Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3015: Decisive battle in trial (1)

Chapter 3015 the decisive battle is the trial

Waking up by the harsh alarm clock, Elaine woke up early in the morning.

He rubbed his shoulders and his sleep quality was a little poor. Maintaining the transformation of the White Lion, Elaine has never been able to get used to this mode of sleeping very short and not sleeping deeply. It was like having a short and terrible nightmare.

He was wearing pajamas that were too loose-apparently Constantine got him temporarily, so when he got up, the pajamas on his body slipped uncontrollably, making him look like a hanger juvenile.

He looked around and found that this was not Constantine's room, but the interior of the life module of the Dawn, the room Bediville had prepared for him.

He vaguely remembered that Constantine sent him here while he was asleep. Constantine, who was holding him at the time, had accidentally woken Elaine once, but Elaine slept drowsy and didn't pay much attention. Constantine seemed to be moving with the British battleship Paramedis, not knowing where he was going and what mission he was going to do. Elaine didn't want to know that kind of thing anyway, he ended up lying on the bed in his room and continued to fall asleep.

This bed... smells of Leo. The smell was so weak that it almost disappeared, but it was still there.

wrong. Can't be so depressed anymore.

"Heh." The white lion boy forced himself to get up and yawned long. Only then did he remember that there was a game today, and it was still a very important game, the finals of the round table trial arena. He checked the alarm clock. It was eight o'clock in the morning. There is an hour before the game.

He then climbed off the bed and lazily went to the bathroom to freshen up. Wearing only a pair of pants, he didn't care about the pajamas that slipped from him.

He couldn't even imagine how to deal with the next game with this body that was close to a teenager. The transformation of this white lion is obviously not based on strength to win, and the only "movement" that can be used is limited to that ability. Elaine is not confident that he can use it well.

Perhaps because of the sequelae of some kind of psychological trauma, Elaine has no way to return to his original form, nor can he use other transformations. He "fixed" his form into this white lion man.

Is it really necessary to use this weak body to fight? He couldn't help feeling depressed.

......and many more. Weak?

While feeling depressed, he suddenly felt self-blame. Why do you think this body is weak. This was obviously copied from Leo Potter's body. Does Elaine also think Leo is "weak"?

He couldn't help being a little angry, he was angry with himself, angry that he had thought "Leo is weak" at that moment. He clenched his fist and made up his mind in silence. If you are weak, be weak. He may be looked down upon by others, maybe he himself looks down upon himself, but Elaine intends to use this body to win today's game.

If he can win the game with this body, does it indirectly prove that Leo is not weak?

He sighed and spit out the water used to rinse his mouth into the sink.

"Yi, Eve." The white lion boy said: "Yes, can you make me clothes that fit this body? It's best to have elastic."

"Please wait a moment." Suguang's artificial intelligence navigation system replied: "The body shape measurement is about to be carried out now."

Several golden scarab golems flew in from outside and circled Elaine. They emitted some kind of scanning light, and quickly swept Elaine all over.

"Didn't you make or make clothes for Leo? Just use that measurement data." The White Lion boy said depressed. Because the physique of his transformation is exactly the same as Leo Potter, there is no need to test it again.

"Understood. Clothing products will be ready soon." Eve replied.

The Dawn can use air and water, as well as some substances extracted from the sea water of the Red Sea, to make food and clothes. In fact, as long as the power supply is sufficient, these materials can be produced infinitely. The clothes Elaine wore before were all made by Eve. He liked the very simple clothes made of air and water on this ship. Although those clothes are a kind of synthetic fiber, the texture to the touch is close to pure cotton.

But this time Elaine wants to add elasticity to the clothes, and the material of the clothes may not be the same as before. He was a little afraid of suddenly regaining other transformation abilities in today's battle, and then broke his clothes as his body became stronger. He wanted too much that his improper appearance was captured by the camera and then seen by the whole world. In the past, as long as he could realize his wish, he wouldn't care no matter how embarrassed he was. But now he is holding Leo Potter's face...this one looks almost exactly the same as the previous golden lion Leo Potter's face. He felt that he had an obligation not to shame the original owner of this face.

......think too much. Elaine washed her face and sighed at the same time.

In these short minutes, Eve had already made the clothes Elaine wanted, and they were sent by the golden scarab golems.

As Elaine had requested, it was a set of pure white clothes suitable for the white lion boy, with elastic materials and no dye added. The slightly loose short-sleeved shirt and shorts, worn on Elaine, really looked like a real boy.

Elaine didn't pay much attention, he moved his hands and feet after putting on his clothes, feeling that everything was just right. At least, short-sleeved clothes will not hinder his actions, allowing him to maintain maximum agility in battle.

"Thank you, Eve," he said casually. Although thanking an artificial intelligence navigation system, it seems meaningless.

"No thanks." Eve suddenly replied: "I wish the game a victory."

Elaine was stunned for a moment, never expected that Eve would answer him in such a human tone. At first he thought it was someone's prank, or that Bediville and others deliberately designed a similar dialogue for Eve to speak out. But he thought about it, it should be an accident that he was sent back to the Dawn last night. Moreover, the thoughts of the group of people on the Dawn were not so detailed.

So is Eve using his own will to answer Elaine like this? It's scary.

Elaine finished freshening up and walked out of his room in a crisp short-sleeved dress. As soon as he went out, he ran into two brothers, Seifer and Seglade.

The two leopards saw the white lion go out like this, so they came around with a smirk: "Oh, Elaine, it's so early to get up."

"How is the physical condition of meow? Isn't it maintained in this state, there is no way to transform into another appearance, right?"

He was obviously testing Elaine. But the white lion boy didn't care: "Yes, yes... there is no way."

"Today is a big day. Do you still plan to participate in Meow in the round table trial? Play meow in this appearance?" Seefer continued to ask with a smiley face, while using Elaine as a toy, rubbing the white lion boy's elasticity. Little face.

"No, can't it..." Elaine said depressed.

"Then come on, work hard, meow," Seglade said, gently pulling Elaine's lion beard.

They didn't pay attention to Elaine at all. A bit irritating. But they seemed to care about Elaine in their own way, after all, the two leopards had never come together and talked up like this before.

"Uh, by the way, now that you are like this, the weapons you used before can't be used anymore. Should I prepare some light weapons for you to use Meow?" Saigrad said again: "Before for fun. The spears and rapiers made of Moon Kobelco seem to be useful.""Well, how about this..." Elaine asked: "After all, you are also my opponents in the ring..."

"It's okay, hahahahaha," Seefer patted Elaine's back: "We will also use Luna Kobelco weapons to play the game. When the conditions are the same, it will be a fair match."

It's "fair"... Elaine wondered. The two leopards don't know what horrible idea they are fighting, they must have reserved a hand for themselves.

"Hmm..." The three of them walked towards the common room. When they passed the medical room, they just saw Bediwell come out of the medical room with a look of fatigue. His broken leg was cured, but the physical effort required to heal the broken leg is not small.

"Yeah, Mr. Bediwell." Seefer beckoned. "How's your physical condition?"

"It's terrible." The young werewolf rubbed his shoulders. "How is the situation with Little Hal?"

"I'm settled down, and I was very energetic when I woke up this morning," Seglade said: "What happened yesterday just surprised him. It's no big deal."

"That's good." The werewolf youth and the other three people walked toward the common room, planning to eat some breakfast to replenish their energy: "Is there any abnormality reported by Paramidis?"

"No, Dad said that he and the crew on board will continue to stay on the side of the big hole, everything is normal." Seefer replied: "He said that we only need to go to the game with peace of mind, and don't worry about other things. ."

"Well..." Bediwell snorted and stepped into the lounge.

"Boss?" Lawrence was already waiting there, and when he saw Bediwell he shouted: "Oh my God, why did you wake up early? Why didn't you tell me to come and look for you? You don't walk with a cane, you are not afraid of just being cured Does a good broken leg worsen again?"

"You worry too much." The young werewolf stretched his face.

"Anyway, drink this bottle of [Elemental Soup] first." Lawrence handed Bradyville a bottle of glowing potion. It was a secret medicine used by conjurers. It could restore stamina greatly, but it was rare. Lawrence had a bottle before and drank it to Bediwell. I don't know from what channel he got another bottle.

"Thank you. I will keep this one and use it when necessary." Bediwell said.

"No, drink it now. You look terrible." Lawrence insisted: "It's too late to wait until the middle of the fight to remember to drink the medicine."

"Okay..." Bediwell was forced to drink the medicine reluctantly, and drank the strange glowing potion that had almost no taste. If the flame can drink in the stomach, it is probably a flame that can be drunk. It is a kind of weird potion that is light and tasteless, but with a flame-like residual temperature.

"Is there nothing to give us?" Seefer and Seglade asked brazenly.

"You guys, drink this." Lawrence gave two leopards a cup of coffee.

"This? Just this meow?"

"What else do you want? There are some omelets. Go and eat them yourself."

"Cut---" "Stingy."

"It's so noisy!" Lawrence yelled, scaring away the two young Leopard men, and then went to make breakfast.

"Elaine, do you want to eat?" Bediwell asked, looking at the sad white lion boy.

"Thank you. I can't eat it." Elaine replied flatly.

"No matter how you can't eat, you have to eat something, otherwise you won't have the strength to go to the game." Bediwell ordered: "Just stuff something. Come, at least drink up this bottle of Photon Coke."

", no need..." Even if Bradyville squeezed a drink into Elaine's mouth, the white lion boy still avoided.

"Here! Me! Drink! Down! Go!" Bradyville forced the drink into Elaine's mouth.

So Elaine had to drink up the bottle of Coke. There is no taste, just like drinking plain water. He even felt nauseous after drinking.

"Hug, sorry..." The white lion boy covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom as if running away.

"This is terrible." Lawrence looked at Elaine who had escaped, and said solemnly, "Could this be so-called?"

"That Elaine glutton also suffers from anorexia? No, no, no." Bradyville didn't want to believe it.

"I hope not. It's better to observe his condition closely first." Lawrence persuaded: "The kid is not doing well recently."

"Eve, is there a way to monitor Elaine's weight at any time?"

"Understood. The vital signs monitor is turned on. As long as the subject is in the public area of ​​the ship, it can be monitored at any time." The ship's artificial intelligence replied: "Warning. The weight of the monitored subject has recently been declining sharply."

Bediwell frowned: "How much did it drop?"

"From the previous 130 kg to 15 kg." Eve said: "The health of the monitored object is not optimistic."

Even because of the difference caused by the transformation, Elaine's weight has dropped nearly ten times, which is very ridiculous.

The werewolf youth and the young conjurer looked at each other.

"Or send him to the hospital..."

"People who are sick will not admit that they are sick, especially heart disease." Bediwell shook his head and said: "In any case, observe the situation first. If he is so weak that he falls down, give him some nutritional supplements. Currently only I can do that."

At the same time, Elaine in the bathroom just spit out a rainbow at the sink.

"Hmm..." Elaine, who turned on the faucet to wash his face, was panting. Obviously he was on an empty stomach, and there was nothing left to vomit, but he still felt nauseous and vomiting, let alone eating. The only thing he missed was the taste of the last meal Leo made for him. In addition, no matter what you eat, it is difficult to swallow.

"Leo..." He put his face in front of the faucet and rinsed away the tears on his face with cold tap water.