Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2951: The Never Returning Morning (26)


At the same time, a giant warship is also flying towards the southeast of the dawn region, the former Romani territory.

"Is the fox's territory." Knight Arthur sat on the captain's seat, looking at the map information displayed on the holographic display of the battleship, and said with interest: "Interesting idea. Why do you feel captured?" Will people hide in this place? "

"Brother said it before." Tiger O'Han Othello replied: "As long as I joined the army, my brother repeatedly told me to stay away from those foxes. I guess he must know something before saying this. . "

"Really." The Knight King nodded: "According to the records of the Black History Library, the Romani tribe is a race that only appeared after the war between the East and the West. It was originally not one of the large clans of the orcs. They were originally cat cats. Minorities like that. But shortly after the war, the wall of the world rose, and this race suddenly rose, and it has a lot of ancient technology that even humans do not have. The foxes claim to be the technology obtained by excavating ancient ruins. , But what actually is-- "

"Your Majesty wants to say that there are people behind the foxes, their technology is actually provided to them by an organization?" Othello asked.

"I didn't say anything, and all this was just an unfounded conjecture." The Cavaliers replied: "But ah, let's think so. Combining your testimony, there really should be something in the fox's territory. Aida, put your biosensor power to the maximum, recorded in the centralized scanning data, the research remains of the foxes. If Othello ’s conjecture is correct, one of these remains must be still operating, and it ’s closed. Our people. "

"Observe, the temporary captain." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied: "The power of the scanner has been maximized and the surface has been scanned in a concentrated manner."

"But this is still a needle in a haystack ..." Othello is seriously studying the map material in front of him. Those old materials have the research institutes that once marked the territory of the fox race-at least, the ones that have been published.

But God knows how many undisclosed underground research institutes the foxes still hide? How long will it take to find these hidden institutes?

Although there are many uncertainties, King Arthur followed this plan. Maybe the Cavaliers have other ideas? -A drop of sweat came out of Othello's forehead, watching patiently as things progressed.

"Having said that, what will you do after this ** settlement?" Cavaliers asked suddenly.

"What to do ...? Just go back to the army and continue to serve." Othello replied without thinking.

"Ada, investigate the use record of the teleporter." The cavalier suddenly said: "Lock user: Gilbert Robble."

"Under investigation. The data extraction is completed." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied: "User: Gilbert Roble, last record of use: half an hour ago. Transmission destination: Budapest."

"Ha." The cavalier hummed thoughtfully.

"Great, the patriarch is not implicated." Othello said.

"Okay?" The cavalier king said, "Let's count as okay. I think he is on official business, so hurry back to Budapest before the battle."

"... What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"If not, this is a serious diplomatic issue." The Cavalier's tone was a little angry: "If Robul knew in advance that it would happen, leave us alone and it means that guy I'm going to kill me, my fleet, and the Tutan Patriarch like the human race, and even give you, his own army, to sacrifice. Do you know what this represents, Othello? "

"No ... impossible!"

"You may just be his abandoned son, Mr. Othello." Cavalier King grinned: "Of course, I have no evidence, all this is just speculation. After you go back safely, you can slowly question him again. Maybe He did not know, and hurried back to Budapest, just because his business was busy. "

Othello fell into a deep silence.

"Don't mention this." The Knight King returned to the origin of the problem: "After this ** settlement, if you want to go back to the Dao Orcs, I will not stop you. But I have a request, hope You do n’t want to wave the dangerous one as a soldier. Your brother Castro is a pacifist, he does everything for the sake of unwillingness, excessive power, and falls into the hands of the orc coalition If you really agree with your brother ’s idea, if you really want to carry out your brother ’s will, you should never use this power on an unjust road. Otherwise, Master Castro will probably die. Right. "

The tiger man frowned.

"But the question is coming again." The Knight King said again: "When they know that you have this power, how can you not let it be used? As a soldier, obeying the superior is your mission, you probably won't have The right to refuse. The last thing I would like to see is the day when you wielded the sword of victory and beheaded mankind. Even if that possibility is minimal. "

At least, the possibility is not non-existent. Even now, the so-called alliance formed by humans and orcs is still in the honeymoon period, stipulating not to invade each other; but it is hard to guarantee that in the future, this treaty will change because of the situation.

In the not-too-distant future, when the dark enemy, the common enemy of humans and orcs, is completely eliminated, maybe the orc alliance will turn the spear to deal with humanity and declare war on humanity again.

Othello certainly knows that all this is possible. And the orc coalition that invades mankind is by no means a teacher of justice. By that time, can he really defy the orders of his superiors and not attack humans?

Or, is there really a way for him to retreat from the Orcs?

The coalition forces knew that he was holding it in his hand, so he might not be able to go anywhere. Even if he ran away, the coalition would send someone to hunt him down, until he took the artifact from his hand.

"Here, take it." The cavalier suddenly took a wonderful potion from his arms and threw it to Othello.

"this is?"

"Change Potion."


"Like literally, after drinking this potion, you can change from orc to human." Knight said: "Although this is only a trial work, the effect can only be maintained for a year or two."

"It's unbelievable ... it has already been made ...!" Othello had heard similar rumors long ago, but it was still incredible to actually hold this magic potion in his hand.

"It was indeed made." The Cavaliers said: "Either way, Great Britain has been successfully developed. The effect is not very stable. It is expected that in the near future, we should be able to make changes between humans and orcs throughout life Potion. "

"If one day, if you want to break away from the orc coalition, drink this and flee to Great Britain to seek political asylum." The knight continued: "I can honor you with the one you hold The identity of the knight of the round table. With the status of knight of the honorary round table, the coalition forces will not dare to touch you. "

"But the premise is that I must become a human being and live in that appearance ..."

"It depends on how much you realize, Othello." The Cavaliers said ambiguously.

The tiger man was silent for a while, and then asked: "I have a question. I use a potion to turn humans into orcs to increase human combat effectiveness. I can understand this. But using a potion to turn orcs into humans reduces the orc ’s Combat power, what is this operation? Does it make any sense to do this? "

"No. You didn't say anything right." The cavalier king replied coldly: "From the beginning, there was no intention to use potions to turn humans into orcs to enhance human combat effectiveness. That was not our original intention."

"Then what was your original intention?"

"——." The Knight King said with a long tone.

"you are serious?"

"Seriously." King Arthur looked at Othello with a firm light in his eyes: "The so-called inequalities are all built on race differences. Humans can never accept the brutal half-human half-beasts like orcs, And the orcs can never accept the weak creatures like humans.

As long as this difference persists, no matter how many thousands of years have passed, the war between humans and orcs will continue.

So this medicine is needed. Humans and orcs must be given this choice, so that those who are willing to be humans become humans, and those who are willing to be orcs become orcs.

When humans are free to choose whether to be humans or orcs, and there is no difference between the two, this inequality is halved. "

"All you mean is ...?"

"Of course, there will still be differences in nationality and geography," Cavalier Wang smiled. "Do Europeans discriminate against Africans too? People always discriminate against others for various reasons, but they want to compare a superior. . This is human nature and will never change. But at least, after the racial differences are smoothed out, the mutual discrimination between humans and orcs will be greatly reduced. "

Othello stared at King Arthur in a daze, wondering if he should believe the Cavaliers.

"Why, do you think my thoughts are naive?"

"... It's a bit naive." Othello replied after thinking for a long time.

"Then let time prove that all is well." King Arthur laughed: "Someday, it will show its true value. But now and regardless of this, you should keep this potion properly and only take it when you think it is necessary Just use it. "

The tiger man nodded and put away the potion.

At least, King Arthur's words are sincere. Without that sincerity, they may not have thought of such a naive plan at first.

In contrast, leaving the Othello and allied soldiers, and using the transmission device to slip back to Budapest, the Patriarch Rober, it is really ...

Othello sighed and started to wonder who to believe.

Sure enough, Castro was far more visionary than him, and he looked at things more thoroughly. If Castro did not give him the sword of victory, Othello might have become a cannon fodder on the battlefield; if Castro had originally taken away the core elements of the sword of victory, Othello might have already Wielding the sword of victory, using that excessively powerful force, killed many innocent human beings. In the end, Othello was just a foolish and ignorant child, always drifting with others under the mercy of others.

"Well, here." The king's ear moved, and suddenly stood up from the captain's seat, as if something long-awaited was about to happen.

"What's coming?" Othello just wanted to ask. Suddenly, an icy blue light pierced the sky, shot from a distance in the west, and extended somewhere in the east.

"That's ...?" The light dazzled, and Othello narrowed his eyes to observe.

"It seems that the little tiger successfully reached the tower of the guardian." The Knight King said: "I gambled this time intuitively, it seems that the bet won. Aida, the bow turned, the maximum speed. The goal is that Where the light refers to. "

"Follow the instructions, acting as the captain of the captain." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system replied.

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