Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2813: Nightingale Aria (26)

Chapter 2813 Nightingale Aria 26

When Albert rode to the top of the central sanctuary on the white tiger, he saw a door that had been opened.

The iron gate of Castro’s room, which was supposed to be locked, was forcibly smashed by someone with brute force. There was a smell of blood inside the room.

"Mutter!" Seeing this scene, Albert fell in his heart and rushed in to see the situation in the room.

The room is just like somewhere else, because the power supply system has stopped working, and it is dark everywhere. The only source of light is the ice blue light from the tiger's body on Albert, and the white light of the white tiger of the Holy Spirit. Under the light of this light source, Castro's room has a gloomy atmosphere, and there are many bright red liquid splatters on the ground.

Then, in the middle of the room, a cold body was placed.

The body of the tiger man.

"Mr. Gusta?!" Elbert exclaimed.

"Hey! Are you okay? Mr. Gusta?!" He rushed over to check the situation and tried to push the tiger.

Gusta did not respond, just like falling asleep, with a short sword on his back. The short sword was just enough to run through his chest and straight to the heart.

Albert pushes this, Gusta falls down from one side, and he has been protected in the back-to-the-sky posture before this. It turned out to be the cat boy, Mute.

Mut’s mouth vomited blood, lying there facing the heavens and the earth, and the chest was also pierced by a short sword. But because Gusta blocked the short sword with his body, the wound on the chest of Mutt was not as serious as he thought, but he pierced the right lung. Did not hit the heart. And the wound in front of Mutter's chest also grew a mysterious red crystal, which blocked the wounds of the cat and the boy like bloody, making the bleeding less serious. When Albert hurriedly touched the blood crystals, they had already scattered, and Mut’s wound on the chest had signs of healing.

"Mutter? What's the matter? Wake up!" Albert flipped his face a few times: "Isn't it dead yet?"

"唔" The cat-man boy woke up and whispered: "Nothing, Gusta protects me."

"Who did it?" Albert said with a gloomy face: "The murderer is still near here? Has it escaped?"

"Dead." Mutter whispered: "I know I can't let him escape, so -"

He pointed his finger to the side, and Albert looked at it and saw what it was like to be smashed by crystal.趁The blackout moment around the power outage, the murderer broke into this room, trying to assassinate (pretending to be Albert) Mutter, and Gusta used life to protect Mutter, although Mutter was also injured. However, at the moment before the murderer fled, the crystal thorn sword was thrown out.

The murderer never thought that the killing power of the crystal thorn sword would be so great. He just stabbed a leg with a crystal thorn, and immediately began to crystallize from that leg. The ground on which he stood was also crystallized. As a result, the murderer grew countless crystals, pierced himself, and the ground grew numerous crystals, piercing the body of the murderer, and then turned into a horrible phenomenon in which the flesh and blood were crystallized from the inside to the outside. Among the crystal clusters.

The way the man looks, Albert is still faintly recognizable.

"[The Assassin Master - Stinging Pickman]." Albert said: "The guy is the ghost."

But Albert already knows that there is more than one bone inside, that is, it is too early to be assured.

"Mr. Gusta?" Mutt climbed up and began to worry about the situation of Gusta: "He just protected me, the enemy clearly wants to stab me, but he changed the enemy with the trenches." Attack track, so he -"

Only half of the words, the cat-and-boys have seen the tiger man in the darkness of the tiger.

"Cheats!" Seeing Gusta, which was poured over the chest by a short sword, Mutter exclaimed: "Mr. Gusta? Mr. Gusta! You wake up!"

Albert fell into silence. It seems that Gusta has protected Mutter with his own life. But the sacrifice is too much -

"Wait, he still has anger!" Mutt suddenly, he used his hand to look at the nose of the tiger man, and he could feel a very weak breath. But no matter what, Gusta is now dying.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gusta. I am here--" Mutter wants to pull out the short sword of Gusta's chest to treat the tiger man.

"No! Don't move him! If he pulls out the short sword, he will bleed!" Albert stopped immediately.


"It seems that the short sword does not run through his heart or has already penetrated, but the heart has stopped beating like a self-protection." Albert has taken a look at the situation of Gusta: "I don't know. There are still many body structures of the orcs." The mystery of the unknown. In short, you must keep this state and send him to the first aid as soon as possible!"

"Where can I send it?" Mutt looked at Albert in despair: "Here is Lviv?"

The entire Twilight region is the territory of the orcs, and even a decent medical facility can not be found, not to mention the ancient remains of the Central Temple.

"You will bring Mr. Gusta right now and ride back to Cairo by iron ride." Albert, but halfway, he changed his mouth: "Well, this doesn't work either. It takes at least a few hours to go back from here, Gusta." It’s impossible for Mr. to stay that long--"

"I want to send him into [Glass World]." Mutt used to retrieve his crystal thorn sword and tried to break his palm with a stab sword: "In the grain world, you can recover all injuries, even fatal injuries. Can recover, isn't it?"

"In theory, but Mr. Gustad may not be able to enter [Abyss Grains]." Albert. He and Mutter were able to enter [Crystal Boundary] because they had once clashed with the crystal white dragon gods, and since then their bodies have been eroded by the power of the abyss.

Mr. Gustad, who has never been eroded by the abyss, may not be accepted by the Abyss. Even if it can, it will be a big problem if it can come out smoothly after entering the grain boundary. If the owner of the grain world does not let people?

"Don't take this risk." Albert clung to Mutter's hand and stopped the cat boy.

"But, just look at Mr. Gusta's death? We can't do anything?" Mutt looked at Albert like that, and he was wronged.

"No." Albert said: "There is another way."

"Nina, can you hear?" He tried to contact the black rabbit girl: "Things have been solved. The man who attacked Mutter is [Prickman], he is the inner ghost in the organization. And he already dead."

"Mut Little Brother?"

"After being hurt, nothing. But our friend Gusta was seriously injured and is now in a state of sudden death." Albert: "You used to have a conveyor at the bottom of the Central Temple? The exit of that thing." Also set up in Cairo, right?"

"Yes. But the rest of the electricity can only be used again." Nina replied: "The power used by the transmitter is two systems that are completely independent of the power supply of the Central Temple. The power outage here is not to worry. ""

"Have you heard, Mutter?" Elbert turned and said: "You use the portal now, and bring Mr. Gustad back to Cairo. This is the only way to save him. Contact Bergiville immediately after returning. That guy, he will find a way to settle this."

"But you -"

"Lviv is here to be the battlefield where I should stay, little fool." Albert strops Mutter's cat's head with his hand: "Don't worry about my side. First worry about your own." Let's think about why Mr. Gusta is coming to Lviv, why should he lay down his life to protect you. Don't let him down."

Mutter was silent for a while, and finally figured it out: "Okay. I will take Mr. Gustad back to the treatment. I hope it will be too late."

"Then let's go." Albert put his hand on Mutter's forehead, and when the cat-and-boys clung to Gustad's hand, they immediately launched the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger.

The next moment, Mutter has been teleported to the underground courtyard with a conveyor. In the hands of Albert, there was a piece of crystal that had been touched in the underground courtyard. The Holy Spirit White Tiger just replaced the space in the two places, exchanged the crystal fragments as the anchor point on the courtyard side, and replaced Mutter and Gusta.

"Come on, Mr. Gusta -" The Cat Boys tried to pick up the Tiger Man and walked to the portal: "Please be sure to survive."

On the side of Albert, as if he had exhausted his strength, the tiger pattern on his body no longer emits ice blue light, and his [supernatural sanctification] state is also lifted.

not good. Continued entry into the [extraordinary sanctification] model, coupled with the continuous use of the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, will consume Albert's concentration dramatically. He woke up soon, and immediately began to feel sleepy.

As the eyelids gradually collapsed, Albert felt that things were not good. There are more than one ghost in the Hunters Association. If the ghosts in the group know that [Stinging Pickman] has not succeeded in assassinating Albert, they will send another killer to deal with Albert. If he falls asleep in this place, isn’t he in a state of complete unpreparedness, let him be slaughtered?

However, it is very sleepy -

The eyelids completely collapsed. He lay on the floor and didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He even had the illusion that the body of Pickman, who had already died, was moving again. Although it is only a grass, but Albert is very clear, as long as he falls asleep in this place, it is a dead end.

If you can't avoid falling asleep, then at least you have to find a safe place to sleep.

It was clear that Elbert, who was already very sleepy, suddenly moved the ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger and moved himself away.

This was followed by a slight touch of stab wounds and numbness that spread. He is back, the room he had escaped before, the room full of scarlet thorns. When he fled from here, he had a foresight, leaving some of his own pieces of clothing in place and used as an anchor for short-distance transmissions.

Although this scarlet thorn is poisonous, it will be eroded by its toxicity after being touched; however, this room is a different space that is skillfully constructed by spells and is isolated from the outside world.

And the exterior of this floor has long been submerged by magma-like high-heat fluids. The lava really couldn't flow into this different space, and the ghosts in the group couldn't cross the lava field and went into the space to find Albert's trouble. As long as he stays in this alien space with scarlet thorns, Albert is temporarily safe.

I did not expect that his previous prison has turned into his temporary refuge.

But now, and no matter that -

Albert closed his eyes and woke up.
