Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2558: Winning over Wang Qi (13)

Chapter 2558 is the best victory in Wang Qiu XIII

"Is it hooked?" Hearing the words of Bettiville, the gladiator Bereld, who had rushed to the werewolf youth, stopped. He didn't understand what it meant by [hook]. He just thought that Bedyville was inexplicable. The confidence of the fan may represent something, so stop and watch for a second.


Ice, no, crystal cracking sound, echoing in the mine.

The fluid monster that was reorganized into a Hydra-like appearance, suddenly reorganized to stop halfway, seems to have encountered obstacles.

"What's wrong, can't control your body well?" Knowing that the other party has no way to understand people, Biddyville sneered sneerly: "It's no wonder, because your body's control ------ "

He raised his right hand and pinched, and two of the heads of the Hydra suddenly shattered like glass and fell to the ground!

"The control of your body is actually in my hands."

The monster's body continues to spall, and more heads are scattered and landed on the ground, and the shape of the Hydra is no longer maintained.

"This, what is going on?" The matter suddenly happened to have such a change, and Bereld would take it for granted.

"Spiritual battle... No, the battle between the spirit and the spirit, I have seen many times before." Bediville replied: "I have never seen the spirits from each other since that time. Devouring, they are just mutual, um, just fight. A spirit can of course devour another spirit, but the Holy Spirits I have seen have never done this before, I think there is a reason --- ---"

"the reason?"

"A condition in which a spirit engulfs another spirit is not simply a win in battle. It may be related to the strength of the spirit itself." Bettiville replied.

"In short, it is related to the level of the spirit itself."

[Evil spirit---fluid Hydra] thinks that it can swallow the [Holy Spirit--- Sealing the Sun] and take the power of the Holy Spirit as its own. In fact, it is a big mistake.

The confrontation between the spirits is not based solely on strength, or on the kind of small tricks, it can be divided.

The confrontation between the spirits has an absolute relationship with the [will]. Therefore, all the "spiritual wars" that Bediville had seen before, the spirits are the first to fight each other to kill the opponent's will, only when the opponent's will is spent enough to begin to "swallow".

Originally it was only the weak secondary spirit in the [Light Stone Core], and the fluid Hydra, which had just been upgraded to the evil spirit, probably did not know this kind of thing. It thought that its opponent, [Seal Sun] was just the fire of ordinary curse, it was a good bully object, but did not expect [ Seal Sun] is actually the Holy Spirit level.

Because the fire of Biddyville's spell is no longer the fire of ordinary spells (the fire of ordinary spells is also a secondary spirit) ------

It has been released from the seal of the master of the spell, Krana, and can exert its full potential;

Where the Necromancer Garrnan inherits his lifelong wisdom and can manipulate the dead spirit;

At the same time, the flames of the Holy Spirit were obtained from the immortal bird of Yang Yan [Sun Bird Adult], and gradually became holy;

Today's [Seal Sun] is a beautiful spirit that carries many people's best wishes and is born from the strong desire of Bediville. It is a true Holy Spirit.

It is just that [wish] itself will bring powerful [will] and [obsession] to the spirit, making it almost impossible for the spirit to be swallowed. As long as Bedieville’s wishes remain, the will of the [Holy Spirit--- Sealing the Sun] is unshakable.

Yes, Bedieville deliberately let the fluid Hydra swallow [the seal sun]. Because he knows that the fluid Hydra can't really swallow [the seal sun], but it will be swallowed by the [sea seal sun].

Bedyville's right hand squeezed, and the entire body of the fluid Hydra was completely broken! The seal sun was not swallowed at all, but instead was incorporated into the fluid Hydra, which controlled the fluid Hydra from the inside out.

How can the higher spirit of the Holy Spirit be lost to the weak existence that has just been upgraded from the secondary spirit to the evil spirit?

The flame ignited again, melting the crystal fragments that fell on the ground. Originally ice-blue, with some crystalline hydrotalcite fluids, now become more fluid under high heat, like mercury-like ice-blue liquid, and these liquid surfaces still ignite the warm white of the sun. The fire is very dazzling.

"Come back!" the werewolf youth commanded.

Floating in the air, the core of the stone that is still struggling, suddenly burst into tears. The light is petrified into pieces, which seem to contain some impurities; and a pure warm white light ball is thrown out of the broken light stone, in exchange for it hovering in midair.

The Mithril fluid with a flame around it began to turn into a whirlpool, gathered toward the ball of light, and then swirled around it. The ice-blue fluid has a strong metallic luster, and it constantly reflects the warm white radiance, causing the sphere to sparkle. The entire mine is like a nightclub ballroom, and it makes people feel dizzy.

"Hey, I want to start vomiting..." Bereld blinked and said. The frequency of this flash is too high, making it almost impossible to make light-sensitive symptoms.

However, the fierce flicker actually only lasted for two seconds, and soon it was finished, or the fire was stabilized. It became a group of ice blue Mithril fluid flying around the [sealing sun] of Bediville, like Iced silver water polo. Their amount is very large, because these fluids are the fluids manipulated by the previous evil spirits Hydra. Although the fluidity is greatly increased by the influence of the burning, the amount of manipulation can not be reduced at all. The seal sun completely absorbs the power of evil spirits through anti-phasing. The crystal fluids that the evil spirit fluid Hydra originally could manipulate are now the crystal fluids that the [sealing sun] can manipulate, so they are under the control of the seal sun. Around it.

"Asteroid Belt" in the "Solar System" - This picture Biddiville only occasionally saw a look at some ancient textbooks in the Black History Library.

"No... what is it formed?" Bereld asked with caution. He still can't believe that Biddeville's spell of fire can simply reverse the other side, thinking that the ball will once again go crazy and become a Hydra to attack them.

"Why does it have to become a form?" Bédiville retracted his spell of fire, and it changed back to red, and stopped in Bediville's palm, while those secret silver fluids revolved around the werewolf youth. : "This [fireball] is the original form of the fire of the spell. Is it unnecessary to simulate another look?"

"But those crystal fluids are still spinning around it?" Gladiator stared at Bediville, surrounded by fluid vortices, and frowned. "You look like this... Don't you find it inconvenient?"

"Really..." The Werewolf youth thought for a moment. Although the fire of the spell can control [entropy energy] freely, it hardly knows how to use subspace spells. It is difficult to create a subspace that is sufficient to store these Mithril fluids.

Bedieville tried to move a few steps, but as soon as he moved, the secret silver fluids followed him and couldn't get rid of it. These are secret silver fluids with powerful memory, and they will go unconditionally wherever [the seal sun] moves.

They are really just around Beddyville and not gathered together (really gathered, the werewolf youth suffocated), but the volume of the Mithril fluid, roughly visually at least two thousand liters, if this is water It is estimated to weigh two tons, while the Mithril fluid in the same volume seems to be heavier than water.

Although it circling around Bettiville in the form of "vortex", these Mithril fluids still have some contact with the ground, and its own weight collapses the ground a small part. This is very Terrible ------ God knows when the mining platform can withstand this weight? If it can't stand the collapse?

[Seal Sun] successfully accepted the power of the fluid Hydra, which is quite good. But the old problem was solved and the new problem came again. Surrounded by the whirlpool of this secret silver fluid, Bedieville couldn’t move freely. He is now covered by a heavy and sturdy hood. If you go forward, it is likely to collapse the front floor.

This thing does not deal with it, Bettiville estimates that even this pit can not go out...

The werewolf youth turned over his pocket, but his sub-space pocket in his tactical belt already had all kinds of equipment, and it should not be able to stop.

"That, Bereld?" Bédiville asked shamelessly: "Have you just used the shield out? Is your shield not broken? Empty out so much equipment from your pocket, your The pocket of the gift should now be empty...?"

"I know what you are doing, little hairball." The bald head stunned the werewolf youth: "But no. I still have several pieces of equipment with excellent enchantments in my pocket, so I won't lend you." use."

"Just put these fluids in it."

"Do you know if they will [contaminate] my equipment and break them? No, it won't work." Gladiator categorically refused. To know that his equipment is all enchanted, the enchanting equipment is easy to interact with each other and cause the enchantment to fail or deteriorate (generally to equip each equipment with a sheath), not to mention the Mithril fluid into the pocket. In the future, he will cover his equipment in all directions like a liquid. This special "memory ability" of Mithril fluid is actually also given by the enchantment. The "enchantment" on the fluid will definitely affect the enchantment on the weapon. After being "contaminated" by these fluids, Bereld's equipment will be completely scrapped!

"Small ghosts." The werewolf whispered in a pro-annual year. "Do you take all your weapons and carry them on your back?"

Bereld did not speak, apparently he had a lot of weapons, and it was impossible to take them out.

However, the problem still has to be solved, otherwise Bediville can't go anywhere.