Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2858: Shining Cup (7)

TCP 2858

The Sphinx kicked off again.

Since it was previously decided to let the Golden Lion Leopold run the game, Albert stood a little back to avoid obstructing Leo's charge.

He would be reconciled, but there was no way.

That mysterious power could control five people at the same time, and instantly overwhelmed each of Albert's avatars. At the same time as the avatars were lifted to the ground, the mysterious force could immediately start to control the other five avatars. The interval between the two ability launches is no more than half a second, and there is almost no cooling time. If so, no matter how many avatars are called, Albert will be pressed to the ground one by one within a few seconds. How many avatars are not enough?

Is there no better way to resist that mysterious force?

Then again, on what principle does that mysterious power work? After the air was clear around him, why was Airbert suddenly overwhelmed by unseen forces? Is that power itself part of the air? Is it air pressure? No, gravity?

As Albert thought more and more, he couldn't understand, so he opened his eyes and looked closely. The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers, and perhaps from a different angle to observe Leo's attack from a distance, some clues can be seen.

The ball passed from Gustav's hands, passed through Hiloma, and another ultra-short pass landed in the hands of the Lion Man Leopold. At least, the pass in the position of the Sphinx will not be obstructed by that mysterious force, because it is too obvious, and the cheating of the South African team will be exposed to the public eye.

Leo, who got the ball, rushed out, and didn't seem to regret that little energy left. He was about half a yard away from the brigade, and it seemed that he was immediately attacked by the mysterious force and began to stand unstable!

"Hmm!" The lion boy suddenly blurred, and his body became translucent. A part of his body moved into subspace, in a state where it would not be physically attacked by the outside world.

His [blurred] really worked, the mysterious force failed to suppress Leopold's actions, and the Golden Lion rushed unimpeded into the depths of the enemy line. The guards of the South African Saints also intend to prevent Leopold from running, but [Sand Storm] is theoretically unstoppable. It is as untouchable as a phantom!

One yard, two yards, three yards! Leopold has ran out far enough, and has reached the standard of ten yards before the Sphynx team moved forward to retain the Sphinx control of the ball!

"Enough, Mr. Leopold!" Exclaimed Albert.

But Leo ignored Albert's advice and kept running. The defenders of the South African Saints' team still desperately intend to stop the golden lion, but unfortunately they can't stop the phantom that penetrates everything, but watch the golden lion run away!

Only then did Albert understand what was going on. His previous three offenses were all bait, just to let the opponent relax their vigilance!

The South African Saints' team thoroughly investigated the physical condition of each of the members of the Sphinx team before the start of the game, knowing that Leopold's body was on the verge of destruction. And Albert had advanced eight yards in the first three offenses, and was almost able to keep the Sphinx's possession of the ball. It is reasonable to say that Leopold had no reason to advance more than two yards.

But the golden lion just uneasily played a card, facing a serious injury trouble, still ran away.

He yelled, he sprinted, he reached the touchdown, directly hit the South African Saints' bottom line with an unstoppable force, and threw the ball beautifully to the ground.

"Touchdown! 6: 0, Sandstorm Sphinx leads!"

Best of all! Leopold raised his arm to make a victory gesture, and also spit a sigh of blood, scaring everyone in the Sphynx team to shiver.

It is really hard work for him to finish the distance of nearly fifty yards while keeping his ability to start! Wouldn't this really shorten his life again?

"Tough work." Hiloma brought a few stretches of medical staff.

"Sorry, I'll end the rest." Leopold waved his hand on the stretcher.

"Have you observed it carefully?" Hiloma turned to Albert again: "That mysterious power, think of a solution?"

The Tiger Man shook his head. Still can't see clearly. That mysterious power only entangled Leopold for about half a second before giving up. Leopold will not be subject to any physical attack when he enters the [blurred] state, and the power like gravity or wind pressure will be helpless to Leopold. But Albert didn't really see any mystery from a distance ... the power felt like it was directly applied to the person, without seeing the distortion of the surrounding air, and not feeling anything strange.

Except for the artificial turf on the ground, which was squashed around.

"Also." Hiloma didn't seem to have much hope for Albert. "Then I can only hope that Gusta and Phileos can hold on."

The Tiger Man frowned: "Are they not so mad that even the guards dare to attack?"

If the defenders responsible for interception by the Sphynx team were crushed to the ground by that kind of force, and five people fell to the ground at the same time, it would be too conspicuous to say anything.

As a center, Gustav is also the center of the team's entire wall. The giant Tiger Kong Kongwu is strong and fat, and the mysterious power may not have any effect on Gustav. "I don't know. But I'm sure they will do small moves." Hiloma grinned: "A group of nets will make cheating scum, come as soon as you come."

He was talking like that with a hippie smile, but there was a huge anger in his smile. South Africa ’s Saints ’Mind is actually in such a sacred game finals, using this despicable method to taint the game, and Hiloma, who loves this sport, must be furious now.

"Today is also the last match, let me tell you a short little story." Hiloma said as she walked back to her position, "In the past, there was a liar ------"

In 672 AD, the Cairo Grand Casino, with its brilliant walls and bricks, shone in the light of a lantern.

"Is he?" The lion boy looked at a man on a table opposite from a distance.

"Yes, Master." Several bodyguards in black suits replied behind him.

"I see. You wait here, I'll go as soon as I go." Leopold said, opening up the guard.

He walked through the crowd of gambling, through the greedy hall, and finally came to the blackjack (blackjack) table and sat down.

Sitting next to the Lion Man was a young Tiger man with a slightly shabby dress and a thin, shaggy face. It stands to reason that such high-end venues as the Grand Cairo Casino do not allow people with shabby clothes to enter, but this young Tiger man seems very clever to cover up the defects of his clothes by various means. ... or he bought the guard at the casino door and slipped in.

In short, this young man is not simple. The chips in front of his table are not directly proportional to his performance, and the number has reached an astonishing level. This is the huge sum he has won in the continuous long bet today.

Casinos are run by gangsters. In this [Cairo Grand Casino], this [gangster] naturally refers to the Sphinx Group. This young Tiger man has won so many games in a row. The members of the Sphinx Group can't ignore it, so there is a meeting between Leopold and the thin young Tiger man.

"Hi friends." The Lion Man first went up to talk to the Tiger Man: "It seems today is your lucky day?"

The other glanced at Leopold and did not answer. However, from the well-groomed lion mane on the lion boy and the expensive black dress on his body, he saw that the young man was rich and expensive.

Is this kid the young master of the big fortune family? perhaps. But this kid can actually get in and out of this kind of casino. He was running around in the casino alone. Where did his parents go?

After some speculation, the Tiger Man still couldn't understand the intention of the lion boy to chat with him, so he replied with vigilance casually: "It's very lucky."

"Really." Leopold smiled indifferently. "Friend, you've been so lucky today, and it's almost time to stop, right? You know that luck will run out, and it will always be so lucky, maybe it's a bad thing." "If this luck is really needed, will it run out?"

"This is just superstition." The Tiger Man replied calmly, without a smile on his face. His expression was stiff, and even after winning such a huge sum of money, he still couldn't show the slightest joy, as if he was born to not laugh.

"Well, you should be a superstitious friend," said the boy, who put an arm on the gambling table. It was rude to do so, but the bookmaker on the opposite side did not stop the boy: "I won't lie to you , This is done for your good. You won't show a slight smile when you have won so much money, as if you are a feelingless gambling machine. If you can't feel pleasure from this thing, what else do you do it for?- ----- Come, it's time to stop. Replace your winning chips with cash, and let's go for a drink. I treat. I won't treat you badly. "

"Oh, I understand now." The Tiger Youth looked at the boy slightly hostilely: "This should be some kind of scam, right? Ask me to eat and drink, and then take my money while I'm drunk Take it away? "

"How could that be?" Said the Lion Man with a smile: "All the cash you get is stored in your ID card. The card is tied to your physical information. Only you can use it, and you can't use it if you steal it?

"... You know exactly how the Cairo Casino operates."

"Of course. I own this casino." Leopold grinned.

As if being amused by the other person, the young tiger man who had never shown a smile suddenly squeezed out a smile-like expression.

"Stop joking," he said.

"I'm not kidding." Leopold said, "Would you like to go drinking with me? We should find some beautiful girls after drinking, and then," he licked his lips with his tongue: "do it together Things like this and indescribable things. It must be very interesting. My intuition tells me that your technology is great. Playing with us can be more fun than counting your cards in this place. Up. "

The Tiger Man's face calmed down, "I didn't count the cards again. Every time I bet I used the fastest speed, without thinking about the bet. Why do you say I'm counting cards? It's better to bring some evidence. "

"Well, huh huh huh ----" "The Lion Man suddenly changed from an indifferent smile to a sneer, and the expression on his face suddenly changed from the original kindness:" I have no evidence. But we do not need to do things Evidence. We are gangsters, not detectives. "

So the young tiger man's face was still dignified, and he realized that things were not simple. At this time, the other gamblers around had quietly turned away, and the originally lively corner of the casino suddenly became deserted, only the Tiger Youth and the Lion Youth.

There was even a chill in the air.

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