Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2996: Never return morning (seventy-one)


At the same time (?), in the bridge of Skid Platni's Ark.

"So, what are you messing with here?" The Cavaliers looked at the tiger man, Hangangsta and the strategist Eric, who were escorted by several guards: "Especially you, this is not the first time you have broken into the combat area , Do you have any good explanations?"

Gusta looked up at King Arthur: "Mut is under the big hole. I can't leave him alone. I have to protect him."

"Yes, yes, the kitten went down with the white tiger." The knight king gave Gusta a white look: "They also trespassed into the war zone, but I know that the white tiger was the owner of the big empty hole. They were invited, so I didn’t intercept them. And you? You were neither invited by the big empty host, nor related to our operations. You can’t help here, it’s just pure chaos. So please give me one The reason, why should we let you go down the big hole instead of holding you in jail and waiting for further treatment?"

Gusta and Eric looked at each other, and eventually Gusta spoke again: "Mute may be my son. I have been a long-lost son."

King Arthur frowned, "Oh?"

"I know what Your Majesty wants to say. I know that I and Mute have been on the same team for so many years, and it's ridiculous not to find that he is my son." Gusta continued: "But fate (card M) Maybe that's the case, it always likes to tease people. I don't have evidence to prove that Mute must be my son, but I can't miss this opportunity. I have missed enough. I have to protect that may be My son’s child, I cannot wait until I lose him to regret it."

At the time of saying this, there was nose bleeding that had been oozing in Gusta's nose, and even a small amount of blood oozing out of his ear. He actually has a headache and is very hard, but he still insists on trying to save people in the big hole.

The cavalier stared at Gusta, his emotions lingering.

"You should go to the medical room for a break first. You are about to fall, do you still want to save people." He said, "And, even if you want to go down now, there is gravity disturbance in the big hole, your iron ride can't even Land. It will crash as soon as it approaches a large hole."

"Cough." Patriarch Tutan, who was sitting on the captain's seat, gave a dry cough, but said nothing. He only had to smoke dry to suppress his headache.

In fact, the [gravity disturbance] mentioned by King Arthur lied to these two people. The gravity disturbance in the big hole was once there, but now it is temporarily eliminated by Bediville using the [Sun Wheel of the Sun God], so the British battleship can only boldly send so many transport boats to save people in the big hole. If Gusta and Eric want to go down, they only need to ride an iron ride, and they won't crash because of the gravity disturbance.

Of course, when the two arrived and were detained in the ark, Bediville did not use the [Sun Wheel], so Gusta they did not see the event that the gravity disturbance was offset, nor did they see the transport boats. Run into the big hole. King Arthur’s well-intentioned lies will not simply help.

"Despite all this," Gusta said with a grin.

"Forget it, it's useless to say more." The cavalier king shook his head and ordered the soldiers: "Bring the two men off and temporarily shut them in the cell. And give this guy some painkillers and tranquilizers to make him sleep well." Sleep."

"Wait! How can this be!" Several elephant guards came over and wanted to take Gusta, but the tiger man was struggling: "Let me go! I want to go down and protect Mute! Why do you stop me?! You Have you ever had a child?!"

"I have never had it before," said the cavalier king coldly.

"Then have you never had a father? Your father has never tried to protect you with his life?" Gusta said again.

So, these words poked King Arthur's dead hole.

"Release him." The Knight King said.

"But" the group of elephants hesitated.

"Let him go to the big hole. I will be solely responsible for all the damage he caused." King Arthur continued.

"This is a bad idea, Your Majesty King Arthur." Patriarch Tutan shook his head and said: "You are letting him die."

"He wanted to die, and no one could stop him." The Knight King said, "Isn't this good? If family affection can really bring him miracles, I would like to see it."

Everyone present was silent.

"Also, let me tell you," the Knight King said again: "Mr Albert and Mutter have lost contact with us since they entered the big hole. We are not clear where they are in the big hole; they What we are doing is unclear. We and them are like being isolated in two different time and space. I doubt that you can reach their location. But, maybe, if you are lucky enough to find them. Just bet Bet on your luck. Perhaps the owner of this big hollow knows your experience and is willing to let you meet your child?"

Gusta frowned and said nothing. At this time the group of elephant guards had already let go of the tiger.

"Can I go down with him?" Eric, a strategist on the side, said, "I will use the power to control the iron ride, so that the iron ride will not be affected by [gravity disturbance]."

"Why are you going down the big hole?" The Cavaliers asked curiously. "This." Eric raised his right hand and moved his finger. His fingers can only be shaken a few times, but this is an activity controlled by the nerves of his own body, not by his mental drive. For Eric, who was paralyzed and acted solely on mental power, this matter was significant.

He knew that only [true] could convince King Arthur. In addition to all the interfaces and lies are useless, the cavalier king can see through everything.

"I have something to look for that little tiger. He holds the secret to [the truth beyond the string]. Only by peeking at the truth of the universe again, can I paralyze my whole body and become a normal person who can move normally. In other words, only he can help me become a normal person." Eric continued: "My only wish in my life is to be a normal person. Is it that I have asked too much?"

"Is it worth killing my life in order to become a [normal person]?"

"If you can only be a paralyzed waste person for a lifetime, what's the difference from being dead?" Eric asked back.

The Cavaliers blinked: "Understood. You can also go. If all this is really worth it, then stop your life and chase your dreams."

"Thank you, King Arthur." Eric turned and walked away: "What are you still stunned here? Keep up!"

"Oh, oh!" Tiger Gu Han Gusta quickly followed. The two figures disappeared outside the gate of the bridge.

After the two had gone away, the cavalier king gave a glance at the elephant guards who had just planned to **** the two away: "Is the tracker already installed on them?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two replied. People seem to be big and clumsy giants, but they are unambiguous when they should be slim.

"I hope the tracker can really track the so-called different space." Tutan, the elephant human patriarch said.

"It wouldn't hurt to let them try." The Cavaliers smiled lightly: "If they can't find anyone, they will just be sent back intact."

"If it's really that simple, it's good." Tutan turned to look at the holographic screen in the bridge, watching the big hole through the screen.

Before the golden light soared away the clouds and mists in the big hole, now its original appearance is in front of everyone, it is a deep black pit. Although the battle in the big hollow seems to have ended for the time being, no one knows how many unknown mysteries and dangers there are in the big hollow.

Tutan frowned deeply, and intuitively told him what major events would happen next in this big hole. If he could, he even hoped to quickly rescue the kidnapped people, and then let the fleet quickly evacuate from this place, so as not to have extra branches. But King Arthur clearly had other plans--

How should this end?

After a few minutes, the iron rider of the strategist Eric and the tiger man Hangusta drove into the big hole.

"What other gravitational disturbances make the ship unable to sail. It seems that King Arthur is also a big liar." Eric saw the endless transport boats around him, vomiting.

The so-called gravity disturbance did not affect the navigation of the small spaceships at all. The transport boats were still busy driving from the warship to the big hole, and then returned from the big hole, sending the rescued hostages back to a safe place.

"It's not completely deceptive." Gusta watched the inner wall of the large cavity gradually return to the original white smoke, and said: "Whoever offset that [gravity disturbance], it was temporarily ineffective. But It will soon be back again. At that time the ship will become unnavigable again."

"Then we should seize the time more." Eric Eric slammed on the accelerator, making the speed of the iron ride (or, falling speed?) faster, and rushed deep into the big hole.

They haven't noticed that some kind of small tracker is attached to them. Now the two trackers are glowing alternately.

"Having said that," Eric looked at the small transport boats that were flying up and down around him and asked, "If we go the same way as them, we will definitely only reach the same place, and we can't reach the place where the tiger is. Do you have any attention?"

"Idea eh" Gusta froze for a few seconds.

"Ah, so you don't have a plan." Eric Strath said in a mocking tone: "You think you can find the missing two people by luck and luck alone. You think you can do whatever you want, as long as it's enough Work hard?"

"I didn't say that." Tiger man replied awkwardly.

"Yes. I know you are not reliable." Eric smiled coldly and took a small prop from his arms: "Fortunately I was prepared."

"this is?"

"Fragment of the Holy Grail." Eric directly skimmed over where he stole this from: "You don't need to dig into too much, just need to know that this thing led Mr. Albert to this big hole. That’s all. Then, since this item brought him in, the same item can also be—"

"Let us reach the same different space, where are they?" Gusta couldn't wait to interrupt.

"Theoretically, it depends on the actual operation." Eric smiled bitterly: "But there is always no harm in trying, right?"