Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2470: Tracking in Yangyan (six)

Chapter 2470 is traced to Yang Yanliu

[well. ]

Yang Yan’s immortal bird stood up from the nest and seemed to be twice as tall. The sun's radiance is more vigorous, and everything around it is brighter.

[Come here, little girl. It is safer here. The canyon, which is comparable to the Sun, said that it was willing to provide shelter for Sherrichad, one of the witnesses, to protect her from the scour of the next fierce battle.

Sherrichad took care of it and gracefully walked over to the Sunbird. A barrier made up of daylight flames spread out beside the sunbird and is shield-shaped, seemingly strong enough to withstand extremely powerful impacts.

[As for you,] Sunbird said to Bediville again: [Moon, come out. ]

The Werewolf youth stood up from the ground, then raised his left arm and slammed the [Sunday of the Sun God].

Just showing it, it gives off a soft golden glow, or it is inlaid on it is a gold jewel [Sun 瞳] is shining.

[it has started. ] The dead bird said.

There was some invisible force that began to grab from Bediville's arm and take the gold ring out. That was not a gentle force, and Biddiville even felt that the force was a bit violent to take the golden ring from his hand. Fortunately, his left arm was just a prosthetic made of Mithril. He didn't know the pain. He was pulled and not damaged.

After being taken out, [the sun of the sun god] floated in front of Bediville’s eyes, floating in a state that seemed to be unaffected by gravity, hovering, only the ring itself slowly and irregularly rotating . The golden light radiating from it spreads unevenly across the square and the surface, which is a bit dazzling.

[With the jewel removed, you can't look back. ] Sunbird adults finally warned, [Ready? ]

"I am ready." Bediwell nodded.

[then ------]


The Werewolf youth can hear a crisp sound like a broken glass. At the same time, he also saw that the golden gems inlaid on the golden ring in front of him were pulled down by some invisible force and separated from [Japanese]. Although it sounds like something is broken, in fact the golden crystal is completely disassembled and floats to a higher altitude.

Originally like a gold-plated, extremely luxurious [Sunday of the Sun God], the moment the gemstones were removed, the color suddenly changed into a dark silver that was daunting.

"Dark moon" ------ If you use this word to describe it, it should be appropriate. Unlike the sun that warms the sun and nourishes everything, its darkness and deepness make people feel chilling.

The "control unit" was dismantled, and the "dark moon wheel", which was completely uncontrolled, finally changed back to its original form from [the sun **** of the sun], which is [the moon of the moon god].

The **** of the moon [Kangshi] is the **** of vengeance, the king of truth, the author of fate. For Bettyville, the Werewolf youth who spent the rest of his life searching for ways to change his destiny, he has to rely on the power of [the author of fate] in the end, which is, ironic.

No, maybe not ironic. Before he can get this "power to change his destiny", he must first defeat the "destiny" itself.

------ Only by using your own strength to defeat "destiny" can you make a change and achieve a greater morale. Is this not a normal and reasonable thing?

As expected, the [moon moon of the moon god] after the removal of the golden jewel [Sun of the Sun] began to lose control.

It was only speeding up the rotation, and it was a kind of unobtrusive feeling. Then it began to release the electromagnetic ball that had been released before, so that the **** would rotate around the body of it.

Bediville is a user of [Japanese] and he is familiar with the performance and capabilities of these balls. It is because he knows what the **** can do and feels chilling.

The werewolf youth immediately stepped back and opened the distance with [the moon of the moon god]. Because those electromagnetic ball can collide at any time, and with their strength and quality, as long as they hit Biddiville, the werewolf young and young will suffer serious internal injuries, but the body will be directly opened a hole!

Then twelve electromagnetic black **** came in like a storm, and they attacked Bediville from the left and right sides and up and down. They were fast and slow, from first to last. At first, it’s so dazzling that it’s extremely difficult to dodge!

"Hey!" The Werewolf Youth instantly launched the silver bracelet on the right arm and injected [accelerating potion] into his blood! The drug made his feelings sharp, as if time was slowing down. At the same time, he also pulled out the tungsten tortoise whip and the black moon steel steel scimitar to block, first use the whip to open three of the small balls, and then use the curved knife to block the other four. Because there is a time lag, the slow left-handed sharing of Bettiville's electromagnetic black ball is barely escaped by the werewolf youth with agile hands. They are rubbed from Bediville's shoulders, waist, ears, and calves. But did not hit!

"It’s just this level of attack --" He just wanted to say something, but he saw the little black ball around it start to shine.

Electro-optical? ! He discovered that he was surrounded by twelve electromagnetic ball **** and was in the center of the black ball community! Wait, isn't that bad? !

啪滋! ! ------ Twelve black **** simultaneously emit amazing blue light, and the powerful current jumps back and forth among the small ball formations, shining, bursting, and instantly forming an inseparable power network. Sleep the werewolf youth in it!

"Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!! ------" The current that swayed back and forth was beaten on Bediville, like thousands of heavy hammers licking him. That's like that!

He thought that he knew all the moves that the [Sun God of the Sun] could make, and thought that he knew [Japanese], but in fact his knowledge is like a slap in the face, even the most basic of electromagnetic ball. I don't know how to use it! The ball itself is not only thrown out in the form of flying props, but after they fly out to encircle the enemy, they can form such a powerful electromagnetic force network and trap the enemy!

Despite this, the flying ball still follows a certain rule. After flying out a certain distance, it is retracted and returns to the [moon moon of the moon god] flying around. The discharge just lasted for less than a second, but the power of the electric shock has made the young people of the werewolf unable to move and squat on the ground!

"Hey...!" He tried to get himself back, no results. Electric shock is one of the most effective means of suppressing biology. After being strongly shocked, no matter how strong the body is, it will temporarily lose its resistance!

Bedyville was temporarily unable to move, and the twelve **** on the opposite [Moon] were spinning wildly, and it seemed that another wave of offensive was about to start! In this case, being hit by a small ball will be dead! !

"Well...!" The werewolf youth struggled to spread the palm of his hand, releasing the fire of the spell, and began to read words in his mouth.

[Mantra], was said from his mouth.

[You are you, Bedieville.

No matter what you change, no matter what you have experienced, no matter what you used to be, you are still you.

It is all the efforts you have made in the past, and all the choices in your life, whether right or wrong, have created you.

You are you, not others, irreplaceable.

[You] is shaped by everything you have in the past, now this form [you].

Here and now, here, continue, continue, as long as life has not passed away, it will not end.

So this is your life.

Your own life.

No matter how humble or small a life is in this vast universe,

Your life is still your life.

A unique, unrepeatable life. ]

"Hello, ah!!" The fire of the spell began to respond fiercely in response to the call of the werewolf youth.

The flame surrounded him all the way, turning the silver wolf into a red wolf, and the red wolf Bediville, surrounded by a seemingly burning flame without real temperature, climbed again.

If the body does not listen, then use the fire of the spell to control itself. He controlled the fire of the spell with his will, and the fire of the spell controlled his body, so he controlled his body like a puppet. And this control is more convenient than the body that is actually controlled by the nervous system. As long as he has this thought in his heart, the body will naturally move, ignoring the delay of the nervous system to convey information to the muscle system.

"It turned out to be the case." Snowy Chad, who looked at it all the way, said: "The look is like a dead bird."

[Why do you think it is just "like"? ] Sunbird adults suddenly spoke.

"Hmm?!" Snowy Chad snorted and seemed to suddenly understand what.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Biddyville, who got up again, panted and raised his arms to fight again: "Come on!"

Hey! ! ------From the [Moon], there are twelve electromagnetic ball **** flying again, and they have a dangerous blue light from the moment they just appeared. It seems that they are only from the black ball. You will suffer a violent electric shock when you gently rub it on the side!

What is the "plasma charging system"? Bedieville remembered who had told him before, and [the sun **** of the sun] this hidden system, the werewolf youth only used once. I only used it once to know that the power of this thing is huge. Betdiville certainly does not dare to neglect. A side slide step will greatly avoid the attacks of these small black balls.

Then he saw the black **** flying away from the side of the two yards, pulling out another arc of blue, falling on the ground, bouncing, and shooting out countless dazzling electric lights, as if on the ground. The flower of energy that grows in vain! What a terrible attack! If Biddyville now has the bonus of the spell, the speed and reaction ability are several times faster than before. It is estimated that it has been hit by several charged black balls, and it is unable to move by the current. The current is cooked!

[The Moon of the Moon God] has self-awareness, and Bedieville cannot make a conclusion. However, "not strong enough, it is not qualified to be its owner" -------- [Moon] makes this kind of fatal attack on Bediville, probably this means!