Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2796: Nightingale aria (9)

Chapter 2796 Nightingale Aria 9

The tiger youth clenched the only weapon in his hand, his Luna steel scimitar.

The weapon that I had just taken in a hurry, did not help this situation. If you can take the storm gun blade with long-range attack ability, why is it that Lunao Steel Scimitar?

However, this is not a big problem for him who can use the avatar. It would be nice to let his avatar go back and take the rifle. He turned out to be two avatars, one at the exit of the ancient courtyard to prevent the prisoner from escaping, while the other rushed back to his own room (the refuge stone room) to get the equipment.

All right. It’s only a matter of time before you catch that guy. Albert maintains a defensive posture, step by step close to where the courtyard can hide.

"Hey~" Mutter turned into a tiger-like kitten on the head of Albert, making a lazy meow, and there was no tension.

"Please, give me the truth." Albert turned helplessly, and the kitten called him distracted. Now Mutter’s real consciousness is sleeping, it’s a cat’s consciousness that controls the kitten’s body, and it doesn’t match Albert’s actions. The tiger youth are searching for enemies. On the one hand, he fears that the enemy will suddenly come out from which grass to attack him. On the other hand, he is afraid that the kitten will become the target of attack when the enemy attacks. This made his nerves very tight.

Albert, who is already a single-minded one, is now equivalent to looking at three horizons at the same time: one is his vision of the deity, searching for enemies; the other is the vision of the detachment at the exit, in order to prevent the enemy Escape and scan around, and even use the light to see; there is also a natural vision of rushing back to take the equipment, he is trying to identify himself with the complicated and difficult road to identify the strange area of ​​the Central Temple. The memory goes back to my room. All three of these are difficult operations, making Albert a little bit overwhelmed. So when the kitten on his head bored and screamed and clawed his head, Albert began to feel annoyed.

In the end, he really couldn't stand the harassment of the kitten. He had to pick up the kitten that Mult became, and put the kitten on the ground.

And just in this moment, something came from a distant grass!

The single-minded Albert is still very alert, and he is obsessed with the moon **** steel scimitar. The three screams, the hidden weapon was completely blocked by him, they fell weakly on the ground, turned out to be some finger-like thin iron needles.

The slender iron needles are filled with strange purple-green alternating light, which is obviously quenched! Even if you don't know if this poison is fatal, Albert understands that the other party is full of malicious, this is a very hostile intentional attack!

Damn it. I was just scored by the kittens, and I only looked at the sneak attack of the hidden weapon. Albert didn't see which grass was hit from the grass. The enemy seems to have moved the position at the moment of the attack and becomes more elusive!

Hey! Three more poison needles were shot from the grass, but they were covered by plants that were over the waist. Albert was not very clear about their source!

And how are the trajectories of these three lights -

Hey! ! The detachment of Albert, who is on the exit, is slashing in time for a thousand miles!

The enemy is very embarrassed, he is not attacking the deity of Albert, but to attack the avatar of Albert! If Albert's dynamic vision is excellent and the reaction is fast enough, his avatar will almost be hit!

Albert's avatar is of great risk, and the damage received by the avatar will be returned to Albert's deity when the avatar is lifted, just as the deity actually suffered combat damage. If this unclear origin, it is very likely that the poisonous needle with deadly poisonous poison hit the avatar, and the body of the tiger youth will also be in danger.

The singularity and the disadvantages of Albert's single-mindedness are immediately apparent, but the young tigers themselves know that it is impossible to withdraw the detached guards at this time. This will give the prisoner a chance to escape directly. The other party is likely to launch a poisonous needle to force Albert's deity to block, and escape from the exit!

He then withdrew half a step, farther away from the surrounding grass, and also restricted the position in the direction of the deity and the two points. In this way, even if the other party launches a poison needle to attack Albert's deity or avatar, they fly in the same direction, and Albert's deity and avatar can naturally cope better. Without a shield in hand, you can't do this kind of insidious and agile enemy. So Albert can only continue to wait on the defensive, wait for another avatar to go back and take the equipment over!

At this time, Mutter (become a kitten) rushed out regardless of danger!"Hey!" The tiger youth exclaimed. He was already embarrassed to take care of himself under the attack of the enemy. I did not expect this kitten to be messed up!

The enemies who hid were obviously aware of the tiger-shaped kitten, so they ran a poisonous needle toward the kitten. The amount of that poison is the amount used by the human (and does not mention whether it will kill), used in small animals may not directly kill the kitten!

"Little white!" Albert yelled as he was in a hurry. The Holy Spirit White Tiger quickly flew out from behind his back, drawing a claw at the moment when the poison needle almost hit the kitten.

The Holy Spirit White Tiger is the Holy Spirit that controls space. It can swap space and space, or use two anchor points to align the space between them. At the same time that the claw touched the poison needle, they were replaced with several tiger hairs on Albert. The poison needle was exchanged to the side of Albert, and continued to fly a small distance in the direction of their original flight.

"Well, I am angry--" seeing the opponent actually start with Mutter's kitten, Albert angered. He originally planned to take the thief and then cross-examine it. Now I feel that it is more straightforward to kill.

The Holy Spirit's white tiger's arm waved, and a deep-sea wave gun shot immediately. The high-pressure water-column guns are fired from among the grasses and continue to attack uninterrupted!

In this way, no matter which grass the enemy hides in, it will be forced out by the continuous attack of the deep sea wave gun! If the enemy is not too strong, it is likely to be swept by the deep sea wave guns, and the flesh and blood will be blurred immediately; but if the enemy is strong enough or agile enough, in theory, it can always avoid the attack of the deep sea wave gun, but he must go back and forth from the grass. Walk away, so you must show up. A shadow emerged from the grass and was forced to appear. This guy is extremely agile, just bypassing the attack track of the deep sea wave cannon, appearing without damage!

Albert grinned and looked at the enemies who were all black and covered. Deep-sea wave guns changed the orbit and turned into dozens of forked scattered high-pressure water columns, hitting the opponents in a wide range. And Albert himself rushed up, calculated the track that the enemy might evade, and lifted the Luna steel scimitar!

Hey! ! It is a continuous poisonous needle attack! Albert quickly waved the scimitar to block the needle, and the enemy on the opposite side had already stepped back. The distance of the retreat was just enough to avoid the scattering of high-pressure water. The Holy Spirit White Tiger is not idle. He just took up the attack of the deep sea wave gun and immediately made a blow with his claws. It was a wide sweep.

The White Tiger's attack is a torn space attack. It can penetrate almost all defenses. It is dangerous and ruthless for ordinary opponents. It is likely to tear the opponent directly into pieces of flesh and blood. But Albert knows that this opponent is quite agile, and should be a master of a certain level. Naturally, there is no need to be merciful to this guy. Sure enough, the claws of the past, the other side has gracefully backflip, perfectly avoiding the attack path of the Holy Spirit White Tiger!

"Catch!" At this time, a voice shouted in the distance. It was another avatar of Albert. He ran back to get the equipment from Albert. If he was not close, he would throw the storm blade at the hand of the tiger to the deity of the tiger youth!

Albert jumped up and grabbed it, grabbing the grip of the storm blade that hovered in midair. He also shot a sword at the same time, and also started the trigger on the blade of the storm, playing a large-caliber steel ball shot.

boom! - The opponent is in the backflip, the ability to dodge the attack in the air is zero, so he will eat the bomb attack of Albert. However, in addition to Albert's surprise, the other side's body did not splash after the gun, actually sparked. The steel ball 砸 on the enemy's body also has no sound effect of iron pieces embedded in the meat block, but the sound of iron!

It won't be, the guy who is extremely slim and flexible, wearing a very good metal armor?

Or is that guy not a creature at all, maybe a magical made of metal?

This sudden change caused Albert to hesitate for half a second. The half-second fighter delay in the district allowed the other party to take advantage of it. After the enemy landed, they immediately rushed toward the kitten that Mute became. There was a plan to hijack the kitten as a hostage (cat quality?)!

Because the kitten at this time is completely the consciousness of the kitten, even the self-protection can not be done, Albert can not help but a little anxious. The Holy Spirit White Tiger raised his hand and sent a deep-sea wave gun to the opponent, hoping to slow down the opponent's action, or force the opponent to change the sprint track. However, in order not to hurt the kitten, the scale of the deep-sea wave gun was suppressed. It was only as thick as an arm, and it was not a sweep but a direct hit. After the other shot, the agility did not decrease at all. When I twisted, I escaped the attack, and the speed of the charge didn't even slow down! He is less than five yards away from the tiger-printed kitten, and he will soon catch Mute (the kitten)!

"喵呜-!" But the kitten finally noticed the danger, the ability to crystallization in an instant, creating several layers of crystal walls on the ground around his body, and then piercing hundreds of squares on the outer ground. Crystal cluster. These clusters with sharp spikes will cause people to be injured if they step on it.

The other party did not care, just step on the foot. The crystal cluster actually took the guy's feet and couldn't help, in a series of metal shocks, they were crushed!

Albert believes this, the opponent's body is too hard! No matter how you wear armor, you can't have such a high hardness! That guy can basically be sure that it is a metal-made golem, and its configuration may be quite high!


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