Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3018: Decisive battle in trial (4)

Elaine, who was kicked out, rolled continuously on the ground. Fortunately, the ground was covered with snow and ice. It had the ability to buffer and also allowed Elaine to slide far away, with almost no injuries.

Of course, his [Blindness] had been lifted long ago, and he was still a little worried that the two brothers Seefer and Seglade would take the opportunity to catch up. If this were the case, Elaine estimated that he would die a lifetime.

But the two leopards didn't do this. Instead, they approached each other, seeming to be preparing something.

That's right, they took out the Moon Steel Middle Shield. Put it directly on the snowy ground as a snowboard, even pull a long handrail from the Luna Steel mid-shield, and even make two jets pop out of the back of the Luna Steel mid-shield. This is a completely controllable ski device, allowing them to easily move at high speed on the ground, even if not on the snow. The excellent cushioning ability of the Moon Kobelco weapon itself allows these ski devices to smooth the ground easily, even if the ground is a bit pitted, unless the terrain is very complicated, with a lot of uneven rocks or vegetation. Elaine even suspected that the two brothers had also made some adjustments on the Moon God Steel Shield to deal with more complicated terrain.

"I wanted to use this to play with you a long time ago." Seefer said: "Elaine, it depends on your [Blur] ability or our guerrilla tactics."

Guerrilla tactics?

Indeed, in addition to seeing the two leopards holding the lunar steel skis in their left hands, Elaine can also see them holding long lunar steel guerrillas in their right hands. The weapon is about five feet long, which is a medium level among the guns, and is very suitable for high-speed swings. The gun head is very different from ordinary spears, and it is more suitable for horizontal swinging and slashing instead of stabs. Luna Kobelco also guarantees guerrilla The lightness and lethality of the gun. If their two brothers are holding this weapon and moving at high speed on the snow, sweeping and hacking, it is probably a very threatening thing!

And what happened to the strange folding structure of the gun body? Is it possible that the Lunar Steel Guerrilla can be extended twice as long, reaching an astonishing 15-foot length? Can this thing be swung after being extended? !

Before Elaine could think of how to deal with it, the two young Leopard men had already made Luna Steel skis spray flames and moved at high speed on the snow.

Leopards are born high-speed and agile orcs, and they have been pursuing the highest speed all their lives. Seefer and Seglade may not be able to have astonishing running speeds like their father Paramedis, but they use their own methods to achieve such high speeds, and their methods to achieve their goals may be more scientific and more scientific. Humanization-because the jet skateboard does not need to consume their own physical strength, and when sliding on the ground is more stable, will not change their center of gravity. They can completely free up one hand to attack, and the constant center of gravity means that the accuracy of the attack is extremely high, which is an incomparable advantage to the sprint attack produced by running with two legs alone.

Huh! Seefer rushed over first, and the Moon God Steel guerrilla rifle in his hand swept mercilessly, tending to cut Elaine in the middle.

The young white lion man knew that the rapier in his hand could not block this attack, and even the Moon God Steel Shield in his hand might not be able to block this attack. He could only leaned down and planned to lower his center of gravity to avoid it. Pass this blow!

Whoosh! Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a light bullet shooting at him from a distance, it was Segrade's attack. The Lunar Kobelco guerrilla gun in the hands of the Leopard Youth is actually a gun blade structure, which can be mounted on the lunar steel ski control rod for stable continuous shooting!

Moreover, the twin brothers cooperated seamlessly. One of them approached Elaine for a melee attack, and the other performed a long-range suppression at a distance. There was no error in the coordination of the two sides. Segrade shot a light bullet and even passed through Seefer's body directly. Hit Elaine, but didn't hurt his brother at all!

So complicated. The white lion boy knew that he could dodge melee attacks but could not dodge the light bullet attack, so he immediately launched [Blurred] just after avoiding the sweep of the guerrilla rifle. More than a dozen glowing bullets passed through him, failing to hurt him.

But at the same time, Seefer also whizzed past, leaving at high speed after completing his blow. Elaine didn't even have any chance to fight back, and Seefer slid to ten yards away.

The white lion boy got up, just about to move, Seglade speeded up and approached him again, and the Luna steel guerrilla in his hand swept across again! And as expected by Elaine, Seglade also just turned around, set up a guerrilla rifle to aim, and fired more than a dozen shots at Elaine!

The two brothers really planned to play wheel warfare, and both sides cooperated with the attack, not giving Elaine a chance to breathe. Moreover, they cooperated with the attack from one distance and one close, not only can greatly consume Elaine's physical strength and concentration (using [Blur] is very energy-intensive), but also protect each other, suppressing Elaine and hitting, without fighting back. opportunity.

These two brothers are really strong! People always think that Seefer and Seglade are no big deal, it's only because the aura of their father Paramedis is too dazzling, making these two little leopards inconspicuous. But they know their own strength and how to maximize their strength. As long as these twin brothers work together perfectly, I am afraid that even their father Paramedes is not necessarily an opponent!

bad. Elaine had just evaded Segrade's guerrilla sweep and immediately raised his shield to block the light bullet from the other side, but by doing so, he had no spare energy to counterattack and let Segrade escape.

It's terrible. As soon as Segrade moved away, Seefer immediately attacked again, still using the same routine, still fighting Elaine in close combat and long range.

If this continues, wouldn't Elaine be exhausted, and then set down? You must know that the two brothers did not consume more than a bit of energy after cooperating for so many rounds, and they were all moving using auxiliary devices. And Elaine is both evasive and blocking, and even the blur is used again and again, and his physical strength is half inferior to human. He may have consumed one-tenth of his physical strength! Maintaining such a suffocating offensive and defensive battle a few more times, I am afraid his physical strength will bottom out! At this time, he couldn't even touch the two leopards!

We must think of ways to reverse all of this.

Elaine, who couldn't use another transformation, suddenly felt unprecedented despair.

Why did things become like this. Why do I work hard, but always encounter such a dilemma. Why is there no way out.

When Leo died, Elaine asked himself this more than once.

Why is it so weak and weak.

However, the more you ask yourself, the more you blame yourself, the more you blame yourself, the more sad, the more sad and self blame, the more you want to question yourself unconsciously. He was caught in this endless loop, unable to recover. This is the source of his pain, and I am afraid it is also the reason why he has been "stuck" in this white lion transformation, unable to change back.

He knew this was the case, but he couldn't change the status quo, so he could only continue to curse his weakness and powerlessness.

No, it's not right.

Elaine, who was chased by two leopards, took a deep breath.

The meaning of becoming this transformation is not like this.

Except for the color of his coat, he now looks exactly like Leopold. He and Leo are one body, he now represents Leo.

Weak and weak? It's not. not.

He can't look like Leo himself, who is considered a "weak and weak" guy. That would only humiliate Leo!

Must cheer up. You must cheer up even if you are reluctant, even if you are suffering.

After working hard, exhausting all available means, and then still unable to succeed, then I can cry. ------Boles warned Elaine this way before.

Therefore, he took a deep breath, refreshed his spirits, and tried to make the last post.

"Roar ah ah ah ah! ------" White lion burst into violent juvenile extremely Roar.

Seefer, who was about to sprint towards him, was bounced off by this strong shock wave, changing the trajectory of his sliding. The light bullet that hit Elaine was also deflected because of this shock wave, and there was no way to hit Elaine!

What's more, the roar of the lion raised the snow on the ground and provided Elaine with a wind and snow curtain wall that blocked his vision. For a while, the two brothers could not easily locate Elaine's location.

"Hmm..." The blown Sefer climbed up again twenty yards away, squinting at the chaotic blizzard.

"Underestimate the enemy, he actually still has this kind of tricks." He said: "It's Elaine... the guy who never knows to give up."

"I listen to me respecting him in this matter." Seglade rushed over to join his brother: "Where did I fall, meow?"

"It's okay, the ground is full of snow for cushioning." Seefer patted his body, shaking off the snow on his body: "I thought that this kind of venue is our best use of the land, but it is also beneficial to him. "

"Even so, the result will not change." Segrade set up his guerrilla rifle and aimed it at the center of the turbulence. When the wind and snow fell and his vision became clear again, he would immediately fire. Under his firepower, Seefer will attack again.

No matter what Elaine does, it won’t be useful. Their two brothers work together perfectly, and they can’t be solved with one or two tricks by Elaine!

However, when the wind and snowy curtain wall disappeared and the entire world's scenery returned to the original white snowfield, Elaine's figure disappeared.

"Damn... that **** is hiding again?!" Seefer said in surprise.

That's right, in this white snowy world, the snow-white Elaine is covered in protective colors, and it is not easy to hide. Just activate [Blur] while the wind and snow blinds the enemy's eyes, and let the translucent self blend into the wind and snow!

"Be careful, Meow." Segrade reminded. "He won't stop here, and he certainly didn't run away from Meow. Maybe he's hiding there and preparing to attack us."

"That's just right." Seefer and Seglade stood back to back, holding each other shields to prevent Elaine's sneak attack: "Let him know that sneak attacks are useless, and want to take advantage of the cooperation of the two of us. Cheap is a waste of time."

The two of them communicated with each other, each guarding each other's back, with almost no blind spots in their vision. How could Elaine's sneak attack succeed?

However, something fell from the sky, drawing a very high parabola before falling! That's right, the two Leopard brothers guarded each other back to back, with almost no blind spots in their vision! But their only blind spot is the top of their heads!