Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2732: Shadow Lord (5)

Chapter 2732 Shadow Lord

The battle was on the verge, and Arthur’s real intention was to entangle the opponent for a few minutes. Because the things he has to prepare in a few minutes are fully prepared, and the situation will be reversed.

The group of priests threw something into the rat group, and they quickly burst, seemingly some kind of fire. These clergymen who became warrior warriors really can't use magic, but they are the fires of the medium that releases the magic. The medicine and the poison can kill people, so they just did not hesitate to use them when they started the war. Blasting and burning, as well as the toxic powder scattered everywhere, have a deterrent effect on the rats. The rats that rushed to the beach have obviously changed the direction of the march!

Yes, these mice are the enchanters of Fernandez, but they must follow the biological instinct to act! Although the previous locust bites the tree and slammed Arthur's face, it did not directly tear the lower flesh from Arthur, because the locust is not a carnivorous animal! Although Fernandez is able to control tens of thousands of enchantments, it is really powerful, but in order to control such a large number of enchantments, the accuracy of control must be reduced at some cost! He probably can only control these demon to make some general behavior, and perhaps control the direction in which the devils march, but he can't control the devils to act against their biological instinct!

Most of the Holy Spirit crusaders of the Crusaders touched the fuel on the sword, and madly expelled the invading mice with a sword with fire, and disrupted the battle of the rats. Others use a fire arrow to shoot a blast of fire, creating a piece of fire in the enemy!

The dead civilians rushed up with sleazy weapons, and together with other wild beasts, made a desperate fight with the rats. They slammed, chopped, chopped, and smashed the surrounding mice into bolognese, but they were also entangled in the raging rat! The mice are able to lick the bodies of these Necromancers and turn them into white bones. However, after becoming a bone, the Necromancer is still in action, and their actions seem to have become more agile!

However, Fernandez manipulated the devils to be really horrible, because the number is so scary, they don't even need to make a definitive attack, but they can win in groups of people who flock to them! First submerged the opponents in the wave of the rat, they can slowly smash the enemy.

The Vatican Knights and Crusaders in front of the battlefield also fought bravely to attack the sword and temporarily blocked the impact of the rat. The two wings of the civilians have been a bit unstoppable, the front line began to collapse, a mouse of tides rushed toward Arthur!

The golems rushed to a slash, and it was almost impossible to trace the fast whirlwind with the naked eye, temporarily blocking the nearby rats.

A minute passed, and Arthur was ready to be at least preliminary.

The Cavaliers didn't even think about throwing a purple-red crystal gun into the center of the rat.

Oh! The power of the crystallization gun is still huge, and the hitting object bursts and breaks into hundreds of crystal fragments, which spatter damage the surrounding mice. The mice that were hit by the crystallization guns were dozens of hundreds of ones. Once they were shot, they were killed at a very high speed, because the crystallizer had some kind of poison that was created by the alchemy arm!

"Well?" Fernandez repelled backwards, presumably afraid of being attacked by a crystallized gun. This timid man is nothing but good at manipulating the demon. He probably thought that Arthur’s crystallizer wanted to attack him and solve the battle in one breath.

However, Arthur’s intention is not the case. The body of the mouse, which was murdered by a crystallized gun, and with purple-red crystal fragments, suddenly began to move. They turned into a dead spirit, began to scream in the rat, and killed with other mice!

That's right! The enemy has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity, and Arthur’s current military power is certainly not a win. But if you turn your enemies into friendly forces, weaken your enemies and continue to grow your own words?

Arthur also fired dozens of crystallization guns in succession. The manufacture of the crystallization gun is not difficult and can be done in a flash. The most time to prepare is the kind of toxic sodium trinitrate attached to the crystallizer. Sodium is naturally derived from the salt in the sea, which is why Arthur stayed at the beach since the beginning. This compound can be easily produced with alchemy gloves, has a strong explosiveness and toxicity, and the powder formed after the explosion also has a pungent odor. Attach it to the crystallization gun, and by blasting the crystallization gun into pieces to pierce the rats' bodies, they can kill these non-toxic small creatures quickly and effectively.

The dead mouse climbed again because of the "death crystallized dart" made by the rupture of the crystallized gun, becoming the necromancer manipulated by Arthur. As long as the crystal darts are not removed, the magic on the crystal darts is not exhausted, and these dead mice can continue to move!

Dozens of crystal darts burst in the rat population, killing more mice and turning them into dead spirits. The rats that had been rushing in one direction began to show great confusion. Even the mice in the rat group were killing each other. Other necromancers joined the battle, and the scene was unbelievable!

Fernandez thinks that his demon army is invincible, but the demon is actually only a creature, the creature can be killed, and after they are killed, they can naturally become a dead spirit! Arthur has determined to turn to the advantage of the enemy and gradually reverse his own disadvantages! If the number of dead spirits on the battlefield and the number of demons are equal, it is already Arthur winning!

He continued to stay at the beach, using the existing resources to create highly toxic, and then smashed the crystallization gun with a poison, allowing more death to spread in the rat population. Ordinary crystallization guns can kill these weak creatures through the body of the mouse, but Arthur wants a higher killing efficiency, and the crystal fragments of the mice are killed. Because of this war that counts every second, even if a creature turns into a dead spirit for ten seconds, it may cause Arthur to finally lose the war!

There are still a lot of mice who want to sneak out of the battlefield to attack Arthur. The number of them is not threatened, and they are slashed by the four business card wing knights beside Arthur.

There are locusts in the sky, they are huge, but they don't eat meat. It is reasonable to say that they will not bite Arthur. But their huge amount is a threat in itself, and the opponent probably wants to use this locust to seal the actions of Arthur and the Necromancer!

But the locusts are in the air, just a better target. The crystallization gun thrown by the Cavaliers turned to the locusts, and the structure of the crystallization gun became more fragile, which could scatter more fine killing power but just enough to kill the crystal lances of the mites. The violent crystal lancet rain that burst in midair hit hundreds of locusts, making them become dead souls at a very high speed. So a large number of locusts were also controlled by Necromancer, and other locusts bite each other, and the battle became a crazy wrestling between the living and the dead!

The desperate battlefield began to show signs of improvement. About a quarter of the rat and locust swarms were transformed into dead spirits and began to fight in the enemy. The crystallization gun that Arthur can use here is almost endless, as long as he is at the beach, he can shoot these crystal guns with venom and enchantment.

In the middle of the battlefield, the two Pope knights who became the dead spirits were finally unable to do so, and they were completely stunned by the violent mouse! The moment they fell, they launched the wonderful summoning technique, and actually called out the evil spirits! It was two seemingly ordinary black evil spirit knights, but they had "not dead" and were not controlled by anyone. In the middle of the battlefield, they screamed with huge guns and attacked everything around them indiscriminately. Fernandez’s demon army was the most damaged, and under the ruthless beat of the rod gun, countless mice turned into meat!

Arthur then let the two evil spirits of the giants continue to clamor, and then knocked on the side of the battlefield to launch a "death crystallization gun" to control the battlefield that they can control. More of the magic mouse was transformed into the dead spirit, Fernandez's hard-working army was disintegrated in half, and over time, there will be more and more magic to join Arthur's army of the dead! It seems that this battle is almost over, unless

There is something moving between the mountains. When Arthur saw the scene, his face changed.

It is a tree! The trees are moving!

Driven by the magic of Fernandez, the huge trees actually turned into a tree demon giant, and the incomparable cardinal also rode on the shoulders of one of the giant trees, and pushed toward the shoreline!

"Hey, this is too cheating?!" The Cavaliers could not help but exclaimed. It is no problem to manipulate the small creatures like mice. Fernandez can even control the plants. In the few minutes just now, "wake up" more than ten tree monster giants!

And plants? Arthur is not sure if it can control plants as dead spirits. Probably not. That is to say, the dozens of tree monsters are the loyal servants of Fernandez, and they are not easy to provoke, and are not easily killed by poison! The tree demon of the same quality is indeed an invincible warrior who can’t get into the gun!

"You can't win me, Cavalier." Cardinal Fernandez said triumphantly: "The Abyssal Code: Unsolded" is the strongest spell in the world! Your poverty is not The eye-catching and desperate necromantic technique is incomparable with it!"

"In this case, you will use yours, is it necessary to rob me in my hands?" The Cavaliers said coldly.

There is no logic in the other party's words. It can be seen that Fernandez has long been in a state of madness. Fernandez’s eyes were originally red, and now they are emitting more powerful red light. There are obvious blood vessels on the surface of the skin near his eyelids, which seems to be no longer human. He himself has not realized this point, and is still abusing that power, and regards the "tree demon", something that should not exist in nature, as a demon. This madness will only make him sink deeper and deeper.

At the same time as the abyss trades in exchange for great intelligence and strength, people often have to pay for reason. After touching the abyss, you can get both intellectual and self-sustaining people. At present, there is only Arthur in the world.

"Let's talk nonsense! Let's die!" The Cardinal screamed and manipulated the tree demon to rush toward the Cavaliers!
