Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2370: Lost in the Jedi (31)

Chapter 2370 is lost to the Jedi 31

"Hey!" At the moment when the lower abdomen was shot by the deep red laser, Leo seemed to endure great pain. He only implicitly stunned and immediately shouted: "Hold your head!"

Elaine probably knows what Leo wants. He has already held his head in his hands and made a protective move. The human body is very fragile. The next thing that will happen is that he himself is not sure whether he can get through, but he has no choice but to rely on the accumulated combat experience to protect his actions. Reduce damage as much as possible!

Boom! The lion-born boy, Leo, who had been hit hard, couldn’t stand up and fell. He made a throwing posture before he fell and cast the slap of Elaine. The white-haired boy Elaine, who was thrown out in a group, was rolled up at the moment of landing, rolling over the hard concrete floor, and rolling all the way out! Originally, he still had some concerns about whether his fragile human body would break his hands and feet during the rolling process. However, the child’s body seemed to be very soft, and the arm bones and the calf bones were more resilient than expected, in a series of shocks. It turned out to be down!

"Well!" Despite the fact that the arms and legs are not broken, it is still very painful to roll continuously on the hard ground. Elaine feels a burning pain in his arms and legs and even on his back. It is estimated that those places have been bruised in pieces. !

"Ilan, run!" Before the white-haired boy climbed up, he had already heard Leo yelling behind him: "Get up the courage to run! Run a few more steps into the sea, and the monster will not catch up!" "

Even if Leo said this, Elaine climbed up and found that his legs were still soft, and fear still occupies his weak heart. And more importantly -

The desert konjac seemed to see Elaine, and it rushed forward, grabbed the fallen lion boy in one hand, grabbed his head and lifted him up, and lifted it to Elaine as a demonstration.

[You dare to escape, I will kill your friend. ]

Even if the monster does not speak, its intention is very obvious.

The huge fist of the Crimson Desert Konjac is bigger than Leo’s head. It seems that as long as it is a little harder, it can pinch the head of the Lion’s boy.

Leo looked at Elaine calmly. He was still **** at the corner of his mouth, and said to the white-haired boy with a smile: "Okay, that's fine."


"You are going to flee, don't worry about me. I don't live long after, and now it's no different from death after a year." Leo smiled bitterly: "The point is that you live and remember me forever. Then I will be forever. Live in your heart. I am your hero, Elaine."

Ignoring the dialogue between Elaine and Leo, the desert konjac approached step by step, after all, Elaine did not continue to escape.

"Why don't you escape, idiot!" Seeing Elaine still standing still, Leo began the last struggle, constantly twisting his body and hoping to escape from the hands of the desert konjac. The arm of the Crimson Desert konjac is very powerful, so that the head of the lion boy is tightly grasped, and the fearless struggle of Leo is not put in the eye. However, the golden lion quickly found a small dagger from the waist, and the backhand stroked the ligament on the desert konjac wrist accurately. The guy's arm was immediately released!

"It's now!" Leo shouted. He also angered the crimson desert konjac while causing damage to the monster. The monster clenched into a fist with the other hand and slammed it before Leo landed. The lion and the young man fell to the ground!

"Leo!!!" - I saw a piece of blood on the ground, and Elaine screamed.

The concrete floor is broken around the location of the Leo's location and extends a large area. Leo was the whole body falling into the ground and never climbed up again.

"No!!!" - Elaine shouted more heartbreakingly.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumbling!

The atmosphere began to vibrate, with Elaine as the center, an invisible shock wave spreading outward. He is angry.

The crimson desert konjac did not know that he was alive and dead, and he dropped Leo, who had no resistance, and approached Elaine step by step. In front of it, Elaine is a weak human being, a delicious lunch, a nutritious product at his fingertips, but it does not see the truth of the matter.

The truth is that Elaine, who is angry with humanity, is more horrible than ever.

The fine concrete blocks, the various debris in the playground, all the light and small items around the gravel of the large and small sandstones all rise up, and the whole world seems to enter a gravity-free environment. Even Elaine’s body has risen into the air, floating like a ghost.

"Dream power?" Lying on the ground, dying, but still barely maintaining the light Leo, witnessed this scene, whispered: "Do humans really have such a strong motivation?"

Telekinesis is also a kind of magic, strictly speaking a kind of kinetic magic. It looks mysterious, but the principle is very simple. Objects that appear to be moved by the air are actually connected by the operator with a thin line of invisible photons, and then move like a line puppet in response to the user's will.

Eventually it will become like this, and the surrounding rubble and light and small objects will become "weapons" controlled by Elaine, flying around the white-haired teenager.

Boom! A piece of cement slammed heavily on the deep red desert konjac. The angle of attack was very smashing. It belonged to the dead end of the monster's vision, so it reacted after being shackled, but it was already late. The cement block has a head size and the quality is still quite large. It can't be said that it is not painful in the desert konjac. Although it does not cause much actual damage, it pulls the monster out and makes it small to the other side. Retired one.

Hey! ! More cement blocks smashed into the desert konjac. All the dead things around, that is, objects that are not protected by [absolute domain] and can be easily manipulated, have already been fully controlled by Elaine. If anyone at the scene can use True Vision and see the world of photons, I am afraid that the thin lines of thousands of tens of thousands of photons can be seen radiating from Elaine's body, connecting those objects! Even if you can't use True Vision, if you see a lot of rubble and gravel flying around the boy, you have to admit that the scene is spectacular enough!

The continuous throwing hit the crimson desert konjac. None of the attacks was fatal, but no one attack could be avoided by the monster. This is just a warning and demonstration of the desert konjac, let the arrogant monster clear, Elaine is a bad opponent!

"Oh!!" The rubble that was entangled with it fluttered back and forth was very annoying. The Crimson Desert konjac opened its **** mouth and fired a deep red wave gun at Elaine. The power is not high, but the short and fine spurs of the amazingly deep red-fluctuation guns, aiming at the position where Elaine is in a hurry, normally with the power of the white-haired boy, it is impossible to escape the attack!

Hey! However, just as the deep red wave gun almost touched Elaine's moment, the boy's body swayed and escaped! His speed was so fast that he even left his own shadow in the original place. The deep red wave gun penetrated the image, but the real Elaine swayed to the side three feet away without any damage. !

That's right, with Elaine's physical ability at this time, of course, there is no way to escape the fast and awkward attack of the deep red wave gun. But now Elaine, who floats in midair, is supposed to use the power of movement to move. As long as he exerts a propulsive force on his body, he can easily evade any close high-speed attack at a very high speed. The track of the deep red wave gun attack is fixed, and the harbinger of the move is so obvious that it is a strange thing to hide!

"Is that **** mouth, hurting Leo?" Elaine whispered, and at this moment he was a little bit stunned, but the lion boy was shot through the lower abdomen by the crimson wave gun. He remembered: "That will It plugs it up."

Boom! Without waiting for the desert konjac to react, countless rubble and gravel have already flew toward its mouth. Before it successfully closed its stinky mouth, the stone that was several times larger than its mouth had already flown into its mouth. In the middle, the hard-plug like forcibly blocked the **** mouth!

"Hey?!" Even the monster made a very strange boring.

"Ilain, my sword!" Lions and Leo tried to make a cry.

Elaine was silent, and seemed to find the sword that Leo had fallen in the scene. It was not difficult to find, and the golden sword slipped aside with the end of Leo, but because the color of the metal was too windy under the sun, the golden light that was shining was easily discovered by Elaine.

The white-haired teenager stretched out a hand and sucked Leo's long sword away with his power. He took it in his hand. The sniper of the gravel can make the desert konjac smashed, but it lacks decisive lethality, and the ability to do this, the smashing of the monster, is the sharp sword.

The desert konjac, whose mouth was blocked, was already angry and began to ignore the obstruction of the surrounding rubble and rushed toward Elaine. Its claws are swept out, and it has the meaning of tearing Elaine into pieces!

Hey! It’s useless. The white-haired juvenile machine that uses its power to move itself is far more powerful than the opponent, and can fly at a certain height. He just retreats casually and immediately avoids the attack of the desert konjac. It also flew to the height that the monster's claws could not reach.

"I still don't understand?" Elaine had just escaped the opponent's blow and immediately said coldly: "At the moment you provoke me, you are already dead."

At the same time, Elaine's golden sword in his hand was thrown out - largely relying on the power of the mind rather than his own arm - the sword flew at an astonishing speed and flew out like a knife wheel to the desert konjac. ! A golden light swayed, and one of the monster's arms had fallen!