Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2350: Lost to the Jedi (11)

Chapter 2350 is lost to Jedi 11

After listening to the shameless words of Baron Mark William, Saab was so excited that he widened his eyes: "You bastard!"

"Don't talk, Saab. Keep your strength." Daniel faintly said: "If you want to leave alive, don't let the other party's radical approach."

The Grey Rabbit people hate to gnash their teeth, but they bite their teeth tightly and let their breathing slow down. Even if the light sword anxious wound inhibited the bleeding of the wound, his abdomen began to swell a lot of blood, and he knew that if he was excited, he would only let himself die of bleeding. If he and Daniel both die in such a place, he can't imagine the consequences. The shady scene in the Knights of Great Britain is expected to recover his body, and then his body will be unloaded for eight transplants of various organs.

Saab seems to see the true face of this so-called "exchange plan." There is actually no communication plan at all. The reason why the Knights of Great Britain agreed to "communicate" with the orc coalition is just to get the orc research samples from the coalition forces.

Saab finally understood that he was just abandoning the child, from the very beginning. He initially hoped that he could rely on his own efforts to come to Great Britain to cure his mother's illness. But in fact--

People on both sides don't care about him, and they don't care about his family. Some people still want to kill him.

"Amount", he took a low breath. Really angry. However, the injury did not allow him to worry. If you are excited again, he will die if he bleeds.

How is the battle over there? His gaze gradually faded, but he could still see a green and purple light colliding with each other. The purple light is of course the light of the light sword in Daniel's hand, and the green one is the golden knight Mark William. Although I can't see who is in the middle of the battle, Saab believes that as long as the purple light does not disappear, it means that Daniel has not lost yet?

Will he be saved? Will his boss save him?

Do not. The reason why he will bring him here is because his boss wants him to die, want to get something from him, from his body, what?

Saab closed his eyes. It’s stupid. His life has been used. Those who have no power and no support are destined to be used by high-ranking people for a lifetime. Why does he think that this new boss called Daniel will be different, why is he naive to believe the guy's ghosts, follow this place?

If you run away from the beginning, will the ending be different?

Good hate -

"Amount!!-" He seemed to hear a scream.

I couldn't understand who was screaming. In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Saab had specially put on a leather helmet that had been searched and covered his rabbit ears. The murmurous screams echoed in the tiny gaps inside the helmet and had long been distorted.

But no matter who's screaming, his Sab's ending is not much different. Full of despair, the young rabbits lost their consciousness in front of the black.

"You are the end!" From behind, a huge hollow knives run through, the golden knight Mark William only tasted the horror of this time, he stared at Daniel: "How to do it!"

"It's magic, probably." Was clearly knocked down by the opponent's lightsaber to the ground, Daniel with one leg broken, and one palm pressed against the ground. Just now, he relied on this fake fake action to secretly release the slashing attack of the empty big knife. He stunned his opponent and made a final blow to him. He pierced Mark William's body from behind.

"Well! Damn! Can't make it!" The golden knight, who was swayed in the air by the sharp blade of the Nether Blade, wanted to use his power to get rid of the control of the knife, but he is now off the ground and is The slanting hangs there, no matter how struggling it is impossible to get your body off the knife tip. It should be said that thanks to the protection of his armor, his body was not immediately cut into two halves by the big knife!

"Huh." Daniel also picked up the cut off right leg and took it back in a few seconds, just like never leaving his leg: "The offensive and defensive ability is good, and they have their own exclusive The stunt, as a gold knight, your strength is OK. Unfortunately, you are too big, angry, thinking that I can easily solve the battle by cutting one leg."

"Bastard!" Looking at the white-haired teenager in front of him, he could easily take the broken leg back. Mark William realized that Daniel was not human: "You monster!"

Daniel smiled: "Is it a good idea to call me a monster? Why don't you look at your right arm and repeat the word monster?"


Not waiting for Mark William to finish the conversation, Daniel went up to a sword and directly smashed the head of the scum. The Golden Knight is no different.

The "darkness" in the Knights of Great Britain is actually deeper than Daniel imagined.

"Saab, how are you?" Daniel looked at the gray rabbit people in the past.

Saab is not good at all, his consciousness is unknown, and his breathing is quite weak. Under normal circumstances, it will be hurt to that extent, and it will not be exhausted in such a short time. Is it because this guy is already very weak and malnourished, plus the words that have stimulated him to cause major bleeding? one way or another--

"Just there! Don't let them escape!" Hearing the fierce fighting sounds, a large group of thieves emerged. The leader of the death drug thief group ran out.

"You guys! Let's connect our joints too!" The sturdy man with a giant axe saw the tragic death of the golden knight, Mark William, and roared: "Kill him! Anyway!" The man who put his head rewards a thousand gold coins!"

"Good old-fashioned lines." Daniel groaned and rushed to fight the arrogant thieves. The thieves had not even had time to pull out their weapons, and Daniel’s hand-wrapped Void knives had already cut off most of them!

The leader of the thief group used a giant axe to force a large sweep of the hollow knives and felt his arms numb. He was scared, and instantly knew how terrible the monster Daniel was. He also knew that Mark William’s death could not be summarized by a simple unlucky one.

"Catch and grab him!!" He yelled in panic, while withdrawing, and ordered his younger brothers to get caught in Daniel.

None of his men were willing to listen, all turned and prepared to flee.

Hey! ! The Naked Daqu Knife, which has just disappeared from midair, has already been stabbed at the feet of these guys. The ground stab attack runs through the body of another thief. The knives also began to sneak around the ground in a circle, and whoever hits it will cut it in half or diagonally!

"You monster!" The thief group headed back to avoid the big knife, while throwing something from the waist and throwing it at Daniel. From that sharp black flash, it should be a kind of dagger-like hidden weapon, and it has already been poisoned. Daniel didn't think much about cutting his sword and trying to get the poisonous knife down. But when his lightsaber touched the poisonous flying knife, the thing split, split into four or five smaller pieces, and flew in different directions. Two of the pieces hit the Daniel calf and There is no place for armor protection on the lower abdomen!

"Yeah." Daniel snorted, and the place where he was recruited could not help but numb.

"Ah, hahahaha! Look at you again!" Seeing Daniel poisoned the darts, the leader also smiled smugly: "That is the poison that even elephants can poison in a minute! You are Let's die!"

"Sorry." Daniel also sneered, suddenly flashing behind the head, a sword smashed the heart of the leader: "I just anti-poison, this little poison can not help me."

"Amount! You"

When Daniel didn't say anything, he summoned the empty knives and smashed his head and smashed the head of the criminal.

Other thieves are still struggling to escape, Daniel has naturally swept his lightsaber in his hand, slashing several in a moment, releasing the empty knives and slashing and killing several others. The last thief who only managed to escape did not even know what was going on. Daniel teleported to these people and let the idiot hit his own sword on the tip of the lightsaber and smashed his head.

After "Saab" completely destroyed the entire death drug thief thief, Daniel had intended to search for it and scrape all the money in the base. But he considered the injury of the Grey Rabbit youth and immediately gave up the idea. Anyway, he can use the momentary movement, the coordinates of this base are also memorized in the heart, and the next time you come to search again - just then he may have to endure the discomfort caused by the odor of the body.

He used to look at the rabbit's injury, and the gray rabbit Saab, who was already unconscious at the moment, seemed to be burning. Daniel quickly removed the chestnut of the young rabbit, and immediately treated the wound of Saab's lower abdomen with medical gel and gauze, and picked him up and took it away. Just leaving the nest of the death drug thieves thief group, Daniel immediately transferred, with Saab to somewhere.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, in a suburb of Edinburgh, a quiet place.

In the Gothenburg cafe, this is another busy day. Originally a coffee shop founded with friends and fun, but gradually have a feeling for it, although it is a shift system, but the black cat, also Charlotte, is often the most often in this coffee shop. When the boss is a man. As usual, her morning started by cleaning the kitchen in the cafe and setting it up clean, and she came to the sanitation at six o'clock in the morning, so that she could finish the lap at 9 o'clock in the morning. All equipment materials are prepared before the official business hours.

It was like this, until someone suddenly disrupted her rhythm.

"Wow!" The black cat working in the coffee shop's kitchen was shocked by the sudden appearance of a white-haired teenager: "Daniel?"