Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2564: Winning over Wang Qi (19)

Chapter 2564 is the winner of Wang Qiu

"Blurred!?" Albert shocked.

There will be no mistakes. [Iron No. 9] The arm was not escaped by Leoport, and the child had absolutely no way to make such a quick dodge. The interception of [Iron No. 9] has no effect at all, because his arm is like a penetrating air, directly passing through the body of Leoport!

The same move, in fact, Albert had seen it last night, that is, the trick used by the Leopard Quigg, the so-called "virtual" ability ------ users let their flesh temporarily moved into the subspace, Let the self in reality temporarily become "invincible", special ability.

Because most of the body is not in the real world, after the illusion of Quigg is close to invincible, all attacks will pass through Quigg's body, but can not hurt him!

The same [fuzzification] ability, it is said that the Sphinx Daddy also has, that is, the entity of the old [Sandstorms], the real [Sandstorms] is to apply the illusion to the extreme, on the field." Invincible" sprint! That sprint can't stop anyone, because no one can touch the running back in the sub-space!

"Come on and respect, what is [virtualization]? That is the old man's [sandstorms]." Mutter has complained at this time: "On the team, only the idiot of Leo has inherited the ability of the old man. Use [Sandstorms]."

"Yes..." Albert replied perfunctorily. Of course, Mutter does not know about Quigg, and strictly speaking, Quigg is not a Sphinx player.

"But Leo's ability is not exactly the same as the old man's sandstorm. It is flawed." Quarterback Hilo.


"Physical power consumption." Siloma replied.

Of course. Such a weak child. Albert looked at Leoport far away, and the Lions boy ran out for about ten yards. He couldn’t move anymore, and looked tired.

"[Sandstorms] is the ability to move most of itself into the subspace and act in the subspace. But ------"Hilomar said in a long tone: "There is no air in that subspace." There is no even interaction between forces. [Sandstorms] How he will become in the process of launching, you can guess."

That's right. Although [Sandstorms] can transfer most of the user's body into the subspace, so that the user is close to invincible, any attack will not work for him, but there is no air in the subspace created temporarily. None, it is completely empty space. Moreover, because there is no matter in the space, there is no force transmission between the substances. Leo has almost no way to rely on the material in the subspace as its propulsion, so that it can move forward smoothly.

Even Albert's usual sub-space pockets need to be filled with air after the production is finished, to avoid problems (in fact, every time you open the sub-space pocket, there will be air running in), and Leo uses [Sandstorms] is created on the court, improvised, and can only be maintained for a short period of time.

In the process of launching [Sandstorms], the lion boy has no way to breathe in the subspace, and there is no way to move forward freely. He is like being trapped in a sticky mud, it must be very difficult. You can move slowly by moving your hands and feet.

Maybe even the light can't enter the subspace smoothly, so the scene in front of Leo is estimated to be dim. This explains why you can see the lion boy from Albert. Translucent body, because most of the "reality" side of the light through the body of Leoport.

"His ability is actually stronger than Sphinx's boss, and he can do [full penetration], and no enemy can intercept him. Sphinx can only do [semi-penetration], the body Like the mist, it can still be blocked by the enemy a little, even the danger of losing the ball." Siloma continued: "But it is because of the power of Leoport that it is too strong, overpowered, but led him The [Sandstorms] is not perfect."

That's right. In the sub-space, there is no way to breathe, and the action is as difficult as moving forward in the mud. Everything in front of you is dim and almost invisible. Such [Sandstorms] is hard to say is perfect. In exchange for the squeaky, strong man like the Sphinx, you might be able to play such a [sandstorm] better, but now you are using [Sandstorm] a weak boy.

"It's the limit." Far from seeing Leoport half-squatting on the ground, the transparency of the body gradually diminished, Hilomar said.

Even a strong young man like Albert, who made him squatting in the thick mud, took twenty yards and he felt hard to die. It is hard to imagine that the weak child of Leopold can go so long in the same situation!

When Leo completely lifted [virtualization], in order not to let the people of Great Britain grab the ball, they also put the ball on the ground.

"The first gear! Sphinx, advance twenty-one yards!" the referee announced."H,ha,ha,ha..." Leoport gasped, so he stayed on the ground and waited for his teammates. Come and join him. It seems that his physical exertion is quite huge when using [Sandstorms]!

"... are you okay?" Mutter walked over and asked.

"Also, okay..." The sweaty lion boy took off his helmet and breathed, and stood up under the help of the cat boy: "Damn... my ability is again It has become stronger, and [Sandstorms] use more physical energy than you think."

"Working hard, Prince." Hilomar rushed over and said, "Go to the rest area and have a rest. We will find a way to break the remaining ten yards."

"Call... I hope you don't... don't let my efforts be wasted." Leopold said with anger, he went back to the rest area with the help of the masked mysterious man.

Then the whole team's eyes fell on Albert.

The last eleven yards distance, the last three offensive opportunities. After the final distance, the Sphinx team will be able to score six points in a successful touchdown, slightly flattening the gap between the current scores.

Leoport consumed a huge amount of energy to get a chance for the Sphinx team, but if Albert failed, it was in vain.

The question is whether Albert can succeed or not, and can break through the interception of the legendary player [Tierenren No.9].

"I won't give you any pressure. After all, you are facing the [Tierenren No.9]." Captain Hiloma looked at the tiger youth and advised: "If Leoport can just breathe a sigh of relief The array is fine, but... in short, you do your best."

Routine. Full of routines. Hilomar said that Albert only felt more stressed. He felt that if he didn't do well, he not only failed the expectations of the whole team, but even lived up with Leoport's efforts.

When returning to the team to reorganize the lineup, Albert has been thinking about countermeasures. I want to rely on everything he can use now, and forcibly break through the method of [Tie No. 9]. At the same time, he couldn't help but look at the iron-faced people in the opposite camp. The guy once again took the opportunity of the huddle to leave the team and ran back to the rest area to sit beside the coach, even from his own movement. Take a sip of water out of the backpack.

The guy’s look is awesome. It’s really hot.

Is there any illegal drug in the water he drinks? wrong. Even though Diablo’s restrictions on drugs have been greatly relaxed, the British Knights have never used that kind of thing. They are paying attention to the upright matchup on the court, just like the real knight. [Iron No. 9] Drinking water is definitely ordinary boiled water, nothing is added. However, the guy seemed to have some kind of belief. Every time he hugged the group, he ran back to the rest area and sat beside the coach. He occasionally drank water, and occasionally took out a towel to wipe the sweat, so he played for a few seconds and quickly rushed. Back to the team to prepare for the array.

Really can't see through. What the **** is he doing and what do he want to do? Is everything that he does is really just the metaphysical thing of "belief"? Is there any other reason?

Now... in short, it’s better to think of the way to advance the last ten yards.

kick off!

When the ball passed from the center of Gusta's hands to the quarterback Siloma, the Tigerman Hiloma suddenly leaped high, and Mutter also rushed out, and wanted to cooperate with the Heloma. Distance from the trend of passing. But as long as the ball is not being sent out, no one knows that Hilomar will eventually choose how to break through, because he seems to be able to use some kind of skill to disrupt the [heart] of the British players, so that the other party can not predict his next action. .

"How else!" However, [Tie Renren No. 9] did not pay any attention to the random disturbing play of Hilomar, which might be a choice of two, and directly made a gesture to the teammates behind him. The outfielder of the Great Britain Cavaliers ran out to intercept Mutter. That may be the best outfield receiver in Great Britain. Both height and running speed have great advantages, and the jumping ability is stronger than Mute. In the case of one-on-one, Mutter was almost suppressed. If Hilomar passed the ball to the cat boy, the probability of the ball being taken away by Great Britain is not low!

And [Tierenren No.9] is rushing straight toward Albert, and there is a one-on-one confrontation with the tiger youth, that is, if Hilomar passes the ball to Albert. Albert will be here again [Tie Renren No. 9] to intercept! Albert, who has seen the indestructible defensive ability of [Iron No. 9], knows that he can't face the other side. He touched it twenty-three times before, and twenty-three times he lost!


Hey! ! The five avatars appeared in front of Albert's deity, hooking their arms to each other and forming a wall of their own!

If you can't touch it, then stop it and say it! Such a solid wall is always impossible.

"Stupid." However, [Iron No. 9] suddenly snarled, and then overturned the wall with a front flip at an incredible speed!