Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2498: Critical to Amethyst (21)

Chapter 2498 is critical to Amethyst 21

"Di is more." Paramitis snarled in an understatement and jumped into the room from the already shattered window. Although he would like to ask why Di will be here, but he instantly sees the artificial elements held in Di's hands, there is no need to ask this obvious question.

Like the things he did with Paramitis, the railway detective Di was also "hunting" the man, and tonight's "last chance" to recycle the man-made elements in the minds of these important officials. It seems that the wind is not just leaking to the Rebels. Even the railway has got the gossip and started to act.

No, it’s not "slowing the wind." It seems that the Great Britain is not afraid to secretly release the news. Because King Arthur knew that Great Britain could not openly make any big moves in Egypt, even if the Knights wanted to act, they had to wait for the parliamentary approval of the British mainland to act. Indeed, it was too late to wait until then. Therefore, the Cavaliers can only secretly release the "small news" on the other side, let other organizations replace them. There are at least two organizations on the Egyptian side - the Rebels and the Railways. After receiving such news, they can't sit back and watch, even if they are scalping, they have to act. It is an excellent flag that can be used for Great Britain. .

"It looks like you are coming for the same purpose." The bald head is more frivolous and said: "We really have a fate (Kama), and the big night can meet in this place."

This guy must have known that this is all about saying this. He has already known such information and thinks that "Silver Wings" is the person on the other side of the rebel army - although it is not entirely wrong - ----He did not know that Paramitis played the silver-wing geek, in fact, belonged to the Knights of Great Britain.

"Less nonsense, hand over the man-made components in your hand." Paramitis shouted. He didn't want to fight with Di, but time was tight. He was afraid that the college would have more reinforcements to come to him. It is better to deal with the matter here as soon as possible.

"Sorry, this can't be done." Railway detective Di said, "But I don't want to fight with you, the time is tight, there is no such thing. So I have a proposal, we should cooperate."


"My organization and I are also collecting these components, and the reasons for collecting artificial human components, I guess will be exactly the same as you and your organization's reasons." Di, this sunglasses bald head, hippie smiled and said: "So why? Can't we cooperate? Put together the components that we collect together to decipher them. It is definitely more efficient than the respective collection components and their respective deciphering. Is the success rate higher?"

This is the truth. Paramidis is in the heart. But he has already made an appointment with Preston.

But wait, he is not the person who resists the army, not even the staff of Preston. There is no need to listen to the command of the guy completely. Even now that he is active as a silver-wing geek, all kinds of equipment and equipment are provided by the rebel army. He is still considered to be "single-handedly". He does not even think that he is in arrears with the rebel army.

He and Preston are only using each other's relationship. It is reasonable to say that this time it should be "he helped the Rebels collect artificial elements, and after rebelbing the elements, tell the location of the college"----- -like this.

But he does not necessarily need to cooperate with the rebel army. Just as the railway organization is doing the same thing, and the railway also has the technology to decipher the artificial elements, then the cooperation between Paramitis and the railway is completely feasible.

"Understood." The Leopard Warrior took half a second to understand the stakes of this series. He believed that they were the most favorable choice for cooperation with Di, and they readily agreed: "Cooperation will cooperate, but you Don't drag me down. The components here are recycled by you, and then there is no such thing as me. The next step should be the [mountain apartment] two hundred yards away, the deputy director of the food hygiene inspection department, Risier. ??"

"Don't worry about it, another agent, our lovely [death angel] Miss Glory, has already rushed to deal with it." Di replied: "Go to the [Sunshine Villa] in the rich area of ​​the east, There are at least three targets to recycle."

Indeed, there are three man-made people on the list of targets, and they live quite close to each other. The best case of course is to recycle all the artificial elements in the brains of these three people, but Paramitis can't do it alone, and it is better to work with Di.

"But there are three consecutive people over there, I am afraid there will be a large number of man-made guards guarding them." Paramitis questioned as he climbed from the outer wall to the top of the building.

"Nothing, this is the best." Di also used some kind of steel claws to climb the wall, and there was no pressure behind the Leopard warrior. This guy is also a powerful agent, I am afraid that I have been used to secret operations, and all kinds of flying scorpions.

"If there is a fight over there, it will be a great bait. After the main force of the college is led, it will facilitate our other agents." Di said.

"You want to say, I am a bait." Palamidis wondered.

"We are." The bald head is more correct: "I won't let you suffer alone, so fair."

At least he told Paramitis about this plan from the beginning, not to be deceiving.

"But it is possible to bring the college's stalkers. You must be careful with Mr. Silverwing." Di said again: "If the stalker is coming, don't be in love, let's break up. You have received me." The coordinates that have just been sent to you? The scattered sum, we can meet there."

"Yes." Palamidis only hoped that the other party was not fooling him.

Because they only needed to climb one floor, the two quickly reached the top of the building.

"Wow, are you ready for the iron ride?" The bald head saw Paramaridis's iron ride and couldn't help but admire: "The electromagnetic engine was specially used for covert operations, and there seems to be a special silencer. Handling? Good things!"

"Up." Although I wanted to say this, Paramitis found that this small iron ride was originally for only one person. From the propulsion of the electromagnetic force engine, it seems that there are no problems with two or three people. But there is no seat on the iron ride. Even Paramidis feels a little wrong when sitting in the only seat. I am afraid There is no way to sit alone.

"Nothing, I use this to ride." Di has launched a small floating hang gliding wing. After the hang gliding is fully deployed, there is not even an adult who stretches his arms and is wide, but its skeleton looks very solid.

The bottom of the hang glider is a photon mirror that allows this thing to glides silently from one building to another building hundreds of yards away. It is a good hidden transport tool. Although it does not have the propulsion ability itself, it can only glides in short and medium distances.

If you want to say something, this tool in Di’s hand is more convenient than the small iron rider of Paramitis, and it can even be easily folded and put into the backpack. This lightweight mobility tool does have a strong "spy" style.

"Bundled." Di used the attached cable and buckle to connect the hang gliding and the iron ride. Once the iron ride is launched, the hang glider can be towed. The result is that the iron rode of Paramitis moves with the glider of Di.

"You shouldn't have planned it from the beginning?" The Leopard warrior even wondered.

"Where will it be. In short, time is tight, let's go." Di took it with an understatement.

"Hey." Paramitis snarled, letting the iron ride fly up. The iron rider that rose into the air and began to move, did not have the obstacle to move the hang gliding.

"Please fly high, I want to survey first." Di further operated the hang gliding wing, and the other hand raised a telescope that seemed to have night vision ability, and began to look around.

"Can you arrive in less than a minute, but also survey?" Although a little reluctant, Paramitis improved the height of the iron ride.

"Sure enough." Di was watching the situation on the destination earlier. Because the next destination is in the villa area, there is no high-rise building to block the sight of the summer, but it is conducive to the first inspection.

"Five, six and twelve. A little bad. The first generation of artificial people are hidden in the corners of the three villas, and they all carry weapons. It is estimated to be a silenced pistol." Di said: "From the air Strong cockroaches will only be called their targets, and they will be shot into a horse's nest without landing. It is better not to be too close to the villa area, to land from the outside, and then walk over."

"This can only be the case." Paramitis snarled, eventually letting the iron ride be parked on the roof of a building next to the villa area. The building is only five stories high and belongs to the building that was restricted by the government in order not to obscure the view of the villa area. . There are no artificial people on the alert here, and Paramitis also carefully avoided the eyes and ears of the guards in the opposite villa area when landing.

"Okay." The bald sunglasses man also happily put away the hang gliding wing. "Let's go."

"I hope it will be too late." Paramitis hid the iron ride in the shadow of the water tower.

"There are so many people who want to [care] tonight, and they are very busy." The bald head said with a joke: "Is it possible that we [care] to people who are just [not able to take care of]?"

"Ha ha ha." The leopard warrior smirked a few times, and turned down the building with Di. The five-story building is only about 30 feet high, and it is easy to turn from the roof to the ground by means of some obstacles such as water pipes on the wall.

Then they broke into the shadow between the building and the villa area, using the night as a cover. The villa area is considered to be part of the wealthy area. There are quite a lot of gardens around, the greening is done well, and it provides enough cover for their actions.

"I am going to deal with the a3 building. The rest of you can do it. Don't overdo it." The bald head whispered with a half-caught joking voice and said that he had moved to one of the villas.