Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2798: Nightingale aria (11)

Chapter 2798 Nightingale Aria 11

bad! When the detachment is lifted, the damage he receives will be returned to Albert as it is, and the anesthetic effect of the poison needle is also true! The avatar had to disappear because of the loss of consciousness, and Albert felt that his whole body began to be eroded by strong numbness and fell to the ground!

The real behind-the-scenes black hand came out of the grass at this time. He was all black and with a strict mask. Even the sound was changed by a special device. It was extremely weird and low: "You are the biggest variable in the plan, just in the Sleep here for a while."


Albert felt that his eyelids were heavy and he couldn't open his eyes. The other party is turning and leaving, but the poisoned tiger youth can not even climb to catch up.

This is the purpose of the mysterious black man. From the very beginning, the opponent planned to attack the tiger youth in the room of Albert. If the poison needle was fired at that time, Albert could sleep in a groggy way. There is no way tonight [the big hunting festival] Do more things in it; although the sneak attack was seen by Albert, the other party succeeded in bringing the tiger to such a place to solve it. As a result, Albert, who had poisoned the needle in this underground courtyard, still fell into an inoperable situation!

The other party has run far. Albert's body was numb, and he couldn't even feel his fingers. The only thing he can do is to lie on the ground and breathe, desperately waiting for his consciousness to be swallowed by blunt feelings!

"Hey~?" Mutt turned into a tiger-like kitten and leaned over to Albert, rubbing his face with his tongue.

"Go to Nina quickly." The young man of the tiger made a difficult voice. Because the anesthetic medicine spread in him, he even began to numb his tongue, and it became more and more difficult. Warcraft hunters are still fighting outside with Warcraft, and Albert doesn't expect Nina to send someone to save him, but Mutter (the kitten) should at least be protected by Nina.

"Hey~" I don't know if I understood Albert's words, or just obeyed the instinct in action, and the kitten circled around the fallen Albert. The place where he walked, the ground began to produce sharp and strong crystal spikes, which grew side by side in a row, eventually turning into a crystal fence around Albert, protecting Albert.

The transparency of the crystal is very high, but the fence that the crystal spike becomes has an infinite number of reflecting surfaces, constantly refracting the light projected from the outside, so Albert can hardly see the situation outside the fence. Now he is like In a kaleidoscope. He can only faintly see that the figure of a kitten in front of him is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to become a teenager.

"Mutter" Albert whispered: "Wake up and wake up"

Mutter did not answer. In addition to the crystallized fence, the cat-man, who had just turned back into the human form, had a whole body of red fruit. He quickly ran to put the clothes that Albert had taken over. And his arms and legs grew strange crystals, the crystals are as long as fingers, or **** red. The cat-and-naughter gnawed his teeth and removed the crystals on his arm one by one. This also created many wounds on his arms and calves. He smothered the wound with a medical gel to stop bleeding, and wrapped the bandage around his arms and calves to suppress the growth of the crystal before the new crystal grew. After this was done, he was relieved.

"Are you still awake?" Mutter whispered to Albert, who was protected in a crystal fence: "I will ask someone to give you first aid?"

The inside of Albert did not answer. The potency of the anesthetic is too strong, and Albert has been in a coma.

Although Mutter’s consciousness was just in the abyss, there was no way to control the body of the kitten, but how much he could use the spiritual contact to order the kitten to do what he wanted to do. So the kitten made the series of actions. And Mutter also looked at the battle just now. He knew that the attacker had no intention of killing Albert, but that he was temporarily unable to act with a powerful anesthetic.

wrong. Mutter frowned and tried to clarify things. Albert is already a half-human and semi-spiritual state. In fact, most of the poisons are poisonous. However, anesthetics can seal Albert's actions, because Albert still relies on the muscles of his body to act, and part of the consciousness activity is still dominated by the brain. The other party did not try to kill Albert with poison. It was not to be merciful to Albert, but because the other party knew the state of Albert and knew that the white tiger was already half-human and semi-spiritual. Can't be easily poisoned. Instead of preparing for the poison of a guy who can poison half-human and half-spirit, it is better to seal it with an anesthetic. Probably this means.

The traitor who started was an acquaintance, and he was clear about Albert's special physique. Otherwise he will certainly not be prepared to be so comprehensive.

However, even within the Warcraft Hunter organization, people who know Albert's special physique are never in the majority. Considering that Albert will share his own affairs with some key people to facilitate their coordinated operations, there may be only Nina, Vice President Castro, President Nitro, and several specials within the Hunter Organization. G-level hunter, know Albert's physique.

That is to say, it is not only the traitors in the hunter organization, but also one of those big men.

Mouth thinks that the more he feels wrong, the cold sweat in his forehead.

Lviv is probably going to have something big to happen next. There is a huge conspiracy brewing. Because Albert is too strong, his presence affects the conspirators' next plans, so they will be attacked and sealed in such places. Now that Albert has no way to protect Lviv, he can only come by him -

Mutter took his crystal thorn sword from the kit. His hand was still shaking when he took out the weapon.

The current crystal thorn sword is a state in which the income of the sheath is sealed and the special bandage is sealed. But this is no longer meaningful. Mute knows that part of his body has moved into the abyss grain boundary and is connected with the grain boundary. Even without the crystal thorn sword, he can still make the ability to crystallize, but it is relatively weak and harder. Control only.

And the more that power is used, the more he will be eroded by the abyss. That is the power that can be used when it is absolutely necessary.

"This is my turn." The cat boy looked back at the faint figure of Albert, who was hidden in a crystal fence: "I will protect you."

Absolutely, the conspirators cannot be defeated.

What is needed now is to avoid the fall of the central sanctuary of Lviv.

"Nina, Nina? Can you hear me?" Mutter tried to contact the black rabbit girl. Useless. In this "underground courtyard", in the depths of the central sanctuary, there seems to be no way to contact Nina. The black rabbit girl uses a kind of ability similar to telepathy, which is a special effect of the rabbit human race "the ability to communicate with animals". The so-called telepathy is actually using brain waves to communicate. Like the real radio wave communication, it is also affected by various sources of signal interference. In places where the building is too deep, there is also a problem of poor reception of radio waves.

The mysterious person brought Albert to this place to solve it, also for this reason.

Because there was no way to safely take Albert away from this place, Mutter gave up. He ran out and ran to the outside of the building as much as possible while constantly trying to contact Nina.

"Mut Little Brother? Are you awake?" When he almost ran to the outer layer of the Central Temple, Mutter couldn't easily contact Nina.

"Yeah." Mutt replied: "There is a bad news. Stupid Mr. Albert is attacked by the traitor's traitor, and now he has a strong anesthetic."

"What? How is it possible?!" Nina exclaimed. "Have he just woken up? I have seen him yet-"

"I woke up, and then I was lured into the underground courtyard of the Central Temple by a traitor. I was attacked by a poisonous needle with an anesthetic." Mutt replied: "In short, he can't move for a while. I Trying to protect him, he should not be in danger of life, provided that the central temple did not fall."


"I will take him tonight to participate in the battle tonight, is that okay?" Mutt said: "And, he fell down on this matter, please don't mention it to others, even Mr. Castro does not mention. Everyone can't believe except you."

"What are you going to do?" Nina asked in confusion.

"I am going to pretend to be him." Mutter replied, taking Albert's autumn outfit from his backpack and covering his kitten's head with his own hood.

Compared with the cat and the young, the tiger youth is one and a half taller. The height difference is quite large, so it is too loose for Albert's clothes to wear on Mutter. But the cat man teenager rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs, and fixed the clothes with a drawstring. This loose dress is not impossible to wear.

The most important thing is that as long as you wear this dress, others can't recognize whether it is Mutter or Albert from a distance. The cat-and-boys intend to pretend to be Albert, to scare the traitor who concealed Albert. If the other party is really fooled, because the power of Albert is not afraid to implement the conspiracy in Lviv, the storm tonight may be able to pass. The other party may even be surprised by the surprise.

But is things really going so smoothly?

Although it is a washed, replacement dress, it also carries Albert's slight body odor. The cat-and-boys took a deep breath and couldn't help but blush. Then he couldn't help but be ashamed of his embarrassing thoughts. He shook his head and tried to throw away the distracting thoughts in his head. He did not go to meet with Nina and others (just help if he met directly) and went straight to the apron on the side of the central sanctuary.

"Sure enough." Because everyone is busy, there is no one in the vicinity, Albert's iron ride is parked there alone, there are a few people in the orc who will drive the iron ride, they would rather ride the flying type of Warcraft. And if the hunters are driving Elbert's iron ride (and breaking the iron ride), the tiger will wake up and probably thunder - so no one dares to move the ride.

After this matter is known, Mutter will certainly be yelled. But now -

The cat boy jumped on the iron ride, inserted the key, and stepped on the gas pedal. The iron horse vacated and pulled out a light arc in the chaotic night sky.


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