Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2854: Shining Cup (3)

TCP 2854

Not knowing what tactics or tricks the opponent's defender will play, Albert intends to keep both [Hidden] and [Separation] gentle. He didn't use these techniques until he found out that his opponent was using some weird moves.

In theory, he did not have any problem, it can even be said to be wise.

In the case of wearing a magic bracelet (the athletes are required to wear it to prevent cheating), the effect of [Shen Yin] is unstable, and there is a cool-down time after use; and the avatar transformed by [Second Art] is easy. He was injured by an opponent's attack, and the injury will be returned to Albert's deity after the separation is lifted. These powerful technologies are huge gains that come with powerful risks and are not as "invincible" as they seem. Rather than acting rashly and revealing flaws so that opponents have a chance to take advantage, it is better to act on the opportunity, see what the opponent will do, come to see the move!


However, it is not possible to see it.

Albert didn't even know what was going on, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a huge force, and the entire tiger fell to the ground.


"The running back fell to the ground! First gear, two yards forward!" The referee announced with a loud whistle.

Albert's eyes widened and he was still fan. He only knew that he was overwhelmed by the huge power, and the ground around his body had dents. The grass on the field was suppressed and crushed by the same huge power as Albert's body. Flat!

"Are you okay?" Mutter asked anxiously.

The turf on the ground around Elbert's body was pressed so flat, it was almost like the legendary "wheat field", as if there was a mysterious force from top to bottom The turf pressed down together. Seeing that the turf is like this, it's no wonder that Mute is worried-God knows whether the bones of Albert's body have been crushed? !!

"I" The Tiger Man slowly stood up and moved his body: "It's okay. The bones aren't broken. My bones are still strong, but it's all right, meow hahahahaha."

The smile he forcibly squeezed out could not conceal the looming concerns on his face. He was not injured, but he couldn't understand what had happened just now. It seemed that there was some terrible pressure that suddenly overwhelmed him, and he couldn't even react to being attacked by something. If this happens again, can Albert escape it?

"Did you see meow meow?" Albert asked deliberately when he went back to meet his teammates.

Even Hiloma was shaking her head. Everything happened so suddenly that no one could react to it. By the time they reacted, Albert was overwhelmed by the mysterious force.

"It's too fast," Gusta said solemnly, "I didn't see any South African guards approaching you just now."

Gusta is the center of the team. When he kicks off, he is at the forefront of the team and is responsible for the mainstay of the wall. If Gusta can't see anything happening in the front row, the others in the back row are even less likely to see it.

"Long-range attack from the enemy?" Moot asked, "isn't that a foul?"

"If you haven't been arrested, it's not a problem." Huddler Redridge, the captain of the former second army, hummed: "From a distance, you can only see Mr. Albert falling down in place. , Neither the audience nor the referee will care about this kind of thing. You listen— "

The sound of applause came from outside. Earlier, Albert's "flat fall" was too embarrassing. Those who didn't know thought that Albert had made a mistake himself.

Running back to the ground without anyone intercepting is a fatal mistake that can affect the player's career. What's more, the Super Cup is a worldwide game of dark American football, representing the highest level of this sport. It is estimated that in the history of the game over the years, not many running backs will fall so ugly and flat.

Albert blushed instantly. This is obviously not his mistake, and the opponent is doing small moves. Those unsuspecting lay people are cheering him? !!

"I know you're angry, but angry is not useful, you might as well find a way to crack the opponent's strange tricks." Hiloma advised: "And as long as you hold the ball, they will always force you with that mean Fall. You better think of a way to crack it. "

Albert frowned. What exactly did the opponent do to make him fall to the ground, he has not figured out yet. In the face of an attack of unknown origin and scratching his head, how should he defend? Once again, kick off.

The Sphinx players will neither play tricks nor escape. It was decided that Albert was responsible for the offense. The ball passed shortly after reaching the hands of Captain Hilomar and fell into Albert's hands. The young tiger man who got the ball rushed out as always, and carefully guarded against the mysterious force that had pressed him to the ground before.

Sure enough, when Albert was still in the position of the Sphinx, the power did not come down-if the entire team was crushed to the ground at the same time, it would be too conspicuous. As soon as Albert left the "cover" of his teammates, he immediately felt a kind of pressure to arrive from top to bottom, and his tiger hair stood upright, feeling vaguely like an electric shock. Feeling the unpleasant moment, the Tiger Man youth immediately launched the avatar operation, turning one into five, and the deity and the other five avatars began to spread out in six ways. Opponents cannot determine who is actually holding the ball!

Snapped! !! One of them, Albert, was overwhelmed by the tremendous force, consistent with what just happened. However, that was just a split and did not hold the ball. When he fell to the ground, he disappeared without a trace, leaving only a "coquette on the ground"-the phenomenon that the turf was squashed by mysterious power!

At this time, Albert could clearly see that the strange circle on the ground had a radius of three feet and was a complete circle. With such a large range and such huge pressure, the sprint used to block Albert is more than enough. If the deity holding the ball is entangled with this kind of thing, it will fall to the ground instantly, there is no room for resistance. !! It's great that he uses avatars to cover people's eyes--

Pala la la! !! Albert was still thinking about the "wonderful" moment. The other four avatars fell to the ground at the same time. They were also overwhelmed by the invisible and powerful force and couldn't lie on the ground!

All four fell to the ground! ? And at the same time? !! Tiger man can not help but startled. What a ghost, is there any such ability in the world to cheat?

He can be said to be very lucky, because the four unseen attacks did not aim at his deity, all fell on his avatars. But in this way, all his avatars disappeared, leaving only his deity. He knew that he would be attacked by that invisible power next time, and was planning to change more avatars—

Snapped! One step late! Great pressure came on him, so that he couldn't run!

"Abominable--!" Albert insisted on standing even if he couldn't run, at least one more step forward. But it didn't work. The force pressing on him was large and even. Because that force pressed so evenly on every inch of his skin, every hair, and even every flesh, that power was unstoppable. . The tiger joint's knee joint soon became overwhelmed and bent backwards, and he fell on his knees!

Boom! This time the landing was worse than before, and Albert reached into his chin. It would be even more painful without a helmet protecting his head!

"Second gear! Sphinx, three yards ahead!" The referee announced.

bad. Albert lying on the ground pouting. Both offenses were exhausted, and they advanced a total of five yards. The opponent's obstruction is both invisible and shameless. How should the remaining five yards run?

"Are you okay?" Cat-Man asked again.

"Well." As Mutter approached, the tremendous pressure disappeared. Albert got up from the ground and rubbed his chin: "Junk stuff, actually four areas can be launched at the same time."

"Five." Mutt corrected: "Your five avatars were pressed to the ground almost simultaneously, but the mysterious power did not immediately release your deity, as if delayed, uh, a second."

It turned out that while Albert was running, Mut was watching carefully, probably the order of Captain Shiloma.

"Thanks, very useful information." Albert patted the dust on his body and walked back into the queue with Mut.

And the audience outside the court booed even more. These people did not understand the situation at all, probably thought that Albert was out of shape today, and the five avatars and the deity fell flat together.

"Are they stupid," Mutter whispered, "Isn't South Africa's obvious attack noticed?"

"Don't worry about them," said Albert, who no longer wanted to care about the blind eyes of the crowd outside the field. No, maybe someone sees the problem early, but those who see the problem are both a minority and overwhelmed by the applause of other spectators. The guys responsible for the applause seemed to be deliberate, maybe the people of the Republic of South Africa deliberately arranged it.

Dirty little trick. Do they think that doing so will depress Albert. The Tiger Man couldn't help laughing, and he was also looked down on fiercely.

At this time the Sphynx team also replaced Leopoldo. Well-dressed, the lion-boys who just finished their warm-ups grinned and asked, "Ye, are you in a hard fight? Would you like me to help attract their firepower?"

The child is forcing himself. Obviously the pain was gone, but he still deliberately squeezed out a smile.

"Give me another chance." Albert said, and he didn't want Leopold to consume the energy he shouldn't have consumed so quickly: "The next attack will definitely break the blockade of that mysterious force."

"Please, please." The Lion Man smiled and stood in the back of the line.