Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2975: The Never Returning Morning (Fifty)


Another Albert stood in front of Albert and looked at Albert.

Of course, this other Albert is just an avatar, the product of Albert's avatar.

But it was the first time he and his avatar looked at each other embarrassingly.

"What do you want to do?" I don't know how long the pair had glared, and Albert's avatar asked first.

Albert's avatars are generally not self-conscious. Most of the avatars transformed by avatars are in common with Albert ’s consciousness of the deity, and are controlled by the deity like puppets. Although these are Alberts summoned from other parallel worlds, when they appear as avatars, their ontological consciousness will be suppressed, and the body will obey the orders of the deity of Albert in this main space-time .

But there are very few cases, like now, Albert did not suppress his autonomy when he summoned the avatar, but allowed the avatar to have autonomy, which is in the same position as Albert ’s deity. This is actually a very high risk. If you come from another bad world version of Albert, the bad guy avatar may poison Albert ’s deity, and then monopolize Albert ’s Identity.

He took a high risk and summoned another avatar with autonomous consciousness in time and space, which was naturally purposeful.

"Why do you want to ask me what I want to do?" Albert's deity asked back: "When I summoned you, did your memory share with me? You know what I want to do."

"Yes, I know." Albert's avatar said: "But I can't agree. This is ridiculous."

"Where is ridiculous." The tiger youth blushed and questioned his doppelganger: "It was you guy who was in charge of accompany Mute before, right? You and Mute had done something while I was away, you thought I do n’t know meow? "

"Oh" The other person covered her face a little embarrassedly: "So now I'm summoned to settle the bill again. It's a stingy guy."

"You're scolding yourself for being stingy." Albert also covered his face. Whether it is a doppelganger or a deity is all Albert himself, why hurt each other.

"Don't mention this." The other side said sadly: "You asked me to do this, are you serious meow?"

"Of course. Now only you can relieve Mute's symptoms, even if that undesirable method is used."

"So why do you want me to do it instead of doing it yourself?" Albert's doppelganger asked, "What the child really wants is you, not one of your dispensable doppelgangers. You do it yourself It ’s the best, and the kid will certainly be happy. And do n’t say you do n’t want to do it. The moment I ’m called, I share your memory, and I know what you want. ”

"Don't want it." Alber turned away especially: "In short, don't."

"You just hate doing that kind of thing with him? Use this body that is not even a creature?" The other party asked.

"It's not for this reason." The Tiger Youth replied: "I always treat Mute like my own brother. Just like Rufu. Isn't it disgusting to do that kind of thing with my own brother?"

"So you are condemning me in a circle." Albert's avatar showed a dissatisfied expression: "In my parallel world, I and Ruf are already in that relationship. Do you have an opinion? I know me No, but the child looks exactly like Ruf. Last time I could n’t hold back— "

"So you will hold back the meow this time?"

"This time you asked me to do that. How could I do it?" Albert's doppelganger said angrily: "Can't you do it yourself?"

"I just can't do it"

"Well" Mutter murmured in the room next door, presumably having a nightmare. Although the situation on his side has stabilized, it seems not very optimistic. No one can say for sure whether the erosion of the abyss crystal boundary has stopped.

"Enough." Albert's deity said angrily: "You don't want to help, just forget it. I'm going to send you back. I can't deal with Mute, so I can only put him here regardless, destiny stop."

"He's going to die. Absolutely." Albert's avatar said coldly: "The erosion of the abyss won't stop so simply, they won't stop without getting what they want."

"That has nothing to do with you." Albert's deity also said coldly: "Since you don't want to save Mute, then go back to the world where you are, and live with your Ruff, there is no one here for you. Something happened— "

He had intended to release the avatar and return him to the world to which he belonged, but the avatar interrupted him: "Wait."

Albert's deity paused: "Returned?"

"Declared first, this is the last time." His avatar said, "I only did this to save him."

"Yes, yes. There can be countless reasons for it, whatever you say. In short, you can save Mute." Albert's deity gave a blank look to each other: "You should prepare. I should also Going out, I do n’t want to disturb you. "

"So you don't even have the courage to look around" "Fuck!" Albert's deity angered, and suddenly fell out of the door.

"What do the abyss want from me?" Albert's avatar walked into Mutter's room and said to himself helplessly.

(Probably, those higher creatures in another dimension just treat the lower creatures in this world as a joke and look at us like a monkey play.)

(Whether our behavior in this world is noble, ugly, or even unsightly is the same for the detectors of the abyss.)

(Frankly, they just want to satisfy their [freshness]. The so-called [information entropy] may just be the case.)

Boom, boom, boom.

Hearing Albert's footsteps moving away, the avatar sighed and walked into Mutter's bed.

The cat man teenager had a low fever, his face was flushed, and there were looming sweat beads hanging on his forehead.

"Sorry." Albert's avatar said, leaning in and holding the cat-boy in his arms.

At the same time, Albert's deity also left the village and walked to the fighting field on the other side of the forest.

The appearance of this arena is somewhat similar to that of Rome, and it is cleverly mixed with the structure of other buildings. It looks even a bit like an enlarged version of the tower of the guardian.

Albert thought about whether the building was also shaped according to his memory. He seemed to have never been to the Colosseum in Rome, but he occasionally saw the magnificent building from some magazines and newspapers. But anyway, if you want him to imagine a [magnificent place where you can fight against people], that is probably the kind of fighting field.

Whether it is the village or the fighting arena, it is closely related to Albert's memories and ideas. The abyss is peering into the depths of his heart, probably already familiar with his past.

It's really unpleasant.

The moment he stepped into the fighting field, the surrounding scenery began to change. Originally still dark, the world with only one outline of glowing strokes was gradually replaced by gray.

Whether it is the ground or the wall tiles on the fighting field, it is all gray without texture, as if it were made of gray paper. But an unknown light source from top to bottom illuminates all this, giving the gray scene a visible shadow. This makes everything in the fighting field neither dazzling nor dim, and has excellent vision and recognition.

At the other end of the huge circular square in the fighting arena, Albert's opponent was already waiting.

"Waiting for a long time." Out of courtesy, Albert said.

"No. Here, the flow of time does not make sense." The other party replied, it was a very strong centaur. The muscles and red skin on his body were particularly prominent in this gray scene.

"The supervisor of the creator's race, Sprigan Sarsassas, is here to ask for advice." Centaur said.

What the other person said was an ancient language that Albert could not understand at all, but strangely, Albert could understand how much the other person was talking, as if the other party's language was directly translated into what he could understand Meaning, ran into his head.

"Fighting tooth warrior, Albert Robert, the Warcraft Hunter. Ask for advice again." Albert also replied in a way.

"It's just a kid of the law enforcer's race. There's no need to force ourselves to learn from us." The other party doesn't appreciate it very much.

While the centaur pulled out his spear, Albert also drew out a double edge.

He knew that the centaur in front of him was just some kind of incarnation of the ancient god-human race, and may not be the true face of the ancient people. The true face of the ancient god-human race is still a mystery until now. It is said that they look very similar to humans, but they are subtly different.

The centaur in front of Albert was obviously adjusted to this look by the ancients for the sake of fighting. The shadow representing the abyssal forces said that Albert and his opponents will be limited in the fighting arena, neither strong nor weak, and in a state of "relative fairness."

The ancient god-human race has been limited in power, and it should be a fact visible to the naked eye. And Albert seems to be unable to use the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, no matter how it is summoned. Probably, the abyss believes that Albert can only do it alone and fight the enemy fairly one-on-one. Using the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger is cheating.

What a "intimate" setting this is.

Boom! The opponent raised his spear and swept over, while Albert raised the storm blade and the Luna steel scimitar to parry.

Moreover, the "fair setting" still only allowed cold weapon duels, it seems that magic cannot be used at all. The powerful ancient magic that the ancients were most proficient in was useless in this abyss fighting field, which was a great thing for Albert.

He thought so in the first second, but he was shocked in the next second.

The spear has great power, or the brute force of the centaur is so amazing that it cannot be understood by common sense. Albert was clearly holding back the blow with a double-edged edge, but was blown out by a huge impact, did the whole tiger fly at least thirty!

"Here it is!" Sprigan kicked on the heels and sprinted in front of Albert as quickly as teleportation. Albert who was still flying out of the air failed to make any defensive moves. The spear has been stabbed towards Albert's head!