Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2776: City of Purgatory (17)

Chapter 2776 The City of Purgatory Seventeen

After getting rid of the first branch of the Pope's Knights, Arthur ran a short distance and immediately saw the door of the powerhouse.

At least no one is blocking the way. The door of the power room is almost the same as that of Arthur. The ultra-scientific heritage left by the ancient gods and humans will hardly age in the years, but it will be a little dusty for a long time without maintenance.

I don’t know if the small golems in Skid Platney’s Ark will regularly clean in these places, but Arthur can be sure that the church’s dumplings really don’t pay attention to this power room, otherwise its doors will not be The dust is accumulating. Although the door to the powerhouse has been shown to have been opened in the near future, the number of times it has been used in the past 900 years should be horrific.

No matter what. The Cavaliers pushed the door of the power room and walked in.

As long as the power stove is stopped, the battle will come to an end. The sunken Skid Plattney’s Ark will have no fighting power, and the outside battle will be the upper hand of Arthur. And the enchantment of the Ark will disappear, which means that Merlin can come in and meet with Arthur. It also means that Merlin’s intelligence and transmission ability can be supported. As long as Arthur finds Jude (Greenville), she can immediately take her. Returned to the original world nine hundred years ago.

Then they can knot

At the moment when the door of the power room was opened, Arthur looked dumbfounded.

Isn't this the power room at all?

There is no power furnace. The surrounding scenery is not the scenery that the power room should have. There is a sky in the room, and in front of Arthur is a green forest.

What is this ghost? The Cavalier King stunned for half a second. He first thought of this as a holographic influence, an illusion used to confuse him. However, he reached out and touched the surrounding trees, and the touch was so real, unlike the effect that holographic images can make.

So this place that was originally a power furnace was converted into a green area? Has the power furnace been moved to another area?

But is this kind of thing really possible? The power furnace is the heart of a spacecraft, providing an endless source of energy for the ship. Just having a heart can't be done. Just like a human being, the ship needs a lot of "blood vessels", that is, a power transmission pipeline, and transmits the energy in the "heart" to every corner of the ship to make it work. Pulling the whole body, not to mention the "heart" shift. To move the power furnace to another room is not only as simple as moving the power furnace, but also needs to reset various circuit interfaces, re-arrange the primary energy guidance, and even consider a series of problems such as heat dissipation.

Arthur did not believe that the church had the ability to make such a major transformation of the Skid Plattney Ark. Arthur didn't even think that the former owner of the Ark, like the people, was capable of making such a transformation. But the truth is that. The power room in Arthur's memory was moved to another place. Arthur followed the memory to this place and turned into a **** green! plant! Area!

King Arthur, who was very calm, couldn’t help but be a little angry. After throwing away all the companions, it is not his real destination to break through the place that is surrounded by the hardships. What a joke!

Did he have some sort of transfer trap, and the moment he opened the door was transferred to another room?

Did the Grail of the Hundred Years ago change the destiny of the world, and the various things in the world have changed to varying degrees, including the internal structure of the Skid Plattney Ark? ?

Do not. Arthur took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. It doesn't make sense to go to the reasons for it now. Instead of looking at the reasons, it is better to find a solution.

So what should I do next?

His goal is still to find the power room and suppress the power furnace of the Ark. This will not change. Only by doing so will they have a chance to win. However, the Ark is so large, its internal structure is not the same as that in Arthur's memory. How do you find the so-called power room at a time?

Just as the Cavalier’s brow was deep and wrinkled, when he was unable to do anything, a voice interrupted his thoughts: "Hey, squat?"

Arthur looked at the sound and saw Elaine. Behind the white fat man followed Goff, and Joan of Arc, and another great lion with a white gold glow, followed by Elaine.

"Ilain!" Arthur temporarily browed: "Is it good to find Jude? Good job!"

"Er, yes," Elaine slammed the hoe. "We are going to flee and escape from this underground shelter, but it was carried by Renault, and it took a long time to go to this strange and strange place." "

Arthur’s meal, I feel that something is wrong: "Are you also being led here?"

"Guid?" Goff asked inexplicably.

"Is that the Holy Spirit?" Arthur fixed his eyes on the platinum lion Renault, and the big lion also fixed his eyes on the Cavaliers. The big lion looked very holy, and the atmosphere was completely different from the evil spirits Arthur had encountered before.

"Is this not the Holy Spirit summoned by the teachings of the church?" Arthur asked.

"Amount, um," Elaine replied, pulling out the pendant with the holy stone from his arms: "Renault can control the electric energy. It is with that, um, what is it? Radar? Look for and find the exit." " "Exporting" Arthur said profoundly. However, the Platinum Lions used the "radar" to find out that it was not an export. Instead, they found this place with plants. He should not simply and rudely think that he wants to leave the "underground". He only needs to find a piece of plants (because only the sun shines on the ground to grow a piece of plants), so the target locked with radar is [plant] Right?

"You have two things that are wrong." Arthur sighed: "First, this is not an underground shelter. This is the interior of Skid Plattney's Ark."

"Hey??" Elaine looked blank.

"Second, the [export] you are looking for is still far away from here. This is just a green area inside the Ark." Arthur glanced at the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion: "It seems that a lion is clever, but it is misled by the radar. "

"Hey!" The Platinum Lion seemed to understand Arthur's words and snorted with dissatisfaction.

"That, Michael Michael?" Jude, who has remained silent, said: "Would we like to leave here and say"

"Leave, um," Arthur thought for a moment: "It’s useless to escape now. Skid Plattney’s Ark is floating in midair, and there are thousands of yards below the deck, which can’t jump.”

When Arthur and his party came to ride the dragon, but the two dragons were fighting, now they can't open the body. It is estimated that there is no way to support Arthur.

"Now I can't escape. The goal is still the power of the ship." Arthur then shook his head: "Only if the thing stops, the ship will land, and the battle will win."

He looked at the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion. That thing is the Holy Spirit created by the teachings of the church. To be honest, Arthur is not willing to believe him. But now there seems to be no better choice. If he is really the Holy Spirit to control electricity and can use electromagnetic waves to detect surrounding objects, then the task of finding a power furnace can only be done by Platinum Lions.

"Ilan, let your Holy Spirit go to the powerhouse."

"Can you, can you?"

"It should be able. The Hadron fusion power furnace used by the Ark generates a huge energy response all the time. The output current is so large, and the electromagnetic waves in the power room are naturally amazing. If your Holy Spirit can sense electromagnetic waves, he has no reason to sense it. That one."

"Well, I try, give it a try. Renault?"

"Hey." The Platinum Lions reluctantly stumbled and complained that these human demands were too many. However, complaining complained, he did it according to Elaine's request, crouching on the ground to detect, and a circle of light from him.

Arthur has not yet believed in the spirit created by the church's technology. He allowed the Platinum Lions to do this, in addition to using the power of the Holy Spirit, but also tempting. Whether it was accidental or intimidated by the people, the Platinum Lion led Elaine and his party to this place to meet Arthur. The Cavaliers thought it was no accident. In addition to the attitude of the two former Pope Knights, Arthur even felt that he himself was deliberately induced to this place, and met with Elaine and his party.

This is not going to be the Pope's plan? But what does this plan mean? Where did the Pope hide and secretly plan what?

"Forehead, yes." Just as Renault used the ability to detect the position of the power furnace, Joan of Arc also came over to talk to Arthur and took a small thing from his arms: "This holy thing was first handed over to the adult of Michael. Better."

"Holy things?" Arthur, who was contemplating, was attracted to the words of Jude and turned to look at Jude: "What holy things?"

"The Pope made it [the seed of Eden], and it seemed to have the power to open the Garden of Eden." Jude spread his hand and handed the seed to Arthur.

At the moment of seeing the thing, the Cavalier was as stiff as an electric shock.

Is this tree species not [biological tree species]?

Arthur will never admit it. It is because of the existence of this tree species that Arthur can only find the time and space coordinates of Greenville (now Jude) from the original world of 900 years ago, and can always find this era and this place. The same tree has been flowing from the world 900 years ago to this era, once again in front of Arthur. Is this [fate]?

There is a complicated and intractable causal relationship in this, and Arthur is not entangled for the time being. It is the "Eden Garden" that Jude said caused Arthur's interest.

"What Eden? What can this thing do in the end?" Arthur asked.

"It seems that using the blood of the saints to activate [the species of Eden], you can open the [park] that is hidden in it." Jude replied: "The Pope showed me once, the paradise opened with my blood. It’s true that the paradise is right. But that’s also the paradise that today’s humans don’t have.”

"So the church intends to dominate this [landscape]." The Cavaliers have an amazing ability to understand. From Jude's words, they roughly guess the church's plan.

Wait, Jude said [Saint], it will not be!

The tree in Arthur's opponent was wary, but before he really started to guard, a shadow had suddenly emerged from the tree at a very high speed.

The white light flashed, something was tied to the Cavalier's chest!