Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2709: One hundred years of loneliness (six)

Remember [..] for one second,!

Chapter 2709, One Hundred Years of Solitude

"This, here." Elaine took Arthur to another room in the partial hall: "Yes, you must completely burn the replaced clothes and wash your body thoroughly."

"Of course." Arthur replied. After all, the Black Death is a terrible infectious disease, and it is completely reasonable to do this in the palace.

People in this era lack medical knowledge, but there are such anti-epidemic measures that they are so leaking. It must be that Elaine has a good guidance ------ or that Merlin’s guidance is good.

In the palace, even the flow of living water was specially introduced to Elaine. They prepared a small bathing pool with distilled alcohol for disinfecting the cockroaches. Elaine skillfully disinfected his hands with alcohol and handed the bottle to Arthur.

In fact, Arthur did not touch the queen at all, and even the things in that room were not touched at all. However, since entering the room of the patient with the disease, the disinfection procedure naturally cannot be relaxed. He poured some wine on his hand, and the pungent smell immediately came. This wine is not a whisky or a vodka. In short, the degree is not low, and Arthur feels hot in both hands. Although this is certainly not as good as the real 75% medical disinfection alcohol, it is better than nothing.

"Why are you blushing?" Arthur asked. "Isn't it going to secretly drink the wine?"

"No, no." Elaine buried half of his body in the pool, soaked and soaked.

Arthur also jumped into the water and drank a few times, although he did not feel that it was necessary. No soap to wash off the greasy body, the bubble will not be able to kill the bacteria for a long time?

Elaine carefully washed it from head to toe to ensure that there was no bacteria left on his body before leaving the bath to change clothes.

"So," Arthur lowered his voice and asked the white fat man: "When can we see Charles VII?"

"Immediately..." Elaine replied in a low voice: "Don't go see you, see him, he will come naturally..."

Arthur didn't understand the meaning of Elaine, but his uncomfortable expression from Elaine clearly felt that the guy didn't want to see the French king. but why? Is it simply because Elaine is not good at dealing with the royal family?

At this time, a small white sparrow flew in the courtyard outside the window. Just after falling on the edge of the bath, an object of the size of the toothpick was spit out from the mouth. The object immediately became larger after leaving the sparrow's mouth, because it was contained in the sparrow or in its mouth. The things are all reduced by magic, and the object will naturally become bigger when the object is lifted.

It was a sharp dagger.

"Uncle Arthur, is the dragon blood enough? Would you like to give it some more?" The white sparrow saw no talents to open the way. It was naturally Hyosung posing with a change spell.

"No, I have never used it before, enough." Cavalier replied. Hyosung's dragon blood is very special, which allows Arthur to have the ability to cast illusion, although the effect and scale of the illusion are completely incomparable with the illusion of Xia Xiaolong.

"So." The little sparrow jumped over the shoulder of the Cavaliers and was ready to move.

"...Your Majesty," Elaine also lowered his voice and asked the Cavaliers: "After crossing this world and the world, the body we borrowed really appeared out of thin air, right?"

"Yeah." Because the explanation is very troublesome, King Arthur simply does not deny.

"No, no matter how this body is treated... no one will be hurt, right?" Elaine asked again: "Let's go back and go back (refer back to 900 years ago), this body Yes, what will it look like?"

"I tried to become a stone to sleep. But if I really go back, the borrowed [prosthetic body] may evaporate." The Cavaliers King mixed. This is totally different from what he had seen before, just to save Elaine.

"Okay, okay..." The white fat man licked his shoulder and seemed to make a big decision.

The two walked out of the bathroom and reached the depths of the courtyard. There, a tower isolated from the other buildings of the palace stands, about five stories high.

"Mr. Aide can go back first. There is something to do with the doctor in the presence of the King." Several guards outside the bathroom were almost escortingly forced to send Elaine's assistant.

At this time, the "helper" has long been disguised as a human Hyosung with illusion, and the natural being sent is Hyosung. The real Arthur launched the illusion, keeping his posture in a state that would not be seen by the guards, behind Elaine. Elaine walked slowly to the tower and passed the three guards in front of the tower.

The interior of the tower is almost entirely a collection of books, at least one or two floors. Along the spiral staircase, the surrounding air is gradually covered by a light scent. The entire tower was not guarded, and the fifth floor room was a small bedroom that was isolated and transformed into a warm one. There is a luxurious queen bed, and the sheets are even made of silk. Other living equipment is also available, and there are tools for making black tea on the table. There is even a grand stove on the side of the room. Although it is summer, it is basically not used.

According to Arthur's speculation, this tower bedroom is either used to house certain politicians whose identity is not suitable for publicity, or to isolate people suffering from the Black Death. In any case, it is completely empty now, and the king is naturally not here. Arthur suddenly thought that this loft was actually prepared for Elaine.

and many more. How is this going? It won't...

From the downstairs came a weak footstep, Elaine immediately lowered his voice and said: "Fast, hide under the bed, under the bed."

Arthur reluctantly did. This may be the only chance for him to break through the guards and see the King Charles VII of France alone. Although there is a very bad hunch, it can only be done according to the plan.

Arthur slammed into the bed, and his vision was almost completely covered by silk sheets that were exposed on both sides of the bed. He carefully opened the edge of the sheets and snooped out without exposing his limits. At the same time, a young and middle-aged man who appeared to be in his twenties and barely managed to reach the bedroom. He looks flat, the ratio of lips to nose is a bit too funny, with a slightly obvious eye bag. And this person is wearing quite a few. Needless to say, this contemptuous black man is Charles VII.

"Oh, Your Majesty." Elaine seemed to sit nervously in front of the bed and salute the newly arrived king.

"No need to be polite, if it is Free." Charlie VII went straight to the bed. "Is it heard that the Queen's disease is almost finished?"

"Yes, yes. If you look at it for three more months, if the disease is not, it is not contagious, you can recognize it and be considered as finished." Elaine replied. He looked even more stupid in front of the king.

"You, it’s sinful to die." Charles VII suddenly said, and sat next to Elaine.

So Arthur’s vision was limited and he could only see the feet of these two people...

"His Majesty......?"

"Mary is just a political tool. She has no feelings about her marriage. She didn't use the value after she gave birth to a prince, and the woman is too embarrassed, and she still wants her to die. But you have done everything. She saved her life. "The king's mouth is a series of blame, but the tone is not like blaming people, but rather like teasing Elaine: "You. You have disrupted the plan, how to compensate The loss of ??------ Use your body to compensate."

"Oh...!" Elaine gave a sigh: "Hey, kneel, don't... there can't be..."

"What is shy, it is not the first time." Charles VII did not plan to stop. "Ah, this soft and flexible little belly, how to touch it will not get tired. You are really a treasure, Ruofei in."

Arthur was particularly depressed under the bed.

"Meet, will be seen...!" Elaine whispered, but did not struggle or resist. The other party is the king. It is the existence of Elaine’s head once it is angry. No matter how wronged, it can only endure.

"Reassured. No one will see that the guards can only patrol outside the tower and are strictly not allowed to be near the tower." The king said again: "Tonight is still growing. We can play slowly enough."

Elaine squeezed the fist of the sheet, and Arthur could hear the squeaking sound of the fist joint.

"Do you know that when you first came to treat ailments for sputum, you know that you are a priceless treasure." The king said, "Your identity is definitely not a doctor, but a witch doctor? Otherwise it is impossible to explain, you How to **** away the disease in the body of the cockroach. It is certainly not the scope of medical practice."

Elaine did not answer.

"But it doesn't matter. You won't hand you over to the church. You are a unique treasure, whether you are a witch doctor or a wizard, as long as you can meet your needs." Charles VII said again. Arthur could vaguely hear the voice of someone else rubbing his skin, and Elaine seemed to have been pushed down on the bed.

"Before you met, you were unlucky. The throne has not been recognized by the nobility, and the battle of Wei Nai has suffered a great defeat. Even the battlefield of Burgundy is in a hurry. It is because of your shackles. The disease and the bad luck were sucked away, and the cockroaches began to be lucky. As a result, a village woman who claimed to be a saint suddenly emerged and led the army to win the war. He succeeded in being crowned as a king. And your adoptive father also opened up. I have allocated a large sum of money to bring the country back to life. All this is thanks to you, my pure white lucky star, my pure and honest.


"The saint is just a jumping clown. It is a **** stick that comes out of fame and fortune when the country is hot. Without her, there will be another [saint] or [sage] coming out to save the country. But you, if you are, You are the only one. It is you who really reversed the fortune of the whole country from behind the scenes."

Elaine issued a series of low asthma: "There... no, no..."

"I can't say it on the mouth, but the body is very upright." Charlie VII smiled and ignored the weak opposition of Elaine and continued to swear at each other: "This war is a win. This country is saved by you." You have successfully saved this [country], now it is time to save this [individual]. Come on, relax, Mr. Sorcerer. Open the dark and deep magic gates in your body and once again bring the diseases in the scorpion and All the bad luck is sucked away! It’s hard to negotiate the conditions with the arrogant Duke of Burgundy, but now there is a lot of bad luck (pressure) in the body!"

"Hey!------" Elaine groaned and seemed to say good signals.

Arthur also took out from under the bed at a speed that was too fast, and first flew Elaine out of the foot, and then shot behind the King of France, with a sharp dagger against the neck of Charles VII.

"No, I want, move." Arthur pulled a tone and said coldly.
