Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2972: The Never Returning Morning (47)

The monster struck again, and it seemed faster than before. Albert suspected that the opponent was already familiar with his teleportation routine. As soon as the attack fell through, he predicted which direction Albert would dodge in.

Nevertheless, he fired continuously, trying to use the impact force of the steel ball shot to block the impact of the gray shark. However, the steel ball shot was once again resisted and slid away on the guy, there was no way to cause any damage to it.

This time Albert tried to teleport using something else as an anchor. That's right, it's those steel ball shots. As soon as the steel ball swept over the shark's body, Albert was teleported immediately, so that he reached less than two feet behind the shark, almost watching the monster slip past him! He had planned to use the slash as soon as he passed, to see if the attack power of the Luna Steel scimitar could break the absolute defense of the gray shark monster. But the monster's speed was exceptionally fast. Albert's knife was actually missed. The blade fell at the same time that the other party had slipped out at least ten feet away!

"It's almost meow ..." Albert snorted.

"I think I can grab it." Mut said suddenly.


"Do the action you just made again, don't swing the knife after the teleport, but let me jump out and grab it." Catman said: "If I extend my arm to the limit, it should be just enough to reach That big shark. "

"Don't joke, you will die!" Albert said in amazement.

"Stalemate here, you will be exhausted sooner or later, and then both of us will be killed by the monster." Mutt calmly analyzed: "Okay, there is no harm in trying, I want to help, do not want to be you Of the burden. Let us defeat it together. "

Albert murmured a few words, using the language of the fierce-tooth (Tiger), which was deliberately not understood by Mutter.

"I understand, I can understand what Ruf can understand, remember?" Mutt hummed.

"Ah this ..."

The gray shark hit again, very fast, and the conversation between the two was interrupted. Albert actually didn't want to implement Mute's plan, but now he really doesn't have a better way to defeat the shark, he can only try his luck and see what Mute can do.

He shot several shots at the gray shark that was rushing into the front. As soon as the shot of the steel ball shot off the shark, he used the teleport to exchange positions with the steel ball. In this way, the moment he switched positions, he and the shark kept a distance of less than half a yard, watching the monster pass by him.

At the same moment, Mute jumped out at the right moment, his hands stretched out and lengthened at the same time, using his "rubber man" physique to try to catch the shark monster passing by. It's a pity that the monster was still a step closer, and Mutter emptied.

"Hey!" Albert flew over and grabbed Mute, lest the Catman sing orders: "Failed? Just so confident, just failed?"

"Once again." Mutter did not give up, and persuaded: "The next time you catch the timing, you will be able to catch the fish."

"Do you think this is playing meow?" Albert not only wondered.

"No, because it is desperate to fight with it." Mut answered: "Please, please give me another chance."

The Tiger Youth was silent for half a second, and did not directly reject Mute. And the giant shark turned around and dashed again violently. It grinned so proudly, presumably that Albert had no choice but to take it.

"You bastard!" The Tiger Young grabbed Mutter with one hand, and took the storm blade to shoot with the other. The large-diameter steel ball shots scattered towards the gray shark all hit the invisible barrier and were flicked away, but Albert did not launch a space shift, but continued to shoot while retreating, in order to find the best shot opportunity! The shark approached him at an astonishing speed, approaching twenty yards in one second, and hit him in half a second!

Just before the last fire before being hit, Albert had just shot the steel ball and immediately moved the space. As soon as the steel ball flew over the shark's side, it was replaced by Albert and Mutter. At the same time, Albert also twisted his waist and made a full-throwing throw, throwing the catman teenager grabbed by the other hand. When Mute was thrown out, there was a considerable acceleration, plus he also had his arms wide open, intending to grab the dorsal fin of the shark. After this throw, he really caught up with the gray shark, and his hand reached the gray shark's body!

sand! However, when he touched the shark, he found that his hands felt an extremely slippery feeling, and there was simply no way to hold the monster firmly! The monster seemed to be coated with a layer of mucus, which was sticky and wet and could not be started! Mute's hand had already grasped the shark's dorsal fin, but because of this, his hand slipped, and he was about to get rid of the monster!

"No !!" The catman teenager did not simply give up, but used his other hand to hold the crystalline sword, and took the shark's sword!

The Crystallized Sword successfully penetrated the monster's skin and stabbed it! Moreover, Mute had just used the bayonet to strike this attack, and immediately ordered the bayonet to produce crystals, so when the crystal bayonet penetrated into the monster's body, a large amount of solid crystal was produced near the wound, which allowed it to be firmly fixed. On the shark!

"Wow! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mutte grabbed the sword and let go, dragged away by the gray shark, and flew out for dozens of yards in an instant!

"Mut!" Albert exclaimed. The reason why he did not approve of this plan is because it is expected to become like this. The stubborn cat-men will definitely hold the shark while holding it, and then be dragged away by the monster. That monster is so fast, Mute may not be able to withstand it, I am afraid that he will be dizzy and unconscious soon!

However, things don't seem so simple. Albert forgot to crystallize the sword. The shark did drag Mute away, trying to get rid of the ridiculous guy, Catman, with its amazing speed. But the crystals on it are increasing and expanding at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and Albert has been able to see a huge crystal cluster far away, spreading on the shark!

The crystal is not something out of nothing, it is a crystal made by extracting minerals from the shark monster. The crystal is destroying the body of the shark monster from the inside, and the longer it grows, the larger the volume (and possibly the weight) of the monster. After a few seconds it will be overwhelmed! Albert can see that the speed of the gray shark's swimming slows down. It is estimated that in a short time, its speed will no longer be a threat!

"Enough, Mut! Let go of it!" Albert reminded loudly. The grey shark swims quite fast, and Albert has no way to see the cat-man juvenile attached to high-speed moving objects from this distance. But he knew that Mute's current situation was actually very dangerous. The crystallization of the shark's body was likely to swallow Mute, or stabbed, or something worse than that would happen.

The power of crystallization originated from the abyss, and it is not that mortals such as Mute can casually serve. The more you use it, the more Mud's body will be eroded by the abyss.

I do n’t know if Mute has heard Albert ’s shouting, but the tiger can see a gray shadow separated from the high-speed moving gray shark monster from afar. The young tiger immediately spread his wings and rushed over to try to rescue Mute. And the shark has been swallowed up by countless crystals, and it is extremely bloated. Its speed has at least doubled!

"Um ..." Mut, who was held by Albert, opened his eyes slightly and hummed weakly: "... how? I have ... sent Is it useful? "

"Yes. But you are a fool." Albert blamed looking at the crystals growing on Mutter's arms.

The erosion of the abyss did indeed spread on Mute. Before, he had only grown crystals on his forearms, and now those crystals almost grew to his shoulders. Crystals emerged from the gap between the short and silky gray hairs on Mutter's body, looking very strange.

"Hold me tight." Albert said, "Don't do anything with me, let me deal with it."

"Okay ..." Mutter whispered that he might be very tired and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"That meow next ------" The tiger youth embraced the sleeping cat-boy and turned his attention to the crystal shark: "Resolve your annoying guy first. "

The monsters are all crystalline and swim at least twice as fast. But it is still very fast, and it seems that the crystals are protecting it, and it has become harder. I am afraid that the shotgun steel ball can't touch it at all. If you want to kill it, I am afraid you can only use a more powerful melee attack.

But its speed is not terrible, Albert knows how to deal with it. After the monster was seriously injured, it was still fierce, and the youth of the tiger rushed over, thinking that he still had a chance.

On the Albert side, the Holy Spirit White Tiger has already summoned a huge portal, and the [Deep Sea Wave Cannon] is ready. A huge column of high-pressure water rushed out of the portal at a rapid speed, confronting the shark monster head-on. The monster became bigger and slower. Naturally, it could neither dodge nor fight against the continuous high-pressure water column. When it rushed over, it not only failed to resist the water pressure and broke out of the waves, it was even washed back!

"Dead! ------" Albert figure swept by with the current, approaching the grey shark quickly by the current of the end of the powerful crossbow, and drew a knife bravely and fearlessly! He bet everything on the indestructible destructive power of the Luna Steel Scimitar. If this blow fails to successfully cut the gray shark in half, he will hit the monster with one head and take a lot of damage! If Luna Steel's scimitar is not strong enough to cut its opponent in half, it will break off and scrap itself!

However, Luna Steel's scimitar did not disappoint him. The sharp scimitar is embedded in the monster's body like cutting butter, and the hard crystal is broken through. After that, everything was solved (literally), after riding across the river, Albert was already behind the shark!

The gray shark has been perfectly cut in half, crossed with Albert, and flew towards him behind two, and then exploded in the darkness!