Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2697: Trial of flames (18)

Chapter 2697 Trial of Flames

It is tantamount to killing the worm's nest in a normal way. However, Albert is not a "normal person." As a transcender, he can do extraordinary things that mortals can't drive.

And time is tight, hesitation will be defeated!

One of his avatars has now flew to a hunter riding a World of Warcraft. Just approached and asked: "The poisonous smoke that you just used to worm, is there any remaining?"

"What do you want this to do?" the hunter asked, taking out a large bag of heavy herbs.

"I have to find a way to go deep into the worm's nest and destroy the device that makes it move." Albert's replied: "The only toxic smoke is this? How long does it take? Give me as much as possible." ""

"This is an insect repellent caused by the bark of some kind of eucalyptus in the big marsh. It is very rare." The Leopard Warcraft Hunter replied: "This is all I have, you have to ask someone to borrow." More."

"Okay." Albert's avatar received the medicinal herbs, and the other avatars began to act.

A minute later, the three avatars each took a bag of medicinal herbs that made poisonous cigarettes and joined together at the side of Albert's driving iron ride.

"There should be enough of these." Elbert's avatar driving the iron ride said to himself, and at the same time let the iron ride deform.

Yes, before coming to Lviv, Albert's iron ride had been extensively remodeled and equipped to become a steel giant standing on two feet.

The deformation of this iron ride lacks engine power and has almost no practical significance. But after becoming a steel giant, its defensive power will be greatly improved, because only those two legs are used to walk, all the energy is concentrated on the energy shield of the iron ride. If the Iron Giant does not fire and attack, and all the energy is used to strengthen the shield, its defense can be further improved.

And when it becomes the Iron Giant, the cockpit will become closed, and the detachment of Albert in the cockpit will be more tightly protected. Exaggerated to say that the cockpit is "even a fly can not enter." In the deep sea, anaerobic, and toxic atmosphere, the iron ride still has its existence.

"I want to rush into the worm's nest!" Albert's avatar in the iron ride: "Please help me open the way!"

"Are you serious?" The voice of Castro came from Albert's mind.

"Of course it is serious. If we don't do this, we will all be destroyed sooner or later." Albert replied: "Less nonsense. Let's get started!"

Holding three bags of unlit toxic smoke, Albert's avatar drove the iron rider to the worm's nest. Now its protective shield has been opened to the largest, but it is still flying in the air, and must allocate a part of the energy to the injector, so its protection level has not reached the limit. If at this time the army of insects sent by the nest is besieged, it will still be dangerous!

Albert's three avatars helped open the road next to the Iron Giants, who used the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to launch and use high-pressure water to help clean up nearby enemies. The nest seems to be aware of the proximity of the Iron Giant, and a large number of blood-sucking insects have begun to emerge. These mutated giant mosquitoes have a huge and sharp mouthpiece like a long gun. The arm-like mouthpiece is as powerful as a long gun, and it can run through the iron armor!

Hundreds of giant blood-sucking worms rushed from all directions, making annoying buzz and rushing to the Iron Giant with their highest speed. Albert's avatars are naturally fighting back, and the sweeps have never stopped. The huge water column sweeps back and forth, and the bloodsucking insects are plunged into the high-pressure water, and they are broken and broken. However, the densely packed army of blood-sucking insects still suppresses the attacks of Albert's avatars, and the blood-sucking worms have surrounded the iron-riding giants in all directions.

"It's now!" The hunters fired a blasting arrow at the side of the worm's nest and blew a gap in the dense mosquito population! The avatar of Albert, who drives the Iron Rider, also emerged from the cockpit half a body, summoning the Holy Spirit White Tiger! His Holy Spirit White Tiger and the other three avatars, the White Tiger, simultaneously made four high-pressure water-column guns to launch in one direction, creating a huge hole in the existing gap!

Opened! Entering a **** road!

At the moment when the four-story water cannon was fired, Albert's avatar cast him a long time ago and he always took the power back. The effect of the water-column guns has just passed, and the worms in the sky have not yet gathered. The detachment of Albert, who is driving the iron ride, has been adjusted to the position of the return force and instantly transferred to the entrance of the nest.

The other three avatars responsible for the aid were also disappeared directly before being surrounded by the worms, because the detachment that Albert put out can be cancelled at any time!

The gang of driving the iron ride also retracted into the cockpit, closing the hatch and igniting a bag of poisonous smoke. Turkic elephants have been infested with various mosquitoes on the moorland all the year round. Toxic smoke itself has less impact on the human body, and the toxicity is basically directed at insects. But if they are strong enough, they will naturally harm human health.

it has started. Holding a bag of strong poisonous smoke, the iron rider stepped forward and went deep into the nest. There are worms that are bigger than people everywhere, but these worms are afraid of avoiding toxic smoke and fleeing around. If the worms are not afraid of this poisonous smoke, the Iron Giant also has a powerful energy shield to resist the sneak attack of the worms. As long as you can block the next wave of sneak attacks, as long as you are not besieged, the large military lightsaber in the hands of the Iron Rider can immediately break the bugs into pieces.

One hand carrying a poisonous cigarette pouch and the other hand holding a large military lightsaber that can serve as a lighting, the iron rider giant swayed steadily. It has been smooth so far, although there are terrible shadows everywhere in the worm nest, but they are affected by poisonous smoke, and they are not dare to approach.

Having said that, what happened to this worm nest? Although the floor walls and ceilings are covered with a layer of mushy worms, and there are countless larvae crawling, but the structure of the "corridor" seems to be a bit familiar?

Do not. There will be no mistakes. Albert's avatar deliberately smashed a sword toward the wall on the side of the corridor, opening a stone chamber that was blocked. Although the refuge stone room is already full of large eggs, it is extremely disgusting, but the structure is indeed familiar.

In order to fully determine his own conjecture, Albert's avatar let the iron rider go forward for about ten yards, and then smashed the wall, and found another refuge stone room covered by worms. If only the nests built by the worms are collected, it is impossible to have such a redundant structure, nor can it be structurally identical. The internal structure of this is exactly the same as that of Lviv. This is another, an ancient relic that was occupied by insects!

Albert suddenly understood what.

The Warcraft Hunter organization existed long time ago, only because the invasion of Warcraft in the past seven years has become frequent, and people have more demand for hunters. This organization that was not hidden in the historical shadow has been paid more attention.

It must have been done before, but the scale is not as big as it is now, and the battle is not as intense as it is today. Certainly not every time can succeed, but also when the hunter organization fails and is completely destroyed. It is said that it is not a simple artifact. It cannot be used alone. It must be used together to achieve its proper effect. It seems to be a kind of "amplifier", or it contains a "amplifier" that is too large to be removed. This will become, because some of the previous hunters have completely failed, and a city in the Twilight region has completely fallen, so it was captured by Warcraft and directly turned into a monster's lair.

This is the true face.

"Nina, can you hear?" After understanding everything, Albert immediately tried to contact the black rabbit girl: "Come tell me where the core is. Its motor room, and the device that lets it float, Where are they?"

"...what do you ask this?" Nina asked questioningly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the internal structure is exactly the same." Elbert replied, "When you know the structure of the central sanctuary, you know where the core of the nest is. I want to destroy it---- -- or at least let it sink!"

"The motor room is about four floors down from its center." Nina replied.

"I understand." The Iron Giant began to rush. Albert has a clear destination and he knows the way. He has been running back and forth dozens of times in the central sanctuary of Lviv, and its general structure has been touched by him.

Sure enough, like the real Central Temple, running up to twenty yards, there is a corner in front. The road was sealed by some kind of sticky and tough material, but this is not a problem. The iron rider giant waved a large photon saber, opened a roadblock a few times and found a passage hidden in the opposite!

More and more close to its center, the more intense the reaction of the worms, there have been many worms ignoring the poisonous smoke in the hands of the iron rider, and began to approach the iron ride.

There is not much time, and it must be quick and quick.

The deity of Albert passed the white tiger from the back of the iron ride, and directly made a blow to the army of insects attacked from the rear. The Iron Riders quickly waved large photon sabers and smashed the worms on the face!

Albert's ignited another two bags of toxic fumes and threw them deep into the center. Inside is a hall. According to Nina, the depth of the four floors below the room is the core!

The fiercely burning toxic fumes spread in the lobby of the center, killing all kinds of bugs. But there are also a lot of stubborn large worms staying there, as if from the very beginning, they know that the Iron Giant will come. They are rushing into the hall and the iron-riding giants are ready to meet!

However, these braided giant insects were also affected by toxic fumes, and the movements were obviously slowed down. The Iron Riders are even more disdainful about entanglement with these monsters. When they arrive at the hall, they will jump in an instant, and the large photon saber in the hand will be on the ground!
