Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2962: The Never Returning Morning (37)


Those flying fish-like monsters suddenly woke up under the attack of Bediville and began to wander in the positive space. They were irritated and wanted to attack Bediville and Othello.

"Come on, be careful!" The werewolf youth reminded. He knew that those flying fish could not be hit, but those monsters could attack Bediville and Othello. This is simply that they were beaten unilaterally, and there was no other way than dodge.

But Bidewell did not have no plans at all. He rushed to the front and held up [the shell of the world tree], so that the fire of the magical fire on that artifact became extremely conspicuous in the fog, attracting the enemies around him.

"I'm here to attract them, you take care of yourself!" Cried Bediville, and he was also covered in a lot of Mithril fluid.

That's right, according to Othello, those flying fish monsters have very low attack power. There is no way to penetrate Othello's armor and hit the place where the armor is protected. At best, they only cut some small places where there is no armor. It's just a wound. If it really matters, Bediville can use the Mithril fluid to "assemble" a set of temporary armor on his body, so that those flying fish can't get started.

Mithril fluid covered his whole body, even his tail was covered. In addition to the position of the gas mask, there is a space for sight and breathing, and all parts of his body are protected by hard Mithril fluid armor. These fluids harden with a crystal-like hardness, and when crushed, they will re-liquefy in a very short time and repair themselves into the shape that Bédiville wants. Basically, it is a set that ca n’t be beat, and the defense is impeccable. Armor.

The only disadvantage may be too heavy.

Bidewell, covered in Mithril Fluid armor, tried to move his leg and found that his body was unusually heavy. This was all within his expectations, after all, he was covered with airtight overweight armor. Those flying fish were attracted by the radiance of the spell fire of Bediville, and began to attack the werewolf youth frantically. But their attack was just to use their slug-like bodies to quickly pass by Bediville, trying to make a cut in the werewolf youth. The inexplicable attacks before Bediville were really good things from these little things.

However, now the heavily armored Bediville does not care about the flying fish's attack. Their impact may create a small amount of scratches on the Mithril armor, but the armor quickly repairs itself, which is equivalent to no damage. Hundreds and thousands of flying fish circled around Bediville, and they flew around, but there was no way to cause any decent damage to the werewolf youth.

On the other side, Othello was crouching and acting in a low-key manner, even hiding the Luna Steel scimitar lent to him by Bediville, trying not to let its fire irritate the flying fish. So the flying fish hardly attacked Othello, and they all revolved around Bediville. In this torrent of gray mist flying fish, Bediville wore heavy armor and resisted, while Othello followed the Werewolf youth to sneak forward, and thus advanced at an extremely slow speed. Although the fog makes the surrounding vision very poor, Bediville is not disoriented. He knows that he is walking deeper into the cave. After passing this large cave, the attack of flying fish is expected to slow down.

Nevertheless, this is still very suffocating. The sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong sounded all over him all the time, as if the blacksmith was making iron. Those sounds are actually the sounds of flying fishes striking his armor. Those monsters unilaterally attack Bediville, but Bediville has no choice but to use them, which is the most uncomfortable.

Are the creatures of the abyss really invincible? Do they have no weaknesses? Bediville walked hard, thinking.

Do not. Right? Although Bediville's previous attacks were completely defeated, those flying fish seem to possess the "virtualization" ability and can ignore all attacks of the werewolf youth. But they cannot always maintain the "virtualized" state. The moment they attacked Bediville, they must definitely remove the "virtualization" before they could hit Bediville. Otherwise it will only become that they are also phantoms, penetrating directly from the werewolf youth, but unable to cause any harm to Bediville.

In other words, they are not invincible at the moment when they are about to hit Bedieville when they attack. If you want to fight back, you can only shoot at that moment. I am afraid the correct time is only one hundredth of a second.

Unless he knows the mind and eye technique, Bediville cannot predict the enemy's attack in advance. He tried to move his arm, and found that he was wearing heavy armor and his movements were extremely restricted. It was almost impossible to perform a quick attack at a certain moment.

--- But really give up like this? Unilaterally beaten, but did not fight back, give the enemy a color?

Bediville thought and thought, and suddenly thought of something.

In fact, things are not that complicated. He already has a usable weapon. All he needs to do is grasp the moment and focus on counterattack.

Just at this time, a gray mist flying fish hit him in front of him. Bediville saw its movement clearly, and it was exactly the moment when it collided to attack.

It ran into, hitting Bediville's chest, and at the moment of the impact, he scratched a wound on the chest of the werewolf youth. These monsters may have no brains. The same thing is repeated hundreds of thousands of times, but they don't know that their attack has no effect on Bediville.

And Bediville grasped the moment of being attacked and turned the Mithril armor on his chest into a spike. As a result, the monster could not hold its momentum while approaching at high speed, and a brain hit the spike, penetrated by the spike formed by Mithril.


Bediville originally thought it was some kind of **** flesh creature, hitting the spikes like a touch of a piece of meat penetrated. But he guessed wrong again, the thing deflated like a balloon after hitting a spike, it was originally at least the size of a slap, it instantly became less than the size of wheat grains, and fell to the ground with a snap, and eventually disappeared.

And there was no blood, it didn't flow through a drop of blood. This really is not a creature. At least not a "creature" in the world that can be understood by common sense.

"Finally, one was killed." Bediville muttered: "I may have found a way to deal with these monsters." "Yes, it looks like it is." Othello naturally sees everything in his eyes and knows what Bediville has accomplished: "But there are too many of these creatures, too few flaws, Even knowing how to deal with it is useless. "

This is what Bradyville understands, but it is not entirely impossible. Because he gradually noticed a fact:

------ The gray mist flying fish have no brains.

At a certain moment, Bedieville suddenly let spikes grow on the Mithril armor all over his body. Because it was very sudden, those flying fish didn't even notice this, they had already bumped into it.

Then there was a crackling sound, and the flying fishes were quickly killed, shrinking like a deflated balloon, disappearing, and turned into small particles falling on the ground.

They have no brains, and may not even have long eyes. They just find Bedieville and Othello by detecting heat, etc., and then brainlessly come over, trying to hurt the two. The structure and motives of these creatures are so simple that they are not so much a creature as a part of an organ.

Of course, they are not completely without brains or ideas. When the first batch of flying fish slammed into the sharp spikes of Bediville, the casualties were severely wounded, and the other gray mist flying fish suddenly pulled away from Bediville, and did not continue to collide to die.

They know what happened. They are not completely brainless, they may just be low in intelligence. Or, these "creatures" are controlled. There is something that can remotely control their actions from a distance, but there is no way to control them precisely, only to change the tactics when the situation is unfavorable.

In any case, they have suffered a loss, I am afraid that Mou Ran will not bump into it again. In this way, Bediville cannot become the primary goal of the flying fish. Isn't the remaining goal ...

"Wow, what are you doing?" Othello was startled when he saw a large amount of Mithril fluid flowing towards him.

"I'm protecting you, idiot." Bediville said, at this time Othello's body had been wrapped with Mithril fluid.

And those gray fog flying fish had already rammed towards Othello, presumably that attacking Bediville would be a loss, and turned to attack Othello. Fortunately, even though the Mithril fluid came, the flying fish not only did not injure the tiger man, but were also assassinated by the spikes from the Mithril fluid that enveloped Othello's body, and disappeared a lot.

So the monsters spread out again, holding a wait-and-see attitude in this mist, and did not shoot the two again.

"Uh ... you did protect me, but can you let me go? You can't move because of your Mithril ..." Othello vomited.

"Let's wait and see," said Bediville.

"So at least, can these Mithril be turned into armor-like things and wrapped around me? It's good to let me walk around ..."

"It's difficult." The werewolf youth not only shook his head: "All the actions of this Mithril are controlled by my brain waves. Simply put, it is what shape I want them to become, what shape they become."

"But their shape will not change with my thoughts. Even if it becomes armor wrapped around me, I can't control their actions by myself?"

"That's it, I'm sorry." Bediville made the Mithril channel to reduce friction on the ground. He moved Othello, wrapped in Mithril fluid, onto the runner, and dragged him forward.

... it feels like he tied Othello and dragged forward. There is a feeling that the traffickers are slaves.

"Okay, this is a bit embarrassing." Othello vomited again.

"Don't pay too much attention. Leave this **** cave first," said the werewolf youth.

"I have the legs to go by myself!" Othello exasperated.

"You can show your legs and walk by yourself, and then wait to be cut by those monsters."

"Oh ...!" The tiger man snorted dissatisfiedly.

"So, what the **** are you doing? Is this some kind of game?" One voice said. Along with the sound, an armored man with a metal skeleton came out of the fog. This guy, who looked a little scary, was the reinforcement from the Dawn, Fire. Gunner Nat.
