Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2971: The Never Returning Morning (46)

Chapter 2971: Never Recovering Forty-Six Mornings

Albert's distraction time is only about two or three seconds. If you fall from this height, you won't fall for two or three seconds.

At the beginning, Mutter grabbed Albert ’s tail, but he quickly woke up and turned to grab Albert ’s waist and let go of his other hand (his The rubber physique allows him to extend his arms at any time to reach places that were otherwise out of reach).

Once the tail was not caught, Albert was recovered from the pain, spreading his wings as far as possible, and slowing the momentum of the two of them falling down.

"It hurts." Albert changed his breath after changing his breath.


"Forget it, don't apologize. If you didn't grab my tail, you might have fallen just now. I might not have time to save."

"Hey," Mutt let out his tongue and hugged Albert's waist. "That's how it fell."

"I'm not quite sure whether we are falling." The Tiger Youth said. That's right, they just "dropped" it down, and logically they should fall into a dark pit that can't see the bottom. But when falling, even if Albert's wings are assisting in the slow landing, there should always be a sense of weightlessness when falling, which will make people feel uncomfortable.

However, Albert now does not feel the weightlessness. His body feels as if he is staying in a dark sky. Fall to the ground.

This is too weird.

"Maybe this is the [gravity disturbance] they are talking about?" Mutter asked curiously.

"Maybe." Albert said hummingly: "For safety, please hold me tight. When God knows what, he suddenly fell to the ground."

"Okay, of course." The cat-man teenager was willing to do so.

Albert could not help feeling depressed.

"When will it fall to the end?" Mut asked again. He also can't feel the weightlessness when falling, there is an illusion as if falling indefinitely. He even felt that the two of them just hovered in the air again, and did not fall at all: "I don't know if this is the enemy's trap?"

"I tried to brighten up the surroundings." Albert said, and at the same time, he had used dozens of arms to transform his body, and at the same time fired large-caliber steel ball shots with flame resin powder in all directions. The shot steel **** scatter toward nothingness, and the track they traverse illuminates everything around them, even if the brightness is insufficient, just like a streamer.

However, nothing happened.

Albert not only found that the pit they fell into was not bottomed out, but its vastness seemed to have no limit. The flaming steel **** used for lighting extended towards the endless distance, and finally disappeared in Albert's vision. The most amazing thing is that their trajectory is not only an upward parabola (because Albert is falling), nor even a downward parabola (the steel ball itself falls under the influence of gravity), but it extends endlessly. straight line.

This is not a physical phenomenon that can be seen in reality, which is unreasonable. Even if "Elbert is actually hovering in mid-air" to explain, the trajectory of the steel ball shot still is not right.

"Did gravity disturb?" Mutt hummed: "So are we falling or rising, or are we hovering in midair?"

"I don't know," Albert said, humming depressedly: "Anyway, don't let me go, just in case."

"After all, what the **** is gravity disturbance? I didn't understand it at all." The Catman teenager asked again.

"Gravity is actually a phenomenon of space distortion." Albert tried to explain. The white tiger he manipulated is the Holy Spirit who is good at manipulating space and time. He understands the theory a little bit: "Simply put, it is an object with excessive mass that distorts the surrounding space. Because space is distorted, The object has a tendency to keep approaching this massive object, which is gravity. Or gravity. "

"Gravity disturbance is also due to the surrounding masses?"

"No, it should be said that the [space] itself is not normal." Albert replied: "[Gravity disturbance] is the withdrawal of [space distortion]. The big hole itself is inseparable from the abyss, maybe A part of it also interferes with this space, so the space here is distorted. "

The abyss is a kind of [hyperspace], an existence that is opposite to the real space. Its dimension is so high that the real world cannot interfere, and all interference is unilaterally given by the abyss. But of course, there is no way for the abyss to interfere with this real world indiscriminately. Its interference will be constantly corrected by the natural laws of the real world, so that those interferences will be returned to nothing.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the constant interference of the abyss with this large cavity and the continuous correction of these interferences by the laws of nature that form the unique [gravity disturbance] in this large cavity.

This [gravity disturbance] is actually a chaotic and disorderly state of time and space.

After Albert wanted to understand the principle of gravity disturbance, he suddenly understood why he could not feel falling. The space in which he is located is probably a chaotic time and space, and there is no distinction between up, down, left and right. He is neither [falling] nor [hovering], nor even [climbing], but staying in a place similar to "space without gravity". Oops. Could it be trapped in this space? How to escape?

Fly upwards, or in a certain direction? Can you fly to the end?

Albert remembered the steel ball shots just shot, they also extended towards infinity, obviously not reaching the "end". And that "end" is certainly not a rock cave wall. The abyss itself is a kind of hyperspace, and the abyssal forces' means of controlling space must be even more advanced than that of Albert. If they intend to use this endless space to trap Albert, he may not be able to escape. .

Nonetheless, the tiger youth tried to shake off some glowing white feathers as an anchor for teleportation. As he had imagined, the feathers did not fall down, but accompanied him by flapping his wings slowly but never stopped flying away.

"Sure enough, it's really a gravity-free space." Mute couldn't help saying when he saw the feathers escaping: "It's a little pretty."

"You praise me like this, I will be embarrassed."

"I'm not praising you, idiot." The Catman teenager pouted: "I'm talking about the shiny feathers."

"But those feathers aren't the meows falling from me"

"This and that are not the same thing." Mut said.

Albert was suddenly amused and intended to laugh. But there was a dangerous breath that was gradually approaching, making him unable to laugh: "What is coming, be careful."

"Huh." Mut also stopped the conversation, holding Albert tightly.

In the darkness, a shadow like a fish approached quickly. Albert didn't dare to neglect, he had already summoned the Holy Spirit White Tiger to stand by. Whether it is for the Holy Spirit to attack or use the power of the Holy Spirit for space transfer, he is ready.

The fish shadow came very quickly, and it came across within a few seconds, and the fish shadow was surprisingly huge. I am afraid it was not a small fish, at least a creature of the size of a dolphin or shark.

Albert knew it was too late to flap his wings to dodge the impact, and used teleport immediately. He also knows that the use of space transfer magic in a space disturbed by gravity can cause interference and affect the accuracy of the transfer, but now it is time to avoid this blow!

Hey! As soon as Albert and Mutter had teleported away, the huge fish shadow quickly rushed past their location. It's really slow to be smashed by that thing!

Albert was already out of position with one of the feathers flying away, and at least twenty yards away from the fish shadow. Looking at the monster from this side, Albert noticed that it was a huge gray shark at least thirty feet long. It looks fierce and fierce, obviously it is not good!

The thing opened its blood plate wide and sneered at Albert with a grin, as if with great wisdom. The rows of sharp razor-like teeth in its mouth were shining with cold light.

Albert is already armed with double swords and ready to fight. He did not think that the Luna Steel scimitar, a melee weapon, could be used in high-speed conflicts with sharks, but the storm gun blade he held in his other hand could shoot large-caliber steel ball shots. If the shot hits the monster, it may slow down or even stop the shark's movement, and then Albert can rush up and use a melee weapon to give it a fatal blow.

In theory, this is the case. Actually I am afraid it is difficult to do it.

The monster twisted his waist and adjusted the angle of advance, and then rushed back again. The speed was very fast, so fast that he could only see a blurry gray trajectory by chasing its figure with the naked eye.

So fast! No wonder this void space has been made into a "gravity-free space", which was originally intended to allow this gray shark monster to fully exert its power!

Albert thought to mention the shotgun to interrupt the monster's sprint, but found that it was too late to fire at this time, and he could only use the power of the Holy White Tiger to exchange space, teleport to the side, and escaped the blow !

"It's too fast to start," Mutter whispered, "This is the first time."

"It's okay." At this time, Albert raised the blade of the storm and fired continuously.

The shark monster just turned around and was about to hit Albert! It accelerated rapidly in half a second, and those steel ball shots that hit the high-speed traveling were perfectly bounced off, and there was no way to even scratch the monster!

so hard! Albert not only secretly sighed. It really isn't an ordinary shark, right, that's probably not the creature it should be in reality! Is this monster also an abyss creature? !

Moreover, its field of view is very large. Albert used this haunted space to move and moved to the back of the shark in one breath, thought it was its blind spot. Who knows that it turned around immediately after the sprint, accelerating precisely towards Albert's location, as if there was a way to immediately explore Albert's location!

Like a dolphin, does it use sonar to detect objects? In this zero-gravity space with nothing?

No, it is not "sonar", is it "space"? ——

Not right. Is that a photon radar?

Albert was even more puzzled. What monster is beyond reality against him? !