Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2583: Winning over Wang Qi (38)

Chapter 2583 is the winner of the king's riding thirty-eight

Appearing in front of Bediville is a smooth and shiny ------


Bald. The first thought in Bedieville's heart almost came out of his mouth, but fortunately he took control of his mouth. Considering that there is still a need to cooperate with the railway organization, and there is already a bald head that is known as a bald by Bediville, Bedieville feels that it is better to keep this title.

"Mr. Dicken." The Werewolf youth changed his mind: "Although the means you appear are not worthy of praise, but well, you have finally appeared in person, and I sincerely received this sincerity."

"So the Brotherhood and the railway work together ------"

"I don't speak for the Brotherhood, I only represent myself." Bettiville interrupted. "Do you want to cooperate with your railways and leave them to the elders to judge? But now, I want you to owe me." An explanation."

He turned to the other side of the interrogation room, the young man crying there through the iron fence: "You just said [we have been doing this], what is going on? Is it true that the railway has been giving these What do artificial people do to tamper with memories?"

"We have." Di smiled bitterly: "Not all man-made people are willing to listen to the college's command, be a slave to the college. Not every college scientist is so cold-blooded, using artificial people as a tool to call We also have internal internals in the college, and some people are helping the artificial people to escape from the college. The artificial people who escaped through the cough and secret channels were sent to our railways to help them lead the new life."

"Being a new life... refers to brainwashing and forging identity?" Bettiville couldn't help but frown.

"Yes. Only this method can let them escape the college's pursuit." Di said: "The artificial person will be installed with artificial components, the components can be remotely controlled, as long as a piece of code can make the man stop Self-destruction, even in the form of specific orders, do some simple work. Artificial elements and artificial people leave the factory together, once they exist, they can never be removed. Forcible removal will only cause irreversible damage to the brain of the artificial person. They become vegetative. Therefore, the man is destined to be a slave of the academy, a slave of a lifetime, a slave who can be mobilized by a simple remote command. But our organization has developed ways to eliminate the influence of man-made components on man-made people--- -- Using strong magnetic and electrotherapy, forcing artificial elements into a semi-damaged state, causing remote control commands to fail. Artificial people who have undergone such processing will no longer be affected by remote control commands."

"I understand." The Werewolf youth looked at the artificial man who almost collapsed there: "But if this is the case, will they not be safe after the surgery, and will not be far from the control of the college forever?"

"Unfortunately, this is not the case." Di said: "The remote command is ineffective, but the voice command can still control these people, for example..."

He has a word in his mouth:

"~(tilde): systeministarorstatuspermitted (admin privilege granted)."

"Oh damn... just said what I said?" After the sentence, the man was exclaimed and was shocked by what he said.


"Ah, the man-made model of the mx925 model, the old model ten years ago, this guy is just a labor-type, known for hard work, but no fighting power, probably no harm to you." Di is from that man The model analysis of the road.

"Why are there so many stars (*)?" Biddivil asked curiously.

"That is the [artisan]'s credit. It seems that the artificial person who created the new man was directly hacked into their man-made components, and some of the information of their unit identification code was washed away, so even this artificial person I can't correctly report my id correctly." Di said: "This is a good thing. Without a complete id, the college can't give a stop order or self-destruction command to the man-made person. He is safe. .unless......"


"Unless they took him back for craniotomy, read the complete identification code directly from the artificial elements in his mind." Di touched his bald head, "but I don't think they will make a man-made area." People are so expensive."

"...hey... stop! stop! I am not a man! I am human! What have you done to my body! Don't do this!!" Interrogation room The emotion of the young man opposite is almost completely out of control, apparently unable to accept the fact that he is an artificial person.

"So... your railway organization rescued these man-made people from the college, dealt with their artificial elements, changed their faces, and then they lost their lives in society, let them fend for themselves?" Vail couldn't help but yell: "Are you supposed to, um, take him back to protect it, and so on?"

"Please don't make a mistake." Di even sneered a little cruelly: "The main purpose of the railway organization is to confront the college. It is only by the way to save these man-made people. Because we expect that the inside of the college should If you continue to cooperate, you will follow his ideas. But the railway has never been a charity organization. It has no reason to protect the rescued man and take care of their lives. If this guy is a combat man, he can be in combat. It’s better to say that it’s good to have a labor-type man-made person without any fighting ability to stay in the railway? No. Since there is no, of course, he is sent to the society to let him die.”

Bedyville was silent.

"The railway helped him get rid of the control of the college, refueled his face with plastic surgery, gave him a fake identity and made him stand in the society. It was already done to the best of his heart. What do you think of us?" Di laughed. Although this is the reason, it is too.........

"Are you sure the college can't control him?" Biddiville asked again.

"I am sure. There are many restrictions on voice commands. Voice commands can only be used by [man] and [self-destruction]. And whether it is [stop] or [self-destruction], you need to read this man-made person. The identity code can only work. No one in the world knows his identity code unless he is given a craniotomy."

"[Self-destruction]... is the self-destruction of a direct explosion?"

"It is to make the artificial elements in their minds completely out of control and burn their brains. Rest assured, their self-destruction will only cause them to bleed in the brain, or become permanent vegetative people, no danger to the people around them. [Self-destruction] and [self-destruction] are not the same thing."

It seems to be like this, and there seems to be no acid bomb in the body of the man-made person in front of it - if it is already checked out. Bedyville thought about it again.

"That, Academician Slink, can you cheer up?" He said: "Are you ready to listen to your judgment?"

"Amount, don't come over, ah ah! You crazy! You are going to kill me, right? What is this conspiracy? Is it useless to say anything now?" The other person burst into tears, completely Crash, talk even started incoherent.

"It’s almost impossible to do it." Di shrugged. "At this time, I have a trick to help."

"~(tilde):adminfunctioncall:setunitstatus:neutral (admin privilege callout function: set unit attribute: neutral)."

"No...!" The man-made youth opposite the interrogation room sent a mourning. The emotion that had almost collapsed suddenly came to a close. He began to lie on the ground and did not move. His face was posted on the ground and it was also low. Sobbing.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing is done, just suppressing his excitement and becoming a [sedating] state." Di said.

"Even the human heart can control..."

"No, his thoughts are his own thoughts, but the artificial elements in his mind forced him to secrete a calming chemical in his brain, so that his emotions can be calmed. Emotions can be changed by chemical changes in the brain. Only the desperation will not change."


Bedyville sighed and approached the iron fence. He crossed the railing to the man-made youth who was lying on the ground. "No matter how you deny your identity, you should see it clearly now. You are indeed a man." And the current situation of the fraternity... can't hold you."

"Oh..." Academician Slinde cried quietly and grievously on the ground.

"You have two choices, the original academician of Schlinder." Biddeville continued: "The first one, I can give you a small amount of money, as a decommissioning fee from the Brotherhood, and then you will not die, you will leave like this. Brotherhood. But after leaving here, your personal safety is guaranteed by yourself. No one can protect you. The college may come back to chase you and take you back to re-[*] become their slaves, I don’t Know. As long as you are a man-made person, you must live in the shadow of the college in your life. This is your destiny."

The other party was still quietly, lying on the ground desperately sobbing, did not answer Bedieville.

"Or, I have a suggestion, you can come and work for me. I will send you to a place where I am isolated, to protect you from the pursuit of the college, and from the discrimination of humanity. You certainly can't have the same treatment as in the fraternity, everything must be re-applied. But your personal safety is guaranteed by me - you will always be safe before destroying the college."

"Do you really want to ruin the college..." he whispered.

"There is a plan for this." The Werewolf Youth replied: "But that is a long-term thing, within a year? Within ten years? No one knows when it can ruin that huge organization. What I can guarantee is only when the college After ruining, you are the body of freedom, whether you want to continue to work for me, or leave from my protected area, to find your own new life, all with your own. So... .. What do you mean? ------ Choose."

The young man-made man slowly raised his head and looked at Bradyville on the other side of the iron fence with tears.

"...what do you do, is it good for you?"

"There is no good point." Biddyville replied: "But I can't always watch the innocent people being persecuted, chased, dead, or on the streets?"

The expression on the face of the werewolf youth is not half-false.