Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2745: Shadow Lord (18)

Chapter 2745 Shadow Lord

In the face of the approaching Knight of Hanwack, Arthur, who was unable to move on the ground by supergravity, frowned.

The ability of the evil spirit Cyclops is indeed extremely ridiculous, and it can control the gravity to suppress all the people around it. But there is no absolute invincible ability in the world. Even if the evil spirits Cyclops have the ability to absolutely rely on the skin, there must be a corresponding cracking method!

Hanwack just said "the life span of several years"...?

That should not be simply to sacrifice power to evil spirits, and to make yourself "short-lived" as simple. What do you mean by a few years of life? Think about it.

correct. It is the "overload" phenomenon of the body. Just as the magicians abused a lot of magic in a short period of time and overdrafted their lives, they gradually petrified. If the human body is exposed to a large number of photons in a short period of time, the body cells will die and harden, eventually becoming like stones. The more powerful the magic, the free photons in nature will flow from the outside to the human body at a higher speed, thus accelerating human aging and death.

Hanwack allowed the evil spirits to attach to his body and said that he would be "short-lived", probably the same principle. The evil spirits of the mass production of the church are different from the true Holy Spirit. Their composition is very rough, and the damage to human cells after the possession is also very large.

However, Hanwack had to do this. Probably he needs to completely integrate with evil spirits before he can completely liberate the full power of the evil spirits Cyclops and create this "invincible" super-gravity space. Only when he is integrated with evil spirits can he immunize this super-gravity space. When others are suppressed on the ground and can't move, only the Knight of Hankak can move freely.

Free action? Not right. Arthur watched as Hankack walked toward him step by step, walking very slowly. And the guy clearly wears armor, but tears off the armor and takes off. That's because the heavy armor on his body is a burden, and it seems too heavy in the hypergravity space.

The Knights of Hanwack can't move freely in this hypergravity space, and he is also affected by supergravity. Only he is now possessed by the evil spirits of the Cyclops, and is affected by the supergravity to be smaller than others!

------So he only walked so slowly, as if gravity suppressed him almost without moving!

I don't know if he is being blessed by evil spirits, so he is less affected by a little supergravity, or because his body's toughness has increased after his integration with evil spirits, so he can continue to act against this terrible supergravity.

In any case, since Hanwack can't move agilely in this hypergravity space, "the trick" has the value of trying it out.

Instead, Arthur can only move his fingers now. The only way to resist is to "the trick."

He stretched his hand as far as possible. It was just this simple movement that made him feel that the muscles of his arms were about to be shredded by gravity. He moved his fingers and touched the fingers of the alchemy gloves to the ground of the marble. The floor of the dock is made of marble and can be said to be quite luxurious. Considering that Funonika is an important port city in Rome, it is a shipping center all the year round. This luxurious configuration is not surprising.

Although the marble is very strong, it will become something else as long as it is processed a little.

"So, is it better to get rid of your feet first, or is it better to pick up your hands first?" Hanwack approached slowly, holding a blade to prepare for Arthur's execution.

However, he took a step and was about to raise the sword.

With a bang, he fell!

The marble floor he stepped on suddenly became a loose and fragile thing. In that kind of super-gravity environment, he naturally could not bear the weight of Hanwack himself, so the Cavaliers directly trampled the floor and the whole person fell into the pit!

This is a pit. It was created by Arthur using alchemy gloves, and the death trap.

The main constituent of marble is calcium carbonate. It is a fairly stable and hard substance at room temperature, but it can be decomposed by heating into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. The alchemy gloves directly skip the step of heating and decomposition, and use magic to completely disintegrate the calcium carbonate under the marble floor into calcium oxide.

The hard marble turned into a loose, porous, relatively fragile calcium oxide stone, which is also full of bubbles in the formation of carbon dioxide, which quickly becomes an invisible cavern trap that lets the uninformed fall.

However, in general, this "falling hole" is not established unless it is a large fat man with hundreds of pounds. However, now Arthur and others are all in the "super-gravity space", even Hanwack himself has been affected the same. Hanwack is a strong man who is full of muscles. Now his weight is magnified five or six times, and he should have almost a thousand pounds.

The weight of thousands of pounds is pressed against the surface of the calcined stone that is loose and porous, and it is a strange thing that the ground does not collapse.

"Hmm...?!" Knight Hanwack didn't even figure out what was going on in front of him. He only knew that he was suddenly dragged in by the ground and was in a deep pothole. Among them. He tried to struggle to climb out, but in this super-gravity space, he could not only climb up, but even broke the loose calcium oxide stone around, making the hole deeper and full of flowing. gravel!

To make matters worse, the dock was originally built on the sand, which means that people laid marble above the original sand to create this seemingly sturdy dock. The marble seemed to be five or six feet thick and it was quite strong, but a circle of marble near the pothole was transformed by Arthur with alchemy gloves and seemed to affect the deep ground. The sand in the marble is a more fluid thing. In the super-gravity state, they are like quicksand. Together with those calcium oxide gravel, they dragged the deep-sinking Hanwack deeper into the ground!

"You bastard...! What did you do to the floor?!" He shouted in the pothole, and the stupid guy struggled until now, and he didn't seem to know that he was sinking deeper and deeper. .

Arthur didn't want to explain. Anyway, the other party can't understand.

"Amount...?!" And the Knights of Hankack struggled more and more hard, and the strength was gradually swallowed by the gravel.

That is natural. The other party may not know, but he has been poisoned by carbon dioxide. The substance decomposed in the marble is a large amount of carbon dioxide in addition to calcium oxide. Carbon dioxide is heavier than most of the air in the air, and in this hypergravity environment, they naturally do not overflow from the pit, but remain in the trap in the form of concentrated gas. These invisible deaths are also silent, and the more carbon dioxide that Hanwack **** in, the closer he is to suffocation.

Although the Cavaliers are still struggling, but most of his body has been buried by gravel, the speed of his hands and feet is much slower than the original. It seems that the person possessed by the evil spirits is still a human being. It is inseparable from the physiological needs of the human beings. The breathing still needs to breathe. When the suffocation dies, it is inevitable to suffocate death!

The guy couldn’t have been alive, thinking that he could do whatever he wants with the invincible ability of the world. I didn't expect Arthur to let him fall into a desperate situation with a simple trap. Up to now, Hanwack’s only means is to lift the super-gravity space of the evil spirit Cyclops. But once Hanwack did this, Arthur would surely pick up the lightsaber in his hand and cut off his head from the distance.

No matter how you choose, Hanwack is a dead end.

"You have only one defeat," Arthur whispered in a low voice. "You are too dependent on the power of the spirit, but you have not exerted your strength at all."

"Abominable... Damn ah ah ah! ------" Hanwack’s screams are getting smaller and smaller, in the deep pit filled with deadly high concentrations of carbon dioxide, he even Normal breathing can't be done, naturally it doesn't make much noise.

"In this case, I will let you also be buried together...!" he shouted with a small voice.


More than ten times more horrible than the original super gravity. Arthur felt that his body was pressed against the ground by a few dozen tons of heavy pressure, and he couldn’t breathe!

That was the last struggle of the people who knew that they were going to die. The Knights of Hanwack reinforce this super-gravity space with the last force, and the surrounding gravity has been increased several times!

... can't breathe!

Arthur was able to clearly hear the sound of his body squeaking, the joints of his body could not withstand the horrible gravity, the sound of being squeezed.

So sad. It seems that the internal organs have to be crushed! The blood rushed out of Arthur's throat. He didn't even take the initiative to vomit blood. The blood rushed out from his nose and mouth!

This gravity is at least 10g, not 20g?

bad! There is a dragon's blood in Arthur's body, and the body is stronger than ordinary people. Maybe it can last for a few more seconds. But most of the companions behind him are ordinary people. Under this horrible supergravity, it is estimated that they will not persist for a minute!

Must find a way to kill Hanwack right away! Can't drag anymore! Is there any way to let Hanwack in the pothole die as quickly as possible?

Arthur moved his fingers and changed the ingredients in the air again.

What you have to do is very simple. Collect nitrogen and oxygen from the air to create a **. This is a kind of neurotoxic gas that can make people laugh involuntarily. It also has anesthetic properties. Its density is larger than that of air. In this hyper-gravity space, it naturally flows to the lower part and instantly flows into the pothole. I still don't know that the pit is filled with the terrible carbon dioxide, and Hanwack, who tries to inhale and try to prolong his life, naturally inhales a lot of **.

He began to laugh like crazy, and the laughter was like a devil's laughter. Unsuspecting thought that this was the last madness before a person died, only Arthur knew that it was ** affecting the opponent.

The horrible supergravity seems to have weakened a bit. Not surprisingly, Arthur’s control of gravity really requires the user to concentrate, and ** let the Hanwack knight laugh and anesthetize, he can’t concentrate, and the control of gravity is naturally much weaker. Arthur got a breather here, and Hanwack was speeding to death. The more he laughed, the more he inhaled more carbon dioxide, the more serious the suffocation. ** itself is also a suffocating nature of poison gas, after entering the blood will accelerate the process of human hypoxia, so the more Hanwack laughs, the closer to death!


A strange voice came silently from the deep pit, and it seemed that something had broken.