Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2762: City of Purgatory (3)

Chapter 2762, Purgatory City III

At the end of the dark corridor, Pope Eugene IV pushed the metal door into a room, and the slap-sized little lion Renault approached from the ceiling, and the wall quickly slid into the room as soon as the door opened.

Elaine naturally saw all of this through the Holy Stone (although the image was a bit fuzzy), and he saw it in the middle of the room, being beaten with a swollen face and lying on the table and gasping Goff.

So Goff was really suspected and even caught and tortured. The look on Elaine's face became dignified.

"He hasn't confessed yet?" Eugene IV asked, the words were cold and cruel, and the appearance of the great good man was the opposite.

"Special mouth is hard." The church interrogator responsible for torture replied that the man’s face was covered with a black cloth bag, wearing a special black garment made of leather strips, with a silver metal spike on the leather strip and a cover that was not covered by the leather strip. Exposed to the muscles of the body, he looks like a scalp mad man with a spike. However, this abnormal dress is not just a dress up. He just used a hand strap with a spiked leather strip and an arm to bring a hit. Although the spike is not very sharp, the metal hedgehog can still cause no small damage. . During this time of the Pope's words, the interrogator smashed Goff several times, and his fists fell on the back, shoulders and lower abdomen of the Dahan.

"So this guy for [protection] Dr. Ifre, last night, one of us put down three of our Pope knights? Only use the fist to deal with the Pope's knight with armor?" The Pope curiously: "It's very powerful." If you are willing to serve our church, it is probably a personal thing."

He grabbed some of the sporadic broken hair and bandages on Goff's forehead and lifted Goff all over: "You don't care about anything. Anyway, I can guess. Charles VII sent you to protect Dr. Jorge. Right? From the point of your empty hand knocking down the three Pope knights, you are also a powerful figure in France. I guess it is right? Is it, um, what is it? Right, France The elite of the Iris flower knights that the king is proud of?"

Goff still did not answer the half sentence, his face was blood, and there were traces of serious burns on his face, and even the expression on his face could not be easily seen by the other side.

The Pope guessed it all wrong, Elaine thought. And the mistake is outrageous. But fortunately, the Pope is self-righteous to speculate that Elaine’s undercover identity seems to have not been seen.

"Where is Dr. Ifrey?" Goff asked quietly and quietly.

Snapped! When the voice just fell, the Pope rewarded Goff's heavy slap in the face, and smiled and said: "Please don't make a mistake, Mr. Goethe of the French Iris Flower Knights. Now we are asking you questions. Trouble you Know your identity and speak again."

Goethe witnessed the pope, his eyes burning in anger in silence.

"You and he can no longer meet." The Pope sneered. "I will tell Dr. Joffrey that you were killed in the attack of the pagan today. I want to see him again? Death this heart."

Do you know that Dr. If you were sold by your master, Charles VII, from the very beginning? He used his beloved toy in exchange for the enormous benefits the church promised him. You are sent to [protect] Dr. Ifre, it makes no sense at all. If Dr. Ifre would stay in the Vatican like this, he would never be able to return to France. He is the property of the church, and the church likes to do what he does, you can't control it. We can make him an idol of the soldiers, a spiritual pillar, or he can be trampled on the ground and let him become a tool for the soldiers to vent. And you, your French motherland, can't do anything about it.

The choices you can make now are two, one is to roll back to your French master, when this has never happened;

Another option is to die here. No one can protect it, just die without meaning -

Come, let's choose! "

Then Pope Eugene IV began to force Goff's neck to force the Goff to suffocate to death.

"Amount!" Goff’s neck screamed and his throat seemed to be pinched off. The Pope had such great strength, and Elaine couldn’t help but be surprised. But now is not the time to study this, if you do not do anything, then Goff will be cut off his throat and die!

"Moving, hands-on, Renault." Elaine fought. He can continue to be undercover regardless of Goff's life. But doing so completely contradicts Elaine’s original intention.

"Hey." The Platinum Lion suddenly fell from the ceiling, and the moment he fell, he changed back to its original size, and the air pressure flattened the church interrogator below. He slammed into a powerful current, and the current seemed to have his own will, avoiding Goff's body and directly hitting the hand of Pope Eugene IV. Eugene IV, who was hit by a strong current, was forced to shrink his hand in an instant. Goff fell to the ground and the Pope leaned back. The Platinum Lion did not pay attention to the identity of the Pope. He rushed to the position of a lion, and used the slamming with electric shock to directly shoot the Pope into coke!

Less than half a second, there are two black corpses that are lying on the coke. The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion was really thorough, and he was killed without giving the Pope a room to explain.

"Well, cough, cough!" Goff regained his breath, slowly climbed up, and calmly examined the situation around him.

There were no other people in the room, and only Goff and the two who were now turned into coke. The pope seemed to think that this "shelter" was his site, completely relaxed and vigilant, and did not bring guards when he came here. As a result, the Platinum Lions ended the battle with the fastest speed and the smallest movement, and did not even alarm the people in other places in the shelter."Coughing thank you, this is the second time you have saved me." Goff slowed down and went to the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions. He knew Elaine was listening on the other side. all of these.

"But the problem is a big problem. The pope actually died like this and we are still in the base of the enemy. How can we escape?" Goff thought.

Then he suddenly found something in the blackened head of the pope on the ground, as if something was shining. Curious, he reached for his groping and pulled out a small metal capsule that was small enough for the nail.

"What is this?" Goff could not understand.

Elaine, who observed this through the Holy Stone, knew, or he had heard of it -

Isn't this an artificial component?

Elaine suddenly woke up, this pope is not a real pope, it is likely to be just a substitute. The real Pope Eugene IV may be hiding in other places and in a very safe situation.

bad. The Platinum Lions smashed the false pope and the interrogator under the impulse. Even if Elaine didn't reveal his identity, Goff couldn't easily excuse it. At least Goff had to escape from the "case." But what should I do?

Elaine had no idea, but the Platinum Lion was not the Holy Spirit controlled by Elaine. He had his own idea. He pressed the lion's palm against the two blackened bodies, and once again released a strong current, and used the electric shock to completely turn the body into ashes, and even their clothes burned. There was a pile of metal spikes on the ground, the thorns of the clothes on the interrogator. They glow red because of the heat. Such a simple and destructive method of destroying dead bodies has exceeded human cognition. Even if the guards who arrived later saw the nails and ashes on the ground, it is estimated that there is no way to directly associate the pope and the interrogator with being killed and turned into ash, thinking that the two were just missing.

"Hey!" Platinum Lions shouted.

"I mean I want to follow you?" Goff loosened himself for himself, moved his arm, and picked up the interrogation officer and the Pope's carry-on weapons from the ground - two small daggers and a long sword. He has no other choices, and he can only escape from the scene at this time.

The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion did not pay attention to Goff’s inquiry and slammed the door. It is amazing that he knocked out the door but did not make much noise, and no one was patrolling in the corridor.

Goff shook his head. There was no way to take the Platinum Lion. He couldn’t help but follow him. He had to speed up and catch up.

"Well, wait, wait?" Elaine saw from the Holy Stone that the Platinum Lion was rushing back at full speed, seemingly to meet Elaine. He was scared and stupid. For a time, he didn't know what to do. He could only lift his pants and get up from the toilet.

"What are you doing?! Wow!!" The screams of the two monks had been heard outside the door. They had not had time to resist, and they were killed by the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion.

The door of the bathroom was also slammed by the platinum lion, and he looked up at Elaine with a disgusting expression, presumably complaining that Elaine did not cooperate with his actions or that he simply hated the smell of the toilet.

"Heaven!" White fat man plagued his head. Renault’s reckless lion has no plans at all, just want to kill a **** road, right?

"If you are a big man," said Goff, who had a bruised face, appeared in front of Elaine. "I'm sorry to bother you. But what should I do next?"

"I can only find a way to escape and escape. There is no way." Elaine groaned with anger. He was not a well-planned person. The action of the platinum lion Renault also disrupted his overall plan. What else can he do besides escape?

"Understood." Goff seized some weapons from the ground: "Please follow me. I will protect you from the broken bones and let you escape from this ghost place."

"The powder, the broken bones, or something," Elaine showed an embarrassing expression.

Renault is obviously too lazy to pay attention to the two human chats, rushing out and walking in the forefront. The Platinum Lions are indeed very strong in combat. They are able to exert all of their power in such a narrow place indoors, even without being afraid of being besieged. Nowadays, this "shelter" has not yet entered a state of alert. Elaine still has a chance to flee.

But is this really so simple?

Two men and one lion flew out. Even if Elaine was reluctant, he could only take advantage of the situation and desperately escape the clutches of the church.


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