Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2806: Nightingale Aria (19)

Chapter 2806 Nightingale Aria 19

"Hey!" Mutt covered his ears. Bloody red crystals have emerged from the wounds of his palms and ears, inhibiting bleeding, and also regenerating Mutter's wounds. I did not expect the power of the abyss grain world to be used in such a place.

"Mut Little Brother, come back first! You are not the opponent of the Eudemons now!" Nina shouted.

"No!" said the Catman teenager: "Even if it is not its opponent, it must be destroyed here!"

Actual and [silver silver] (silveti


Ay) After confrontation, Mutter knew the horror of this monster. It is too fast, and the speed of movement should have broken through the sound barrier. However, Mutter did not hear the buzzing sound of the object when it broke through the sound barrier. The cornice seems to be able to generate some kind of enchantment or force field to isolate the air resistance, allowing it to swim at high speeds without obstacles.

Speed ​​is power, even if it is such a slender and insignificant little thing, it can run directly through Mut's body when it is fast enough, leaving the penetrating scar of the size of the grain. Depending on which body part it hits, this penetration attack can also be fatal.

Now this monster is also the main target of Mutter, which is a good thing. If it changes its target and attacks Nina or Castro, even President Nitero, the problem can be serious.

The most important thing is that since it is really a [special point], it means that this thing actually spreads heterogeneous photons to the outside world. Those heterogeneous photons will distort the surrounding creatures and turn ordinary animals into Warcraft. Its speed is so fast, it will swim around the entire twilight region, and God knows that it spreads heterogeneous photons everywhere, which has affected many creatures in the Twilight region!

Must be defeated here [Flash Silverfly]! Whether it is for the safety of Mutter and others, or for the long-term security of the twilight region, this dangerous Eudemons will die! ——

The question is, how do you beat this ultra-fast Eudemons?

At the speed of Mutter's own, it is impossible to beat the silver scorpion. He even suspects that even if Albert is present, the stupid tiger may not be able to take any advantage in speed, probably because it is suppressed by the silver scorpion. But what if there is a way to slow the monster down?

When the opponent had not attacked, Mut wit the shield of the iron ride. A faint glow flashed around the iron ride, and a vaguely spherical enchantment wrapped the iron ride tightly.

Let the iron ride hover in the air, retaining only the minimum vertical propulsion, while concentrating all of its energy on the shield. In this way, the shield of the Iron Rider can be reinforced to the extreme, able to withstand the attack of most of the bullets.

The speed of the silver scorpion is fast, and its attack is nothing more than a physical impact. Since the iron riding shield can withstand most live ammunition attacks, it should also be able to cushion that impact!

The silver scorpion rushed again and saw Mutter as the number one enemy. It is so persistent, Mutter even suspects that this monster is controlled by who, specifically to kill Mutter.

No, it is probably for the purpose of killing Albert! Now Mutter is wearing Albert's clothes and posing as a young man. This Eudemons can't tell the difference, and believes it is true!

Although this is only speculation, it seems that there is anyone who suspects that Albert is too annoying, using the silver scorpion to kill this "Elbert". But if this is correct, don't you think about it?

Is there a way to control the "inner ghost" in the hunter organization, even the [special point] like [flashing silver scorpion]? ! ——

How much power does that guy have? !

Boom! The Eudemons ran into it, still as usual, straight and confidently, aiming at Mutter's body for a collision. It naturally also hit the shield of the iron ride. At the same time, the cat and the boy also raised the crystal thorn sword to prepare for a counterattack, and the flashing silver scorpion hit the shield, and the speed slowed down.

The monster has almost no slowdown - it's so fast, the penetration is so strong, the shield of the iron ride has no way to stop its offensive, is directly penetrated!

tie! Mutter wanted to attack the sword, but he didn't even make the sword's movements. The silver scorpion had penetrated his abdomen.

The bright red is once again like a fountain. Mutter's stomach was pierced through a hole!

"Hey!" Because of the pain, his whole person fell forward and his face pressed against the dashboard of the iron rider.

The Eudemons broke away at a high speed after a blow, and it has already flown far away.

"Damn" Mutt smothered his lower abdomen, where he once again bleeds red crystals, and the stomach bag that is penetrated is healing. Still, it hurts! A small part of the dorsal vertebra also seems to have been rubbed. Fortunately, the back cone is not broken, and the self-healing of the nerve can take more time than the self-healing of the internal organs.

Mutter found that his plan was completely unworkable. Even if the shield of the iron ride is opened to the maximum, the impact of the flashing silver cannon cannot be blocked. The wound caused by the monster running through the human body is only the size of the grain, but its penetration is huge, not the enchantment of the area or the force field can be easily blocked!

Right, shield!

Mutter hurried in the pocket of the object. If it is the Luna Steel Shield that Albert uses in peacetime, the hard shield of that level should be enough to stop the opponent's attack. Mutter didn't know how to use shields. He was not a warrior, nor did he have any professional combat training. But now only can -

Snapped! ! When he was distracted to find the shield, he opened another hole in his shoulder!

This is a bad game, it is too bad. In the face of such a dangerous enemy, such as the silver scorpion, Mutter actually distracted from the battle, did not concentrate on defense, the consequences are naturally unimaginable! It’s not going to wait for Mutter to take the equipment out. It launches an attack whenever it has a chance. In particular, Mutt is distracted to take the shield, and the whole body is full of flaws and unprepared moments!

A shot in the shoulder, Mutter not only failed to remove the shield in time, but also lost the balance in the impact, dumped on the side of the iron ride!

It was a perfect impact, and he felt the bones of his shoulders were broken.

And it seems that this is done in a planned way. At the same time that Mutter loses balance and falls to one side, the flashing silver scorpion hits again, and once again in the right leg of the cat boy teenager!

The thigh bone also cracked, as if it was not broken, but it cracked, and Mutter also blossomed on the leg!

Mult’s right leg in the pain could not be exerted, and even the lower abdomen could not force because of the previous injury! He originally wanted to maintain the balance by the strength of his waist and legs, but now he can't do this! His sitting posture and posture have completely collapsed, and he began to fall down on the side of the iron ride with the onion!

One son is wrong, all the plates are falling. Mute never imagined that half-second negligence in that area would lead to such a serious chain of consequences!

If it is normal, even if it falls from this height, Mutter, who is a "rubber cat", has a way to buffer it and avoid falling to death.

But now, Lviv's ground is covered with lava-like high-heat fluids. When people fall on it, they will melt immediately, and they will be burned by high heat.

This is the intention of flashing silver. It can't simply kill Mutter with a low-injury, high-speed attack (and now Mutter has the ability to heal!), but it can use the onslaught to let Mute fall from the iron ride and fall into the lava! This monster is just as smart as a human being. Is it really just an Eudemons?

Now is not the time to think about this!

The cat-and-boys subconsciously flew the uninjured hand and used their "rubber" ability to extend the arm to the limit. I hope that the body of the iron rider can be successfully caught before falling, and I can return to the iron ride again. Go up. In the process of falling, his arm extended to at least ten feet long, barely enough to reach the edge of the iron ride -

Snapped! However, it was another impact. The impact broke open and penetrated Mutter's elongated arm. Flashing silver scorpion is watching all this, it will not let Mute have a chance to return to the iron ride!

This monster is definitely a brain, it has a good brain to think about the strategy, it will even make up the knife when the opponent loses!

"Bastard!" Mutt's extended arm was penetrated, and he couldn't help but shrink back under the pain. So the cat-and-boys completely missed the last chance to grab the iron rider's fuselage, and the iron ride hovering in the air is getting farther and farther! That distance is not the distance that his arm can reach, even if he does not care about the injury and put his hand to the limit beyond the limit, it does not help!

Powerless, he began to do free fall movement. His body was uncontrolled and slammed into the hot lava pool on the ground of Lviv!

Already, I have lost my skills. Unless Mutter flies, there is no way he can avoid falling into the lava.

The cat man teenager closed his eyes and sighed. I really didn't think I would die in this boring place -

(stupid tiger)

Hey. However, his hand was caught by the other hand and he stopped falling.

"Hey?" I didn't expect that I would be saved in the midst of a thousand miles, and Mutter opened his eyes in curiosity.

When he saw the familiar figure, he could not help but be more surprised: "Is it you?!"

A certain day of the month. It is **** and scarred. The man is holding a baby and runs wildly under the moonlight.

The pursuer behind him seems to have been opened. But he knows that this is only temporary. The chase will follow the blood and blood smell that he left on the ground, chasing him to the ends of the earth. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that his children will fall into the hands of those people. You must find a place to house this child.

Despite this, it is impossible to find a safe place for the baby in this wilderness where there is a place where Warcraft is everywhere.

However, he still subconsciously walked along the river. The end of the river means the village, or at least the settlement of people. As long as someone finds someone, there should always be someone who wants to adopt this child.

He knows that his ideas are too optimistic and naive. He also knows that in today's world, most people don't have enough food, and it is almost impossible to adopt a child who has no blood relationship with him. But in such a desperate situation, what else can he do besides optimistic gambling?

It’s so cold. His right arm was almost completely numb because of excessive blood loss. The condition of the legs is not much better, and the feet are as heavy as lead. He can only take one step and try to stick to it with his superhuman will.

Everything is for the children.

Go on. Go on. Until you can't go on. Even the lights of the villages are invisible, and the end of the road is only darkness and despair. The man has already decided that when he falls down and can no longer move, he puts the baby into the river along with the basket, let the basket float with the water, and let the fate determine the child's life and death.

And he will probably go to the end of his life like this.

However, fate did not completely abandon him. He walked along the river, did not find the village, but found a dark shadow hidden in the night, a strange black ship.


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