Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2791: Nightingale aria (4)

Chapter 2791 Nightingale Aria 4

In the deep countryside, two figures are slowly moving.

"There is no one patrolling." Biddyville was surprised to see the ruins around it, the cold look.

"South Africa has not developed much after turning Madagascar into its own colony. Some people live in several mining areas and port areas in the southwest." Chery Chad walked while paying attention to his feet. Opened a white bone on the ground: "This is the abandonment of the kingdom of the Kingdom of Soris. They are not willing to clean up the wreckage of the waste site, nor are they willing to develop this unidentified land into a residential area, so for so many years. Place it regardless."

"Even if the bodies of the deceased were not cleaned up, let them turn into a white bone in the wilderness. It was a bit too much." Biddyville shouted.

"Because for the human supremacists, the orcs are not human at all, but the beasts that look a little like humans." Snow Rydhur was not happy.

Bedyville still thought about it, but his nose suddenly itch and sneezed.

"Are you alright?" Looking at the dripping water, like a Biddiville who fell into the wolf, Schreidhard asked: "Would you like to find a grass and replace your wet clothes?"

"Do you do this kind of rudeness in front of the woman? No, forget it." Bedieville squeezed a bitter smile: "And even if the clothes are changed, the hair on the body is still wet, there is still no use."

The Werewolf (Eskimo) lives in the snowfields of Western Siberia, and is born with a long wolf. On the contrary, Snow Lion Snow Rychard has a short body hair and will soon be dry after swimming.

"It's you," Biddyville asked. "How do clothes work so fast?"

"This dress is a consortium specializing in the development of quick-drying fabrics. It will constantly contact and interact with photons in the air, taking water molecules away. It can even make my hair dry quickly." Laughing: "If you want, you can give it to you now, but it's women's."

"Hahaha no need to thank you." The werewolf youth smiled perfunctorily, shuddered and quickly opened the subject: "So what do you want to come here? Is there some kind of ancient artifacts hidden in the old site of Wangcheng? "

"No, how could that kind of thing still be hidden, even if it was already washed away by the South African group of predators." Sherrichad walked in front and replied carelessly: "The invasion is in the final stage, they are here." The whole city is set on fire. The rubble that you see now is far from the original king city. It is the broken wall that was burned after ten days and ten nights by the raging fire. What powerful ancient artifacts, the Kingdom of Soris early Just take it out to the enemy. What is really valuable, it has been burned to ash, or it has been searched for. So there is nothing in it, it is a ruin."

"But you have spent so much effort here." Bettiville said he did not believe it. There must be something hidden in this ruin, but it is hidden so well that no one knows it.

"Over there," the snow lion girl pointed to a wreck that seemed to be some kind of tower in the distance.

However, it was severely damaged after the fire, and after years of weathering and natural erosion, it was difficult for Bediville to determine that it was really a tower.

"The ruins of the Wang Li Astrology Library." Snow Reid quickly stepped forward: "There is only one small piece of debris left from the tower. It was originally more than ten times larger than the one you saw." It’s a pity that the building has become such a thing."

"Astrology? Is it not?"

"You guessed it. This is where my father used to work."

By the way, Schreichard’s father seems to be the high priest of the Kingdom of Solis. Bedyville seems to have heard of Chery Chad before, but at what time he couldn’t remember himself.

(Note: Snow Rychard told the Kingdom of Bedyville that the kingdom of Soris was before the Sunbird adults. The Sunbird adults used the [mantra] as the food for the gods, and the description of Chery Chad was mostly treated as [The Mantra] was eaten, so Bediwell couldn’t remember what Snow Richard had ever had, only a vague memory.)

Because she had already found the target she was looking for, the Snow Lion Girl ignored the danger of collapse in the ruins. She walked into the east and explored it, and soon found a hidden door hidden under a lot of rubble.

"The hard work is handed over to you, Captain Bettiville." She takes it for granted.

"Okay, of course." Bedieville walked over and moved away from the rubble. They are really weighty and they are exhausted. It’s good to come back to the secret door. If Snow Rickard knows the location of the secret door, probably no one will notice it. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a pile of rubble that piles up there meaninglessly. But Bediville knew that this was definitely not the rubble of the other side on the ground. Probably, in the case of the fall of the kingdom and the hopelessness of the country, there was a blasting expert who detonated a part of the library in the fire and buried the rubble to bury the dark door.

Although Chery Chad insisted that there was no treasure in the old site of Wangcheng, but looking at this hidden secret door, there is indeed a hidden treasure hidden in it, which is large enough to make the resurrected Soris kingdom come back.

If you think about it, Bedieville is working harder to clean up the rubble. Fortunately, there are no outsiders around. The old site of Wangcheng was completely ignored by the people of South Africa. It seems that there is no problem when he cleans up the rubble and makes a loud noise. After about ten minutes, the sweaty Bettiville finally got the most large rubble off the road.

"Very good, then my job." Snow Rickard went to the secret door and found a switch that was disguised as a wall stone and pressed it down. The switch triggers the password disk on the secret door. There are dozens of stone rings on the password disk that pop up from it, all of which are hieroglyphs that Bediville can't understand. Chery Chad turned the stone rings in order to align those hieroglyphs to a certain position.

La la la la la la -

It didn't take long for the secret door to open. After such a long time, Schreiber actually remembered the password of the year. The basement protected by this hidden door is really important.

Because they still carry night vision goggles, there is no need to light them at all, and Chery Chad touched the stone steps in the basement. Bedyville also followed up silently, wondering what was a stunning treasure room in the world.


Nothing at all.

At the end of the spartan stone steps is a studio that is very neat and simple. There are ancient books that Bediville can't understand, but the young people of the werewolves can guess from the names of these books that they are related to astrology and magic. But the value of these books is definitely not as good as the real magic book. Biddyville and the Master have dealt with a lot. He knows that the real high-value magic book will be protected by various intensive magic, or the enchantment is added to the cover. Books and pages never wear out; either add a magic lock on the cover, make it impossible for unauthorized people to read, or even open the book; or the book itself is too dangerous, it will seal directly, only the powerful magician has The way to open the seal.

These are ordinary astrology books, they have been in the basement for a while, and even a thick layer of dust. And Biddeville can see from the action of Schreider. She has no interest in the books. Instead, she goes straight to the wooden table in the middle of the studio to take a small package that is beautifully packaged on the table. The wrapper is even attached with dust and anti-oxidation enchantment, so that the entire box has been looking fresh for so many years, showing the ingenuity of the people who originally packaged the box.

"Sorry, Captain Bédiville. I haven't had any treasure left in the ruins of the entire Wangcheng. I have to be rigorous." The Snow Lion Girl quickly took apart the wrapping paper of the alley and took out a small thing from the box. .

"Is this?" Biddiville was more curious when he saw the inexplicable little thing.

"This is my irreplaceable treasure." Snow Rickard held the little thing in his hand.

That is actually just a snowball. It is the kind of gadgets that come out as a souvenir, one or two gold coins can be bought, and the snowballs used for decoration.

However, the snowball is made very well. The interior of the glass ball is an extremely refined, clay-made house model. Even if the snowball itself is only the size of a palm, the inside of the house is clearly visible, brick and tile, and Biddeville can even see it. There are several broken bricks on the roof on the side of the chimney of the house. It is obviously not the scar that the model craftsman slips out, but the person who customizes the model is made by the craftsman. The snow used by the snowball itself is a delicate and incredible silver-white pearl glitter. As Chery Chad touches the glass ball, those glitters quickly disperse in the water inside the glass ball, just like real The snow slowly descended at an extremely slow speed and landed on the roof of the model house.

Seeing here, Bedieville has understood everything. For others, this is just a useless ornament, a piece of rubbish. But for Chery Chad, this is perhaps the most valuable treasure in the world.

He turned his head and saw the snow lion girl holding the snowball in tears.

"Miss Chery Chad?" the Werewolf youth whispered.

"Father is a straight idiot." She whispered, her voice a little hoarse: "When I want to send my birthday present, I must wait until the day of my birthday. The result is that the Kingdom of Soris came at my birthday. The day before the country was destroyed, this gift was locked in his underground studio. It was so many years, and he had no chance to send this to me."

Bedyville is silent. At this time, he did not know what to do. It seemed that all the consolation words that could be thought of were not suitable. It would be better to let Xue Ruichade alone.

"Give me ten minutes." Xue Ruichade wiped his tears and said: "When you mourn your father, let's get out of here."

"Will you bury him?" The Werewolf youth noticed lying on the pile of books and became a body of the forest bones.

"No. Let him rest in peace here. He likes to stay with his collection, which is the place that makes him feel calm." Snow Rickard.


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