Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2865: Shining Cup (14)


Kick off again.

The situation returned to the state before the interruption, which is still the offensive round of the South African Saints.

The South African players took a very straightforward offensive approach. Their center just passed the ball, and the ball immediately passed a short pass from the quarterback and reached the hands of the running back. The running back of the South African team rushed out as soon as they got the ball, rushing straight towards the bottom line of the Sphynx team.

"Beauty!" Sphynx guard Phileos also rushed to intercept, opening his arms as far as possible, making it difficult for opponents to escape from his interception range.

Only five yards from Phileos, the opponent's running back immediately held the ball and slipped to the right, as if convinced that Phileos could not catch up. The Leopard Phileos had just moved his right leg, intending to adjust his position to continue intercepting the opponent. A huge pressure came down from the top down, crushing him to the ground!

Boom! When he landed, he made a very heavy sound. It was an overly shameful fall. His hands and face touched the ground almost at the same time, lying on the ground, revealing a posture similar to surrender, as if an experienced French warrior. He lay on the ground, unable to move under the heavy pressure, seeing that the running back of the opponent was about to slip past him!

"Hey." Phileos suddenly sneered.

Huh! Albert suddenly appeared from behind Phileos like a ghost, and flew over to intercept before the opponent reacted, holding his opponent's waist down fiercely!

That's right, besides [Separation], Albert can use [God Hide]! He reduced his existence to almost zero, no one in the world could detect the existence of the Tiger Man, and the mysterious heavy pressure attack did not fall on him!

Staying invisible with [神 隐], Albert who has been behind Phileos, waiting for this moment!

Boom! The same pressure came on Albert, and pushed the Tiger Man to the ground. The mysterious heavy attack seemed to mechanically lock down Albert and others, and it was launched as soon as Albert's presence was detected. But the mysterious force did not expect that Albert had intercepted the opponent, so the heavy pressure also pressed the South African Saints running back together on the ground!

Slam! When the other party landed, Albert seemed to hear something breaking.

I don't know if it's a rib or an arm. The intensity of Albert's collision and the weight of the mysterious force broke the bone of the player somewhere, and the sound was the sound of a broken bone! The physical appearance of these (seemingly) human players has never been comparable to that of orcs. Albert felt the pressure of no pain and itching, but the pressure of breaking that bone was already on that guy!

"In the second gear, the South African Saints, advance two yards!" The referee announced with a whistle. This time it was replaced by a human referee designated by the Football Association. It seems to be an Egyptian with a strong Egyptian accent.

At the same time as the referee's announcement, Albert got up from the ground and glanced at his opponent. The player really broke his arm bone, his arm twisted in a strange direction, and looked painful. But the guy didn't seem to know the pain, just lying there trying to get up.

"Medical team." The quarterback of the South African Saints also announced coldly, called the medical team, and soon carried the injured player on a stretcher.

"Don't they know the meow that hurts?" Albert snorted. He knew very well that he had borrowed the mysterious force that pressed people to the ground to break the opponent, and even blocked the guy's arm, and he felt a little guilty. But the other side didn't yell, and lay on the stretcher calmly and was lifted away, but Albert felt strange.

"Very likely." Hilomar looked at the marks on the ground. Although the South African player broke his arm, he did not bleed. The absence of bones is one reason, but there may be other deeper reasons.

For example, that guy was originally the third generation of Cyborgs. It is a flesh and blood body that is artificially manufactured. If so, the reason why he broke his arm and didn't yell was a good explanation. Maybe he was created without pain nerves, so these third-generation humans did not feel pain like insects.

Without pain, there are naturally many inconveniences in daily life. But there are indeed such third-generation humanoids. They were manufactured just for use as consumables, and they did not even consider what kind of daily life they would have.

If it is used up, it is just thrown away.

(Nora ...)

Hiloma clenched her fists, and occasionally there was a haze on her face that no one else could detect.

"The tactics work." Of course, Albert didn't notice the flash of halo on Hiloma's face, and came over to report to the captain: "It seems that this stealth tactic can really stop their offense. As long as I use [神 隐], they ca n’t press me to the ground with that mysterious power, and even if I show up, that power locks me up and starts to take effect, it will always be half a beat. There is a delay of about half a second. Enough for me to intercept Live your opponent. "

"Actually, I want to know if you can stay in stealth to stop your opponents," Hiloma demanded further.

"If it can be done that way, it would have been invincible." Albert shook his head: "[Shen Yin] is my own, if it comes into direct contact with the body of the opponent, it seems to be lifted soon."

The reason is simple, God Hidden relies on reducing the existence of Albert (Kama) to achieve the goal of "hiding." In other words, he used the negative entropy of Kama produced by [Fourth Miracle—Kama (Fate) Creation] to offset the positive entropy of his existence (Kama).

But this trick only works for him. If there is direct physical contact with others, the positive entropy of the existence (Kama) on the opponent will flow through the physical contact, offsetting the effect of [Hidden] on Albert. Even if you touch it gently, [Shen Yin] may be released in a very short time. It's such an unstable move.

Albert can naturally generate the excess entropy of Kama to maintain the stability of the **** hidden. But excessive negative entropy may play off, causing Albert to permanently disappear from the world. He still lives in this world, but no one in this world can see, hear, or feel him anymore. He almost became this state once, and since then he has been extra careful every time he uses [Shen Yin].

"I see. Then you can do your best." Hiloma did not force Albert to challenge the limit, but responded lightly: "Two times left. Just block the next two South African offenses. , Don't let them advance more than four yards, this round we won. "

What to do is to take back the offensive power from the South African team. Although this also meant that Albert had to intercept the opponent twice more, maybe he would break the other two South African defenders ...

The Tiger Man patted his face, shaking his spirits. He doesn't plan to sympathize with his opponents. Who would let the mean-minded guys of the South African team use the first three methods?

Once again, kick off.

The running back of the South African team rushed out as soon as they got the ball, running the slash to go around the main force of the Sphynx team and run from the side. But the Sphynx team also came out, Philaeus, Mute, and even Moussahir all rushed out to intercept and open a large siege. Albert naturally cast a gimmick at the moment of kick-off, secretly lurking behind teammates.

However, before the three men started to run, three mysterious forces began to act on them, trying to crush them to the ground. The three of them fell flat for no reason before touching their opponents, which is obviously very unnatural on the court. But the South African team seems to be panicking and cheating so boldly!

Mut, they couldn't catch up to intercept the running back, and the running back was about to slip past the three.

puff! However, Albert rushed to the front long ago. The instantaneous stoppage of the opponent's running guard changed course gave him a chance. He suddenly appeared in front of the opponent, and his arms wrapped around his waist!

That mysterious pressure followed, with tremendous power on Albert and the running back of the South African team! The opponent also intends to take the opportunity to pass the ball to his companion, but the ball cannot be passed under this huge pressure. The two people holding it fell flat with the ball, and they fell instantly! In order not to hurt himself, Albert even quickly changed his posture when he landed in the air, allowing his opponent to lie down as much as possible!

Slam! Albert heard the sound of a broken bone again. And he knew it wasn't his bones. Although there is a period of unhappiness, this is also the fault of the South African team!

"Third gear, the South African Saints, one yard forward!" The referee announced.

This is simply the perfect interception! It almost makes it hard for the opponent to move! Although this sneak attack interception looks despicable and ugly, as long as it blocks the opponent's attack!

"Medical team." The South African quarterback called the medical team again and brought the running back with the broken ribs off the field. As before, there are no emotions. These players seem to be unpopular, one machine at a time.

Albert stepped back cautiously, checking in by himself for injuries. Of course, as an orc, his physique is stronger than that of a human, and may even be stronger than that of a third-generation human. The other side was injured with broken arms and ribs, but his side was not affected much, at best, there was only one or two extra bruises on his body.

He faintly heard the hiss outside the pitch. The audience seemed to think that Albert was using some kind of dangerous game to deliberately hurt his opponent twice. Intentionally hurting the opponent is really not sporting, and being overwhelmed is also expected.

"Don't worry about them. Those stupid people can't figure out the situation at all." Mutter thought that Albert would care and came to persuade.

"I don't care," said Tiger Youth.

Earlier, Albert was hit by the mysterious power and kept falling flat, and those audiences even applauded. They are just the audience, a group of guys who sit back and watch a movie without back pain. What happens on the field will only be understood by the players who actually play on the field.

Albert had the urge to appeal to these audiences who didn't know the truth, but he still resisted.

He didn't play for these audiences at all. He doesn't want fame or fortune on the court. As long as the person he really cares about understands him, everything is enough.

"There is one last interception left. Hurry them down." The Tiger Man patted the dust on his body and walked back to the Sphynx position with a smile. (To be continued)