Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2963: Never return morning (38)


"Nat." Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, Bediville was happier than anyone else: "It's finally here. Haven't you encountered any trouble on the road?"

"If you are referring to the little invisible things that tickle me along the way, they are not a problem." Fire. Gunner answered.

Indeed, Bedieville looked at Nat's hard metal skeleton. Those flying fishes with very low attack power are unlikely to cause damage to Nat. It is estimated that even scratches on the ridiculously hard metal skeleton are unlikely.

"Having said ... can you see it?" Bediville asked again.

"Ah, they were attacked by those monsters when they first landed, and then we immediately noticed that the monster's attack was inconsistent with the actual damage trajectory, so I switched my vision to infrared thermal imaging." Nat replied: "I still have this level of function."

(After all, it is a high-tech man-made man.)

"It's all thanks to the information you gave back to the Dawn, little hairball." Another figure came out of the fog and was wearing a heavy armor Gladiator Bereld. This guy didn't know where to get a set of heavy armor covering the whole body, even his head was wrapped tightly, only showing a small slit for eyes to see-in fact his heavy armor helmet two There is even an additional camera on the side, so Bereld in the helmet may not be looking at things outside the helmet through the small slit.

"Bald." Bediville looked at the shiny helmet and suddenly said.

"You are bald!" Bereld also spit out: "Isn't this a helmet, how can I become bald?"

"No. This smooth helmet really looks like a bald man in the distance. So the bald man is wearing a bald helmet." Bediville said jokingly.

"Noisy!" Bereld said angrily.

"Your feelings are so good." Othello added.

"Hehehe ..." Bediville laughed deeply with a deep meaning. "Gossip Huti, since you are also here, it is time to find a way to solve the situation in front of you."

"It's quite annoying." When they were talking, there were already a lot of flying fishes hitting Nat and Bereld back and forth, probably thinking that the two were easier to bully. Although they couldn't do much damage to the fire, the gunman's hard pan-alloy skeleton, and Bereld's heavy armor, they banged and bumped, almost as annoying as flies.

"You can't attack them at ordinary times," Bediville suggested, "but they will be deblurred at the moment of attack, and they can be attacked at that moment."

"If so, why don't you do this?"

"I tried it and killed a lot of flying fish monsters, but after they lost money, they no longer targeted me." Bediville said: "So it's up to you."

"I have an idea." Nat said, and then fiddled with a device on his arm, ejecting several balloons from that device. The shape of the balloon is a bit similar to that of Nat. Although they can't be faked in front of real people, these stupid flying fish may be deceived by the balloon dummy made by Nat.

"That's it ...?" Bediville frowned, and how effective are the balloon dummies?

But Nat still had his own idea. He let the balloons spread out, and they quickly attracted the attention of the flying fish. The monsters began to hit the balloon with the target. However, at the moment they hit, some pale blue light burst out, and the flying fish fell to the ground one after another.

"It turns out that." Bediville snorted. Do you have a charged dummy? In fact, the idea is the same as the spiked trap before Bediville. Bediville created spikes on the surface of the Mithril fluid armor, so that the gray mist flying fish would hit themselves to die; and Nat used a more advanced dummy and The electric shock caused the flying fish to throw themselves in the net.

A large number of flying fish were electrocuted, shrunk to the size of wheat grains, and then fell to the ground with smoke. Nat also took advantage of the situation to explode and blow out the balloon dummy, and only then did Bediville see that the dummy was made of some kind of aluminum foil, but with a rubber-like elastic film. This may also be a memory metal, and it can conduct electricity. The high voltage was supplied from the device on Nat's arm, because the balloon dummy that was put out was attached to a long and indistinguishable wire.

Unlike what happened to Bediville before, those flying fish did not stop after a loss. When Nat released several other balloon dummies, they bumped up again fearlessly and were electrocuted. A large number of flying fish died in the mist, which had never happened before.

"So, they are just beasts after all, they have low intelligence, and they don't know how to work around." Nat said, seeming to have seen through the characteristics of the gray fog flying fish.

"I'm curious," while Nat focused on dealing with (baiting) the gray fog flying fish, Bereld came together and said to the werewolf youth: "What are the flower buds on the ground for? They seem to be releasing This mist? "

"Yes, and after they released the mist, the monsters in the mist began to appear." Bediville replied.

"I want to know what will happen next if we destroy this flower bud." The gladiator asked, looking very curious.

"I want to try it. I will not stop you." The werewolf youth replied. When he broke into this cave, he also trampled on many of these flower buds (or granulation), but they were only damaged, and then separated. Healed by himself for a few seconds and continued to spit fog. Bediville felt that this spray should be part of the scene, there is no way to eliminate it.


Bereld actually took out *****. This does not match his image at all.

Bediville had always thought that Bereld was the kind of fierce man with his upper body in a fight, who rushed over and fought close to the enemy. As a result, Bereld now wears heavy armor and holds *****, which is completely different from his previous image.

"Fire in the cave? Are you serious?" The werewolf youth complained.

"Everyone here is heavily wrapped in heavy armor, shouldn't you be afraid of the fire spreading?" The gladiator said half-jokingly.

"No, there is one here that is not tightly wrapped." So Othello hummed. If the fire spreads, it is estimated that he was the first to suffer.

"You're so sorry to say." The gladiator looked at Othello "tied" by a large mass of Mithril fluid crystals. "The most tightly wrapped here is you, little hairball."

"... Does he call any orcs small hairballs?" Othello turned and looked at Bediville.

"Speech, don't worry about him."

"Then I started." Bereld did not ask for permission from others, so he used ***** to burn the flower buds on the ground.

That attack is effective. The flower buds quickly burned in the flames of the flame. Once burned, it was a large piece, and on the ground burnt by the high heat, no new gray mist buds continued to grow.

The fire did not spread. These things that look like flower buds are not plants, they don't ignite, and when burned, they just become ashes and scattered all over the place.

"It seems to be really effective." Bediville hummed: "Very well, keep burning."

"So," the big man actually took another ***** from the pocket in his waist, and started sweeping with two weapons, and carried out large-scale burning operations.

Bediville also learned to remove flame resin and apply it to the tungsten tongue whip, allowing the whip to sweep and ignite the flower buds within range. They soon cleared out a space without flower buds, a little scorched earth.

Since the fog was sprayed from the flower buds, no more flower buds appeared in the charred space, and the concentration of the fog in that part also decreased accordingly. A wonderful thing happened. When the concentration of the fog was low to a certain extent, those annoying flying fish suddenly swelled into a ball, burst and exploded, and turned into countless small fragments scattered all over the ground.

So those flying fish monsters are creatures that must survive in dense fog, and they will die if they get rid of the fog. Bediville instantly reached such a conclusion.

"Understood. If so ------" The werewolf youth put away the Mithril fluid that trapped Othello, because there were no flying fishes attacking them for the time being. And he also turned the spell fire into red, which is the state when it controlled the flame purely.

"Take me this trick!" The fire of the spell turns into a huge fireball, which is thrown out with Bediville's pitching action, and then bursts in front of 20 yards, bursting out a radius of at least ten Five yards of flame storm! And the flame storm continued to spread forward, like the tide, and continued to burn off more buds on the ground, burning a large piece!

If this is the case, the spells used by Bediville can be extremely intense. A normal spellcaster releases a spell. The fire of the spell is to take the "cost" from the spellcaster's body and issue the spell on the premise of depleting the spellcaster's energy.

But Bedieville is a bit different. Previously, the teacher Krana said that the body of the werewolf young man is a bottomless hole, and he can release the spell indefinitely. That kind of "cost" does not seem to be taken from the werewolf youth, but from a bottomless hole, and will not affect Bediville itself.

So he used this big curse indiscriminately, a kind of extremely long preparation work, not much use in actual combat, but a powerful fireball. Bediville originally thought that this trick would have no other place but to use it to set fire to the mountain, but it was not.

The fireball was some kind of highly efficient liquid fuel, which was tumbling forward while burning, paving the floor in front. Even Bedieville himself did not know where the fuel came from. Even if he squeezed oil from himself, it would not be possible to squeeze this high-purity fuel. This must be the "bottomless hole" in his body.

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble

As large areas of flower buds were burned to ashes, the fog of the entire cave gradually became thinner. A large number of flying fish in gray fog died, and the venue was emptied, but the cave itself made a beast-like roar, which made people feel that it was angry.

"Be careful! Something is coming!" Bediville reminded loudly.


However, it was not "something is coming", but the rocky ground beneath them suddenly shattered. Everyone was falling down!
