Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2594: Winning over Wang Qi (49)

Chapter 2594 is the winner of the king's ride forty-nine

That's right. Hilomar just blatantly mentioned "backward running" to Albert in order to mislead the opposite of the British Knights. Who let the guys of the British team read the lip language? And Hilomar has been passing to Albert since the beginning, just to give the Great Britain Cavaliers an illusion that the Sandstorm Sphinx has no breakthroughs besides passing to Albert. !

However, the opposite is true. Has been carefully deployed, has been misleading opponents, quarterback Hilomar organs counted, waiting for this moment!

"Oh ah ah ah ah!!" At the moment the ball flew out, center Gusta also launched the trenches simultaneously!

His trenches are special, and this has been verified before. Gusta’s trench is a variant of the [fourth miracle---Kama (destiny) creation]. In the process of launching the trench, the "existence (Kama)" is infinitely magnified, and the affected area is allowed. Everyone in the world can't ignore his existence, and he must look his attention and focus on him!

So, the ball Ming Ming was thrown out by a long pass of Siloma. The owners of the two teams did not go to see a ball, but turned and turned, turned their heads, and were forced to look. Focus on the tiger man!

And Mutter, who ran out to catch the ball, was no exception, turning to look at Gusta. Even so, he turned in time before Gusta launched the trench, and now he is in the state of "back running", the ball is also flying toward him!

The instructions that Siloma gave to the players are misleading instructions, but they are also real instructions! It is not Albert who needs to run backwards, but Mutter who had premeditated with Siloma!

"Damn, even count me!" Of course, the Iron Man No. 9 was also an army, and he could not help but exclaimed. He was still trying to intercept the pass of Hilomar to Albert in midair, and now he wants to rush to chase the cat boy, it is estimated to be too late!

"Paris!" he reminded his teammates.

"I am doing it!" The outfielder of the Great Britain Cavaliers promised that he had already rushed out in a backwards position, because Gusta’s trenches continued, even Parris could not help but be affected. The law removed his gaze from the body of the tiger man!

But the flying man Paris is, after all, the flying man Paris, the best outfield player of the Great Britain Cavaliers! Even if Mutter has the advantage of getting started, Paris still runs back at an amazing speed and gradually catches up!

At this time, neither Mutter nor Paris could see the road ahead, nor could they see the ball in the air. They could only focus on (forcibly) the focus of the Sphinx center Gusta. That is to say, when they pick up the ball, they can only rely on the experience of catching the ball accumulated in the weekday training, and pick up the ball by feeling! Of course, this part is still Paris has more advantages!

Or not!

The cat boy suddenly changed the direction of the run and turned back to the other side of the court!

"What?!" Paris was shocked. Before that, he judged the general position of the cat-and-boys based on the sound of Mutter's running, and tried to jump in the same position, and then grabbed this long pass with Mutter in midair! Originally, he thought that as long as he can take off in a similar place, with his rich experience in catching the ball, he can always beat Mutter, but ------!

Mutter did not run out in a straight line, he changed the way forward! This is a planned pass from the beginning. It is estimated that there is some kind of secret communication between the quarterback and the outfield receiver. The outfield receiver uses the roundabout way to disrupt the opponent!

If you can see the ball in the air is still easy to handle, now Paris can't watch the ball, the eyes have to fall on a roaring middle-aged tiger man muscle uncle, you must rely on hearing to track the position of Mutter, this chase also It’s too difficult, right? !

Hey! I can already hear the jump of the cat and the boy, and he leaps high to prepare to catch the ball in the air!

Damn, there is no way to further correct the running track. In order not to be occupied by opponents too much advantage, Paris can only jump!

He leaped high and jumped higher as much as possible in this jump. In terms of jumping height and explosiveness, the flying man Paris is the world's top level, at least not because of the slight time difference, Mult is cheap!

After the first move, slowed down half a beat from the ground, Paris, but quickly caught up with Mutter in the air, and blocked in front of the cat boy! This way, even if the ball really flies over them, Paris (theoretically) can grab the ball before Mutter!

"I know that it will be like this." However, Mutt snorted and did not show any frustration in his tone. He even had a kind of "all in the plan".

Paris, who heard this, couldn’t help but feel cold and felt that something was not good! The appearance is clearly that he has occupied all the advantages. In this round of the ball, Mutter will almost certainly be defeated, but in fact? If everything is in their calculations, maybe it was designed from the beginning, Paris is now stuck in the Sphinx's outfield receiver Mutter, not right, is the quarterback under the hilomab Among the traps? !

Having said that, why can't you hear the wind coming from the ball? Where is the ball? ! Paris suddenly fell into the deep sea and could not see the horrible feeling of light. He still looks at the position of center Gusta, because the **** trench makes him unable to look away. But from this height, this angle, even if he has been watching Gusta, his afterglow should at least be able to see the ball flying over the face? The ball that is so fast moving and hitting the ball like a cannonball, even if you only use the afterglow to see it, shouldn't it be missed? ! Unless the trajectory of this pass is not here, it is too different from Paris and the Mott behind Paris. It’s too much to capture. That level!

bad! Sure enough, is it calculated in this place? !

"Goodbye!" Mutter suddenly said, pressing one hand on Paris's shoulder and pushing it all! He used Paris as a pedal, drifting in the air to the right side of his own, and instantly opened a five-yard distance with the flying man Paris!

"Bastard!" Almost was thrown out of Paris, this time finally fully understand the plans of Mutter and Siloma.

That’s the time to go back and forth. Mutter’s round-trip on the ground is also half a scorpion, just to set the track for Paris to follow! In the mid-air, the second round of the use of Paris as a pedal, let the cat boy leap to the track that the original pass should go!

At this moment, as if to know that Mutter wants to catch the ball, the Sphinx center Gusta just stopped the trenches just right! Everyone's eyes can finally be removed from Gustav, and Mutter also uses the residual light to judge the position of the ball, then instantly shifts the line of sight and sees the ball coming in from the face!

The track is not perfect, and it can even be said that the deviation is quite large. After all, Mutter is in a double round, and it is difficult to precisely control his flight direction in midair! The ball flew to the top of the top of Mutter's head at two o'clock, two yards away from the cat and the boy, this is not the ball that ordinary people can pick up!

"Give me a stop, ah, ah, ah, ah!!" However, Mutter is not an ordinary person. At this time, he also has everything, just to receive this extremely difficult ball! He flew out with his arms, and the Mutter arm, which was originally a "rubber man", suddenly stretched out at the same time as he pulled out and stretched enough to touch the ball!

"Go!!" Siloma looked at Mutter, who was in the air to catch the ball, shouting.

"Come on, ah, ah, ah!!" Albert also shouted.

Do your best and fight here.

It is impossible to make it possible.

Then, [miracle] will eventually be reached!

Resisting the pain of tearing his arms, Mutter caught the ball with both hands.

Then the arm retracts like a rubber band and comes back with the ball. To catch such an important ball, I will never let go. The cat-and-boys hold the ball in their arms, and the whole body is twisted into a group and falls to the ground!

If you successfully land, this long pass will be completed, and the Sphinx can push a very long distance!

"Hugh thinking!" So, the Iron Man No. 9 also rushed to stop Mutter.

"What!" The cat-and-boy who was falling was seeing a horror scene that a face-faced evil spirit swooped toward him!

No one would have thought that the Iron Man No. 9 has been so close to Mutter! No one would have thought that the speed of the Iron Man No. 9 would be as fast as lightning, making this impossible thing! No one would have thought that he would jump at Mute at that speed and rush to cross the pass that was the life of the Sphinx! !

But, no one really thinks? Even if the field of vision is "sealed" by Gusta's trench, the Iron Man No. 9 can use [Heart Eye] to judge the surroundings of Mutter, the cat-man teenager just turned around on the ground, and instantly changed in midair. Xiang, in fact, in the control of King Arthur, he has not shot, just because the vision is still on the Gusta, can not accurately shoot only!

"You guys!" The Iron Man No. 9 has rushed to the front of the cat boy, showing a devilish sneer in front of Mutter. "[War] should continue until you catch the ball and land, so that I I can't shoot you! But now everything is too late!!"

The face of the Iron Man No. 9 shines with the fierce light of killing. This may be another true face of the Cavaliers, even if the mask can't cover up his murder!

Once again, he pierced the cat's chest with a sharp-like arm like a spear, trying to attack from one side to the dead end of the ball that Mult could not protect. If you succeed, the ball will fly out of Mute's arms and fly Mutt out!

This powerful and powerful trick to steal the ball from the opponent's arms, I am afraid that only one King Arthur can do it, because only one of his shots can be so precise, and the start is so hot and fierce!

I have already seen the horror of this trick, and Mouth, who is deeply uncomfortable, has nothing to do at this moment, and can only protect the ball in his arms!

As sharp as a spear, piercing into the arms of Mutter!