Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2497: Critical to Amethyst (20)

Chapter 2497 is critical to Amethyst

Five minutes later, the official residence of a senior official.

"Senior officials also live in such a place." Paramitis stopped the iron ride at the top of the building, which was less than ten stories high, and whispered. The buildings here are not exclusive residences for officials, but the Egyptian government has subsidized some officials to rent buildings, and some officials who advocate cost savings will choose to live in such insignificant places.

It seems that the official that Preston said was replaced by the man-made person is an honest and honest official, and that's right. The big corrupt officials will certainly not be living in such a place where security and fire fighting conditions are worrying.

Every time Paramitis "hunts" a clean official, it will make the Egyptian government's corruption more serious. Once I think of this, there is a weird feeling in the heart of the Leopard Warrior. But when you think about it, these so-called "clear officials" have long since disappeared, and all of them have been replaced by artificial people. Instead of letting them exist, let the college continue to secretly control the entire government agency, it is better to give these guys a good time.

The iron ride was parked in the shadows of the building, and it was hidden. Paramitis, dressed in a silver-winged geek, also carefully touched the stairs. Of course, the roof of the roof was locked and could not be opened normally. The big cat used a small photon dagger to directly smash the lock and open the door silently.

He thought that all his actions were quiet enough and low-key, and would not cause any vigilance to anyone. But when he just opened the door, he saw the first generation of artificial man standing in the stairwell with a metal skeleton. He was instantly scared and almost even the blood was frozen.

However, Paramitis is a veteran warrior after all. He has been many times faster than the average person since he was shocked and revived. The opposite man saw Paramitis pushing the door. When he just wanted to move, the big cat had rushed up and used the silver* bayonet to run through the artificial man's mechanical head. With a flash of electric sparks, the man of the metal skeleton of the whole body twitched down, and was held by Paramitis before landing, and slowly put down, so it almost did not make a sound of falling to the ground.

"Call." The silver-winged geek sighed across the masked long scarf.

Unexpectedly, it is reasonable. The college has already begun to act. Although it is impossible for the college to send all the agents to recover or destroy the officials who have been replaced by artificial people, they can give priority to the production of second-generation man-made people to guard the residences of these officials, just to prevent the likes. People like Ramidis came to hunt these important replacements. The college may only delay the time, but Paramitis understands that he must race against time. Maybe a few minutes later, more artificial people will come in, and even the "college stalker" mentioned by Preston will come to clean up the portal. If it is dragged to that time, the situation of Paramitis It will be extremely unfavorable.

Room 903, Building 9, Public Affairs Bureau, Moh Yez. Paramitis mourned in his heart, quietly and swiftly going straight to the location of the mission while keeping his voice as quiet as possible. Fortunately, he put all the lists down before performing the task. You don't have to open the data again to confirm, which can save him a lot of time.

"Ha!" Sure enough, there were two first-generation man-made people at the gate of Room No. 903. They were still the kind of skeleton-like mass production, and they did not hold weapons in their hands. At best, they were to delay the time. Arranged here. Paramitis did not spend more than half a second to go with them, rushing past one knife, and using the bayonet of * to sweep the two mechanical heads of two artificial people. The first generation of artificial people are all metal skeleton structures, and most of them are shoddy, and the joints of the neck are very fragile, even the silver* bayonet can be easily cut.

lb! Although a bit rough, the Leopard warrior still kicked the door open.

"What ------" The other party has not called out, and the Leopard warrior dressed up by the Silver Wings rushed over and cut off the head of the man. He still remembers that the man-made person has a self-destructing acid solution*. Once these artificial people carrying important information are killed, * will start counting down, explode, and then the strong acid that is shot in all directions will have a radius. Everything within five feet was dissolved into a pool of green paste, and the artificial man was destroyed by an instant, and the secrets of the college were thus proudly preserved. So Paramitis did not scorn, and when he cut off the man’s head, he made a foot and flew the guy’s headless body in the direction of the window. It just fell out and fell into two. In the dark alley between the buildings, the sound should be poured into the garbage bin.

Oh! Then it was the explosion of acid*, the sound of nourishment was endless, and the white smoke slowly rose upstairs. I am afraid that the garbage bin was corroded together with the garbage inside.

"What are you doing?!" a teenager who fell to the ground and exclaimed, from the blood of the young man's forehead, Paramitis could probably guess that the child was being beaten. Probably because there were artificial people outside the door to "clean up the mess", the man who disguised as a high official was anxious to keep the secret of his identity, and tried to stun the official's original family.

On the other side, it seems that the woman of the official's original wife had already slammed into the wall and temporarily fainted. On the contrary, the teenager in front of Paramitis has not fainted, and saw the scene of "Silver Wings" killing his "father".

Paramitis did not explain too much, reaching into the brain of the man-made person and grabbing a plastic component that was as big as a thumb. Fortunately, he had seen the way someone took a component from the artificial brain, so he also painted the gourd and quickly and violently took it out of the man's head.

"Your father has long been gone. This is a man-made person who has been replaced." Palamidis has a thick voice and learns to use the voice of a silver-winged geek to say, "I am a partner of the righteous silver-wing geek, specializing in Eliminate evil man-made people!"

"You ------!" The boy apparently did not believe in Paramitis's words. Of course, even if the other party pulled out a mechanical component from his "father"'s head, he suddenly believed that it was still Very difficult thing, he just wanted to scream for help: "Come on! Kill ------"

"Sleep!" The big cat has already flashed to the back of the boy. The light knife is not slamming on the other's back: "Don't mention this to anyone after waking up, in order to protect yourself, and your mom!"

The boy’s brain was slammed and began to turn forward. He had just listened to Paramitis’s instructions and immediately fainted.

The leopard warriors also jumped out of the window and climbed from the outer wall of the building to the top of the building. After a series of big moves just now, the risk of taking the stairs is greater than walking the outer wall. He has to rush to the next destination, in order to avoid entanglement with the reinforcements of the man-made, of course, is a low-key. Fortunately, Palamidis is a green knight who can control his body to make small deformations. He does not need to rely on too many tools to climb the wall, directly using his sharp claws and the barbs temporarily raised on the palm of his hand. It is completely enough to climb freely on the brick wall of the building. He even jumped and climbed. It took only about ten seconds to reach the top of the building and rushed toward his small iron ride. Although the iron ride was parked there, it was still in operation and did not turn off. It took him less than three seconds to fly from the start of the iron ride to the lift. When he drove a small iron ride and quietly flew away from the building, the exit of the rooftop was just three generations of artificial people. They seem to have speculated about the actions of Paramitis from the position of the first man who guarded the stairwell, and rushed over to investigate the situation. But their actions were still a step slower than the Leopard warriors, and they did not even notice that Paramitis had left.

"Next." The Leopard warrior looked far away at another slightly higher building outside the 100 yards. In the surrounding city center, and in the government office area, there are many government officials living here. Although it is convenient for the "hunting" of the silver-wing geeks, it is also convenient for the college to send people to obstruct. It is estimated that the building in the other side has already been equipped with a generation of second-generation man-made people as guards.

The big cat stuffed the first man-made component that was recycled into the pocket of the object and thought about it. He also doesn't know how many such components are needed to crack the signal and track the location of the college. But the component is definitely not enough. Even if you use the "triangulation method", you need at least three such artificial components. Under the premise of three guarantees, of course, the more components collected, the better. In addition to helping the Rebels crack the signal, it is sure to get some useful information about the college from these components.

Hey! The small iron ride carried Paramitis and stopped at the roof of the building where the next target was located with minimal movement. Similarly, there are no artificial people on the roof. The college also wants to "keep a low-key". Certainly, people who don't want them are easily seen by some good people on other floors. If the first generation of artificial people with metal skeletons is placed on the roof, the goal of "keeping low-key" cannot be achieved.

But once again, when I walk down the stairs, I will definitely meet the man-made guards. Paramitis jumped from the iron ride and let the iron ride stop in the shadow of the tower's water tower. So still go to the exterior of the building. Fortunately, the official who wants to hunt lives on the top floor, which means that you can climb one layer down here, just pay attention to the movement near the window.

The big cat that thinks like this instantly turns over from the edge of the building, easily sticks to the wall of the building and begins to crawl down.

Boom! He didn't even go downstairs. He even had a headless body that was thrown out from the lower window. From the 20-story high position, it fell into the narrow lane below!

Oh! ! The headless body dies at the moment of landing, and the acid in the artificial body* is used to destroy the corpse and use the strong acid to involve everything around it.

"Hey, Mr. Silver Wings!" A bald-glassed man looked up from the window and looked up at Paramitis, who just climbed down.

"It's a happy hunting night, right?" The bald sunglasses man, the railway detective Di smiled.