Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2407: Sneak into the secluded domain (12)

Chapter 2407 sneaked into the secluded domain twelve

Half an hour later, on the Atlantic Ocean.

The black lion, standing on the deck of a large cruiser, enjoyed the comfortable sea breeze while picking up his mobile phone and dialing a number.

"Hakon?" The voice of a young man came from the microphone.

"Oh, Dear Prince, I am on the high seas now," Hakon said in a scornful tone.

"Put up your set, Hakon." The young voice in the microphone is actually the Golden Lion Leo. He is using a slightly disgusting tone: "You are so good that you can make a joke, it seems that the mission is a success. ?"

"It's a success, unless they have a back." Hakon grinned, and glanced at the deck and stood ten yards away, monitoring the Prince of Tristan. The prince was looking at Harbin on the side of the hole, seemingly trying to overhear the words of the black lion, but Hakong was very cleverly covering his mouth and talking, and the volume was controlled by the other person’s acuity and could not be overheard. s level. Hakon wanted to laugh when he saw the fisherman prince wanting to eavesdrop and couldn’t hear anything.

"What about your situation? Is everything going smoothly?" Hakon asked again.

"The most difficult thing to get is the purple stone, I will be prepared. The snow stone sister on the side of the gold stone said that she would find a way." Leo replied, "and she has always been resourceful, don't worry about her."

"Really, my Royal Highness is much better than us."

"So, can you put away that set..." Whenever Hakon called him and Schreider with "Prince" and "Princess", Leo was annoyed: "The kingdom is so long." It was destroyed before, and it is also mentioned."

"I, even if the kingdom has been destroyed, it will be remembered for a lifetime." Hakon closed his eyes and sighed: "Remember the beautiful kingdom of the past, remembering the wonderful times that you spent in the kingdom when you were young. I am Such a person who lived in the past, His Royal Highness."

The other end of the microphone was in a deep silence.

"You certainly won't understand your prince. After all, when you are so young, the kingdom is destroyed." Hakon smiled bitterly. "But please also think about the old courtiers, don't forget your responsibility and mission. If If one day you can restore the country, you are the new king of the kingdom."

"Province province, Hakon." Leo sighed: "Most of the people died when they were killed. There are only a hundred lions left in the world. What are the small groups that are not enough? Is the rich country sport?"

"I hope there is still something. If it is true?" Ha Kong laughed.

I heard that Hakong was so cheeky that Leo sighed faintly: "So for your vain hopes, I have to make constant sacrifices and do what I don't want to do. You are really a group of selfish ghosts."

"Don't say this, His Royal Highness the Prince." The black lion smiled more cheekyly: "The dozen girls I have given you before, the quality is OK? How do you feel after enjoying it?"

The other party replied for a while: "...just a routine, there is no feeling."

"So the prince does not like the girls? I understand, I will arrange the next batch of people after going back."

"..." Leo was in silence again.

"What is it, Your Royal Highness?"

"I always feel that it is really sad." Golden Lion Leopold suddenly said.


"The girls you arranged are just for my money, or I feel very handsome, I am willing to do that kind of thing with me. Who in the future will have my child, maybe use it as an excuse to blackmail again?" Let's make a sum. "The lion boy sighed low: "It is impossible to find true love among such guys. And the one I really love... I am afraid I will never accept it."

"There is no such thing. His Royal Highness is so cute, oh no, handsome."

"...even that." Leo sighed long: "I often feel very scared. If we talk about the real thoughts in our hearts, the relationship between us will become It’s totally different. The person may alienate me and treat me like a monster. But I can’t wait any longer. I haven’t had much time left.”

This time, it was the turn of the black lion Hakong to be silent for a while.

"It is better to tell your own ideas," he said.

"you are serious?"

"You said, you haven't had much time left. If you don't take the opportunity to say your thoughts, if you really die, you will never have the chance to tell each other. The other person will never know how you are." Think about it. The other person will forget you, and gradually forget you as the years go by. In comparison, you don't think this is more annoying than being abused by the other party, is it worse? Go and confess, try at least once. In this way, you are no longer a haste in the other person's life. The impact of the confession may last for a month, a year, a decade, or even a lifetime. If the other party really cares about you, it will not be so simple. I forgot your confession. After all, you took the most courage and told the person your true feelings."

"Really." Leo seemed to have made up his mind in silence.

"So, confession, would you like me to help?" Hakon tempted and asked: "If you arrange a suitable place for you or create an atmosphere, you can still do it..."

"No. Don't intervene." Leo said: "This can't be rushed... I will think of it myself."

"Yes. The timing is grasped by His Royal Highness Prince." Hakong said with a smile: "But life is too short, your life is shorter, and you don't wait until the moment you die, thinking about confessing to that person." ----- Absolutely too late, will definitely regret a lifetime."

When it comes to this, a picture of a girl flashed in his own mind, and his heart could not help but tighten.

"The crow's mouth." The golden lion fell coldly and then quickly hung up.

Hakon also put away the phone, deep burgundy double pupils, looking into the distance of the sea.

The person you love...?

I don't know how long it took, Cairo in Africa, in the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea.

"Well...!" Biddeville blinked and found an oxygen mask on his mouth, and his body was entangled in a dull pain. He knows that he is not hurt from the inside out. The dull pain is the result of suppressing the real pain during the effective period of the painkiller. If the painkiller fails, it is estimated that it is heartbreaking throughout the body. It hurts a lot.

However, it is a good thing to feel pain. This means that he is still alive and is struggling to survive from the death line.

Husky. At this moment, only the image of the young man was thought in Bediville’s mind.

If there is no son to save him, Bediville will definitely die this time, or will pay a much heavier price than death. However, Husky, or Husky, who returned to this era from the future, saved his life. Husky brings to Bediville more than just the choice to survive, there is hope. He has been searching for his son for a long time, and even believes that he has no hope of Bediville, but he has seen his son from the future.

Since that Husky has saved him from the future, that is to say, [modern] Husky must still be alive, certainly somewhere in the world, waiting for Bedieville to find him.

His process of finding a son is still not improving, he does not even know where to start looking. But he knows at least that he still has hope. Just knowing this, let the young Werewolf youth, who was gradually devoured by despair because of doubts, the whole person is like a new life.

Correct. I can no longer waste time in this place.

He struggled to get up, but whoever put his head on the pillow again: "What do you want?"

"Arthur...?" Because of the oxygen mask on his mouth, Bedieville was extremely vague.

"Your crew are safe, there is a mystery that prevents the crew from being sent to a safe place in the sand sea and sends us a signal. Your encounter is similar to the crew, who was saved? Waiting for Great Britain When the medical team arrived at the 73rd supply station, there were no other people besides you and the beacons around you. So I have to ask, who is the mysterious person? Who is it, as if I have known everything Will you and your crew be so promptly rescued in such a coincident time and place? Do you know anything, Bedieville?"

"No..." Bedieville was hesitant to tell Arthur about the things of Husky. Given that the future time traveler Husky was risking the rescue of Bediville, the Werewolf youth thought it would be better to keep it all secret.

"Don't you know? I don't know." King Arthur has been testing Bediville, and it seems to have seen through the blinking eyes of Bediville: "If it is not convenient, you will not ask you." Keep your secret in your heart, Biddyville."

King Arthur usually speaks to Bedieville with [I] claiming that when he uses [朕] to claim himself... he is very unpleasant.

"You are not hurt, take a rest." The Cavaliers stretched out and touched Bediville's head like a comforting child: "The Twilight's combat module was badly damaged, but after the experts diagnosed it, they thought it was like a combat module. Separation of parts is beneficial for reconstruction, and the combat module should be repaired soon. Before that, you and your crew are estimated to be wronged and stay in the life module."

"It is estimated that this is the design." Bedieville smiled bitterly.

King Arthur stood up and turned to leave the medical room.

"Oh, yes, do you know this?" He suddenly remembered what he was like, and said: "The old Sphinx, the owner of the Cairo Grand Casino and the Cairo Grand Hotel, passed away yesterday."

"Yes." The Werewolf youth had only heard of this person, but he had never seen Sphinx's old face from the beginning, so when King Arthur said this, Bedieville did not know what to do.

"Palamidis is estimated to be very sad." He thought that the Leopard warrior was the "son" of the Sphinx's old man, and he said casually.

"God knows. The big cat and his two sons are said to be attending the memorial service of the old lady tonight, and even to be a family member of the old man." King Arthur said again: "Whether this is a component of personal feelings, only They know it."

"It’s enough to say that Paramy is so embarrassing..." Bedieville smiled bitterly.

"But the guy suddenly inherited a great legacy. It seems to be a few hundred million." The Cavalier King brows up: "After all, I took such a large sum of money, even if it’s just a pretentious son, it should be done. Things still have to be done. When you can get out of bed, do you want to go to the old memorial service tonight?"

"...If Paramitis invited me, I will go." The werewolf youth replied indifferently. Although he and the Sphinx, he is alive.

"Call. That's fine." King Arthur fell thoughtfully and slammed the door and pushed the door out.