Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2699: Trial of flames (20)

Chapter 2699 Trial of Flames

Sometime, somewhere.

Mutter slowly opened his eyes and felt confused and could not concentrate on thinking.

This is similar to the feeling of a hangover. He used to drink alcoholic beverages at the team's celebration party, and immediately drunk, and it was this feeling when he woke up the next day.

So where is this place? His vision is still vague and can't be seen clearly.

"Are you awake?" A voice rang in his ear. Mutt looked at the sound and saw the Mickey boy Mitch.

and many more. Why is Mitch appearing in this place? Why is the surrounding scenery crystal? Although Mutter is still confused, he can still think logically. He remembered that he was only sleeping on the way to Lviv, but he did not touch the crystal sword, and he did not cut his hand with a stab. Didn't he use the sword, how did he come to the abyss grain world?

"Mitch?" Mutt stood up alertly: "Why am I here? You-------"

He just wanted to reach out and touch the other side, but his hand penetrated directly from Mickey's arm like a virtual shadow, and could not touch each other!

"This is...!" Mutter, who was already very scared, was half cold in her heart.

"Calm." The Rat Boy said, "You can't touch me, probably because you only have a part of the consciousness coming into the grain world, and your body is still in the real world."

"My...a part of consciousness?"

"Well. The abyss is such a structure. Even if you only have consciousness, you can still come in." Mitch shrugged. "From the first time you used that crystal thorn sword, part of you will remain in the abyss grain forever." Every time you find a way to go back to the real world, you don't actually go back completely. Some of yours are still here."

Mutter frowned.

"You, and abuse the power of the abyss grain world?" Mitch asked in a slightly reproachful tone: "Because of abuse, your mental fatigue has reached a certain point, and the body in the real world has fallen into a deep sleep state. Because in reality you fall asleep, most of your consciousness is transferred to the grain boundary."

"How can this be done!" The Catman teenager complained: "That is, no matter what I do, I can't do without the grain boundary? Even if I think I have escaped, once I fall asleep, it will wrap me like a nightmare. ....."

"You don't abuse the power of the grain boundary, and this kind of thing wouldn't happen." Mitch said: "But don't worry, your consciousness is only temporarily staying here. Waiting for your physical rest in reality is enough. After waking up, you will probably be able to go back."


"Probably. Don't ask me." Mitch said with a smile: "I haven't gone back anyway, I will stay in the grain world forever."

Mutter was a little depressed.

"In addition, show you something." The rat boy reached out and slowly approached Mutter's face, eventually touching Mutter's cheek.

"Hmm?! How are you...!"

"You are here with a pure spiritual body, so you can't touch me. But I stay in the grain world is a purer spirit than you, I just have a little concentration, there is a way to touch To you. This is the characteristic of the grain world." Mickey smiled: "In fact, I may still have not touched you, I just want to find a way for you to come across me."

"Well... I don't understand." Mutt climbed up from the ground and found that the cave he was in was the hiding point of Mitch. Maybe Mickey took him back. This hiding point is located on the higher elevation of the cliff on the edge of the Crystal Canyon. The monsters who wander around the grain world can hardly come here.

"Now worry is useless. Come on, I will take you to see something interesting." Mitch went outside the cave.

Mutter has nothing else to do, and does not want to leave Mitch too far, can only keep up. After leaving the cave, he discovered that there was actually a crystal bridge outside. That was the last time he made it with a crystal sword. The crystal bridge stretched from the canyon to the other side of the canyon, almost connecting the two sides of the canyon.

"It's still there." Mutter couldn't help but wonder: "Is the abyss grain world not changing often?"

"Accurately, the grain boundary is constantly changing by the idea of ​​the owner of the grain boundary. The owner of the grain boundary is a moody and incomprehensible guy. In the end, the grain boundary is constantly changing." Mickey replied: "The Crystal Bridge that you made last time is still here, just because the owner of the grain world thinks it is very interesting and keeps it. If one day he gets tired of the bridge, it will disappear immediately.""Oh." Mutt snorted. Indeed, the abyss grain boundary is the master, the amethyst dragon that the cat boy teenager saw last time is the absolute lord of this abyss grain world. The whole abyss grain boundary is his possession and creation, and he can turn it upside down with a finger. In the specific field of the abyss, what is retained, or destroyed, depends on the will of the abyss.

Mitch continued to run along the Crystal Bridge, probably planning to run to the other side of the canyon. Mutter remembers that somewhere in the middle of the crystal bridge was broken, and the last battle made it break. Sure enough, when they reached the approximate middle position they saw the break of the Crystal Bridge. However, the broken part is still maintained by dozens of crystals, and they float in the air in a strange way, forming a small platform that can be set foot. Therefore, even if Mickey's skill is not as agile as Mouth, he can still step on the other side of the broken bridge on those small floating platforms.

"This is not scientific." When Mutter jumped on the floating platform, he couldn't help but vomit. However, the abyss grain boundary is not a real world. It is a high-dimensional hyperspace with a dimension much higher than reality. The law in reality cannot be completely applied to the abyss. Everything that Mutt has in front of him is only at the "simulated reality", it does not need to be completely reasonable. As long as the Lord of the Abyss has this meaning, the Crystal Bridge can even become a liquid floating in the air, and even spill the rainbow below.

With doubts, Mutter followed Mitch to the other side of the canyon. This is the platform that last battled with the Leiguang Giants. The traces of the last battle have even been completely preserved, and have not been changed by the Lord of the Abyss. Even the "export" that left the abyss grain boundary was retained, but it was already closed. There are no enemies around the platform, and it seems safe for the time being.

"So you really tried to leave with that exit." Mutter said: "But the exit will not open again, is that the case?"

"Yeah. Almost." Mickey replied: "But I knew from the beginning that I couldn't leave. I didn't expect too much."

"Do you really don't want to go back, Mitch?" Mutter asked: "So simple to give up hope of fleeing here?"

"I didn't say it," the Ratman sighed. "Even if I can go back to the real world, I am a long time ago. I am not dead in the grain world, but it is not in the real world. Maybe I will go. The real world will become a dry corpse... or it will be turned into ashes, nothing will stay. Just thinking about this, I am very scared..."

Mutter was silent for a while: "That's it, I won't force you. But you should understand, you can't stay here forever. Stay in the abyss, your spirit will gradually be eroded, and eventually mad." ------"

"Then it will become the same as those of the crystal monsters. Yes, I know." Mickey replied: "But since I broke into the grain world, it has been a long time. I still keep this. Look, I am not crazy. Probably... This is also the arrangement of the Lord of the Grains. He thinks that I am a fun toy, let me keep this look, not turning me into those A member of the Crystal Monster."

"But he is moody. If he gets tired of you one day...?"

"Then take a step and take a step." Mickey smiled bitterly: "My destiny is completely controlled by the Lord of the Grains. What can I do?"

Mutter did not answer. He looked up and down the boy and the boy. Usually Mickey wears only a pair of shorts, fearing that there are still a lot of clothes left and the fabric of the grain world continues to tear and break. But today Mickey wore Mutter to bring him new clothes in the abyss, and left the hiding cave so far. This child seems to be very happy, is it a good thing?

"Here. look closely." Mitch took Mutt to a huge crystal. The surface of the crystal was like a mirror, but it reflected a certain landscape.

"This is...!" The cat-and-boys were shocked when they just looked at it.

Because he saw Albert's face through the crystal.

Do not. Not only that. Albert, who is reflected in the crystal, is holding a little thing and delivering the little thing to someone's hand. The scenery changed in an instant, and the face of the black rabbit girl Nina was reflected in the crystal. The side of the crystal reflects the claws of a white gloved cat, the soft, real kitten's claws. The paw curiously poked Nina's chest as if to "tread on the milk."

"What is going on?" Mutter couldn't help but ask.

"This is the vision of a kitten." Mitch replied, "probably your vision of becoming a kitten."


"This mirror reflects your vision. I have confirmed this before." Mitch said: "First of all, I did not deliberately peek into your private life. I just stumbled upon this and saw a few more. Just what you want."

Mutter frowned. Although Mitch said that he did not deliberately peek, but if this crystal can really reflect the scenery that Mutter saw in the real world, then isn't his private life all seen?

"Now your consciousness is falling asleep and running into the grain world. In reality, you become a cat and temporarily control the body by the animal's consciousness." The Rat Boy continued: "The girl is holding You, treat you as a real cat. Um... From here you can only see the scenery, you can't hear the sound over there. So what happened on that side?"

"Probably was entrusted." Mutter looked at Albert's distant figure through the crystal mirror, knowing that they had arrived in Lviv. And Albert gave Mute, who turned into a kitten, to Nina and left.

The kitten stretched out his claws and wanted to retain Albert, but the tiger youth did not return to the ground. He either went to the refuge stone room to rest, or went to the battle. No matter which one, he will not return to Mutter for the time being.

I care. What will happen next? Mutt swallowed. In the grain world, he can't interfere with himself in reality, he can only look through the mirror.

"There is only us now," Nina said to the kitten. Although I couldn't hear Nina's voice from here, Mutter learned a little bit of lip language and could guess what she had said from the mouth of the black rabbit girl.

"Before we start, let's get along." Nina took the kitten to the side of the hall and sat down: "We have fresh squid caught from the river, do you want to eat?"
