ventilate the letter, you can't guarantee your long-term security. And I, I still want them to come to the door, so that I have an excuse to kill again. ------ So what are you going to do? What about Saab?"

The gray rabbit youth frowned again, and it was a bit of a dilemma. Still, his first thought was to pull out a square towel from his pocket and cover his face.

"You know it's useless. There aren't many orcs in Great Britain. There are fewer rabbits. How hard is it to find you in a country?" Daniel muttered.

"I know. It's better than nothing." Saab said, taking out a leather helmet from the enemy's body and covering his head. Of course, his bunny ears, which were originally a little cute, were covered. This affects the auditory sensitivity, causing his hearing to fall to a level similar to that of ordinary humans. But he believes that this can hide his identity to the maximum and it is worth it.

"It's stupid, but it's not stupid," Daniel said sarcastically.

"Thank you for your appreciation." Saab reluctantly said: "So, what are you going to do for me? Is it good to let you out of the wind? Can you guarantee that no one can escape?"

"Let's let the wind ------ Saab, ambush!!" Daniel turned and suddenly shouted.

"Hmm?!" Saab wanted to respond, but it was already late. The youth of the rabbit looked at the emerald green light and penetrated his body. He stabbed from the lower left position of the lower abdomen and felt that the scene in front of him was blurred! Whoever smashed Saab from the back, and used the lightsaber.

"Ha!" Who had a serious injury to Saab, and then sneered: "I thought who would run into the base. It turned out to be two mice? How did you solve the outside guard?" Is it all by luck?"

I felt that my lower abdomen was suffering from convulsions, but I didn’t have much bleeding. This is not a fatal blow. It is estimated that the other party only wants Saab to lose its resistance. He will catch him and slowly torture him. The young rabbit man gasped and gasped, and turned to look at the man who had stolen his sword after him. He wanted to see at least the true face of the sneak attacker before he was unconscious.

From that pale gold armor, the man is... a golden knight from Great Britain? !